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Latest revision as of 05:20, 4 February 2022

Social and Brimstone
Date of Scene: 04 February 2022
Location: Club Highline
Synopsis: Monet St. Croix meets Satana and the two actually talk wtihout threats or swallowings of souls!
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Satana Hellstrom

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Club Highline was a high class nightclub in Westchester that catered more the well to do in the higher class suburb. It was somewhat early for any music or crowds to be playing. In it this evening Monet St. Croix was busy settling in over for some dinner, for whatever reason outside of where she usually stayed

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Sometimes vacations really do seem more like work, don't they? Satana is happy to be back on earth, back to what can seem much less daunting than time spent in the underworld. So why not treat herself? There's something to the energy of mortals that can really set her at ease. That and a good drink. She does love all the vices, really. And thus she strolls on in, still smelling a little like a bonfire, right up to the bar. She doesn't really worry about having to pay, as she drums her nails along the bartop, sending a few bartenders scurrying over to get her order.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is sitting in her chair when she takes notice of the woman entering. For her slightly enhanced senses there's the faint bit of brimstone.. Just like Kurt when he teleports. So she would narrow her eyes in slight assessment and wariness. then there would be a slight gesture at Satana of a hand.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     She has such a bright smile. One would never guess that it came from the depths of hell. It seems quite friendly. "Looking for some company?" the redhead asks of Monet, as two bartenders race to mix up the massive girly drink she's ordered. There are muddlers AND blenders involved. "I do so hate to drink alone."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would casually evaluate Satana up and down and then speak over with certainty, "Youa re not from this dimension." 'Dimension' could mean a few different things. But the staid look upon the face of the girl would be fairly certain as to which it was from.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Oh? Is that so?" Satana asks. "Hardly a reason to abstain, even if I were," she says with a little laugh, her drink set out before her in all its ruby glory. It's tall, and she seems delighted to have it. "Unless you don't drink with people who aren't... say. Local."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would evaluate Satana, "Your manner suggests that you are. If you are that implies that you are extremely dangerous and in turn suggests little reason to accomodate you." However there's no attempt at pushing the succubus away

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana thinks about that, "Well, up to you if you're comfortable in mixed company. A little danger can be a lot of fun," she chuckles. "But it's not for everyone. I let people make their own choices. Where it gets them is sort of on them," she says, before taking up her drink and sipping away at it. She makes a gentle, "Mmmm!" and sets it down. "So what'll it be? Company and maybe a little danger, or safety in solitude?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "I find danger overrated and little reason to engage in it unless necessary. I do not wish to be a target." She would go on flatly for a few moments in slow contemplation. "But my knowledge of your kind is limited, and information would be useful for proper utilization."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Who says I'm going to give anything away? Maybe I just like socializing once in a while.," she says happily, another swig of her drink. It isn't the best bar in the world, but she does seem relaxed in its atmosphere. "But hey, if I am too dangerous, I understand," she says.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "I find that probability unlikely. However if you are in fact not here pursuant to any of your normal projects, then would it not behoove you to perhaps make contacts for later utilizatoin?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I could do with some new projects," Satana says, almost whining at that point. "I've had time away from the hustle of the world, and it really has made me think... what should one accomplish, compared to one's peers? And yes, contacts are vital for that. So. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would casually look Satana over, "Names have power. An exchange should be made up front before such information is given." Having the temerity to bargain over with a demoness for something so simple? That.. Might actually amuse the woman.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     It does draw a laugh from the redhead, and she nods. "Perhaps we should use pseudonyms. But all right, I'll bite. What sort of exchange do you have in mind? We're a little too new to one another to do a blood pact," she says with a smirk.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Confirmation of my impression of your origins." Her voice was -extremely- sure on th subject but for such a minor thing it was a fair exchange.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Oh yes, it's quite the dark secret, person I just met in a bar," she says, smiling, leaning in. "But just for you, I'll tell. I'm from... Massachusetts," she whispers. And it is true, but it's a hard signal to reach, like it's far away. She is being truthful in this matter.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
An attempted scan over of Satana gets her nothing - either the woman's mind is too well shielded or too alien in nature to be able to effectively read. There would be a frown upon her face as she would scan. "Interesting." Monet would muse. "And I am Monet."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Ana. Lovely to meet you, Monet," says the woman in red and black. "What brings you here on this particular evening, anyway? Aside from the hope of good company," she chuckles. "Just hunting for those of us who are unusual?" she's calm, content. Thus far, this world isn't fighting her... at least not too much.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "I am here to enjoy a meal in a somewhat different venue that is not overly populated or disruptive with the presence of others." For someone that had invited over Satana, she didn't seem the most social type!

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "You are a very precise person, huh?" Satana asks, looking over her evening's companion. Not the kind she thought she'd end up with, but she's not *that* hungry. She can be social! "I suppose this place gets more lively as the evening wears on, though. Music later, more people as it gets later. Which is fun in a different way. What are you having this evening, anyway?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Language is a broad category. One must be precise in it when necessary to avoid misunderstandings and implications. English particularly is not good at this unless care is taken." She might be amusing. "If you would wish I could purchase you one as wlel. And I am having a tolerable steak."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "That's true. A lot of people get themselves into a lot of trouble with language. Particularly when it comes to contracts. They'll practically sign their souls away," 'Ana' says. "Oh, a steak does sound good. I haven't had a good meal from this area in a while. I was visiting family, such a chore. And sometimes it's all spectacle with them, when what you really want is just a simple, as you say, a tolerable steak."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Satana, "Yes, and your function is to gather them for as litlte effort as possible, is it not?" She would inquire casually over to this for confirmation. "I will not be making any deals or contracts with you." A flat statement. That might be amusing in the extreme. "And family?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Oh, sometimes I like a challenge, but most people aren't that challenging. And you're wise not to make any deals with me. Well... other than future real estate," she says, amused. "My father has a ton of tenants, and I just don't like how he runs his... properties. Just really low morale, old-fashioned, that sort of thing. The times have changed! Why manage people in the same way?" she huffs. "I just think that things could be more pleasant for everyone. But I have to visit him from time to time, and it's all hot air about how HE is doing things right, and how I had all these tutors and a study abroad, and yet I'm not measuring up." Her eyes, dark at first, seem a bit brighter in color as she gets ranting. "You know, I think I will have a steak."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug his shoulder, "Then it sounds like he is inefficient in his position. However, given the broad circumstances associated with your realm by reputation, crass inefficiency and lack of creativity are things which would only benefit those whom are relieved of such a burden over in this world. None of us up here would remotely have the ability to stop your transit, and if your.. Father.. Had the ability to stop you and took offense, then he would have done so. Either he does not care or he is unable to restrain you." She would go to signal the waiter to order another steak.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Yeah, real estate law in Massachusetts is really a bear to navigate," she says, still dancing around the words. Neither confirming or denying. The men in the room seem less suspicious of her as an otherworldly entity, and more just checking her out. But for her, it's as if a bunch of cows, like the one she's about to eat, were looking her over rather than hungry wolves. "Anyway. It keeps him busy and I do not see him retiring any time soon," she says. "Maybe some day, or I can start my own thing," she says.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It was an all you can eat buffet no doubt. "I would presume that they are more difficult in the city itself or in one of the metropolitain areas of California. Even one of your.. Resources might not be able to navigate them wtihout a great deal of trouble." That might get a glare or a laugh. Perhaps even an acknowledgement of accuracy. "It sounds as if you have accepted the current reality of things then and do not seem to consider it worth it to change the status quo." Monet St. Croix would make a statement, accurate or not.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     It does garner a giggle from the redhead. "My time shall come. Can't rush it, or I'll fail and that would be very bad for me. Like you said, I'm a person who likes her projects. And what of YOUR projects, Monet?" she asks. "I promise not to whip out any contracts or promise to fulfill wishes or anything. Genuinely curious, since it seems you'll meet your goal for this evening upon consumption of your meal," she says.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Of course. What are years to one that will live for centuries and has no psychological concept of aging?" Immortality was one thing, not having hte psychological and mental issues with it was an entirely separate thing. "Time to take to perfect your schemes and do them when they are ready and the time is right."
    Monet would go on. "I wish to increase my knowledge and experience. Different perspectives and information that I would not have the opportunity to be exposed to offer possibility for it."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I would imagine that a long life can make one crazy after a while. Time is a funny thing," she says, playing with her fancy drink, pulling the cherries out on their tiny accent stick and wrapping a very dexterous tongue around one before popping it into her mouth. Ugh, she must be some sort of hellish monster to enjoy the sugar-soaked monstrosity. She finishes the fruit and offers, "Seems like you've already got some experience that's led you to making some good guesses about things. Or maybe you're just very observant."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "I would not be one that would be able to answer such a question nor make presumtions." She would think after a moment. "There are those whom are functionally immortal that if you were curious you would be better served by making inquiries to." Polite! Also looking in mild disgust at the drink - ewww. "It is psychological in nature. That means that it can be observed. The human mind does not have the capacity for such long term storage of information in most cases. Over time it deteoirates."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     It's got to be half syrup. And Satana seems amused at Monet's little wrinkle of disgust. Demons do love to see emotion. "That's true. There are those in this world who are immortal in function. But if they start out as human, does that have an effect on them?" she asks, thinking it over. "'Cuz if you were born human, it's not like you're expecting it. It's a little sad, since most people are very aware of the mortality of others after a certain point. Having to stick around post-loved-ones is tragic. But if you and your ilk are post-mortal, you have a lot more time to hold grudges-- or get over them."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "That seems logical, though not universal. I presume that the limitations would be moreso psychological in nature rather than genetic. Should one learn how to handle it that would likely minimize the psychological effects of it. Perhaps those from cultures were such extended lifespans are the norm would also have fewer issues with it for the knowledge base retained for how to cope." She would muse over.
    "Over the long term one is likely to obsess over such things simply for something to do or wholly dismiss them as beneath attention." Her making generalities but possibly realistic assumptions.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "True. Though in those kinds of cultures, you can probably expect not to be the center of attention forever, either," she sighs. She toys with her drink, and then perks up, the smell of cooked beef making its way to her. Dinner is served it seems, and perhaps a john spared at the expense of the cow. "I have a feeling most of the gods are jealous creatures," she says as she feels a rumble in her stomach. Though if it's for the waiter or the steak, who's to say.