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Latest revision as of 03:58, 9 February 2022

Date of Scene: 08 February 2022
Location: Amanda's magical library
Synopsis: Kurt gets to reconnect with his life friend. Patrick gets to meet the bamfs. That goes less well.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Sefton, Kurt Wagner

Amanda Sefton has posed:
A fire crackles merrily in the larger hearth of the Library Amanda has recently been calling home -- more because she's just been spending so much time up to her ears in research than anything else. And because she's had a temporary house guest in the form of the valkyrie Brunnhilde, who is currently out. Probably haunting a magical bar somewhere, but that's nothing new. Regardless, it's much safer to give the beligerant Asgardian a less breakable space to stumble around.

For the moment, though, the Library is quiet and Amanda doesn't have anything demanding her attention beyond a visit with her foster brother. She sets a kettle to boil on a small hob in the corner of the room. "So, yes," she saying as she conjures a pair of mugs and reaches for her tea supply. "I spent New Years in L.A. It's not really the same. I'd actually like to visit London again sometime soon."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt has shed his winter coat, scarf and hat, hanging them on the back of one of the overstuffed chairs. Two of the little blue 'cherubs' have also decided to remain and cling upon the familiar clothing rather than venturing too far, their voices still easily carrying as they speak to one another,

"Bamf.. bamfbamfbamf.. baaaamf.."


"Nein, it is not for either of you," Kurt chimes in, effectively shutting their conversation down, though he does get the sullen, "Mrff..."

The third is happy enough to ride upon Kurt's shoulder as he follows for at least a couple of steps so Amanda doesn't have to carry everything out. "I was in Westchester, being sullen," his tones sound an almost lament. "Baaaamf.." comes the distinct agreement.

"I was thinking of London, und may do so soon. Definitely next year."

Kurt stands to the side, leaning against a random bit of furniture, his tail swaying gently, distractedly. It does have a mind of its own, and for the moment, it's quiescent. Brows do rise, and his head ducks, "L.A. Los Angeles?" Spoken with a distinct German accent that he's not likely to lose..

"Baaaamf bamf?" comes in echo.

"I asked that," Kurt obviously is addressing the little naked, wider version of him that is settled upon his shoulder before exhaling in one of //those// sighs, and manages to come back around to Amanda, "What brought you there?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Why sullen?" Amanda asks, watching the bamfs as they debate going after something in the space. Since having Loki in the space, not to mention discovering that at least one of her books is missing pages, the sorceress has invested heavily in stronger wards and anti-theft spells and artifacts. She knows her brother's 'cherubs'. She'll find out if those precautions are worth the prices she paid in due course, she's sure.

Sliding out through a hole in the wall that wasn't there a moment ago, a small droid lets out a very R2-esque whistle of greeting, that turns into an alarmed burble as Sir Patrick sees the blue-furred imps.

"Luci wanted to get away, check on some properties on the coast. And I needed to consult with an old friend at Berkeley." It's close enough when you can travel by portal. L.A. to the Bay area isn't much of a hop when you can just walk through rifts in the universe.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Luci?" Kurt kips his head, brows rising as those featureless yellow eyes look confused for a moment. Sounds a lot like 'Lucy', and the elf pays it little mind. Instead, he glances back at the pair perching on the chair, and narrows those eyes as one begins to crawl down, getting more on the level of that little robot that has come out of the wall. This little thing, Kurt has definitely met before, and it brings a quick smile to his face, a bit of a laugh catching in his throat. "He has changed?" is directed towards the robot.

Looking back at Amanda soon after, the little bamf that sets upon his shoulder does a turn around, tail in the air and behind Kurt's head, and bears its little fangs at Patrick. "Do not start anything," Kurt sounds a warning. To actually //answer// her question, however, Kurt is being pulled in a few directions. First, however, it's easy enough to grab a bamf with his own tail and hang him out to the side, by the back leg, so the bamf is hanging upside down.

"I have learned things since we last spoke, und, I am sorry. I deliberately wished not to be found, if you were looking." He does have his way of hiding. "How is it, 'From the frying pan, into the fire'?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
As the little bamf bares its teeth, there's a sound very reminiscent of an old robot cartoon from the 80's. The little droid unfolds and reconfigures, becoming a humanoid figure in blocky, shining armour. He stands in a flex-legged ready stance, like he might pounce.

"Patrick," Amanda says sharply. "Be polite."

Patrick's head swivels in her direction briefly before turning his narrowed, glowing optics back on the little monster in Kurt's tail.

"Learned what?" Amanda says now, pouring water out over the tea. There's curiousity in her tone, and perhaps a little caution -- when Kurt wants to hide, there's usually a good reason. And he's often licking wounds. She knows that. "What happened?"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Bamf.. bamfbamf.."


In the next second, the one held by Kurt's tail is gone, and reappearing right near Patrick's newly transformed head. There's no hope of it landing from its drop because Kurt's tail whips out again and grabs him, by the midsection, this time, and flings the little creature towards his brothers.


Like velcro, it sticks to the chair while the other two titter.

Kurt exhales again, and does have the courtesy to look apologetic, and mean it. "I am sorry. Und Patrick, I won't allow them to do anything that would harm this place, ja?"

Finally, though complete in the knowledge that this is //not// over, not by a longshot, Kurt watches as the tea is poured; he's looking forward to a warm cup. "When we left home, ja? Und we learned of Margali?" Obviously not in that order. "If there could be worse for my mother, I don't know how." Kurt exhales in a sigh, and glances back at his trio before looking down and around again at Amanda.

"It is true. Mystique. She told me that she didn't just give me up. She threw me over a cliff, when villagers were chasing us." A murderer; one with a rather deep past of sins. Sins against humans, and against other mutants. "I have not spoken to her, or of it since she told me."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Patrick burbles at Kurt, somehow sounding just a little skeptical. Amanda lets out a chuff of air. "Patrick's developed a very wide protective streak," she tells Kurt, bringing the tea over to him. "He's also been absorbing a lot of my magic. He's all but a familiar to me, now, I admit. As linked to this place as I am." She chuckles softly. "He really wants to fly, though. He still envies Pepper's flying automatons."

Then Kurt is making his confession and she pauses. "*Scheisse*." She moves to stand beside him, a bit of a beetle to her brow. "No wonder you went into hiding." Her voice is soft. "I'm sorry I wasn't there..."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Born of a murderer, raised by, well," Kurt shrugs and looks down; the words are a little difficult in coming, as if speaking them brings power to them. Reality. He looks up again, and his pained expression softens around the corners at the honest concern of his .. life friend. There's no other that he can claim such a place; not Logan, not anyone, really. It'd been the two of them against the world, and even as they've separated a little, it's as if there's nothing between them when reunited.

"I won't give her that power over me. Making me doubt myself," Kurt has had many, many doubts, a few crises of faith, but he's appeared on the other side, a better elf for it. "I would never do as she has done, I would never do as Margali has done." As if he has to actually say those words?

Kurt does chuckle afterwards, glancing at the little robot again, "Little Patrick. You can do things that they cannot. Do not be jealous, for I bet they are jealous of you." Envy is a sin, after all! "This is your kingdom, und it is important you keep it safe, ja?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda's blue eyes fade to brown as she looks into her brothers glowing yellow gaze. They're Jemaine's eyes, not the mask she wears in this intolerant land. "No," she agrees. "You never would. You are better than they. You are better than me, in that regard." She reaches out for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "The best of us all. You always have been." Her accent is more German, less the English she absorbed during university in London. More her own.

Patrick whistles his approval, though there's still a low, suspicious trill when it comes to the bamfs. They may well be jealous of him -- and with good reason, he thinks -- but that doesn't make them any less of a threat. Sure, they're not Asgardian tunnnel snakes, but still. They're interlopers that can cause nearly as much mischief as the Asgardian God of Mischief, but still. He's not letting them out of his sight.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt reaches to give her a hug from the proffered hand. It's a warm hug, meant to convey the feeling, the love, the kinship between the pair. "They say when you are worried, it means that you are doing the right thing. Those who do not question themselves are the ones to be feared." He chuckles, the breath warm. "I am who I am because of you. You ground me when my faith cannot. I can see you, hear you, und reach out to touch you. That gives me the strength. Never doubt that." He kisses her cheek in a brushed, light way before willing to let her go.

The whistle that rises from Patrick certainly gains his attention, and he turns to look at the little 'fellow'. "I will take them away soon, I promise. After tea." And after the two talk more, because there is no question he wants to hear of the trip to LA!