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Latest revision as of 00:27, 6 February 2022

Talkings of Titans
Date of Scene: 05 February 2022
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Starfire gives Sarah some perspective while watching the stars.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Koriand'r

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's a late night. Sitting up on the rooftop in bare feet is Sarah Rainmaker. It's snowing around, and she's almost got some ice upon herself, a light sheen of cold crystals about her. SHe seems to not really notice them. She's sitting in a lotus position, hands crossed over in fornt of her, and seems to be trying to meditate from her posture.

Koriand'r has posed:
It probably said something about Tamaran physiology or some slight Kori-insanity, but the cold seemed to completely lack any ability to bother Starfire, a point made all too clear as she strode out onto the roof with a towel tucked under her arm and her hair pulled back with a single overworked hairtie, a pair of shorts and a shirt pulled over whatever she was wearing beneath as she headed across the roof.

Of course, the pool was a no-go....but the promise of the hot tub seemed enticing enough.

She was already headed over to switch the thing on and start the heating process when a glance over her shoulder had her spotting Sarah and tilting her head.

"Sarah? You have not frozen there, have you? Would you like a blanket or a hot beverage?"

Yeah, meditation wasn't a strong suite for Kori either.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is currently sitting back over as she would sense someone approaching her. She would go to listen over while the other woman would come near. "Ah.. Hello Starfire, how are you?" Going to dust some of the ice off herself, crystals falling and lightly landing upon the ground as she would brush it off.

"I'm fine, I was just trying to clear my head to focus some. I have no real issues iwth the elements. They do not particularly bother me so long as they are not in extremes. And I don't need anything. Though a hot drink would be lovely but not necessary."

Koriand'r has posed:
A simple click of the mechanism and the tub began to fill and heat, it was probably going to take quite a while, which was good when Kori turns away from the machine to approach Sarah properly, a nod of her head and a brilliant smile alight on her face.

"The cold does not bother me unless it is -very- cold either, but I am a fan of the 'Cocoa' that we have here, with the little 'mellows of the Marsh' in them. Perhaps we have some in the kitchen?"

Given Sarah's last adventure in the kitchen with Kori, letting the alien serve her a dish was likely to be eventful at the very least!

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would let out a sigh, "Very well, I'm just nto feeling up to heading inside." She would try to translate what Koirand'r was saying into her head. "That sounds.. Interesting, I suppose that I'll have some. I'm not sure I'd like to head all the way down to grab some however. The sky is too lovely all the way up here, and so is the company." She would go to along slide over to the tub if allowed, seeming to not mind teh state of her attire to go in next to the alien.

Koriand'r has posed:
The tub itself was still warming and filling, even if it was moving at a relatively decent speed, it would still be a moment till it was at its full steaming and bubbling glory.

"I could go retrieve you some," the orange-skinned alien offers, but Sarah's complement brings a smile and instead Kori moves to pull the shirt over her head, revealing what was either a swimsuit or one of her costumes. Sometimes it was hard to tell!

"Perhaps later then?" she offers as she bends to kick off the shorts she'd worn over the bottoms of her apparent swimsuit and then finally pull the tie from her hair. "I am sure it will still be cold, especially after exiting the water."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would move to slide over into the water as it would fill, "Later, I suppose." Her own outfit clinging to her as well, but her combat uniform was evidently designed for casual and water wear so had no seeming issues going from the snow to the hot water.

"Now is no time to break from relaxation. And after we get up sounds satisfactory." She would look up at the sky. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" The stars. Gesturing a hand up at them and passing into the horizon.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r herself settles into the water, even if it was still climbing its way up her midriff at this point. A little chuckle at the 'tickle' of the flowing water filling the tub catching her feet and she leans back, eyes following upwards towards where Sarah had pointed.

"They -are-," she agrees with a little happy sigh. "To see them like this is wonderful, but it is also amazing to see them 'up close' and among them. It's like this, but all around you..."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod softly, "I sometimes think of going up to them. But I'm not sure I could ever come back, that I would lose myself in them or be consumed by them nd never return." She would muse. "My abilities are.. Connected to this planet in a way. It would be.. Unnatural to be elsewhere and to feel so disconnected. I can't imagine what the network on another wouldbe like. I'm not sure I could handle it."

Koriand'r has posed:
A little nudge of her bare arm against Sarah's own, the Tamaranian princess chuckles. "I am sure you would be fine, but I understand. Perhaps you will get to see it from high atmosphere some time then? The league has such places..."

Another shrug, Kori turns on her side, resting lightly on her hip. "I am glad you seem less...worn down than last time we spent time together."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile sadly, "THere are some things one can do, and cannot do. I have had to accept that which for now is not in my power and can only trust that things will fall as they will." She would take a breath. "Much as I might wish I could influence events in any detail." Her tentatively accepting the arm leaninga gainst her.

"And perhaps, sometime. I do not know what I will do." Presuming that Earth doesn't die iwthin the next few days..

Koriand'r has posed:
"I believe we will survive," Kori offers, ever positive but no less genuine as she speaks, the rising water now most of the way up her torso and making its way to her bust signalling it's time to turn off the faucet.

"One step at a time, but there are us and many like us who defend her. Earth is an amazing place, and I am sure it will survive."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod, "Yes. It will not end this day or the next. At some point in the future.. Everything end sin time. That is the way of things. All stories have a closure to them and a final page. It is not bad, it is merely what is."

Koriand'r has posed:
A splash, water flicked lightly at Sarah ad Kori grins and stretches out in the tub, looking skywards. "Well, now is not the time for such thoughts! It is time to be with friends, enjoy the water and..." she pauses, turning over from her back to allow herself to reach the controls and bring the jets of the tub to life.

"I know I am happy to be here Sarah, not just for the warm water and the stars or the promise of cocoa beverages."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance at Koriand'r, not quite understanding what the other woman was getting at. Then letting out a soft squawk as the jets would go to hit her full force and she would laugh. "Very well. You are correct. It is not the time for such weightier subjects. The sun will rise and set on it's own pattern."

Koriand'r has posed:
Still grinning, Kori would shift back to sitting on her behind, the jets of the tub beating against her skin in a 'massage' of sorts while they relaxed, heat made all the more noticable by the cool air.

"Right," she agrees before shrugging her shoulders as those deeply long and slightly glowing locks of hers spread out in thr water, clinging to her skin here and there. "It's not a time for worry."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would look up at the stars, "Alwyas is a time for worry. But there are times when worrying is productive and times where it is consuming and all encompassing. We have to work with thsoe times we have peace, even if but for a few moments to appreciate it." She would look up in the sky.. then over at Koriand'r.

"You have exquisite hair." Did she really just say that? Sarah couldn't quite believe she had just made that statement from the twitch on her face.

Koriand'r has posed:
Compliments, and thankfully Kori was almost certainly too 'Alien' to know that it should be akward, instead smiling brightly and turning her head to the other woman. "Thank you," she offers as she stretches out, closing her bright green eyes with a smile. "You are quite attractive yourself!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would blush over at that compliment, stammering, "Thank you. Ah.. You are far lovelier than I am." Her face would be red as Koriand'r's hair at this exchange. Feeling about as bashful as if she was in high school!

Koriand'r has posed:
Never having dealt with the drama of Earth highschool and lacking quite a few of the hangups of humans have, Kori simply giggles lightly and shakes her head.

"You do not do yourself enough credit."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head, "Thinsg are complicated and I ah.." Looking up to the sky to try and not look as flushed as she felt, and failing miserably. "So what do you wish to do on Earth?" Blathering the type of question that the alien princess probably got asked several times a day in all her tongue tied inability to think of anything more.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Complicated?" Kori questions? Clearly happy to pick at the question Sarah had switched from, leaving space for an answer even as she moves now to rest on her hip, one elbow proping her up as she faced the human.

"I enjoy many things. Being a 'hero', seeing the wonderous sights...enjoying all the food..."

A beat, she grins lightly at Sarah. "Times like this are quite nice."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "You keep it rather focused. Something that I think I could stand to do a bit more of." She would let out a sigh over and look up at the stars thoughtfully. Taking a moment to refocus herself.

"Perspective is a difficult thing."