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Latest revision as of 17:41, 7 February 2022

Pointless Endings
Date of Scene: 07 February 2022
Location: Central Nexus
Synopsis: Drinking over angel fights and not getting to eat steak.
Cast of Characters: Ree, Clarice Ferguson, Lydia Dietrich

Ree has posed:
The world is probably ending. Hell on earth, angels vs the world. So why, pray tell, is the Demon related to the mutant group hanging around up on the asteroid? Ree, with her ever-present argument against being fully dressed, wanders out of the Garden area.

"Well, it's no Eden, but it's a hell of a start. Keep up the good work!" She's probably talking to the nice gardener. She has no real enemies, which is SO WEIRD given her nature. She looks around, takes a deep breath, and lets the feeling of clean oxygen caress her lungs.

No, she's not wearing a shirt. Does it matter? Only to those who are watching.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is just stepping out of the bar - with a faint wobble to her step. It's not the first time she's gotten a little tipsy to cope with some of the challenges that arise in her life - though maybe it's the last? If the world really does end, anyways.
    And hell, there's those that would argue drinking to be a much healthier coping mechanism than murder.
    She stops at one of the windows looking out over the starscape they float through over the planet, staring out of it for a while - before she catches sight of the shirt-less demon wandering through the Asteroid. She watches for a few moments - and then spends some time watching how the refugees react which, honestly, is the more entertaining viewing option. She lets out a quiet laugh at the shocked gape from some of them, as she leans her head back against the bulkhead behind her.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks like she just rose from the grave. Quite literally. She's gaunt to the point of being skeletal, her skin is ash grey, and the telltale sign of her mutation is absent. The cadaverous vampire is making her way out from the med bay out to the bar, but pauses when she sees Clarice there.

"I want to get drunk," she tells her in greeting. "I want to get blotto and forget everything that's happened while the world is blasted to pieces. But I can't. Not unless I eat an angel again." It appears that she's stuck in vampire mode, too. Her eyes are red, and her fangs are out, and the sheer anger and frustration radiating from the woman is palpable.

That's when she sees Ree. Half naked. Which kind of shakes her out of her funk. "What is she doing?"

Ree has posed:
A couple of people start to approach the devil girl, but she turns toward them with such an obvious calmness that it's kinda disarming. She has a convo with two refugees, doesn't try to eat either of their brains, and then turns to walk away holding a donated shirt. She looks mildly offended, but sighs and rolls her eyes. "THe world is ending, and they care about boobs. And they say I'm the insane one. Oh hey, you two."

Ree wanders a bit closer so she can converse, tail a-twitch. It's so much like Kurt's. "You ate an angel? Can I eat an angel? I would get so much cred in Hell if I'd done that."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Being herself, I think," Clarice remarks in a dry voice, as the demonic woman approaches them.
    "Manhattan's filthy with the things so I say - feel free. Corner yourself an angel and //enjoy.//"
    Her attention quickly turns back to Lydia, who she hugs, and then pulls back from just enough to peer at her in concern. "Are you alright? Have you fed enough? Or- ...does it just take time to recover?" Will she have the time to recover? What a fucking mess.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I'm hungry," Lydia says flatly, "But I've gone through so many people I just can't anymore. Mostly what I need is time to recover. I spent myself last night. I put everything into that spell." One can sense that's where the underlying anger comes from, but she doesn't say more on the topic.

She nods in agreement. "You can't throw a rock without hitting an angel. They tasted pretty good for me, but then again, I'm a blood sucker, and not a meat eater, so I don't know how good their flesh would be." There's a part of her that wonders at this odd turn of the conversation, and another part of her that just doesn't /care/.

Ree has posed:
"I've got plenty, if you want a pint." Ree holds out her left wrist, not even blinking. Likely she's had to be drained before, in far less happy circumstances. "Honestly, it's a very pleasant experience for me. Best way to die, blood loss." Then she glances at Clarice. Then she -looks- at Clarice, frowning. "Neither one of you is up for a fight tonight. C'mon, I'll drink some alky-hol before you siphon me, and Clarice can have some with." She motions toward the bar with a shoulder.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If you need a little more, Lydia..." Clarice offers in a quiet voice, watching her sister with concern, seeming to have similar sentiments on this front to Ree's own. She looks back towards the bar she'd just come from - and then offers a sigh and a nod.
    "Alright," she agrees. "Let's go drink some more, why not? Just send Mister Creed to make sure I get back to my bed alright," she says in a dry tone." Or, honestly, Theo and Pete. Or whoever. She starts moving back towards the bar, shoving her hands into her pockets.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia just /glares at Ree. "That's how I died. I was exsanguinated. It certainly was /not/ a pleasant way to go." She holds up a hand to decline Ree's offer, though. "Thank you, but I think I'm going to be hungry for a while no matter how much I drink."

She nods, "Let's drink, then."

Ree has posed:
"I didn't mean take it all. I can die, here." Ree shrugs, then offers Clarice an arm. "I'll get you to bed. I know, not for anything else. I'm not that kind of demon." Still, she is the type who'll get herself lightly wasted if given the opportunity, so she lightens up quickly upon the sight of a bartender.

"Barkeep! Something that burns going down and won't cause instant paralysis!" She has very low standards, apparently. "Oh, and something nice for these two. I think they're having a bad day." She really does want to guide both Lyds and Clarice to someplace to sit, and to distract them. She's just bad at this!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You want your bottle of scotch back, then?" the bartender asks Clarice in a dry voice, as Sasha retrieves the bottle, and sets it back on the counter in front of her, as she climbs back onto a school. "A Manhattan, I take it?" he adds towards Lydia - preparing the drink for the vampire, while Clarice pours some liquor into a tumbler - pushing some towards Ree, before pouring a second glass for herself. She doesn't drink from it immediately, but stares at it instead.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
There's a little *tweedledeedeet* that alerts Lydia of an incoming message. She pulls out her phone and scowls at it. "The angels are gone." is all she says. She looks up, trying to hold in her fury. "Clarice, can you port me to Grand Central station? If you're too worn out I'll get Ritz to do it."

Ree has posed:
Finding herself served with vodka, straight, Ree looks it over. She sniffs, finding no real relevant scent, and then looks at Lydia. She pauses, then raises her shot glass, and says softly, "To hell and back." Then she sips her drink, admiring the way it burns. Could get used to this stuff. Then she drinks the vodka, and waves for the bottle.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I... No, I can do it," Clarice offers. She concentrates - opening a portal to the concourse, and tilting her head to make sure that - yes, she got the destination right, and it is indeed safe for her sister to step through. The portal's a little higher off the floor than she'd like but- well. It's fine.
    "Let me know what's up when you're back?" she asks, lifting her glass towards Lydia.
    She watches Ree with the vodka, then taps the glass of scotch she poured, remarking, "This stuff's better, you ask me. But not as good as cognac."

Ree has posed:
Ree watches Lydia head through the portal. She says, "Well, doubt I'll get my Angel steak now, so..." she nods toward Clarice raising her glass, and downs another. "I don't drink to enjoy it, not really. Though I hear it's possible. Slide me one over and I'll compare before I burn out my liver." She grins, sharp teeth still present, if useless. Then she reaches for some of Clarice's scotch.

"What do you think is going on?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Fuck if I know," Clarice replies in a tired voice. "Lydia's been working around the clock on this spell that was suppsoed to stop the angels only... somehow it seemed to free some of them to be more violent, and more dangerous instead?" she explains, letting out a sigh. "I can't guess why they suddenly disappeared. Maybe it... took time to work properly?" She sounds unconvinced.
    "I hope the world is safe."

Ree has posed:
Ree sips something alcoholic as she watches Clarice be depressed. She doesn't frown -or- smile, just a neutral expression, as she says, "You know, sometimes things are just out of your control. You can't live your life worrying about them. Maybe focus on one thing you can do something about. Just one thing, not the whole world on your shoulders. You're just one person, miss."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a snort, as she looks across at the demon. "Look, I ain't expecting to fix this shit by myself. That ain't gonna happen - but what good is fixing 'just one thing' if all of reality ceases to exist the day after that?" she points out bluntly.
    "So like I said. ...I hope the world's safe. The angels are gone, so... maybe we won?"

Ree has posed:
Ree nods, quieting for a moment. It's unlike her but she knows that this isn't the time to try and help Clarice. The pink mutant isn't ready to be helped. So she sucks back another shot of vodka, wincing at it, then says, "If we'd lost, we'd know it. So there's that at least."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We might not know, the way I heard it. We just wouldn't be here anymore. But - hey. We're still here - small mercies?" Clarice lifts her glass, taking another drink, and staring moodily at the bar top across from her.
    "What a mess..."

Ree has posed:
Ree says, "I'd probably end up in Hell again. If all of you vanished. They still have a claim on me, even if the angels stop following their own rules." She starts to shrug, but halfway through seems to realize it's tactless and ends up looking like she has to sneeze instead. "Um, I'm sorry. About the....everything."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Is Hell not part of reality?" Clarice asks in an uncertain tone, frowning at her glass. "Well. Maybe you would. Or maybe you'd get off easy and just cease to exist along with the rest of us. But hey, like I said, maybe we're lucky, and things are... fixed now. Lydia'll come back and let us know." Eventually.

Ree has posed:
Ree nods. "Maybe. But the angels have been trying to get rid of us for a long time. I don't think it's as easy as they make it out to be. Or, what you said." She raises her glass, then says, "Maybe I'm just lucky. Or we both are." Then she slams it back, and puts down the shot for the bartender to take away. "Given how much of what's going on doesn't add up...whatever. I'm not high enough to have an effect, so I try to have a little fun with that life I do have."

She motions to another person in the bar, then makes a gesture at the person. "Apparently luck is relative," she says softly, as she apparently lands a date. That fast.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice looks between the pair, and then simply rolls her eyes, before finishing off the last of her scotch. That was definitely one more glass than she should have had. Considering you could probably consider the //last// glass she'd had to have been too much. "Hey, enjoy what you can," she remarks, pushing herself unsteadily to her feet. "I'm gonna- Well. I'mma see if my brothers are even home..." she muses, starting her way out of the bar.

Ree has posed:
And Ree goes off to do what she does. To enjoy the moment, to live in it. To be the least useful person ever known. It has its moments, even if she does sometimes wish she could help.