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Latest revision as of 05:21, 4 February 2022

Keep up
Date of Scene: 02 February 2022
Location: Outside Grand Central Station
Synopsis: Cael catches up to Sara in the parking lot after the meeting at Grand Central Station to talk for a bit.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The moment Sara was past the set of doors leading out of the food concourse, the walk turned unto a jog to get out of the station and into the parking lot. Fresh air, that's all it was about, get some deep breaths in and calm down before there was any chance of tears. With the city at a complete stand still, and having been that way for several weeks, the air around Manhattan was actually clear.

Reaching her bike, she bent over for a moment, hands on her knees and took several deep breaths before she stood back up. It was cold, that helped, the cold helped numb the outside which in turn helped numb the inside, which is what she was going for now.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael lingered only long enough to give Jon a brief hug, and get his promise that he would, indeed, call Martin. She leaves Bear with the man - and then jogs out of the building as well, making her way into the parking lot and slowing her steps when she spots Sara near the bike.
    She makes the last few steps at a sedate pace, and stops about six feet back - shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her fatigues, and trying not to shiver.
    Yeah. Someone didn't grab their coat.
    "I'm sorry," she repeats simply, her expression contrite.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Now that Sara has a little bit of her control back, one more deep breath before she turned around to look at Cael. One more breath, just to make sure, let out slowly and she shrugs.

"It's really not your fault, Cael," she says calmly. "It's not anyone's fault, if anything it's my own fault for assuming too much."

Opening the saddle bag on the side of her bike, she pulls out a thick flannel jacket and tosses it toward Cael. "Too cold to be without a coat."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael catches it with a grateful look and shrugs into the thick jacket - zipping it up before shoving her hands into the pockets. "All that extra clothes comes in handy," she says dryly, before adding my seriously, "Whether it's my 'fault' or not - I am sorry. I- when I found out, I was one of the first people he told, and I wasn't sure how many people he //intended// to tell. And I was confused about our relationship. And then things just kept getting more complicated, and..." she sighs, and shakes her head. "Anyways. I'm babbling."
    With a faint frown she adds, "You're sure you're ready to get back out into the field? I've got your back either way."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Closing the saddle bag up for now, Sara turns back, folding her arms across her chest for the added pressure and thus warmth. It was threatening to snow again, which would just add another layer to the roads. The plows couldn't clear the streets, so she'd take the routes that were used the most and thus cleared by the cars when it was time to go home... her father's home.

"Cael, you really don't need to explain," she replies, actually partly smiling as she walks over to where the woman is standing. "I knew all that. The chaos, the confusion, the emotions, I knew all that was happening. That's why there's no fault here, and you don't have to explain to me about the chaos, confusion and emotions, because I saw them. I was just hurt, and reacted badly."

Stopping to stand by Cael, she pulls the stocking cap off her head and puts it on Cael, pulling it down over her ears. "I have to get back into the field. I can't answer any more questions on my own, I have to know through action if..." she pauses, then sighs. "All of my life has been about getting in the game Cael, about being there on the front lines. I pushed through college and the police academy at the same time to get my shield, to /be/ a cop. When I got that badge, I didn't slow down, I didn't stop, I kept pushing and pushing, not because I was trying to make anyone proud, but because I felt deep in my soul that was the right thing to do."

Reaching into her coat pocket, she pulls out a pack of cigarettes, gets one and lights it. It was rare, but on occasion she had one. "When I lost my father... no, I didn't lose him, he was taken from my by fellow officers..." a deep drag pulled from the cigarette before she continues. "I thought that was the lowest I could get, the worst possible thing I could experience... christ was I wrong. But the thing is, I got through it by hunting down the man that killed him. I have to get back into the game, because that's the only way I will know if this is really what I'm supposed to be doing, or if I pushed myself into something I wasn't meant for."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods with understanding, a small, sad smile on her features. "I was the same. Pushing myself, trying to make something of myself to- to justify the second chance I was given. To make up for the mistakes I'd made, so... I get that," she replies - giving a shrug of her shoulders.
    "Anyways. I'll have your back out there - until you find your feet again at the very least." She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly before she adds, "I was terrified I'd fold when I was face to face to the angels again - to Michael. Honestly, part of me's still surprised that I'm not just- ...curled up into a ball somewhere. But I can't sit this fight out. I can't."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Making sure to blow the smoke away from Cael, Sara looks off in the direction of city that should be busy. It should be filled with people coming and going, living their lives, getting by day to day. But they weren't, it was empty, and the people were all huddled away in places of refuge waiting.

"I didn't know you went to talk to him again. Alis told me after the fact," she comments, glancing back to Cael. "She told me Jon came to talk to you afterwards, cause you were curled in your bed. We're both fucked up right now Cael, so the truth is, we have each other's backs, but I won't let anyone get hurt or die if I can help it. That may mean using Witchblade, but to save a life... stop someone else from getting hurting... that thought doesn't bother me."

She takes another drag, already feeling calmer. "That's the part that's fucking with my head. To help, to protect, to heal, I don't mind the thought of using him for that... but for myself? No, I don't want to do. So yeah, heads still fucked up, and we'll take care of each other out there. Deal?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I tried to convince him to forgive Jon and release him from his promise... or to take me instead," Cael admits quietly. "He's going to die. Why should he be tortured too?" She wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand as she adds, "I couldn't quite keep it together. I couldn't quite manage it - I tried, and it was all for nothing. Jon'll keep his word soon enough, and I've- promised to go with him. To... hand him over to Michael, to face- I dunno. The same thing I went through? Something else, equally or more horrific?" She dreads it, and it shows in the way she hunches her shoulders, and the haunted look in her eyes.
    "Partners always look after each other," she agrees. "And I only took this," she touches the amulet, "for Jon. For the world. It sure as fuck isn't for me."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara lays her arm across Cael's shoulders lightly, and leans into her.

"Neither of us can change the a pattern," she offers quietly. "We can fight against is, scream into the night, some will pray, you and I will curse, but we can't change it. The higher powers have already laid out the board, the pieces are in place, they'll move them how they see fit... we just get to try and survive it. To live through the trauma and hope that it doesn't happen again, that we can save just one life, while knowing... we can't save them all."

She takes another drag of the cigarette, then offers it to Cael. "You're stronger than you think you are, but you're even stronger when you remember you're not alone."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I fought like hell," Cael admits softly. "I'm trying to accept it." She leans into that one-armed presence, blinking back a few tears as she accepts the cigarette - taking a deep draw, before handing it back again. It wasn't the first time she'd smoked a cigarette - but it wasn't something she'd made a habit of.
    Though she had disappeared into the depths of the tunnels for a joint now and then.
    "I know I'm not alone, it's just- There's only three people I've ever //said// I love. Jon's the third. I'm terrified I won't be able to bring him back," she admits. "I try not to dwell on it. I- I'm trying to enjoy what I do have - now. While I can. But I'm scared."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Accepting the lean, Sara just stands there supporting and being supported.

"The best magical minds in the world are working on how to bring him back Cael," she comments as she looks to the woman. "These are the minds that have made the angels go back to the drawing board at every turn, the same minds that have the wards in place here, that are working to seal the places of power. You don't know much about magic, hell I don't know that much more than you, but I do know one thing... you can put your faith in these people. They will find a way to bring him back, come hell or high water, he /will/ be back."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I hope you're right," Cael answers Sara softly. "I am trying to accept all of this. To put aside my shit - and be there for Jon. Hell, and to be there for you. But when all this shit is over, and //reality// is safe, I'm gonna find myself a corner in a padded room and have a good cry, in a warm, snug, white jacket. You know?" She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly before adding, "I'm fine. I'll be fine."
    Because there isn't any other choice.
    "...I know I'm not alone anymore. I know that. And you're not either - yeah?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara gives Cael a slight hug with that one arm, just a little squeeze.

"We'll be fine," she corrects. "Right now, we're all fucked up and getting by, that's the best we can do, but we will be fine... just not today."

She finishes off the cigarette and tosses it into a snow drift. "And no, neither of are alone," she offers a smile then takes her arm off Cael. "Go check on Jon. I'm worried about him but don't think I should go back in. I'm going back to my dad's house tonight, will decide tomorrow if I go back to the Triskelion, or stay there."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods her head in answer to Sara, then offers, "I have to stay here with Jon - until this is over, and he can be back with Martin and Agnes. He needs- he shouldn't be alone right now, you know?" No one should have to face this shit alone.
    "And - look - when it's time to go after that bitch, I'll be there in a heartbeat. Whatever you need me to do, you know? We'll make her regret her fucking choices."
    She gives Sara a small, tight smile before she adds, "I'll probably find Jon down in the tunnels smoking himself - and I'll talk to you later. Yeah?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara gives Cael another quick hug before gesturing toward the building. "Go on, and tell him I'm sorry."

The coat and hat are left with Cael as Sara walks over to her bike and puts the helmet on. "Going after her comes after all this is over, and when that time comes, we'll see how things are, but I won't leave you behind. For now, focus on Jon... and if there is anything, anything at all he needs and I can give or do, please let me know."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I will," Cael promises, starting back towards the building. "Take care, Sara! I'll see you soon," she promises - before breaking into a trot.
    It's much too cold to stay out here - even with her gathered gear. After all, she's originally from much hotter climes. Now... to find Jon again.