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Latest revision as of 02:32, 31 January 2022

After-dinner Explanation!
Date of Scene: 26 January 2022
Location: Veira's Apartment
Synopsis: Fate is discussed, tea is had, and cuddling ensues!
Cast of Characters: Jan de Wit, Veira Lazarescu

Jan de Wit has posed:
After the Troll Market and the unexpected running into one another, the two had a lovely dinner. This time, Italian! They ate well and enjoyed conversation - bringing enough home for Atilla to nosh on as well. He'd offered her a lift home, bringing her to her apartment. He'd even offered to walk her up to her place, if she cared to keep him about for a bit.

At her doorstep, he grinned. "I think there is some sort of welcome external force bringing us together on these odd excursions." He chuckles, eyes on her. "And quite the place... lots to process." He's not coming in, a gentleman doesn't do so unless invited.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira hadn't talked about the SHIELD stuff over dinner, she didn't want to ruin things. Because she was most assuredly feeling like she was going to lose things before she even got started. Which was weird. She'd been fine with him walking her up to her apartment and she's back to smiling when she reaches the door, "Oh you think so?" she asks him after his comment.

She unlocks the door and reaches past in to flip on the light before she steps in. She then turns, holding the door open for him, "Please come in." she offers with a soft smile. "It's not much, but it's home." she adds.

The apartment is one of those classic looking brick walled antique looking places. While it is a bit small, it's full of character, which given it's owner is an understatement. https://i.imgur.com/vKALz3H.jpg

"I can make tea or coffee if you'd like?" she offers as she removes her coat and hangs it up. She then moves to him, "I can also take your coat." she grins.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"I think so. I think there's something going on in the universe, and I am quite happy to be along for the path it's shown me." Jan nods, offering a tip of his head. "I am hoping you're feeling the same, at least." The man chuckles, stepping in once invited. "Thank you, Veira." There's the cursory look around and smile spreads over his face. "Lovely place. I like it. It looks like quite the comfortable retreat."

"I would like either, actually. Which do you prefer? Hopefully it's not too late for such a drink for you? I don't want you losing sleep over being a welcoming host for me." He slips out of his coat, offering it to her as she asks. "Of course, thank you again."

"So, you work with Miss Drew?" He asks, amused at the way fate works in meeting people. "And Atilla calls me Silver Fox?" He snickers.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm not going to be upset if fate likes to bring us together." Veira tells him with a smile. "So yes, I do feel the same." she admits to him as she takes his jacket from him. It gets hung up carefully, not wanting to ruffle his coat too much. "Thank you. It is cozy and I sort of found it for a steal." she grins.

"Lots of windows to look out over and plants do well in here." she admits. She then heads for the kitchen, which is under the lofted bedroom above. "I enjoy tea and it might be easier at this time of night." she offers to him as she gets a kettle down. It only takes a moment to fill it with water and she puts it on the stove and turns it on before looking to him. "You've let me invade your private space at your hotel and use your shower and things. I can return the kindness." she smiles.

His question of Jessica has her nodding, "Yes, I do work with Miss Drew." she admits to him. "And yes, Atilla calls you silver fox. I am so sorry." she chuckles. "He really likes you." she grins.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Glad we can agree on the happy instances of running into one another." Jan smiles, moving to stand near the counter as she moves to make the tea. "I really do like this place. It feels like a home." He grins, looking around. "And plenty of light to be let in. Do you have a green thumb then? I find myself lacking in that, I tend to be a poor gardener." The man admits.

"There is a difference - this is a home. Where I am staying is a waypoint." A grin. "Not that I would be in the least hesitant to show you my home, once it is safe. It's just a difference from allowing someone into your sanctuary." A nod. "Thank you for the trust."

Really, he's not a vampire!

"So... that makes you a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" He guesses, not sounding put off by the fact. "Quite fascinating. A true secret agent?" He chuckles. "And I take no offense at Atilla's nickname. He's a good fellow and I am happy I got to speak to him today." He smiles. "I am amused, honestly. Is he trying to play matchmaker?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Oh, I can show you the flowers later." Veira states as she turns to look at him, resting her hip against the counter as she crosses her arms comfortably over her chest. She was still wearing long sleeves, but that was for other reasons. "I do have a bit of a green thumb, it's a bit magical as well...so technically it's cheating amongst true gardeners." she muses.

She watches him as he speaks on homes and there's a softer smile given to him, one filled with warmth. "It is my little sanctuary and you get to see it without me scrubbing familial evidence and hiding pictures." she muses softly. "I do trust you." she confesses.

She gives a nod to him, "I am a member of SHIELD, yes. I have been since my early twenties." she explains. "I mean, my security clearance in Homeland is higher than my SHIELD clearance, so technical I'm still a secret agent in one arena." she grins. "I think Atilla has been trying to get me to ask you out properly. Or to spend more time with you." she admits. "Then again the universe might be trying that as well." she chuckles.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Conversation at the counter! Jan rests his hip on the other side of the counter, grinning to her. "Cheating? I mean, you're not entering competitions, are you? As I understand, magic takes effort, skill and often has other costs - so I would say it is as hard work as your everyday gardening." He chuckles, tapping fingers on the counter. "Oh! Did you reach out about those winter blooms to the garden at the park?"

"I trust you as well, of course. I don't generally share the details of my mutations." Jan admits. "Even if there's still the matter of displaying them." A wink. "And I won't pry over photos or items held dear." A nod. "You can tell me the stories when you see fit."

"I know I am on a list now." He laughs, teasing her. "Your co-workers saw me chatting with familiarity with you." He winks. "And you did ask me out, remember? Dancing and dinner?" He chuckles. "It is a good team, the Universe and the Dragon."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile, "No, not entering competitions. That would be real cheating." she tells him. His talk of magic having costs makes her look exhausted for a moment, "Yes, it has a lot of costs. Especially some of the older stuff." she admits to that. "Would you like to sit and when tea is ready I can just bring it out to the table on a tray? I know standing looking intently at each other might be odd." she teases him. "I did reach out and I left a message. Since it's Winter folks aren't checking in daily, which is fine." she grins.

"You don't have to display them unless it comes up." she tells him with a soft smile. "I really have nothing to hide. My life if filled with enough that I don't know that I'd not want to do it to another when I can give information openly and freely." she tells him honestly.

Then she laughs warmly, "You're not on a list...not yet." she points out with a grin. Then she gives a grin, "I did. I forgot to tell Atilla. He's going to chew on my shoes now for not telling him." she comments.

"Do you have questions or even concerns?" she asks as she looks to him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"I don't wish to be rude, you're working on tea..." He grins. "I can suffer standing, unless you'd rather I sit? I hope I am not making you uncomfortable... no intense stares." Jan smiles, moving over to where the sofa is. He does take a seat, looking comfortable, one leg crossed over the other. "It's why I didn't tarry too long in the Market, or dwell on what I wanted." A slight shrug. "I don't want to say the wrong thing and get ensorcelled."

"You arrived just in time to miss me acting on the thug in the park." He smiles. "But in perfect time to save Orchid and her pups." He says, warmly. "I am happy to listen, to share, whichever you like."

A chuckle at the mention of chewing on shoes. "Well, I am curious as to what you can do with your magic?" He asks, quietly. "Do you have a speciality? Or is it more general?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"It's not rude, Jan." Veira tells him with a soft smile. "It takes a lot to make me uncomfortable and if you'd like to stare at me intently I am absolutely fine with that." she teases him gently. "I think you'd do fine in the market, just with a bit more experience from someone who has been dealing there for many years." she admits. "The Fae have words of iron and once a pact is struck it is either you pay or...bad things happen." she states grimly.

The kettle whistles as water for tea is done. She sets about setting up the tea pot and two cups. It's a matched set so there might be some saving grace there. Sugar cubes and cream are added to the tray and then she heads towards the living room and settles the tray onto the table in front of the couch.

His question of her magical expertise causes her to look a bit worried for a moment, but she smiles a little, "Blood magic is my specialty. While it's a rather gruesome way to do magic it is something that I've got a natural knack for." she admits. Then she reaches her hands to shrug her sweatshirt off and toss it over onto the chair, leaving her in a tank top. It reveals the myriad of scars and old wounds on her arms, "Sadly it does come with the downsides of having to cut yourself open." she tells him.

"How do you like your tea?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
He grins from where he's seated, nodding. "I am hoping I don't cross that line - I've no interest in disrupting your comfort around me. That's counter-intuitive to what I'd like." The man admits, chuckling. "I don't know if my gift forewarns me of magical contracts or binding words, so..." A smile. "I'd rather learn about that then trust on my senses."

He makes sure she has room to sit, of course, when she arrives with the tea set. At the worried look on her face, Jan pauses. Then the explanation, and the showing of the wounds. "Oh dear. I'd always read of such things in horror novels... I never expected to know a practitioner." He says, eyes going from her scars to her face. "Is it because you heal?" There's no judgement of the scars, no disgust or revulsion.

"A cube of sugar and milk?" He smiles.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft look to him as he speaks and there is a moment taken to reach over and squeeze his arm gently. "If I ever make you uncomfortable, please let me know." she tells him. "But hey, if you do make any magical contracts and your power does pick it up then it will be known for future engagements." she tells him. "That does lead me to the question of what you'd like." she states as she turns back to the table.

A cube is spooned into the cup followed by milk and a small spoon to stir before it's offered over to him carefully. "I'm guessing there is some overlap in reality and fiction." she admits. "It's an old primordial practice. Most that do it have ties to it before they are even born." she explains. "Or well, they have a spark. Everyone is capable of using magic. They just have to study." she smiles.

"I don't magically heal, so it's why I'm anemic. Blood loss from magic and wounds take a lot out of us." she offers in a soft tone.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A hand does reach up to examine the scars with a finger - just tracing as if learning of her. "Oh... sorry." He says, blinking and blushing. "I should have asked." His hand comes away, the man looking apologetic. "Thusfar, you've done nothing to make me uncomfortable." Jan reassures. "As to what I'd like? I don't know. Young folks often dream of being a wizard, don't you think?"

"Study and practice, one would imagine." Jan nods. "Perhaps one day, who knows? I could become a sorcerer!" He winks. "Does the magic take it's toll at all times, then? I'll have to take you out for more steaks, I would wager."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira doesn't mind the touch and the wounds are ages old at this point. "If I had a problem with your touch I'd let you know." she tells him with a soft smile. Her she then grins, "So dragons, blood magic and being able to come back to life haven't made you think twice yet. There is hope." she tells him softly. "And yes, some do dream of being wizards or having magic. Most will never realize what they need to do...or what they have to give for it." she states.

"A lot of studying, yes." she smiles to him. "Oh, I'm sure we could get you into a spell or two." she looks to him with thoughtfulness. "When I have to use my magic a lot it does take a toll. I'll want to sleep and rare steak is always welcome." she grins at that.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Understood." He smiles to her, motioning for her to sit. "Please, join me?" Jan murmurs. "Dragons, blood magic, and ressurection. I would be a poor excuse for aman if I were spooked from such things, especially with what I've seen. Though, I should wonder if I need to be checked out. I think that demoness might have had a chance to mark my soul?" A shake of his head. "It was quite an evening - without the details, of course."

"She did not cause my gift to alert me until later in the evening."

"A spell or two? Interesting... I might have to take you up on that, then. Unless you know of another teacher?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile to him and then settles down beside him, "I didn't mean to hover." she tells him with a chuckle. "I don't think you'd be a poor excuse for a man, Jan." she tells him honestly. Mention of the demoness makes her give him an amused look, "Well...some gain energy and power from certain...situations." she doesn't insinuate anything. It wasn't her business.

"I'd ask how they were alerted, but I don't want to seem like I'm trying to get all of the details." she admits.

"Though I am wondering if I should worry about a demoness now." she muses. "But yes, I would be happy to teach and I am sure that there are others that could offer assistance as well if you'd like to truly delve into it." she offers.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan offers over a reassuring smile. "You weren't hovering, of course. I just thought you'd be more comfortable sitting." A wink to her. "And ... er, yes. I had gathered. It was shortly before things escalated that I realized I might be in danger." A shake of his head. "Still, with magic being what it is - I might want to look into getting checked out. Though as a rather non-famous person of mutant origins, I've no idea where to start."

"And, just a vision of me being a husk of a man after things would have escalated." He explains.

"Nothing to fear, I assure you. I've not seen her since and she doesn't have my number or contact." A smile. "Promise. I'd avoid her if I saw her again out of many principles."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to him, "I am, thank you." she tells him with a soft nod to him. Her gaze flicks to him after she's done with her tea and she nods to him, "I could do a check. Just to see if anything comes up if you'd like me to." she offers. Then there's a bit of a whistle, "That sounds like a succubus, no puns intended." she gives a wink to him.

"Oh I'm not afraid or insecure when it comes to other women. I'm guessing a man like you has a lot of friends and fans." she comments. "I'm old enough to know better in situations." she grins.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man takes up his cup of tea, smiling. "If you like, I wouldn't be opposed?" He admits, sipping from his tea. "And I wasn't suspect that you would be concerned with past dalliances, Veira. More the whole occult demon-succubus thing." A smile. "Your past is yours, and I would never be jealous of prior lovers you've had."

"I think we're both old enough, in that aspect." A chuckle. "And fans for dancers aren't the rockstar groupies people might think of."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'd be happy to check out your soul and other things to make sure there is no demonesses marks lying around." Veira states with a soft smile. His talk of past dalliances makes her grin, "I have lead a rather boring romantic life so not a lot of one night stands or things to look back on." she muses. "A lot of guys can't get around my missing eye and while I might look exotic it's a deal breaker for some." she shrugs.

"You mean you don't have scantily clad woman hiding in your hotel room after shows? That's a bit disappointing." she chuckles. "Ah...are you squeamish?" she asks him as she rises.

Jan de Wit has posed:
He cants his head to the side, smiling. "I doubt romance with you is boring. I would guess it is anything but." Jan chuckles. "Your scars tell stories." The man offers over, sipping his tea again before setting it down - finished. "You look amazing."

"Squeamish, I suppose it depends on the subject. In this, I think I can manage if you're going to work magic." A pause. "And no, all the scantily clad women I generally am around are on stage with me." He smirks.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft grin to that, "Most people these days want to have open relationships, trouples and all that stuff. Which is great, but I've never really been built for it." she shrugs a touch. She rises to head to one of the book shelves and picks up a small black case and brings it back to the table to sit it down and then she finds her seat again. "Thank you, I think you're rather handsome yourself." she gives a smile to that.

Then she opens the case and inside is a straight razor, "I know, very Sweeny Todd of me to have straight razors, but they cut easily." she tells him.

Then she gives a look to him, "Well...maybe you will get a scantily clad figure down the road." she teases him before picking up the sharp object with one hand. She cuts a line in her wrist, not deep enough to do damage, but enough to well with crimson. The straight razor is settled down and she reaches with her free hand to trace a few runes into the blood. The umber of her eye glows as she casts a look to him. "Let us see..." she says in an accented tone.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"I've had both sorts, truth be told. Open and monogomous. I like either, for different reasons. The important part, is communication up front, so we know each other's preferences." Jan admits, smiling to her. "Monogomy is fine with me." The manchuckles, watching as she moves over to collect up the case. "I think then, we are a good pair." The man admits.

"There's a role I wish had more dancing... and I wish I had the voice for. Though I'd likely be cast as Judge Turpin." He motions to his hair. "And it makes sense, use the proper tools... though I am sad if I cause another scar."

"Do I get to pick the woman?" He teases her back. His breath is held as she makes the cut - eyes on hers. The man goes quiet as she focuses.

No mark on his soul, thankfully - though it might show a weakening, as if he were fed upon.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to him as he's honest on what relationships he's had, "Nothing wrong with that." she admits to him. "Communication is key in any relationship. Should it be romantic, friends or professional." she agrees with that. There's a blush when he says he thinks they are a good pair, "Definitely going to need to work over time on dance lessons now." she teases him gently.

"Hmm, I mean you could always see if you could wear a wig or extensions. I am partial to your silver though." she tells him with a soft smile. "It's not a scar made in anger or despair. So don't be sorry over it. I'd rather be sure you don't have anything that might hurt you at a later date." she whispers to him as she settles her arm on her thigh as she looks to him.

"I mean, you could request a certain woman." she grins at him. Thankfully those jeans are black and easy to get blood out of, because it runs over her pale skin and down into the dark fabric.

Her eye focuses and then unfocuses for a moment and then she focuses back on his gaze, "No marks hanging around. Though you were snacked on just a little." she admits to him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A smile. "Communication is always the foundation, I would say. Too many don't realize this." Jan muses, relaxed as she works over him. Magic should not be interrupted or disrupted! "I would be more than happy to give you lessons, Veira." The man chuckles. "Your cheeks are a bit red." He teases.

As her arm rests on his leg, he watches - eyes going from her arm, the runes, then to her eye. "Could I request you?" He murmurs, eyes on her now.

"No marks... all right. And... snacked on? Does one recover from that? I'm quite behind on the metaphysical states of the soul."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm almost forty-five, I kinda got the communication is key part down in my thirties. Especially when the man I was going to marry was in the Middle East half the time." Veira states with a smile. She reaches out, finding a little box under the table to pull a little anti-septic wipe and bandage out. "I should have been practicing while I had some down time with the Manhattan thing, but I've mainly been sleeping or trying to keep up with paperwork." she breathes out softly. "I wonder why they are red." she chuckles as she reaches out to boop the tip of his nose gently.

His murmur makes her look to him, her gaze half lidded as he does, "Absolutely." she tells him in a warm tone.

"Succubus tend to feed off sexual energies. So kissing, sex, things of that nature will allow them to siphon some of your life force off. It'll recover though." she tells him. "Your soul is perfectly intact, Jan." she explains with a smile.

Then she turns a little on the couch, facing him, "Any other burning questions or things I should check for you?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan gives a grin to her. "With experience, comes wisdom." He chuckles. "Was he a soldier?" He wonders, as she mentions the man she was going to marry. As she collects the bandage and antiseptic, he offers over his hands to help. "And resting is important. You need to have the energy to do what you're doing, rather than burn the candle at both ends." The boop to his nose earns a wink. "I am behaving."

"If that is an option, then I choose you." He says, nodding. "Good to know. There was a kiss, but then I realized I was in trouble." He shakes his head. "Wish I had seen it coming earlier."

"Questions, hrm. I suppose I could ask if you'd like a kiss for your good deed of checking on my feckless soul."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"That is very true." Veira states as she gets comfy on the couch. "Yeah, but not for us in the start of things. I met him when I was helping with extraction in Israel. He joined SHIELD after he came to the US. We did not like each other when we first met. He was from a background where women did not do the work that I did." she muses to that as she allows him to help with the bandage. "Thank you." she tells him as he helps. Then she gives a soft chuckle, "I never said you had to behave." she winks at him.

"Then I will find a night to sneak in and surprise you after a show." she waggles her brows at that. "You never really think that the beautiful woman you're kissing is going to try to suck you dry...quite literally." she tells him.

Then he asks her if she wants a kiss and she grins, "Yes, absolutely." she tells him as she shifts on the couch, trying not to feel nervous.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A nod, smiling. "Opposites often attract, I would guess. Coming from a culture where women are restricted in so many things, I imagine he admired you for your strength and independence." He's happy to help with the cleaning and bandaging, having a bit of practice - though no official training. "Dangerous words, Veira." Jan grins.

"I cannot wait for the shows to start again, though. That would be an exceptionally wonderful surprise." Jan gives a chuckle at her phrasing, shaking his head. "I'm not touching that comment. Not a chance."

There's a pause, letting her get comfortable - then he leans in, giving her a tender kiss, gentle and soft. He smiles after, eyes on her. "I was thinking about doing that for a while..."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I think that has been my thing with dating. I always find someone that most people would not be able to imagine me with." Veira tells him quietly. "He might have. He was a good man, just...very culture shocked when he came to America." she admits. "It happens to us all at some point. When SHIELD brought me over from Romania very few spoke my language and I was basically this ghost of a girl." she explains. "But I wouldn't change things." she admits.

"Oh are those dangerous words?" she teases him.

There's a bit of an impish gleam to her eye, "I'm being a little crude, I know. I'll stop." she chuckles. When he leans in to kiss her she lets her hand rise, touching his cheek gently. Then her lips return the kiss as her fingers slide back through his hair to skim against his scalp. A contented breath let out when he ends it.

"I had been debating kissing you when I brought dinner. I sort of chickened out though." she admits.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man almost purrs after the kiss, grinning to her. "Am I one of those people? An aging dancer?" He winks to her, clearly amused. "Culture is beautiful, when it can adapt. Being able to love the good parts, and remedy the bad parts, is hugely important. I think it would have been what made America amazing, when it founded." Jan muses.

"Dangerous, but fun. I don't want to be too forward, I don't want to rush." He assures, smiling to her. "And crude can be fun. I am not one to always stand on manners, Veira." Her fingers in his hair had him quite content, indeed - his head leaned into that touch. "I certainly would not have opposed, over dinner."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira blushes at him, "Let's just say if someone asked you what your new girlfriend looked like do you honestly believe they'd be expecting one eyed Morticia Addams?" she asks him with a grin. She lets her fingers play with his hair, enjoying the contact as she does, "Not that I really care if people think we're an odd couple." she chuckles. "And I agree with that. I love learning about new cultures and getting to participate in things if I can." she tells him.

She leans in to place a soft kiss on his lips before pulling back and focusing on him, "We can take things as slow or as fast as you feel comfortable with, Jan." she states with a warm smile. "We're both figuring things out with the other, so trial and error might occur. I know I am not perfect with things, so if I do something you do not like just let me know." she tells him.

"I will just have to be sure that I kiss you when I get the chances so that I can make up for the missed one." she teases him gently.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The continued playing with his hair has Jan in heaven. "I think I would get no odd looks, truthfully. Artists very much enjoy the more rare tastes." He winks to her, his own hand moving to caress her cheek gently. "I love learning of others - expanding my vision beyond what I know. Every culture has beauty to show us, lessons to teach. Just as we can teach others, in turn." A pause. "I also don't care too much about who says what, either." He smirks. "But you might wind up in some pictures, if you're out with me. Even dancers have paparatzi to deal with."

"I can see the benefits of slow and fast, in many different meanings." The man teases, a bit impishly. "Learning of each other is imperative, though. And I will be honest and let you know if I don't like something. I swear." A wide smile after the second kiss.

"You have my leave to do so, whenever you like. Though I wonder if Atilla is going to tease you about all this."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira lets her forehead rest against his for a moment as he speaks, taking in the cadence of his voice and the words that he states. "Has anyone ever asked if you were real?" she asks him. "I sometimes worry that I'm dreaming." she muses softly. "I'm looking forward to learning more about your past and your culture and I am happy to share mine with you...even if my family is a bit weird." she admits with a soft smile. "I promise not to do anything bad to the paparazzi should they get a camera out." she promises him.

She leans back to look at him as he gives his impish little tease, "I know that you like being touched and your hair is a spot that can probably turn you into putty." she purrs at him as she lets the tips of her nails massage against the back of his neck.

"Oh Atilla is absolutely going to make fun of me. I can imagine him later, 'I told you he liked you!'" she grins at that. "I'm a bit shy, but I was getting around to asking you. And I did." she grins proudly.

"Very important question. Do you prefer big spoon or little spoon? Or can you appreciate switching those jobs up?" she asks him with a grin.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There's no doubt he's enjoying the closeness and the contact. Fingers trail from her cheek to her neck, simply caressing her smooth skin. "I am real. How can I prove this?" He wonders, eyes on hers. "I'm an open book, as far as I am aware. I've no secrets to hide from you, Veira." There's a grin at the mention of her family. "I think I shall enjoy learning of you, as well as your family." A soft smile. "I wish my parents were about to meet you. And I appreciate the good behavior - no need to get sued." A smirk.

"You are quite astute." The man admits, chuckling at her deductive reasoning. "I am a hedonist, who loves touch."

"He is a wise dragon. Too wise for his own good." He laughs. "Someday, I shall find a lady dragon to court him." He waggles his eyebrows. "And shy is fine, I like you as you are."

"I think I can switch it up, honestly. It all depends on the evening, yes? And how restlessly I sleep. I tend to move a bit when I rest."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile to him, "I know you're real. My luck just runs out eventually." she muses softly as she lets her fingers trace idle lines at the back of his neck. "But if you want to prove it I'm sure more kisses will always help." she teases him in a warm tone. "I'll warn in advance that my adoptive family are adorably picturesque Americans. Including the house with the white picket fence. Mom insisted it would help with normalcy." she chuckles. "My birth family...those that I have tracked down don't seem to want to meet me. Their choice." she shrugs to that. "I wish that they were around as well, I would have enjoyed meeting the ones that raised you." she tells him in a soft tone.

The talk of good behaviour makes her laugh, "I'd never want you to get sued." she admits. Then there's a twinkle in her eye, "You admitted over dinner you were. I just intend on taking full advantage of it." she grins at that.

"Atilla is very wise. I do wish we could find him a partner, but sadly dragons are few and far between. Most don't like visitors as it is." she sighs softly. "Though I do know of an old few in Europe that don't mind drop ins if there is a reason." she admits.

She does give a curious quirk of an ebon brow, "Restless sleep?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"That seems a fair enough price for proof." Jan comments, giving her a quick kiss after. "Picturesquely American. That sounds amazing." He smiles, his hands finding her waist as they share the contact and comfort of closeness. "Do they know about your... abilities?" He wonders. "Either set of parents?" A soft smile. "I think my parents would have been fond of you."

"It has happened before, it will happen again. Something about being in the spotlight makes people want to come after you in that fashion." The man muses. A chuckle. "And you are an opportunist? Going for my weakness?"

"Surely there has to be someone out there for him." He says, with a nod. "Yes, restless sleep. Bad dreams, but more often than not a lot of energy."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a giggle when he gives her the quick kiss, "I do like to deal fairly." she tells him with a soft smile. "My adoptive parents know about my powers given they started manifesting when I was young. They adopted me after my birth relatives refused to take me, so I ended up in a better place." she tells him. When he moves his hands to find her waist she wiggles in a little closer to cuddle up to him. "My birth parents were brutally murdered when I was five. I don't remember them." she explains in a quiet tone. "Did your parents have powers?" she asks him.

"I also promise I won't make their shoelaces tie together and have them fall on their face in a mud puddle." she muses to that. "I mean...just a smidge." she admits. "I'm honest about it." she tells him as she tickles the back of his neck.

"There might be another out there for him. It would be a grand search." she comments.

Then she looks a touch concerned, "Are they specific bad dreams, Jan?" she asks him softly.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man listens, nodding to her as she explains the complex relationships with her parents. "Then your adoptive parents are great ones." He smiles. "They took you in and loved you, as a parent should." Jan decides. "I am sorry to hear of your parents and what happened." He shakes his head in the negative. "No, no powers that I am aware of. They could have had some, but kept them hidden." He muses.

A laugh at the mention of pranking the nasty people. "That, would be exceptionally funny. Especially if they broke their camera in doing so." He winks, shivering happily as she tickles his neck.

"Perhaps we'll look into it. If he can play matchmaker, so can we."

"No, not particularly. Just troublesome times from youth or recent faux pas."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira lets her fingers travel from his neck to let them rest on his jaw as she watches him speak. "It is odd that I don't have memories of them. I do remember my grandmother though, but...that's complicated." she admits. "My adoptive parents deserve awards for what I put them through, really." she admits to that. "They were well equipped for it though." she muses.

"My parents are just highly trained operatives, so kind of like they have powers." she tells him with a smile. "I try not to be mean spirited, sometimes it just happens." she murmurs.

"We shall find him a lady dragon then. Or at least something similar." she muses to that.

Then there is a look to him, "Does sleeping with someone help at all? And I just mean sleeping in the same bed." she murmurs with a wink.

Jan de Wit has posed:
His own fingers gently stroke at her hips as they snuggle on the sofa. "You were so young, it's not too hard to imagine." Jan comments. "Agents... did they get you into SHIELD, then?" He grins, amused at the thought. A family tradition!

"Those camera-weilding menaces know what they are getting into with their behavior." He winks to her, nodding at the mention of the lady dragon. "I wonder where more might live? Perhaps information at the Troll Market?"

A laugh at her comment. "Yes, it does. Having someone with me is comforting - in many ways."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile, "I am a Legacy of sorts for the organization. I wanted to continue their good works and I've gotten a special sort of experience for the branch that I work for." she admits. "Thank you for taking this news well. I've never really gotten this far with others." she tells him in a quiet tone.

"Well if they don't know before they do it they will surely know after they've hit the ground." she muses to that. "We know where a few dragons are. Atilla entrusted the information to me years ago and I've visited another dragon, but I've not tried the others. Some of them do not like interacting with humans at all." she admits. "If you'd like to go on a dragon trip though we could." she grins.

There's a look to the loft where the bedroom is and then a look back to him, "I know you have to get back to the little ones and things...but would you like to cuddle up in bed for a bit?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan smirks. "Your profession is not you - it is your chosen work. It says some things about you, however I cannot see how those would be negative." A smile to her, nodding. "Are your parents magicians as well, then?" The man wonders, curious.

"Interesting - I would imagine meeting a dragon would be nerve-wracking, considering you don't know their disposition towards humans." A nod. "I would like to go, some time - further open my eyes to the wonders of our world. If you'll have me along, that is." He adds.

His eyes don't follow her's to the loft, but keep on her face. "I certainly would enjoy that, yes. Will your overlord mind?" He winks.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"That is a very true thing. I think it just came naturally after all the stuff happening growing up." Veira tells him as she looks to him. "And no, my parents are normal humans. My mom managed to find someone to teach me to control my magic through ties and contacts of hers." she explains. "Dad specializes in military tactics and training. So I sort of grew up being a tiny warrior." she muses.

"Funny story about meeting dragons..." she starts as she shifts a touch. "I met my overlord while I was camping in the Carpathians. Decided to go caving and well...fell through an old hole that had gotten covered and ended up spraining my ankle. He was a treat though. Didn't even try to eat me." she muses.

"I would love to travel and show you things that you've not seen before, Jan. I think sharing those things with someone is something that is wonderful." she admits.

When he agrees, she moves to get off the couch and offers her hand to him, "He'll be fine. He's already off asleep near the window so he'll not even notice." she winks at him as she leads him towards the stairs.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A nod and a happy smile to that. "They sound like good people, your parents." Jan decides. "And I am sure, should some fool wrong you, they will be suffering the wrath of your family. And Atilla. And you." He laughs happily. "And a tiny warrior - we could spar, if you ever felt up to practice?"

He smirks. "Fortune in finding that hole, then. And Atilla. Some things seem to be planned out for us, don't you think?" Fingers stroke at her sides as he discusses fate and the plans of the universe. "Glad that he did not decide to eat you, Veira."

"I do love traveling, it is one of the best parts of my job - visiting new places and performing. Then sight-seeing after." A grin.

As she stands, he does as well - taking her hand. "I think he's on to us, regardless of sleep or not." Before the stairs, he pauses to give her another tender kiss. "Thank you for your trust and being you."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"They are and I hope that you like them when you meet them...when you're ready of course." Veira tells him with a smile. She wasn't going to rush anything. She wanted him to feel comfortable. "I'd be happy to spar sometime. We can see how our techniques match up." she winks to him.

"I think we were kindred spirits. Both of us had lost eyes when we were younger and we were both pretty lonely. So we became fast friends." she smiles softly to that. "I am glad he didn't eat me either. I wouldn't have been able to meet you." she points out.

"We'll go on all kinds of mystical travels then. If you'd like." she offers to that. "I know that I have some things to check back in on in Romanian in a few as it is." she admits.

At the base of the stairs up she turns to him, accepting the tender kiss and giving a contended sound at it. "You're welcome. Thank you for trusting me in turn." she whispers to him. Then she quietly leads him up to the bedroom, it's mainly just the bed with plush dark comforters and sheets. Her laptop is off to the side on the nightstand and powered off. She slips her shoes off and nudges them over towards the corner, "You can feel free to get as comfortable as you like." she tells him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man nods, purring a bit as the kiss parts. "I think I shall enjoy meeting them as well." He assures. "When we are ready." Jan's eyes sparkle at the promise of sparring. "Good! I wish to see this Russian martial art of yours." He admits, clearly curious.

A smile to her, as a finger brushes along her cheek. "A matched pair." He grins. "And yes, aside from the trouble you'd have of being eaten, we would not have met. Oddly enough, I think he was part of the reason that we met - with the rushing me for a chicken nugget." He winks.

"Mystic and normal trips?" He grins. "And yes, Romania. I want to see this place."

His shoes are stepped out of as well, slid over next to hers. "I will, thank you. But... I will follow your lead in this?" He suggests, moving towards the bed - letting her sort out where she wishes to be.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to him as she slips over towards the side of the bed and crawls onto it and then curling up on her side. The spot beside her is given a pat, "You're going to think my Russian martial arts are brutal and that's because they are." she admits. "But I think you might like it." she teases him with a waggle of her eyebrows.

"I do not know what all Atilla can do magically, so maybe he saw you in the future or something similar and that's why he played matchmaker." she offers. "I'm not complaining. I'd have probably asked you at some point." she smiles to him. "Mystic and normal trips sound delightful to be honest. Not everyday needs to be filled with the extraordinary either. I like quiet days." she admits.

She looks quite comfy in her spot on the bed as she watches him, letting him decide how he wants to do things. "If it helps I'll only bite if asked." she teases him warmly.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man unbuttons the top buttons of his shirt, before sliding into the bed next to her. "I am sure it is effective." He grins. "All defensive arts are brutal, it is just a matter of how it is applied." Jan comments, slowly getting comfortable - offering her his arm if she likes.

"Does he do magic as well?" He wonders, surprised - but not totally so. "I'd certainly have asked you too, Veira" He admits. "You are a striking woman, with a personality that I am quite enamored with. Yes, mystical and other. Every day is not a day for heroes - people need normal lives as well, to enjoy. It shows you what people are fighting for."

A sly smirk at the comments about biting. "I thought we were just cuddling?" He says, nuzzling up to her - letting her share his body heat if needed.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a thoughtful look to him, "When I was younger I might have had a few times when I looked for fights, but that died out as a I grew older." she tells him. "Brutality has it's places, but I try to go in different routes." she admits.

When he offers his arm she scoots into his side and lays her head on his shoulder. The contact makes her eye flutter closed for a moment with a soft smile. "He does, yes." she tells him. "Most dragons have magics of some kind." she tells him in a soft tone, her accent more pronounced now. She does give a look up to him, "I agree with that whole heartedly, Jan. And I will absolutely fight for you." she whispers to him.

She gives a laugh, "Mmm, yes, we are just cuddling." she tells him as she drapes her arm over his waist and grows quiet.

"I wish I didn't have to let you go tonight." she tells him in a soft voice a few heart beats later.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man smiles and nods. "The fire of youth has our passions roar out of control. It is the time and experience that tempers us, and lets us understand what harming another does in the long run."

When she nestles in next to him, Jan purrs a bit. "That makes sense, being creatures of magic." A pause as she comments on fighting for him. "Let's not let it get to that. But you are most certainly worth fighting for." The man responds, kissing the top of her head.

"Just cuddling." He snickers. "And you don't have to let go tonight. Orchid and the pup can be tended to, I just need to let the staff know."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira listens to him as he talks and she finds herself growing into that hazy and warm comfortable spot that one falls into before sleep takes them, but she stays awake. "That's definitely a good way to put it, Jan." she tells him softly.

She lets her finger tips dance over the buttons on his shirt, "Saving the world takes a lot out of us. I'm guessing at some point it will come to it, but we can hope it's far down the line." she tells him. The kiss to the top of her head makes her look after that.

It means that he can see the excitement in her gaze, "Really?" she asks him. "Then stay the night. If you need to grab clothes or anything I understand. I just...I'd like to be able to wake and you be here in the morning." she smiles. "And I'll cook breakfast...if that sweetens the deal any?" she grins at him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"I've had time to think on it, honestly. All the anger and righteousness of being young, and always right. It's self-evaluation that really helps us." He murmurs, comfortable with her against him. As her fingers tease over the buttons, he chuckles. "Always be ready to act, but enjoy the path to get there. Don't focus solely on the idea of heroism. Just... be and enjoy what the world offers us." He responds after a moment.

"Yes, really. I can send a message to staff and they will gladly see that they get a walk." A look down and a shrug. "I have boxers, I can sleep in those if it's not too much a temptation for you." He teases. "Breakfast sounds wonderful, truth be told."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"You're very wise, Jan." Veira tells him with a soft smile. She did like that he seemed to look outside the box on things. And wisdom was sexy. "If you don't enjoy the path then are you really on the right path?" she asks him with a chuckle.

"I'd be delighted to have you stay the night then if the dogs will be walked and taken care of." she tells him. There's a look over his form and then back up to him, "I think I can handle you in just boxers, Jan." she winks at him. "I do make a good breakfast." she looks a little smug at that.

"Sadly this means we're going to have to get out of bed to handle adult things before we can get back into it." she pouts a little.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There's a laugh. "I am just observant, I think. Not entirely wise." He winks. "Else I'd have avoided that succubus." At least he's honest! "I am quite enjoying the path I've chosen, thus far. Good and bad, it makes for who I am." Jan smirks.

"Well then, I should get up before we get too comfortable, yes?" A quick kiss to her and he slowly disentangles from her form. Once upright, he fishes out his phone and sends a quick message to the hotel staff. Then his billfold and phone are set on the nightstand, the man grinning. "Are you sure about just the boxers?" He grins, unbuttoning his shirt and slowly removing the garment. "I am sure I could keep the slacks on if needed."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira takes the time to give a chuckle, "Well...wisdom isn't always seeing everything far in advance, Jan." she points out to him. "Maybe the succubus was a needed step in your path." she adds with a soft smile.

She returns his kiss, a little reluctant to remove herself from the bed. She does after he gets upright. She stretches as he sends his message to the hotel and she gives a smile as she lets her hands drop down and she watches him. "I think we'll be fine with that." she tells him as she unbuttons her jeans and starts to slide out of them, leaving her in her tank top and black boyshorts. She scoops up the jeans and lays them over the railing of the loft.

"I mean, I can't sleep in jeans and things so one of us is going to be pantsless." she teases him as she moves back to the bed and peels the covers and sheets back before sliding in.

"I'll be right here." she grins at him as he disrobes.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"You may be right. Else I might have not run into you." Jan agrees, carefully folding his shirt and setting it aside. His belt is removed, then socks. "A bit of danger to direct my steps to the next point." He muses, stretching a bit. As she starts getting ready for bed, he chuckles. "I am certainly not opposed. I am sure we can keep warm under the covers, after all." His slacks are removed next, leaving him in silk boxers. Again, his clothes are folded and set to the side.

The blankets are turned down, Jan motioning to the bed. "After you." He winks. "Are you the big spoon tonight, or the little one?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira watches like a contented cat as he prepares for bed, completely comfortable in the moment. "And the age old question of boxers or briefs is answered without it ever being asked." she gives an impish grin to that.

She slides into the bed and there's a smile, "Always the gentleman." she comments to him as she watches him. "How about I be the big spoon for a bit, maybe that will help with your restlessness dear one." she tells him as she waits for him to join her.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan gives her a wink. "I would have told you, had you asked. No need to lure me in with head scritching and cuddling." The man teases, even as he climbs into the bed. He turns to offer her his back, since she claimed big spoon. The two settle in, he tugs the blankets over the both of them. "I some how feel that I am going to get awoken by a dragon staring at me with a grin." Jan laughs.

"Thank you for inviting me in, and comforting me. Truly, it is very much appreciated." His hand reaches back, resting on her hip once she finds her own comfortable position. "And I can help with breakfast, if you like. At least make coffee for us..."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a bit of a giggle, "Sir, I would never be so callous as to ask you what you were wearing underneath those finely tailored clothes. Waiting was absolutely worth it." she admits. "And Atilla would be the crude one in asking." she gives a little playful sniff at that. "If Atilla isn't sprawled out on you like a pillow in the morning I'd be very surprised." she admits.

She lets her arm drape over him, cuddling up to his back and she lets her nose stay in his hair for a moment, just enjoying the whole moment. "Mmm, it is my pleasure, Jan. I am looking forward to being able to do this more often." she tells him quietly as she then lets her head dip to place a kiss on his shoulder.

"If you find yourself restless and waking just get me up and we'll make tea or watch something." she whispers to him.