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Latest revision as of 05:20, 4 February 2022

The Elevator Pitch
Date of Scene: 04 February 2022
Location: Warren's Penthouse
Synopsis: Hope Summers has a patron to pay for university!
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Hope Summers

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington's office in Midtown looks like most other offices might look. Except, when one pays attention, nearly every office chair or couch or seat is low-backed to offer lumbar support and little else. Mister Worthington was made aware of someone who made an appointment to visit him and promptly rearranged his schedule to make space for one Hope Summer. He'll be waiting in front of his desk to have her sent up.

Hope Summers has posed:
She bears the surname of one of his teammates on the X-Men (Cyclcops), though the actual relation status is a bit more difficult. And when she shows up, there's an odd sense that she bears resemblence to Jean Grey. It's one of those weird things. Arriving in a pair of fitted jeans, sneakers, and a loose white henley over a black camisole, hair pulled up into a ponytail, she looks more like a teenager than an adult, though her attitude and carriage is confident and self-assured. Hope flashes a quick but weak smile towards Warren and launches immediately into a greeting and pitch all at once, "Hello Mr. Worthington, thank you for agreeing to see me today. I heard from some mutual friends that you've been known, on occasion, to help up and coming young mutants... well... settle into a life. I'm sort of a woman out of time here, and it's been something of a struggle to get my feet under me. What was important in my world and what is important here are two entirely separate things. I'm in the midst of getting my education handled and well.. I was hoping that you would perhaps be able to offer me a reasonable loan or grant so I could attend a good college and get a degree and, well... be something -other- that just a... a.. mutant messiah." The last words carry an undercurrent of bitterness and guilt.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Hello Miss Summers." Warren is quick to respond to, in kind, because he does know who Hope is and who she is related to. He is dressed in a comfortable suit, suitably altered for the man's differences which is just namely wings that are currently pulled in tight to his back but oh so visible. "Did someone tell you that you needed an elevator pitch?" He'll ease from the desk to offer his hand outwards towards Hope for a handshake. "As long as the Xavier Institute has taken care of your pre-collegiate educate I don't think you will have a difficult time to getting into a good university. Have you had offers? Or put in applications anywhere yet?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Taking his hand, she gives a quick shake, shaking her head, "No. Nothing like that. I'm just... not... a people person? I guess?" She lifts a shrug, then looks chagrinned, "Ah, yes. About that. I don't, uhhhh, I'm not... really.. affiliated with them? In any sort of like.. team or school ish way? And really, I'm a bit old to do a whole four years of high school NOW... so I'm kiiiiiiiiiinda just getting my GED through an online thing. I've got friends that are setting me up with all the right paperwork. ID, birth certificate, etc. But... college costs. And I don't have any family and I'm not rich, so..." She lifts a shrug and motions towards him with another weak smile, "Here we are."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"See. I have some family, and I am very rich." The handshake follows and gets released, the man's other hand waving towards a few of the chairs positioned in front of his desk. "I wouldn't discount an association with the Xavier Institute." He says to her as he backs up towards one of the other chairs to sit down across from where she might sit. "Someone also probably sent you my way in the same sort of manner. Tuition and the like is very easily provided for. I would...probably hazard a guess that being in a dormitory would be an experience that you'd want to avoid. I've been made 'aware' of...Well. I know a bit of something of you."

Hope Summers has posed:
"It's not that I'm discounting them, I just don't want to give the wrong impression. I'm... a guest of the school, but I am neither student nor teacher, nor X-Man. I've -worked- with them.. in another universe. And time. It's weird." Hope gives a shrug and tucks both hands behind her back as she offers a sheepish grin. Moving to join him, she angles into one of the chairs, fussing with her positioning for a bit before just leaning forward with elbows on her knees. Mention of a dorm has her wincing and shaking her head, "I'd like to not spontaneously awaken new mutants or accidentally copy someone's powers while I'm asleep. It's... I don't always.. have control? Like.. I can make it happen when I want, but sometimes it happens even when I don't. So I have to be really careful about who I come into contact with and for how long."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"It does sound weird. Justifiably weird. Your background, and remeeting the X-men and those at the institute." Warren leans back and instantly the reason for the low chairs becomes apparent when his wings unfold enough to wind around the back before pulling taut to him once more. "Worthington already has a scholarship fund, relocation fund, refugee fund after the Genosha debacle. I can easily extend entry to the program to you. There are owned apartments and the like curated by the fund, and once you get into college we can let you use one close to whatever campus you get into. I like Columbia, personally. I enjoyed my time on the campus and it'd be relatively easy to...smooth your way. So to speak."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Oh just wait. The whole of it isn't just weird, it's mind-bendingly nuts." Unwinding at least a little bit, Hope flashes a quick, wry grin, then gives a nod. "That's what I was told, so I was really hoping that there was still space for the year. I know it's a bit of a late entry but..." she lifts a shrug and offers a brief smile, "I had to try." Chuckling, Hope nods, "Columbia is actually my first choice. Their engineering program in one of the best in the country, and that's where I want to be."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"They will make space. As long as you a Columbia-level applicant, I will make sure they make space." Warren says with all the confidence of a man who isn't used to hearing the phrase 'no' spoken in his direction at all. "Get your GED, some tutoring for the SAT before taking it, then we'll give admissions a call. Do you need 'out' in a hurry, Miss Summers? If you're staying at the institute, I know it can be a bit stifling and crowded. I believe the apartment I was using when I attended Columbia is vacant."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Thank you, Mr. Worthington. Truly. For some time I wasn't sure what I would do with myself. It's been.. difficult. Finding a place for myself in a world where I'm not.. needed. Or hunted." Hope frowns faintly, hands clasped tightly together as she sinks into memories for a few moments. Blinking, she looks back to him and smiles, "Not a problem. I have some seriously smart people helping me prep for both. The Reading and Math portions are on a lock. I'm dusting up my english and writing skills so I can crush that portion. And if I have time, I'll try my hand at the essay." Pausing, she gives a slow nod, "Having a... a place of my own.. would be nice. Somewhere I don't have to worry about suddenly sprouting extra limbs or coughing up fireballs or accidentally teleporting the school to some Hell realm would be nice."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"You may find yourself hunted, depending on which way politics blows...but it won't just be you. There is a community of us." Warren doesn't interfere with the slow drift into herself that Hope is awash in for a bit, waiting patiently before interjects himself once more. "It is a nice apartment, but certainly not a penthouse or anything. It has wide doors and I think that was what I was looking for at the time. Last I checked, its a bunch of pensioners or retirees living quietly. Some professors. Should I be looking to make sure there aren't any other mutants living there before I turn over a set of keys to you?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope chuckles low in her throat, "I almost hope they do. That would at least be familiar. All this.. peace and quiet... makes the spot between my shoulderblades itch." Giving a nod, she smiles, "I don't need anything fancy. I don't exactly have any furniture or anything to worry about. Quiet sounds wonderful. And so long as their powers aren't, ah, dangrous.. it should be fine. You know what Xavier's is like. He caters to the dangerous and deadly among us. At least Rogue could avoid it by not touching people.. I just have to be in proximity to them."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"The Institute might just need you, if you get too used to peace and quiet. There is still a lot of call for the X-men to show up places." Warren adjusts in his seat, easing backwards to rest himself against the chair, and a quick flutter working through his wings. "Well, the worst that might happen to you there is an extreme amount of baked goods forced on you, if the old lady four doors down spots you. You /might/ be able to keep busy here, if you want some sort of internship. It won't be engineering-adjacent until you're deeper into the coursework though."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Oh I'm happy to help out as needed, I just think it would be better if I weren't there 24/7." Hope bobs a quick nod and looks down at her hands. She lets out a small chuckle and nods, "I can manage that. I know a group that will eat any and all baked goods put before them." She smiles faintly, "Some good friends." Blinking, Hope looks up at him, "Don't mistake me, Mr. Worthington. I could build you things that would blow away what's being worked on right now. Tech that hasn't even been invented yet. I am my father's daughter, I've been raised around weapons and tech since before I could talk. I just lack the.. formal education or papers to show that I can do what I can do."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I am not mistaking you, Miss Summers, it just that internships within the company are based on a relationship with the university in question. So, its credits based and they all fulfill simple requirements. The engineering ones." Warren offers a shrug of his shoulders that translates through to the wings. Shoulders and arch of wings both lift and drop in the same sort of shrug. "Internships that aren't connect emphatically is a more difficult prospect. For the summer, we can get you into something engineering related. Maybe. I'll need to connect you with the director."

Hope Summers has posed:
"No, I understand that, and I'm not trying to circumvent requirements. I'm just letting you know that... well I know there are some companies that will also have private divisions working on tech that is NOT meant for the public sector. So.. if you end up with an opening, or need some help..." Hope lifts a shrug and smiles briefly. "Otherwise, it all sounds great. I have my appointment for the SAT already, so once I have the GED itself and the results of the SAT, I can apply for the next semester for Columbia, and I think I have some excellent recommendations to help."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Worthing Enterprises is surprisingly behind the times on that matter. Which is unfortunate, but there is an investment portfolio that funds it outside of the company proper. Xavier Institute gets plenty of funding from us. A few other smaller groups." Warren stands up slow now, again. "Lets move down to HR and get you set up with keys for the apartment? Its furnished...probably. They'll know better than I."

Hope Summers has posed:
Nodding, Hope pushes up to her feet and tucks her hands behind her back once more, "If it isn't, it's okay. Like I said, I don't need much." She joins him for the trek down to HR to finalize the apartment. "What does Worthington Enterprises specialize in, if you don't mind me asking?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Worthington Enterprises is far too large to even have a focus. We have subsidiary companies. Worthington Research. Worthington Logistics. I think the board is bandying buying Disney at the moment." Warren pulls the door open for her and bypasses the secretary's desk for the elevator. "So. I mostly just oversee large scale decisions, and narrow in one things that I hold special interest in. Like philanthropy."

Hope Summers has posed:
"I see," Hope gives a nod as she follows Warren through the office and into the elevator. A small smile given to the secretary in passing, she looks back to Warren once more, "Which I, for one, am most appreciative of." A quick smile and then she's looking ahead, "I don't know that I could balance that with everything else. But I'm glad that you're able to."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Oh, I don't have to do too much. Just be aware of what the board is trying to tell me, what individual businesses are trying to do. Subsidiaries are mostly just beholden to the board, which is beholden to me." The elevator ride isn't too long, and poor Hope Summers is subjected to be a bit of side-eye. "Will you need uh...some help in purchasing business and business casual attire?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Will... will specific attire be required for classes and school?" Hope looks stricken, something she had never expected or anticipated. This timeline and universe were truly alien in some ways. "I.. uh, yes. I suppose I will. I know nothing at all of fashion or different types of clothing. I've simply been wearing what is comfortable and tactical..."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Specific attire will be needed for internships, at least here. Slacks and blouses, or what have you." The elevator dings as it passes floors. "There is probably a dress code, HR will talk to you. Let me know if you need any help with it." A few more dings and they are on the right floor, Warren's wings tucking in so he can exit the elevator easily enough.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Even for someone working in a lab or shop? But... buttons and loose clothing can be a hazard..." Hope frowns, then blinks, then shakes her head, "I will, of course, comply to any dress code that is set forth, though in that case, yes. I would likely need assistance in obtaining such things." She lets out a breath and shakes her head, "This universe is so -weird-..." She waits for Warren to exit the elevator, holding the door to keep it from closing, then stepping out after him.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"A lot of engineering work is done on computers, I'm told." Warren holds the door open for Hope this time, into the HR office. "Hello. Miss Summers here will be getting situated in the 808 west end apartment we have for students." A hand reaches for the small of Hope's back to guide her forward into the room. "This is about where I leave you, Miss Summers. E-mail me and let me know what sort of dress code they'll be asking of you?" E-mail, or cell phone, either or because a business card gets pulled from a case and offered to her.

Hope Summers has posed:
"What? That's... ugh. So boring..." Hope sighs heavily and gives a small nod, then looks to the HR person with a weak smile. "Hello." She turns back to Warren and nods again, "Of course. And thank you again, Mr. Worthington."