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Latest revision as of 02:52, 7 February 2022

A Wild Gwenpool Appears!
Date of Scene: 06 February 2022
Location: A Central Park (not that one) in a City
Synopsis: They met, they drank, they flirted. Sort of?
Cast of Characters: Carol Ferris, Gwendolyn Poole

Carol Ferris has posed:
It's a sunny -- if a little brisk -- afternoon. Carol is sitting in a park, reading a book, seemingly oblivious to the weather around her. The sun is warm and that is all that matters to her right now. She has a half eaten sandwich sitting next to her on a pile of napkins, and a half-full cup of some Starbucks like coffee sitting nearby as well. She sets down her book, and takes a nice relaxed breath of mostly fresh air. Everything is nice and wonderful. A good day.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Another person who thinks today is a good day is Gwendolyne Poole. But she has a very different way of expressing it. Skipping down the street, whistling a tune to herself, the girl has a pair of katana strapped to her back, a gun hosltered at her thigh, and seemingly not a care in the world for the fact that she is getting somewhat odd glances sent her way from the people she passes. All in a day's work for Gwen!

Carol Ferris has posed:
The whistling is what does it. Carol does not have airpods in, so she's at least aware of her auditory surroundings, and when the whistling starts to come closer, she spots the whistler. The pink outfit seems interesting to her, and she tilts her head as she watches the skipping woman come closer, and closer, and closer.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwendolyn Poole pauses suddenly, ceasing her skipping. She looks around, and her nose wriggles. "There's a PC here somewhere." She looks around, her gaze drifting over all of the people around, walking to and fro. It settles finally on Carol. "Aha!" She takes off at a run and then leaps over the shrubs in front of the cafe, and landing in front of a very confused waiter. She cartwheels over and drops herself into a seat directly across from Carol. "Hi there. Who are you?"

Carol Ferris has posed:
Carol Ferris seems startled to say the least. Not that she noticed the 'pc' comment, whatever that means, but rather the sudden cartwheel into the seat across from her. "That's...an impressive bit of acrobatics I must say," she admits, before she leans back in her chair and crosses her arms, studying the girl, "If I give you my name, will you give me yours?" she asks. This is not the first time she's dealt with someone a little...touched it would appear.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"You give me both, I'll give you both of mine. Deal!" Gwen reaches out to pull a drink off of the tray of a passing waiter and takes a sip, not even checking to see what it is first. She studies Carol for a moment, as if trying to make out who she is. Like she should know or something.

Carol Ferris has posed:
"Carol Ferris. There, both of mine. Your turn." Carol replies, still watching Gwen curiously, though a bit defensively. She IS loaded with weapons, and does appear to be at least a little abnormal. Can you blame a girl?

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"You know that's what I mean, Carol Ferris." Gwen's hand whips out to grab a roll from another passing waiter. She leans across the table and stage whispers. "Your OTHER other name." She winks at her. "Don't make me say it outloud. I know you have one."

Carol Ferris has posed:
"At least buy a lady a drink first." Carol replies, smirking just a bit. "And how would you know that? Takes one to know one?" she asks, nodding to the outfit that Gwen wears. "Though, I think mine's a bit skimpier than yours." She then picks up her drink and takes a long sip of it, still considering Gwen, eyes traveling over her figure once more, before it's back to the mask she wears.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Uh, yeah, something like that," replies Gwen, watching Carol for a long moment. Then she looks down at herself, and then back up at Carol. "I mean, that's certainly doable." She reaches out to retrieve a drink from the same waiter as the first time, he blinks at her in annoyance but then goes back to fetch a third attempt. She hands that drink over to Carol. "Fine. I'll play your game. I'm Gwen. But when I wear my mask and slash people, I go by Gwenpool."

Carol Ferris has posed:
Carol Ferris looks down at the drink, and then takes it and sets it next to her nearly empty cup. She smiles, "Thank you Gwen." Perhaps she's hoping the girl is only going with the 'wear my mask' bit and not the, "You're not planning on slashing me, are you?" she asks, leaning back in her seat, and adjusting the ring on her finger a bit nervously.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Immediately, Gwen snappoints. "There we go!" She leans forward and looks VERY intently at the ring now. "I got so confused when all of the other colors came out..."

Carol Ferris has posed:
For a long moment Carol studies Gwen as she stares at the ring. "You recognize this?" she asks. She does not seem concerned, not yet anyways. She picks up the other drink, and has a sip, as if considering. Then she says, "Let's go for a walk. You clearly have questions, I might have answers. And, this is too public a place," for me to blow you into atoms, "for me to explain things." She stands, and then holds out an arm for Gwen. "Will you come with me, dear?" she asks.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Frowning for a moment, Gwen shakes her head. "I kind of stopped paying attention, honestly. Like, green and yellow, ok, but do we really need a frickin' rainbow?" She hops up from her seat, leaning over to pick up her drink and drain it, before nodding to Carol. "Yeah. I gotta know what purple does."

Carol Ferris has posed:
As Gwen settles in next to her, Carol asks, "What do you think it does? Surely you must have some idea if you're aware of all the other colors..." As she trails off, she looks over her shoulder, and then ducks the pair down an alleyway when no one is looking. Best not to reveal these sorts of things in public, after all.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Oh, I don't know. Like, I know the green is willpower, and yellow is fear," Gwen starts rattling off as she walks with Carol. "And I know that black came out and it's super scary, but purple?" She looks over at Carol. "Um. Empathy? Compassion? Love?" She shrugs. "You tell me."

Carol Ferris has posed:
"Got it in one. It's love. Compassion and empathy play into it too...but mostly love." Carol replies, before she asks, "And, how do you know about our rings? Can't say a lot of people come up to just talk about them at random."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen sighs. "OK, so it's a bit complicated. Let me just say that I drink, and I know things?" She flashes a grin. "Nevermind. Your secret is safe with me." She reaches up and zips her mouth, and tosses away a key. "But I do really wanna see a Purple Lantern. Do you mind showing me?"

Carol Ferris has posed:
"I'm not a Purple Lantern. I'm Star Sapphire. I am a power unto myself." Carol replies carefully, and then she takes a few steps away from Gwen, "Are you sure you want to see this?" her eyes have started to glow, changing from blue to a violet hue, the ring starting to shine as well.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Oooooo, like Guy Gardner, the Warrior?" Gwen's eyes light up. "He was kind of dreamy, in that asshole anti-hero way!" She claps her hands delightedly as Carol's eyes start to glow. "Yes yes, please show me!"

Carol Ferris has posed:
The glowing continues, spreading from her eyes into a tiara-esque helmet. Her clothes strip away to a much more revealing costume -- one that barely covers anything, perhaps meant to entice men to pay more attention to her -- and her hair starts to whip in the wind that has suddenly picked up in the alley. "Guy Gardner is a hack," she says, her voice having changed, taken on a higher tone, and a quasi-British accent.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwendolyn Poole applauds broadly at the transformation. "Damn, girl, you got the full no spine treatment, didn't you?" Gwen lifts her hands up and forms a little square, and makes a clickclick noise. "And Guy had some good attributes until they made him try to be too serious."

Carol Ferris has posed:
An arm reaches out to wrap around Gwen's waist, and tug her close, "I have a spine, it's just...very flexible in this outfit," Star Sapphire says, as she looks down at Gwen. She studies the girl for a few long moments, and then sighs, "Nothing, huh?" she asks.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
A soft laugh. "That's what they all say," remarks Gwen, about the spine remark. She looks up at Star Sapphire, and ponders the question for a moment. "Nothing what?"

Carol Ferris has posed:
"You feel no attraction. I can..sort of sense it." Star Sapphire replies, smiling a bit, "Love powers and all. Companionship is something I feed off of." She continues to hold the girl close to her -- she's cute, who could blame her? -- but it's just a hand around the waist as she watches Gwen.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwendolyn Poole ahs slowly, and nods. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm a "cuddle up with the girls and watch a movie and maybe a pillow fight" kinda girl." Gwen grins up at Carol. "But I'm sure you can find someone better suited to enjoy your love powers. I am sure they are awesome, and your costume is KILLER."

Carol Ferris has posed:
Sapphire considers this for a moment, and then smiles, "I could do cuddling and a movie...what's your choice?" she asks, tilting her head and looking down at Gwen.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwendolyn Poole picks herself up on her tiptoes and kisses Sapphire's cheek. "I'm not your ideal choice. Really. But you are super cute." She pats Sapphire's cheek. "Go find your love...I've got to find something...sketchy to do."

Carol Ferris has posed:
Carol Ferris sighs just a little, and then transforms slowly back to Carol. She chuckles, "Can't fault a girl for trying." And then she lets her hand fall to give Gwen a bit of a squeeze before she lets her go, "Good luck finding something sketchy. Come find me again when the mood strikes."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwendolyn Poole smiles warmly towards Carol. "Well. Can't blame you for trying. I am pretty fine!" She leans forward and whispers. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." And with that, Gwen is skipping back down the alleyway towards the street. "Good luck" she says, waving without looking back.