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Latest revision as of 14:50, 10 February 2022

Appraising Property!
Date of Scene: 10 February 2022
Location: Union Square
Synopsis: Property assessed, dinner had, and a second date secured!
Cast of Characters: Emiko Queen, Bart Allen

Emiko Queen has posed:
After getting herself enrolled and set up at the university, Emiko goes back to the table on the quad and texts Bart with a silly emoji to let him know she's there. She grabs another bottle of water from the bending machine, and another energy drink for Bart, so they have something to drink as they walk to the subway station. On the ride over, Emi asks him about the usual stuff, favorite music style, favorite movie genre, any hobbies or interests. And she shares her own, stating that she likes the resurgence of rockabilly, though alt rock is good too. Her favorite movie genre are the old kung fu/samurai movies from the 60s and 70s. She's into martial arts (duh), competitive archery, and sudoku.

When they arrive at 4th Ave, she glances at her phone, then nods to the south, "Looks like its about three blocks that way. Says there's an open air market near here, that's awesome. I'm a bit of a fitness type, so fresh foods and stuff are important. Terrible cook, but I have a good palate, is how my brother puts it." Emiko tucks her hands into her pockets and glances at him, "So, can I ask you something kinda personal?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will ride with her letting her know what he likes as they ride rock and roll in general, and it is a toss up on movies, goofy comedies, or action flics depends on the day (or the 15 minutes this is impulse after all). When they get to hobbies he admits he is a bit of a game junkie, you name it, he has probably played it. When she talks about martial arts movies, he makes some mock moves with his hands with a hi yyah, and a he ya." obviously he is not a martial artists. "I have some friends who are into martial arts, but never really got into myself." He admits. As they walk and she asks about asking something personal he says "Sure"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Chuckling at his mocked moves, she gives a nod, "Yeah, with the really bad dubbing and everything. It's great. You can see the start of Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan in those older films. It's awesome to recognize such icons in like.. side roles." Emiko lifts a brow at the video game thing, "I haven't really gotten to play video games. My mom, she didn't really believe in stuff like that, so we never had any around and I had a pretty strict upbringing, so there wasn't like... going to the arcade with friends. What's your favorite game?" SHe gives a nod and smiles broadly, "It's gotten really popular lately. Mom was a big proponent of my knowing how to defend myself, so she pretty much insisted, but I kept it up because I liked it, and I'm good at it."

Emi glances sidelong at him, "Why'd you agree to come with me? I mean, I'm pretty much a complete stranger and I know we both said we like helping people, but you're kinda... going the extra mile here." One hand pulls free of her pocket as she tugs her knit cap off and runs her hand through short black hair, "I mean, I know why I asked, but... why agree?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks at her and smiles "Well you seem like a cool person, enjoyed our talking so figured I would help out and spend a bit more time with you." He admits. "I figured it is better two people than one, folks less likely to try to mess with two people than one, you know?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko looks relieved, smiling broadly and giving a nod, "Oh good. So like... confession time. When I first came over to ask for help, I picked you because you're cute. Figure no harm in asking a cute guy for help, right? But we got talking and you were cool. Interesting. So I figured I'd try to keep it going. See if, I dunno... if we clicked." She lifts a shrug and tucks her hat into her pocket, looking ahead again, "And you're not wrong. Especially if the other half of the two is like.. a 6 foot tall dude in pretty good shape."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and smiles "Well not quite six foot, but yea I have been told am in ok shape, I run a lot." He admits. "With you being into martial arts though might be me trying to keep you from beating them up to bad." He jokes with a smile.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hey, I'm short. I go in ranges, not precise measurements," Emiko flashes a grin at him, then gives a nod. "You've got a runner's build, yeah. Lanky, trim musculature, bigger muscles in the legs." She snorts and grins at him, "Hey, if they stop attacking, I'll stop attacking. If they keep attacking, I'll put them on the ground until they stay put."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well thats the way to do it, yea. " He nods to her, and as they get to the building, he will open the door for her "After you." He motions towards her. "So, what are you looking for specificly in this place?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Stepping inside, she looks around the empty space, "Well, first it has to be structurally sound. I can have plumbing and wiring updated, but if we have to demo the whole building then it's not really worth it." Emiko glances up at the ceilings, guaging them to be about 12 foot tall in the lower half, probably similar upstairs. "It needs to have enough space that I can practice both my martial arts and my archery... which the length of the building looks good for that. Plenty of space, not a ton of support poles to interrupt the flow." She glances to the stairs, "Should check the upstairs and make sure it's going to work for a living space."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Oh your into archery too? I got a friend, Roy he is pretty into archery. I have watched him practice some, and even retrieved arrows for him on occasion." He does not mention those arrows may have been in flight when he got them. He smiles a bit to her, and will pace off the distance of the room telling her what it is. "Can we check the water, before the water is on?""

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Oh yeah. My mom was like.. Olympic level archer. So I've been steeped in it from the womb," Emiko lets out a laugh and lifts a shrug. She pauses ever so briefly when he mentions Roy, lifting a brow, "Oh yeah? That... Roy Harper? Redhead, brown eyes, bout your height, maybe a shade heavier on the build?" THe distance he calls out makes her smile, "That's perfect. Plenty of space. And yeah, there's like an ordnance or something, I think? And I'm pretty sure the water is on. Probably to keep the pipes from freezing over." The bottom half doesn't seem to have a bathroom, though. There's some covered pipes jutting out from the wall that was likely where a bathroom once was, but for now the place has been stripped bare. "Maybe upstairs?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "Yea, we should check it to see what your water smells and looks like." He tells her. His brow does raise a bit and says "Yea, can be a bit of a smart alec at times, but a good guy. How do you know Roy?" He will ask her.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Competitive archery isn't exactly a huge field, Bart. You tend to know the people who are at the top of their game," Emiko flashes a grin at him and chuckles, turning towards the stairs to head up them. "I'm guessing that there's a particular smell or color you want it NOT to be?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well, I figure we want it to basicly be mostly see through and not stink." He tells her as they walk along. "Most of the water in the city aint as bad as people say, but we want to make sure, and also if it is rusty or something might tell you need to replace the pipes"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Ooooo, good point." Emiko leads the way up the stairs, taking them quickly and with a light step. She glances around and lets out a whistle. "Damn, top floor's as big as the bottom floor. I could have like... two or three bedrooms up here if I wanted." Casting around, she spots the single bathroom that exists up top and heads towards it, glancing into the toilet and the toilet tank, giving it a flush, then turning on the water at the sink. There's the faint groan that comes from air trapped in pipes that haven't been used in awhile, but nothing shudders or shakes, and after a moment or two, the water starts in. A little brownish at first, it clears up after a few moments. "Mmmmm, probably dust in the pipes? Doesn't look red, though, so that's good."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Yea, looks pretty good." He will stomp around the upstairs a bit to test the floor a bit "Sounds pretty sturdy not seeing any weak spots. Plus most of the jumping around and such will be downstairs.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Smiling as she watches him stomp about here and there, Emiko chuckles before adding, "I'll probably make sure the floor here and ceiling downstairs are reinforced anyways. Make sure there's fresh insulation all over, no asbestos, that sort of thing." Looking around,s he smiles, "I like it, though. Its bigger than I expected, but it's a good size, has the requirements I need, and I like that it's not far from the school. Ten minutes on the sub and a five minute walk from the station to here. Not bad at all." Looking to Bart, she smiles, "What do you think, is it that perfect fixer upper opportunity?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "It looks like it yea, should have plenty of room, and like you said you can have multiple rooms up here, maybe a computer room office type if your the type who likes to do their homework away from distractions.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding, Emiko starts taking some pictures of the upstairs to text to Oliver, then grabs Bart's hand and smiles, "Let me grab some pics of the downstairs for him so we can put an offer in on the place, then we can grab food? OH! You never said if there's anything you don't like."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "I eat about anything, only place, I am not a fan off is this little place in Gothem, where they have the chickens in little cages, I mean I understand we eat them but at least be nice to them till then.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Ahhhhhhh, asian place? That's... yeah. It's supposed to be that the chickens are brought in the cages only on the day they're to be cooked. Because only an idiot would want to carry a pecking, scratching chicken in their arms, right? But I've heard some of the places here, they just.. keep them in the cages all the time. Which is sad." Emiko nods her agreement with him before heading back downstairs to snap more pictures to send to Oliver. "Okay! Well, we passed an itlian place, a ramen place," she pulls out her phone and does a search, letting out a small laugh, "soooooooo most of the food joints around here are asian, looks like there's a steakhouse a couple blocks north? Orrrrrr, an Australian place two blocks east."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "We can try the australian place for something different." He tries. HE will pull out his phone and says "Mind if I get a picture of us, and the place?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Sure! I've never had Australian food, I'm down to try something new." Emiko flashes a grin, then nods, "Okay, but only if you send me a copy so I can send it to Ollie. He'll want to know who I've been hanging out with. I'd like to show him that I'm not like... zooming around with some biker dude or anything. Besides, if we're gonna be friends or whatever, he'll want to meet you."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and will move over to her, and stands beside her with a goofy standing on one foot pose and smiling as he takes the picture.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emi with grin and throw up a peace sign over one of her eyes. "Awesome! Food ahoy! Lets go, I've been good all day but now I'm getting hungry."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will smile at her, and offers her his arm to lead her towards the australian place "well I am sure they will have shrimp, the whole shrimp on the barbie, I aint sure what else, probably steak there too.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hey, I've eaten some weird stuff before, so I say, be bold! Try new things!" Emiko takes his arm as they head towards the restaurant. She makes sure to forward the picture to Oliver so he can have a face to go with the name, then tucks her phone away and grins up at him, "You never did answer my question before. Favorite video game?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well it would probably depend on the catagory, I mean for fighting games Mortal Kombat rocks, and for RPGs Final Fantasy is pretty much the standard. " He does not mention that he was playing on MK 74 or FF 102. "I enjoy them, but I had a bit of an isolated back ground.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Ahhhhhh, I have no idea what either of those is but I will trust on it," Emiko laughs lightly and moves along with him. She gives a quick nod, then smiles, "Same. On the isolate part. I wasn't really around other kids for a long time, just adults. So like.. my mannerisms are sometimes... off-putting to people my age."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "I was lucky I guess, I got to be around people when I was 12, I thought school was so boring but to be honest looking back at it was a good thing." Once they get to the place, he will tell them a table for two.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko chuckles and gives a nod, "I was homeschooled pretty much all the way through high school, and as a kid raised among adults... I was raised to behave like an adult. It wasn't until I went to Starling City to be with Oliver that I really got to see what same-age interaction was like. Though not with Ollie, he's like.. ten years older than me. Our family is all the drama, but Oliver... well, he's the only one that never lied to me." She lifts a shrug and offers a half-smile, then follows the server to their table. She looks over the menu given and glances to him with a smile, "So what are you having? Anything you want, my treat. Eat as much as you like."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over the menu and blinks a moment "They have kangaroo?" It is something Bart has never noticed when he eats at most places he tries new things but somehow missed that people eat kangaroo. "I mean folks eat other marsupials but never really thought about kangaroos, but guess it makes sense."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"They have ostrich, too," Emiko points it out on the main dishes part of the menu. "Do you want to try it? Otherwise I'll probably get some hot crab dip or yellowfin tuna for a starter." She glances to him with a smile, "I have to admit, I'm a little curious about the kangaroo and ostrich. Think ostrich tastes like chicken?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "How about we each order something and get the kangaroo, and ostrich as a third person, trust me it won't go to waste." He offers her a smile and says "thinking the aged prime, with a side of mushrooms for the main dish and hmmm."Maybe the shark board as an appetizer." He looks to her "sure thats not to much?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Sounds like a plan to me," Emiko agrees with a quick nod, looking over the menu, "I was thinking of doing the 6 oz wagyu with the bourbon bacon glaze, sauteed mushrooms, and some grilled asparagus. Might throw a side of shrimp in with it." She grins at him, "Too much? No way, you get what you want. If you're hungry go for the big prime rib. Get an extra side. Order another appetizer. Get a dessert. Sky's the limit, Bart, go nuts."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "Well maybe a dessert, but lets see the size of the portions and such, I know they tell the size of the main dish, but I figure best to try it out before ordering anything else." He gives her a smile "So, think your brother has ran a background check on me yet?" He jokes.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko flaps a hand at him, "If it's too much, take it home. Have something nice to dig into tomorrow. I'm telling you, this is one of those times where you just go balls to the wall and be crazy. Order what you want and worry about it never." She flashes a grin at him, then winces a little and shrugs, "Probably. Knowing Ollie? Yeah. He's.. protective. It's sweet, but invasive."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "Well, I don't think I have anything bad in my background, so I should be good. And if it helps I can probably have roy put a good word in for me, does your brother know him too?

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I didn't figure you would, I'm just... slightly embarrassed on behalf of my loving but invasive brother?" Emiko offers with a sheepish grin. She blinks at the question, then shrugs and smiles, "I dunno, maybe! I can ask him? It's been some years since I was competing in archery matches and Oliver and I weren't like... super close at that point. Still just getting to know one another, really." When the waitress comes by, Emiko puts in the order for her things, plus the kangaroo and the ostrich, then looks to Bart to put in his. Once she's gone, Emi looks back to Bart and leans forward over the table, "So.. here's the thing. Oliver is my half-brother. We share the same dad. My mom wasn't his wife. I never got to meet my dad, he died when I was still pretty young. But like, mom lied about a lot of my family stuff. She said that my dad, and Oliver, didn't want me around because it was a reminder of his infidelity? But then I actually got to meet Oliver, and he told me it wouldn't have mattered because his mom was having an affair around the same time and -she- had a kid by that guy, so like... whatever is going on with his parents, we're still his sisters and that's what matters." She lifts a shrug and glances down at the table, "It's why I don't mind that he pries. HE'S doing it because he cares."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and will reach over to take her hand giving it a soft squeeze as she mentions the hard times she has had. "My dad died before I was born, I never got to meet him." He leaves out his maternal grandfather the supervillain killed him. "And I did not get to spend much time with my mom, I had a guy who was more guardian than dad for most of my teenage years. I rebelled against him some, but now I see he was doing what's best for me. Then I spent time with who I consider one of my grandfathers and grandmother. They are the ones who stressed the whole go to college and find a good job."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Smiling at the squeeze, Emiko returns it, then looks relieved when he reveals his own unusual upbringing. Giving a nod, she murmurs, "Until I was 8, I was raised by someone claiming to be my father. My mom wasn't really around much, she was always off doing other things. Then he died and she took me and... well, you know the rest now." She lifts a shrug, leaving out the fact that her mom is an assassin, like the man who raised her, and that she's the one that killed him. Offering a lopsided grin, she looks at him, "Ollie is the one that's pushing me to be more 'normal'. Get out, make friends, go to college... not that I won't always have a place with him if I need it, but I think he doesn't want me to be so.. isolated.. and I'm kinda glad he did."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Cool, it is good to have friends, I have some really good ones I hang out with sometime. Maybe you will get a chance to meet them sometime." He grins at her, and says "If you end up needing any help with the house or something maybe I can get them to help move stuff in. (to bad Conner can't help the easy way) he thinks

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Yeah, I have a couple and I'm trying to look at some other groups that I can maybe join up with outside of classes, make some friends that way too." Emiko flashes a smile and gives a quick nod. Her brows just up at the offer and she smiles, "That would be great. I'll totally spring for pizza and sodas and stuff if anyone wants to help move things in."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Conner goes to school here so you may run into him at school, but the rest are good folks as well, just either working jobs, or a couple still high school age."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Conner.. okay! I'll keep an eye out for him," Emi smiles, giving a nod. She chuckles and lifts a shrug, "Hey, it's not like we're super past high school ourselves, right? Shouldn't be too much of a thing."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Yea, thats pretty much what we think, the youngest one is the kid sister of one of the other's we hang out with, and we all sorta think of her as a kid sister now."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"See, but that's just cool. You guys don't keep her from things just for being younger." The younger sister of a much older brother smiles at hearing that. Emiko glances up as the food starts to come out. The meat and cheese board first, any drink refills. She has a little bit from the board but leaves the bulk of it to Bart. "So... maybe I'm being a little forward but.. would you like to do this again some time?" Pausing, she amends, "The dinner and hanging out, I mean. Not necessarily the property assessment."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and motions for her to try the food on the board too, so they are sharing it, and he looks over to her and says "Are you asking me out on a date?" He will smile at her not teasing but curious and making sure thats what she means.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko glances down at the table and lifts a shrug, "I mean... yeah. This was fun and you're fun, so..." She glances up at him with a smile, "Yeah. I'm asking you out on a date." She reaches out and takes up some more of the meat and cheese, watching him as she nibbles on it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "I think I would like that, it is just never had a girl ask me out before, I didn't mean to make ya feel weird about it, I just wanted to make sure, I was not reading this wrong, some folks think I can be a bit oblivious at times.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"That's okay, I've never asked a guy out before, so it's sort of a thing anyways. I wasn't sure if I was reading the room right, you know?" Emiko lifts a shrug and smiles at him, "But I'm glad that you're okay with it. I really have been having fun today. And... you are really cute."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen blushes a bit and says "Your really pretty Emiko, I am glad we met today, I think it can lead to some really fun times, and hanging out."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Me too. Glad that we met, I mean." Emiko agrees, smiling at him warmly. She reaches across to take his hand, giving a small squeeze, "Oh I think we could have all kinds of fun hanging out. You'll have to show me video games. And we -definitely- have to watch some movies. Maybe if something good comes through we could go to a concert. Or... just to the zoo."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "I can take you to the zoo and show ya all the cool stuff, some of the things normal visitors miss, and maybe even get you a chance to interact with some of the creatures most don't get to.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"That sounds great. I haven't been around animals much, but I love to learn new things!" Emiko smiles brightly, looking happy at how things are turning out. "What's something you'd like to do?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and seems to think about it a bit, and scratches his chin a bit in thought. "Honestly I aint sure, I will have to think about it, people say I am impulsive, as when something interests it, I will look into it then."

Emiko Queen has posed:
The dinner passes well, lots of good food, better company. They talk about various things that young people talk about, eating off the dishes ordered. Emiko doesn't bat an eye when the bill comes, setting a green credit card in the folder. She leaves a generous tip for the server. Since the Queen house is back in Starling City, she's spending the night at one of the upscale hotels (her brother made the reservation). She suggests a taxi, offering to pay for his fare to his place if he wants to ride with her to the hotel. When it comes time to part, Emiko will kiss him on the cheek and bid him good night with a smile. Enrolled into college, found a potential new place, and got a date with a cute boy! It's been a successful day!