Hope Summers
Hope Summers (Scenesys ID: 695) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Hope Summers | ||
Superalias: | Messiah | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Occupation: | Mutant Freedom Fighter | ||
Citizenship: | Alternate Future US | ||
Residence: | Nomad | ||
Education: | Apocalyptic Future Cable Bootcamp | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Mutants, Outsiders, Xaviers, X-Men | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 21 | Actual Age: | 21 |
Date of Birth | 31 Oct 2000 | Played By | Abigail Cowen |
Height: | 5'6" | Weight: | 106 |
Hair Color: | Red | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | "Whatever It Takes," Imagine Dragons
"Radioactive" Imagnine Dragons |
Character Info
The first mutant born after M-Day in her own reality, Hope was rescued from those who wanted to see her dead by Cable who raised her in a series of post-apocalyptic futures. She returned to her own time to defeat those who wanted her dead. Her return heralded the return of new mutants, who she trained until the return of the Phoenix Force threw her world into disarray. She claimed the Force long enough to defeat it, willing it out of existence, but in the process of shunted into this strange new reality to start all over again.
2007 (Alt-U): Born in Cooperstown, AK, the first mutant born after M-Day. X-Men and Purifiers race to find the girl. Cable wins, taking the girl into the future to raise her presumably safe from the dangers.
Unknown date, Distant Future (Alt-U): After several battles in the near future which break his timesliding device, rendering it only able to move forward, Cable takes Hope to the hidden settlement of New Liberty. She's raised in the isolated community for 7 years, until the outside world invades thanks to the machinations of Bishop. Hope's adoptive mother is killed as they flee.
Unknown Date, Even More Distant Future (Alt-U): Hope and Cable run into Stryfe and Apocalypse, who are interested in the girl as a potential vessel. They escape with the help of X-Force. While they are escaping, Hope resists, wanting to stay with members of the team, and is separated from Cable mid-timeslide, ending up two years apart from him.
Unknown Date, Super Distant Future (Alt-U): Hope spends two years among the descendants of the Stryfetroopers, living on the streets with the aid of a local. When Cable catches up to her, the pair flee into space where they make brief contact with the Brood. Eventually, they manage to scavenge material from Bishop to repair Cable's time machine enough to return to their present.
2010 (Alt-U): Hope and Cable return to their present, where Purifiers are waiting for them. After a great battle, the Purifiers are defeated, but Cable is presumably lost. Hope remains with the X-Men to determine what to do next.
2011-2012 (Alt-U): As new mutants are born again, Hope travels to stabilize their powers and build them into a team.
2012 (Alt-U): The Phoenix Force returns, attempting to bond with Hope. The threat of the force and what it can do causes the X-Men and the Avengers to take sides on what should be done about the girl. When Hope refuses it, the Phoenix splits into several hosts, which goes poorly for everyone involved. Eventually, Hope accepts the assistance of the Avengers, training with both Iron Fist and Spider-Man and joining forces with the Scarlet Witch to first accept the Phoenix Force, then will it out of existence.
Present: In the act of destroying the Phoenix Force, the firebird plays one last card, expelling Hope from her reality and into the present timeline.
IC Journal
Hope is by nature a cautious person. She makes sure to protect herself and protect those she cares about, and while she believes in people, she also takes precautions in case she might be wrong. She spent too much of her life running to trust easily.
Despite everything, despite her past, Hope believes in people. If nothing else, she believes in their potential. People can be good, they can learn to control themselves, they can be better. She has no tolerance for those who've clearly made a choice not to be the best person they can, but she's always willing to give a chance to someone who genuinely wants to work toward improvement.
Hope is a determined and principled. She has her own way of doing things and dislikes following orders she does not agree with. She is conceited and expects others to follow her lead. She also prefers to fight for herself and be on the front lines. She doesn't want others to die for her.
Hope was raised in several post-apocalyptic futures. On the up side, this means that she's very, very good at making due. The bar is pretty low for what it takes to keep her alive and content. Give her just the most bare basics and she'll manage to find a way to get through.
Hope was raised with the prime directive that keeping her alive was the one and only priority. Not entirely for herself or because she was special, but because keeping her alive was the only way to save others. Because of this, Hope doesn't scruple against much. More than that, she expects other people to do the same. Sometimes that means making sacrifices and hard choices, but other times that means it's just not that hard a choice to end a threat, regardless of what normal morality would say about it.
Character Sheet
Phoenix Host:
Hope has the capacity to be a host to the Phoenix Force, and briefly was shortly before she arrived in the present timeline. Given that she was kicked to this timeline in the process of destroying the Force in her own timeline though, the current status of that relationship is most certainly in question.
Pluripotent Echopraxia:
An Omega-level mutant, Hope has the ability to mimic the mutant powers of those around her.
Range: In order to mimic a mutant's power, Hope must be within 100 yards of them. She does not need to be able to see them, or even be aware of their presence. Her powers pick up on another power like a radio receiver, without conscious effort (or control).
Duration: Hope is able to mimic a power indefinitely so long as the other mutant remains in range. However, once they are out of the 100 yard range, her ability to mimic their power is limited. The longer she's spent with them and the closer the contact, the longer she'll be able to mimic their power.
Passing contact will allow her a single use of the power up to one day later. On the other end of the scale, constant proximity for more than one week will allow her to mimic a power for up to ten minutes up to two months after last contact.
Power: When Hope is exposed to a power, she gains access to that power at the level at which the mutant in question currently has access to it. (OOC: The power level as it exists on the PC's sheet.)
Control: Although Hope gains access to the full //power// of a mimiced ability, she does not immediately have any additional control over it. She has an instinctive feel for the power, but skill at using it is another matter. For example, while she would be able to execute a full-power Cyclops eye-blast, she wouldn't be able to gauge the angles and ricochets like Scott can.
Hope is capable of mimicing a single person's powers at a time. While she is within range of various mutants, she is able to switch seamlessly between their powers. However, once she leaves their range, only the last used person's powers remain stored.
Power Mimicry Immunity: Hope has so far proven immune to the power mimicry of others.
X-Gene Stabilization:
One of Hope's more unusual abilities allows her to stabilize the more erratic mutations out there. She's not sure exactly how this works or how long it works for, but it seems that by merely touching an unstable mutant, she can at least calm their mutation for a little while.
Hope was trained by Cable in various forms of hand to hand and improvised weapons combat. While she doesn't have the experience of many varied opponents, she has countless hours of physical training and life or death experience to fall back upon. She's tough and ruthless rather than relying on finesse or extensive skill, but she more than knows how to handle herself. To build on this, she also briefly trained with the monks of Kun-Lun and the Iron Fist, picking up some kung fu. That said, she's far more likely to fall back on the less refined methods of her childhood.
Field Medicine:
Growing up in constant combat with just herself and Cable, Hope learned early how to deal with injuries in the field. While she's no medical doctor, she knows how to set bones, stop bleeding, and get someone up and moving again in short order. She's not the person you want dealing with your injury in the long-term, but she knows how to keep people alive long enough to get them to real help.
Hope is a big fan of guns. This is what happens when you let Cable raise a baby. While she's not a sharpshooter, she's practiced and accurate to a high level. More than that, she can identify, disassemble, assemble, and alter various firearms at need, including creating her own ammo.
Hope learned from her childhood how to make things work with very little. She's a crack hand at building devices of surprising complexity from what is essentially junk. If something's broken, she knows a way to get it to work. She's a handy little scavenger when it comes down to it.
While she wouldn't recognize it as such, Hope is skilled at free-running. If you asked her, she'd say she's just really good at running away through the wreckage of civilization. The bottom line is she's much more used to half-collapsed buildings and destruction than open streets, so obstacles don't represent much trouble for her.
Having spent much of her life in hiding, Hope is practiced at stealth. Not just sneaking around, but also hiding her tracks, choosing a place to lie low, reconnaisance.
Hope is an expert at surviving, thanks to a post-apocalyptic childhood. Drop her in a desert and she'll manage to find a crashed spaceship and survive on ancient recycled astronaut pee. She requires very little assistance to get by.
Raised by the greatest soldier in history (or so she'll say), Hope has an extensive knowledge of tactics. What else are you going to talk about when you're the only two people in the world? She's skilled at taking into consideration the abilities and powers of those around her not only from early training, but from training in her own powers - if you're going to use someone's powers, you have to be able to think about how and why first. She's constantly planning and creating backup plans for any encounter.
Hope is very good at working as part of a team. Growing up, she always worked in tandem with Cable. After she returned to her own timeline, she was a team with the Lights, and focused on learning as much as she could about those around her in order to better utilize her own abilities. Between this and her understanding of tactics, as much as she's capable of handling things on her own, she's actually quite skilled at working with others.
Knowledge (Alt-U):
While Hope is new to this timeline and reality, she's been exposed to quite a bit in her own. She's unlikely to understand or be aware of details, but she may be aware of who someone is or what their powers are.
She had access to a number of futuristic weapons, although she lost most of them during the leap to the present, save for a giant gun which she sometimes uses when she cant access other mutant powers. It's definitely nothing to scoff at, but because of its size its obviously not easy to carry around or hide in all situations.
Hope is aware of the X-Men and how to find them. If she shoud choose to seek refuge there, she knows it's a safe place.
When Hope mimics a power at the same level as its normal wielder, she gains none of the control that comes from having said power for any amount of time. As a result, she's often a danger to herself and others when first copying a power. Additionally, she's not always in control of her //own// power. She may find herself unexpectedly mimicing a power she accidentally picked up from someone nearby and manifesting wings or seeing everything in X-ray for an hour, with no ability to stop.
Knowlege (Alt-U):
Not knowing things is dangerous. Knowing the //wrong// things is also dangerous. Hope spent enough time in her own timeline to learn a little bit about that world, which is just enough to let her think she knows what's going on. She's probably wrong.
Mutants Only:
Hope is only able to mimic mutant powers. Those of metahumans, aliens, or technology are beyond her.
Out of Place:
Hope isn't from around here. On the up side, she's sort of used to that even from her own world and timeline. On the down side, there are a lot of things she doesn't know. She doesn't even exist here, which means she has no paperwork, no citizenship, no money...nothing to prove she even exists, which can obviously cause a lot of problems with authorities.
Phoenix Force:
Hope was transferred to this reality in the process of destroying the Phoenix Force in her own. There's a very real chance that the Phoenix Force of this reality could get wind of that and not appreciate it.
In her own world, there was a prophecy about the mutant messiah / antichrist who would end the world. Such a prophecy could exist here as well, and if so, there's a whole new world of enemies waiting for her.
Hope does not have the most conventional education. Cable's priorities were keeping her alive, not math or classical literature. As such, she's missing countless references and common knowledge things. She's picked up a few things from her time in her own world...but now she's not even in that world. There are a lot of things that Hope just doesn't know.
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Hope Summers has
124 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Through A Mirror Darkly: The Four Horseman Of Apocalypse | December 15th, 2024 | Stryfe and the MLF attack the Horsemen of Apocalypse in and above the streets of Cairo, Egypt, all in an effort to discover the location of the ancient mutant En Sabah Nur himself... |
All the pretty little horses | December 12th, 2024 | Hope and Monet chat about everything and noting in the stables while Hope grooms a horse. Perhaps soon there'll be an addition to the stable? |
Fallback in style | November 11th, 2024 | Father and daughter catch up in the new digs, and a rule is mandated. No decorations until the first week of December. |
Friends of Humanity: On the March | October 14th, 2024 | A Friends of Humanity rally where Graydon Creed proposes forcing mutants to pay for 'damages' their powers cause is disrupted by creative members of the Brotherhood. No violence breaks out, but the Friends of Humanity are showing a disturbing amount of control with their public displays and focused on putting a better face forwards. Particularly Graydon. This is quite concerning for the Friend sof Humanity, that's extremism is by far it's worst enemy. |
Exhaustion Before Escape | October 4th, 2024 | Before the fall of Madripoor, Monet and Hope talk. |
Checking the Roost's Pantry. | September 8th, 2024 | Friends catch up, and wonder about timey wimey things |
The Almighty Triangle | September 2nd, 2024 | Bishop, Hope, and Mantis have a chance encounter in Greenwich Village. They enjoy a slice of pizza together and Bishop tries to teach Mantis why it's wrong to use her powers to get free pizza from random passerbys. |
I've been workin' on the railroad... | August 12th, 2024 | No description |
Hide and seek | August 10th, 2024 | Hope finds Cable in Madripoor, and the lay of the land is gained. Advantage is also gained in the form of the little briefcase nuke that is the 'Mutant Messiah'. |
Shi'ar - The War of Queens: Prodigal Son | December 10th, 2023 | The X-Men intervene in the Shi'ar Civil War, and it's also something of a Summers reunion tour. Hope averts some mass casualties, Izzy gets the dubious honor of a promotion and some quality time with her boss, Alex gets offered some space conquests, and Rogue defeats her ancient nemesis... eventually. |
Secret Stash | November 26th, 2023 | Rogue confiscates Hopes guns! |
Xaviers: Haunted House Night | October 28th, 2023 | An Xaviers Haunted House extravaganza! |
For Sale: Guns, Slightly Used | October 19th, 2023 | A gun buy turns into a philosophical debate. |
Xaviers By Night | October 19th, 2023 | A student's nightmares are made real by her mutant power. The X-men have to fight through hellhounds, Bloody Mary and Samara, and then the Headless Horsemen to get to her. |
Young, Just Us! Part 2 | March 11th, 2023 | The Outsiders go camping, take some pics at the giant sequoias, and go on a hike in the forest. Then something weird happens. To Be Continued! |
Hanging with the Hope | February 11th, 2023 | Scott, Hope, and M talk by the pool. |
Urban Legends: The Old Hospital | November 9th, 2022 | Visions go haywire, some are caught in their nightmares |
Riot at Ryker's Island | November 3rd, 2022 | The prison riot is mostly foiled, but questions remain. Where did the box of silly tech badguy gadgets come from? Who put Rhino on the job? Who let Dazzler on the X-Men? Something something.... <Deep voice> Welcome, to Jurasic Park. |
A Hello to Arms | October 24th, 2022 | Hope and Frank cross paths while buying explosives and find things in common. |
The Terminator Theme and the Queen | October 24th, 2022 | Emma talks to Hope, and Hope agrees to some tutlage. This will end well! |
The M and the Messiah | October 7th, 2022 | Monet and Hope talk things. Tabby shows up and Hope deals with confusiong emotions in proximity to Tabitha and firearms! |
Part 3: New Roots for an Old Tree | September 16th, 2022 | Hope and Tim and Art scout out a book store related to some wild stuff happening. Tim and Hope return later to find a few clues in the basement. |
Part 2: Erin, Will and The Book | September 2nd, 2022 | No description |
A LARP Session goes wrong | August 19th, 2022 | The LARP session gets interupted by a Possession, and many heroes come out of the crowd to help. |
Unicorn Hunt III: No Horsing Around | August 12th, 2022 | Definitely not The Last Unicorn movie. Phoebe, Mike, Inez, Hope, Steve and Wade stumble across each other in Times Square and take on not only a two-story tall undead unicorn, but also The Ringmaster. Steve takes out the Unicorn with a one ton bun, Inez gets to ride the undead unicorn like the proud Texan she is, Hope gets kicked into a building, Mike's rhyming skills are excellent compared to the Ringmaster's, and it's just not a party unless Wade leaves with broken bones. |
Unicorn Hunt II: Brooklyn Botanical Garden | August 9th, 2022 | Epirote, the Ice Mist, had picked the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Japanese Hill-and-Pond garden for its lair. This black-eyed and jagged-horned mountain-goat like Unicorn nearly drowns both Hope and Phoebe while Mike, Tabitha, Kora and Bart are left to contend with both the Unicorn itself -- and the eerie voice of the Ringmaster that had held it. .
Tune in on Friday, August 12 for The Last Unicorn: The Flamebound Achaean |
In Search of the Socks | August 8th, 2022 | A group goes down the dryer hole after the missing socks. Wonderland it isn't. |
Unicorn Hunt I: Central Park | August 6th, 2022 | Heroes gather to hunt the first unicorn released by Tabitha Smith in Central Park, NYC. Laconian, the Wood Guardian, is returned home, and has given Phoebe the names of his compatriates in bondage -- Epirote the Ice Mist and Achaean, the Firebound. Superboy did not get gored; Red Sonja (Mary Jane Watson) got to wrestle down a fantastic beast, Wonder Woman lassoed a Unicorn, while Hope Summers and Rose Wilson provided cover fire with tranq darts while wrestling with the local greenery after an initial stone-cold reception. |
Youth Springs Eternal | August 6th, 2022 | Hope bumps into Phoebe and Conner and gives the weirdest darkest peep speech to Phoebe |
X-Ren Faire | August 1st, 2022 | X-folk and T'Challa show up at the Ren Faire and there are some learning and teaching. |
Kitty's 21st Bday River Rafting | July 23rd, 2022 | White water rafting in Oregon is Kitty Pryde's 21st birthday party |
Abandoned Warehouse Investigation | June 24th, 2022 | Hope Summers, Connor Kent and Emma Frost discover a warehouse containing MGH. However, they also find more than they were expecting. |
All things in Nature | June 6th, 2022 | No description |
Maggot's Interrogation | May 21st, 2022 | Hope Summers and Monet St. Croix confirm that Maggot was on MGH when he attacked the school grounds. He confesses that he was searching for a way to boost his powers and feel like a superhero. Unfortunately, he cannot remember where he got MGH from. |
Disturbance at Xavier's | May 12th, 2022 | Maggot destroys some Xavier's School grounds. Cannonball, Boom-Boom, Deadpool and Hope put a stop to him, which leaves in medical care. Boom-Boom believes that Maggot was under the influence of MGH, giving Hope a lead. Deadpool was swallowed by a giant metal slug before being regurgitated. |
A bit of Hope, and more work for the Outsiders | May 8th, 2022 | There is a new drug for mutants in the street and Hope visits the Roost to see if the Outsiders would help investigating it origins and remove it from the streets |
Where are the clowns, bot shouldn't there be clowns | May 2nd, 2022 | SMILE plans are made |
No, Robocop was not a Sentinel | February 12th, 2022 | Saturday at the Roost, movie night is planned because Hope doesn't know what Cyberpunk means |
Out of the Blue | February 11th, 2022 | Waiter! There's a girl in my pool! |
Not Nailed Down! | February 9th, 2022 | Hope manages to get Tabby some medical help from Rogue and Jean while Remy figures out he probably needed assistance too. Much wincing and owies dealt with, |
Warming by the fire | February 9th, 2022 | Warming up after sledding in Xavier's Recreation Room turns dangerous as a power goes out of control. |
Pizza and Chill! | February 8th, 2022 | And good times were had by all! |
Shopping In Paris! part Deux | February 7th, 2022 | So many clothes! And more to come! |
Outsider fun at the firing range | February 6th, 2022 | Laura shows a blatant disregard for firearm safety. Hope shows signs of a deathwise. Roy shows off his shooting skills and Harper explains the intricacies of flirting while firing a shotgun. |
There are Four Lights | February 5th, 2022 | Arthur captures a critter and makes a mess of it, Hope and Kate save his bacon. |
Video Games and Ice Cream | February 5th, 2022 | Video games played, with a bonus trip to Paris! |
The Elevator Pitch | February 4th, 2022 | Hope Summers has a patron to pay for university! |
Good to be home | February 4th, 2022 | Conner catches Hope in the kitchen, raiding the fridge. They agree to pick up what they started a year ago. |
Is there Hope for the Future | February 1st, 2022 | The Future Kids find time for the present |
Summer during Winter | December 16th, 2021 | Nathan meets Hope at Harry's for a quick catchup. They run into Monet who is puzzled by the pair. The pair agree to a movie night in the near future. |
Bushwacked in Bushwick | November 15th, 2021 | The Brotherhood meet Cable and Hope - after they work together to put an end to some violence in Bushwick. |
Roost Chats | November 6th, 2021 | Conner and Hope discuss the roles of vigilantes. And also movies. |
Outsiders Movie Night, now with extra TIGER | November 6th, 2021 | The Outsiders will be watching The Third Man and Seven tonight. Also, there is Siberian Tiger in the Roost and this time Bart has nothing to do with it. |
Everyone Wants the Cutting Edge | November 4th, 2021 | In which what starts as a heist ends in a rout. Reavers trying to upgrade their tech are thwarted by a demi-god, a half-alien, a mutant mage, and a Spider-Man. |
Just a dream | October 2nd, 2021 | No description |
Competitive Games | September 3rd, 2021 | No description |
Karaoke Night | August 28th, 2021 | The Outsiders meet for sushi and karaoke. Scout the dalmation is the goodest boy, Cassandra is the breakout star of the night, and Gabby is appointed a full member of the team. Then everyone sang Bohemian Rhapsody, the end. |
Life in Greenwich | August 15th, 2021 | Hope drops by the Village to see what Conner is up to. |
Waking Up | August 15th, 2021 | A talk of crazy dreams |
Gotham Pawns | August 11th, 2021 | Selene helps a random girl on the street buy a gun. Perfectly normal night in Gotham. |
Storm of the Century | July 24th, 2021 | The Outsiders are called to a hostage situation on the high seas! Yes, technically they fight pirates, and there are enough ninja-types on the team for the makings of a joke. Pretend there's one here. |
Preaching in the Park | July 9th, 2021 | An anti-mutant protest takes a deadly turn |
To End N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (you know what I mean!) | June 20th, 2021 | Conner and Hope visit GIRL's HQ to talk about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. with Nadia and Viv |
Outsiders' Saturday | June 12th, 2021 | Just another weekend at the Roost |
One Afternoon in High-Town | May 28th, 2021 | The Outsiders spend an afternoon in a high-town Madripoor hotel. |
One Night in Madripoor | May 28th, 2021 | The Outsiders travel to Madripoor to stop a weapon shipment heading for Gotham. They find cyborg zombies and Gamorra technology. NPCs: Hunter-Killers. Borgia (unnamed). |
Cheap Sales from NOWHERE | May 18th, 2021 | Hope follows a lead and finds one of NOWHERE's side business. Cole plots to steal a new gun. |
Teams are Balancing Acts | May 8th, 2021 | The Outsiders have a little informal training in the Roost and chat about why everyone in Gotham hates clowns. |
The Sane Asylum | April 22nd, 2021 | Cliff, Kate, Hope, Michael and Colette wake up in the Sane Asylum. The heroes show the kidnappers why this is a terrible idea. Cliff begins the long quest to take the Brazier to the waking world. |
Catching up on things | April 16th, 2021 | No description |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E in particular. | April 2nd, 2021 | Conner, Hope and Laura chat about the recent N.O.W.H.E.R.E attack and the more sensible team members consider some post mission relaxation. Laura on the other hand plans more training. |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in the Narrows | March 30th, 2021 | The Outsiders interrupt another N.O.W.H.E.R.E. operation, this time in the Narrows area of Gotham. NPCs: Warblade and Shadow Walker. |
Guess who's cooking dinner | March 24th, 2021 | Hope returns from an extended mission and cooks dinner. The kitchen does not burn down. This time. |
A Gruesome Rescue | November 8th, 2020 | X-Men and some notable Avengers come rescue Kitty, Noriko and others from Emma's mess. Some got away. |
Ship happens. | November 7th, 2020 | Conner had plans for a relaxing Saturday with Hope at Outsiders HQ which gets ruined when Laura stops in with something to investigate. Phoebe stops by just in time for the gang to head for some sparring. |
He Kind Of Reminds Me Of Logan | October 25th, 2020 | Jimmy Hudson is brought to the X-men's base along with a student of his whose mutant power emerged in a school |
Spooktacular Justice Party | October 19th, 2020 | The Justice League Halloween party! |
Meanwhile, in Hawaii | October 17th, 2020 | Conner takes Hope to Hawaii for some R&R |
Oktoberfest in Salem Center | October 7th, 2020 | Oktoberfest in Salem Center sees dancing and drinking and eating but members of Xavier's school and other guests. |
What is fun | October 4th, 2020 | Hope and Conner catch up and discuss phone etiquette. |
Weekend Report | September 27th, 2020 | Conner tells Hope about the missing in Buredunia and other recent things. Then they go in a date. Ish. |
All she got was a new haircut | September 12th, 2020 | Conner finds Hope playing games in the rec room. After talking about life, the go out to find food. |
Outsider Kitchen | September 5th, 2020 | Cookies in the Kitchen at the Robin Roost. At least Tim is happy. |
Hitting Walls | August 29th, 2020 | Tim and Hope chat opsec breaches and about setting ground rules for the team. |
On Matters of Security | August 29th, 2020 | There's a long conversation about security risks and breaches. |
Mission: Some Folks Have Bad AIM | August 28th, 2020 | Mission: Success. AIM beekeepers and MODOK are no match for the Outsiders! The data is downloaded, the backups destroyed, the macguffin is dispersed into space, and Cassie is over yellow-wearing goons with bad lasers and worse science. |
Recon at the Spa | August 27th, 2020 | The ladies of the Outsiders do some recon at a spa. Miraculously, no one bleeds and nothing blows up - except those blow outs! |
Galaxy Ninjas 3 | August 24th, 2020 | And the first meeting of F RH of A |
A Visit from a Large Bat | August 24th, 2020 | An evening of pool and socializing turns awesome when Batman shows up bearing gifts of new transport. Also, Hope shoots Batman. |
A Long Flowing Conversation | August 23rd, 2020 | Conversations about many topics. |
Surprise Training | August 22nd, 2020 | Cass the Ambusher attacks again and tries to get Conner and Hope to learn some moves with mixed success. |
It Came from the Deep: A King's Sword | August 17th, 2020 | A group of X-men and Aquaman explore the King's Sword and come face to face with an ancient evil, a mermaid of old who was using her victims as zombies. Fight ensues and they are able to win the day. Featuring a Queen turncoat, a kitty playing with tentacles, deaf Atlanteans and, of course, explosions! |
Cajun Pool Party | August 16th, 2020 | The Cuckhoos, Hope, and Remy Le Beau chat out by the pool and share a meal. |
Outsider Downtime | August 16th, 2020 | Casual hanging out at The Roost among the Outsiders. The only one without drama is the robot pirate butler. |
Hellfire Purgatory Teen Club Grand Opening | August 15th, 2020 | The grand opening is a hit! Drinking, dancing, socializing, loads of fun... oh, and a cameo by a very annoyed one-eyed security goon. |
Not Ideal Circumstances | August 15th, 2020 | Lorna returns to Genosha and the X-men and allies convene. |
Atlantis Needs Help | August 9th, 2020 | Namor and Lorna address the X-men about the threat to Atlantis and the surface world and ask for help. |
An Online Conversation | August 9th, 2020 | Hope and Tim chat online. |
Of Irishmen and Autoparts | August 4th, 2020 | Heroes raid a warehouse owned by the Irish Mob |
Beaches and Bottles | August 2nd, 2020 | Gabby and Hope come to visit Lorna on Genosha. |
No Strings On Me. | August 2nd, 2020 | Doug is working out in the Danger Room, Hope shows up, they have a conversation about current events. |
Heist-Halting | June 16th, 2020 | No description |
Not Exactly Training | May 12th, 2020 | Discussions of training and powers and what counts as each. |
What Might The Future Bring | April 20th, 2020 | A relaxing evening out back of Xavier's turns to a lot less than relaxing with Hope learning Bishop has arrived... and a surprise cameo by Deadpool. |
Goth Goth Baby | April 7th, 2020 | A group of teenage mutants end up storming the castl....err Hellfire Club. NOTHING BAD HAPPENS. |
The Morning After - Repository of Secrets | April 6th, 2020 | Ooh, future talk. |
Lakeside Conversations | April 3rd, 2020 | A handful of X-People converge on the shore of Breakstone Lake. Introductions are made, and discussions of current events are had. |
Brotherly Love | March 28th, 2020 | Emma brings Alex back to Xaviers. Scott and Jean discuss with them what (rather, who) caused Alex's mental block; as several of the students swarm like sharks. Hope does NOT have a gun in her room, grandpa. |
A Sweet Surprise | March 24th, 2020 | Illegal cupcakes! Bickering teenagers! Frustrated adults! Sugar rushes and sage advice from a child that listens to Dr McCoy too much. Emma's surprise birthday treats for the X Mansion were well received by the kids, but the adults... something something security risk. |
The Delinquency of a Minor | March 22nd, 2020 | Mutants at a human beach party. Nobody got hurt, Laura. |
Home of pizza. And the Maggia. | March 21st, 2020 | Pizza turns to gunfire turns to talking. For the non-gangsters, at least. |
Exploring the Kitchen Fridge | March 20th, 2020 | Pizza and chatting over various things. |
All Too Familiar Faces | March 18th, 2020 | Scott seeks out one of the time refugees to see just what she's doing here. |
We Just Keep Meeting Like This | March 18th, 2020 | A Summers-Grey arrival and tactics discussion. |
Second Coming | March 17th, 2020 | Hope takes some time for herself, Cable returns and a heartfelt reunion is had. |
Genosha relief, Wakanda forever | March 15th, 2020 | Lorna and Hope come to the Wakanda refugee camp for Genoshian survivors and have a conversation with the King. |
Awkward Conversations | March 14th, 2020 | A couple of people run into each other at the X-mansion. Bonding happens. |
Just another day for Mutant girls | March 13th, 2020 | More Summers reunions with a few others added in. Emotions flared, hijinx were had. Fun times for all. |
Genosha: Ferris Air Charity Event | March 13th, 2020 | The Charity event is a success. Gabby wins the plane ride. |
Little Blue Lost | March 13th, 2020 | Hope Summers, Robert Markham, Vivian Vision, Illyana Rasputina, and Singularity run into each other just in time to watch Kate Bishop take down a purse snatcher. Phones are exchanged by Kate and Robert with Singularity as the heroes ponder what to do with the small blue girl who appears to be a pocket universe who's not entirely used to things like talking yet. |
Familiar Faces | March 9th, 2020 | The arrival of Grey-Summers spawn #3. There might just be a gap in the universe over Westchester. |
A Song of Ice and Fire | March 5th, 2020 | Phoenixes and others discuss possible futures including this one. |
Stir-Fry That Burns Like a Phoenix | March 4th, 2020 | Laura and Hope eat spicy food and talk about the Future. |
X-men Episode IV: A New Hope | March 2nd, 2020 | Hope Summers emerges in our timeline and finds her way to Xavier's School. |
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Hope Summers has
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Hope Summers has been credited in
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Hope Summers has been credited in
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Hope Summers has authored
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Group Memberships
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