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Singularity and the Paramedic
Date of Scene: 19 March 2020
Location: Union Square Park
Synopsis: The adorable galaxy girl comes upon an accident and lends her aid to the brash empassioned paramedic at the scene.
Cast of Characters: Singularity, Mariana Gomez

Singularity has posed:
    It's a busy day in New York, with a grey overcast sky and a light rain that's fallign over the city, clearing the air of smog but also drenching passerbys hurrying along on the street under umbrellas or hoodies. Not to mention making it a bit harder to drive, especially when it starts to intensify.

    Some people are also not taking the care needed to drive in inclement weather, such as the Lexus that runs a red light because its owner is more interested at checking stocks on his phone and swearing at it than realizing he just doesn't have the time to get through. Which is further worsened by the fact a Fed Ex truck, a double trailer, is already halfway through a turn when it happens.

    There's a predictable crunch of metal as the truck slams into the sedan, sending it spinning into a nearby Hyunday as the truck skids, some of the metal from the broken car under its wheels as two blow out and the overburdened truck crashes down on its side, now blocking the intersection. Which isn't helped by the cars who were moving forward under the green light which slam on brakes and turn sharply to avoid hitting something...ending up with a complete logjam of cars and trucks and a lot of honking as passerbys quickly call into 911 to let authorites know what happened.

Mariana Gomez has posed:
The call goes out. 9-1-1. What is your emergency? And the police are dispatched. With patrol cars on the street, they are the first on the scene, even though they have to get out of their cars blocks away and jog into the midst of this mess. But the call also goes out to FDNY: parmedics, fire trucks, they're going to need all of the help they can get!

But all of that help ends up halted blocks away. No amount of sirens is going to get them through.

"Sorry, Sam. I'm not waiting back here."

The door to one of the ambulances summoned opens, and out drops a paramedic who jogs around to the back, opens it up, and starts assembling a mobile kit. "I'll radio when I get there, let you know what we have. Tell Mark to put one of the guys on our channel, OK? I know a lot of their gear is too heavy to hoof it in. But better they know than not."

That said, Mariana Gomez suits up, heavy super-sized backpack as well as two hard carrying cases, one in each hand, and she starts jogging through the mess, headed towards the heart of the accident.

Just another day in New York City!

Singularity has posed:
    As Mariana arrives, it seems someone else is already there...and drawing attention as she hovers over the accident sight as she's both glowing and blue, and oh yes, flying. She seems to be trying to figure out what to do, though she orients on Mariana as she arrives, promptly floating down to land in front of the oncoming paramedic. "Help." she says, pointing at Mariana, then the Lexus, her voice serious. Then points to herself. "Help?" A more questioning tone. She's not sure where to help most here, being that she's not exactly up on medical matters.

Mariana Gomez has posed:
The paramedic pauses, eyeing the odd girl. OK. Whatever! "How strong are you? How much can you lift?" She puts down her big crates, and then turns to point back the way she came. "Big red trucks, that way. They have gear they have to get in here, way too heavy for them to carry. Weill get these people out." And maybe the odd girl can lift cars? Who knows?!

But for the moment, that is all the time Ana has, as she jogs up to the car, checking on the driver. Damn, that's a mess. "Hang on, Sir. Help is here." She pulls out a collar brace and sticks herself through the shattered, crumpled window, wiggling a bit to get far enough in to put it around his neck and velcro it into place. Then she checks his pulse and looks for his other injuries.

"Sam, looks like passenger car, one occupant, vs. semi. Thing is overturned. Have not spotted the semi driver yet. Going to need jaws, maybe a crane to open things up. Bring the saws, too, and haligans. Cribbing, when they start taking these other cars apart. Watch out. Flying blue girl coming your way."

And then Mariana is back at it. Time to save lives, one person at a time, and get to as many as possible as quickly as possible.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity salutes, then takes off into the air and zips off in the direction indicated.

    A moment later there's a blue flash from nearby on the lawn of the park as an ambulance abruptly appears, settling on its wheels with a creak and some startled swearing from inside. Mariana's coworkers are soon exiting the vehicle as sirens nearby are audible, with Singularity perking up, then zipping off again.

    Then there's a fire engine there, screeing to a halt to avoid hitting a tree. Then a police car as they appear in rapid succession.

Mariana Gomez has posed:
By the time Ana's coworkers reach her the paramedic is on her fourth car, and she isn't slowing down. She has slapped big colored tags on the roofs or sides of the cars identifying their emergent status, taking care of triage. But she doesn't leave a single victim unless she knows she either cannot help them at all, or they are stable enough to survive at least a few minutes without her. And she's running like a demon. "Sam! Get them on that Lexus first! We need him out so we can treat the legs! Crush injuries, possible compartment syndrome!" she shouts.

Singularity has posed:
    The driver of the Lexus is in pretty bad shape...while the truck hit the front of the car, it shoved the engine block into his legs, certainly breaking them and pinning them in place. The driver of the truck is in much better shape, and is trying to climb out of the cab a bit dazedly by the time Mariana's co-workers make the scene to help him down, though she's bleeding from over her right eyebrow and is moving a bit stiffly too. Luckily the window didn't shatter completely. The other man in the Hyundai is unconscious at the moment.

    There's a blue flash as Singularity abruptly reappears, settlign to the ground lightly nearby as she watches with concern. "Out?" she says, catching part of Mariana's orders, then pointing at the man. "Where?"

Mariana Gomez has posed:
It takes Mariana a second to realize what the blue girl is really offering. Then she looks seriously at her. "Sam! Gurney, NOW! Open it up! Critical case incoming, sixty seconds!" she shouts, giving orders to her partner as if she were the senior partner, not the new girl on the block. Then she steps closer, touching Singularity with her fingertips. "OK. Just him. You understand? None of the car. But don't leave any of him behind in here. Can you do that?" She waits for a nod, then points at the gurney coming out of the back of the ambulance.

As soon as the guy disappears Mariana spins and sprints right at the gurney, pell-mell. "Stablize, fast!" she shouts, already starting her own work. But the thoughts are flying through her head fast and furious. As soon as she has a FAST count on this guy, she growls and holds up her hand to her partner. "Hold!" And she turns to Singularity again. She touches the man, the guerney. "Him, and this. All of it, all safe. Presbyterian Emergency Department. Do you know where that is?" She stares at the girl, willing her to know, to even pluck it from Ana's brain if she has to.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity peers up at Mariana, her skin feeling...well, normal? Neither too warm, too cold, just there. Even a bit of give. "Yes. Only. Him." the blue girl repeats, then floats over, before she carefully touches the man. A moment later there's a blue flicker over the gurney and the man drops the half inch or so onto it, letting out a strangled gasp of pain. "Sorry! Sorry!" Singularity says at that, covering her mouth a bit as her eyes widen. Too high! She should have put it lower, she didn't realize it would hurt that much when a person has a broken leg like that. She floats down, settling by Mariana, hesistating a bit as she explains. "No. But. Can carry. Direction? Looks like?"

Mariana Gomez has posed:
The paramedic says something in Spanish. Very fast, very sharp, very ... not polite. "OK." She wants to say. Wants to keep helping. But someone has to show clueless blue where to go. "Him, this, me. Straight up." She points at the sky. "One thousand feet. Got me?" Then she should be able to spot the hospital and point.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity considers, then returns. "You. Up. Show. Then down. Straight there. Once I know where?" Because she really just needs ot know what the building looks like to teleport there, somewhat. "Can carry both. Here. there." she offers. She steps up to Mariana, sliding her arms around her from behind, then *POINK*

    They're far up in the air about a thousand feet, where they can get a good view of the surrounding city. Singularity lets out a cute little noise as she keeps her grip, floating in place and supporting Mariana. Not the best grip, but she's not fallign either. "Where?"

Mariana Gomez has posed:
Interestingly enough, the paramedic does not squeal, screach or cry out. Not even a gasp. She exhales, centering herself, and reorients quickly before she points right at the hospital. "See where the red lights went under? Pop us there." Wow, even Silverwing cannot quite do all of this! Pretty amazing, this blue swirling star chick.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity looks over to where she's pointed. "Yes." she confirms after a moment. "Red lights. See. Going back." There's another *POINK* and suddenly they're back on the ground as Singularity carefully lets Mariana settle the quarter inch or so to the surface before letting go, then says solemnly. "Taking you. Not. Afraid." She nods to Mariana, then...seems to flatten and break apart, expanding as her physical form swirls out and around Mariana and the stretcher, enveloping them, then shrinking back to a girl again. With no signs of Mariana or the injured man. "Bye!" she says to the astonished paramedics nearby, then *POINK* and she's gone.

    Meanwhile, Mariana will find her in a space filled with stars. There's air, but no gravity per se...like being in deep space but where you don't have to worry about freezing to death or breathing. It's actualy a fairly comfortable temperature wherever she is. For a few second at least, then suddenly there's a sensation of motion and the wheels for the gurney slide out onto concrete with a rolling clatter, followed by Mariana ending up dropping a half inch or so on her feet as Singularity expels her, reforming again into a slight teen once more.

    And they're directly outside the emergency room doors, where an older mand who was sneaking a smoke is staring, a cigarette hanging from his lips then fallign to the ground.

Mariana Gomez has posed:
Mariana holds onto the gurney tightly through the whole thing; it's freaky, but she fights fear every day, all day. As soon as they roll out she is jogging ahead to the doors and then bellowing in that commanding voice. "Critical case! Crush injuries to both legs, possible C-spine secured in the field! Compartment syndrome on the legs! Log him in, STAT!" And then she slaps down her ID in front of the charge nurse bustling forward commanding her staff.

"Gomez. Where's your rig?"

And Ana turns, pointing at the blue girl. "Right now, she's my rig. Ported us here from the accident scene. Didn't know her way. I have to get back to the scene. Don't you lose him, Sarah!"

And then Mariana comes jogging back out, grinning at Singularity - though she has no name for this girl. "You are pretty amazing. Good job! That guy may get to keep his legs because of you. Can you get us back to the accident scene?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles at that, bouncing on her toes. "Yes!" she says, then points at herself. "Singularity." She points back to Mariana, watching her curiously. She reaches out to take the paramedic's hand with her own, waiting for a reasponse, then *POINK*! And Mariana will find her standing on the grass near the accident site again.

Mariana Gomez has posed:
"Mariana." the paramedic answers.

Once they reappear, she hugs Singularity impulsively. "OK, I gotta go. Be good!" And she's back in the thick of things.