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Latest revision as of 05:49, 13 February 2022

Aliens Ate My Buick
Date of Scene: 13 February 2022
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets a very odd young woman in the Manhattan Exclusion Zone.
Cast of Characters: Rissh, Peter Parker

Rissh has posed:
The city is busy this evening, as it always is, people going here, and there. Rissh is no exception! While she lives in Gotham, New York City isn't but a bus ride away, and she's taken it upon herself to get acquainted with some of the other cities on the planet. Her device masks her alien appearance, and to everyone who can't see through the technological illusion, she is an awkard, very lanky young woman.

As Rissh walks among the crowds, she doesn't swing her arms, her foot steps are oddly quick paced, and her gait is short, and rapid. Most people don't notice in all their hectic business, but those who do notice give her an odd look, which she is used to. She is carrying an odd smelling cup of tea. The scent of earl grey and ranch dressing both waft from it oddly enough, should someone notice. She sips it every so often as she stares at the lights.

Peter Parker has posed:
At any other time, this is a normal night. The hustle and bustle of people.

But it is not a normal night.
The angels had suddenly begun to depart from Manhattan Island, and people were coming back to rebuild, to recover, to reclaim what had been taken from them. Everyone from FEMA to the Red Cross had entered Manhattan, and Damage Control was going into overtime.

Spider-Man, however, is doing what he can to help out those making their way back to their home, their livelihoods, the lives they had to drop and discard. Not much street crime anymore. Even the criminals fear divine retribution.
Spidey lands at the edge of the FEMA tent, taking a few sheets of paper out of his backpack and waits for the tired-looking woman in charge to look his way...

Rissh has posed:
Rissh was not really aware of the angels visiting Earth, or causing havoc. In truth the idea of "the news", television, and social media are still growing on her, so from Gotham she was unaware of things. So far she's kept to herself, not spoken to many people, but recently she did hear about an attack of some kind. They were described as "aliens", or "crazy demons", among other things. But she's not heard any first hand accounts yet. So when she comes across the damaged parts of the city, she can only blink, and then remember what she heard.

The FEMA tents ahead of her were unexpected, she doesn't know what FEMA is, or why they are here. Spider-Man perched on top of one of the tents draws her attention immediately though, and she habitually sprint-walks towards the tent, staring at the red and blue suited being, a too wide grin on her face. She extends a very thin arm and hand in the wrong direction, "Hello! I am Rissy, a worker from Gotham. Looking at your clothing, I can only assume that you are one of these 'heroes' I have heard talk of, with extraordinary powers. Are you associated with law enforcement? I have not gotten a chance to speak with one of you yet."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man blinks at the thin young woman who was apparently trying to shake his HEAD in greeting. he lifted his right hand up to shake the woman's hand, bringing it down to the traditional level.
"Uhm, nice to meet you, miss. I go by Spider-Man. Or Spidey. Sometimes even Webhead." He lets go of her hand after shaking it. "I'm not a member of law-enforcement. Even though I could probably pass the physical. But I do assist the NYPD on many occasions. Using the law along with my own special abilities to catch and fairly prosecute criminals."
Another pause. "Well, now you know what to call me, may I ask YOUR name?"

Rissh has posed:
Rissh continues smiling, "My name is Rissy! I am a worker from Gotham! This is New York City, according to a map I bought. I have never visited this city before and I came here out of curiosity. By coincidence I know have a chance to meet you. There is another like you in Gotham, he is called "the Batman." I have not met him but he seems to be a collegue of yours, or at least works in the same field. Social deviants fear him, they do not believe that he is human. I have heard that he has the DNA of a bat. I am not familiar with bats, can you ellaborate? I know these are a lot of questions at once, when I have asked about this before, others have made a shaking gesture with their heads in disapproval, and dismissed me as an 'addict'."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey was a little puzzled. "Addict" wasn't the word that come to mind. More interesting ones ranging from "fangirl" to "detective/reporter" were more prevalent.
"What say we go sit over there?" He pointed to a wrought-iron bench covered in plastic. He hands the papers to the woman in the FEMA tent, then walks over with "Rissy" to the bench in question.

After Spider-Man sits, he says, "Batman is a vigilante. I think he uses a fearsome demeanor to frighten criminals into thinking he is some inhuman monster. Bats are flying mammals with a much-maligned reputation. He has some special gifts, I am sure, but I've never seen him with fur, fangs or claws. I do know he is very well-equipped." He sighs. "I wish I had his budget."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh nods and stores the information away for later, "Interesting.. and budget you said? Money? He has a lot of money?" She sits down, "Could he be funded by someone? A government organization?" She looks at a FEMA sign, "FEE-MA. Can you tell me about that word?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles a little sheepishly under the mask. "I don't know. But I know next-level tech when I see it, and the stuff he's been seen to have must have cost a fortune. But it is possible that some organization may be funding him."
He looks to the sign with the FEMA emblem next to the name. "It's what they call an 'initialism.' FEMA is a word made up of initials of other words. FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency. They are called to help in various places designated as disaster areas."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh stares at the sign for a moment, "I understand. Are they associated with heroes then? Do they also have powers as you do? These heroes tend to appear when they are needed, which suggests either some kind of global surveillance network, or remote viewing ability. I know these are strange questions, but I am simply trying to understand how this all works, or at least a preliminary understanding. Gotham is a very different city from anywhere else I have ever been, New York City is too it would seem. Are these the only two cities staffed by those of your profession?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man gave her an odd look. Something about her wasn't adding up. She was talking like a tourist, but a tourist from WHERE?

"...Actually, there's another city in New Jersey who has quite a few superheroic types. It's called Metropolis."
He paused. "And maybe you should tell me how you are unaware of Metropolis, home of the Justice League, the Titans, and some of the most powerful heroes in existence."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh replies, "I simply have not heard of them. I have no other explanation. You mentioned a Justice League, the Titans? These are heroes as well? Interesting. Are you a member of these.. organizations? I assume they are organizations? Like FEMA?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Yes, they are organizations...and no, I am not a member of any of them. I'm what you might refer to as an 'independent.' I have friends who I work with, but we don't have weekly meetings, or even an official headquarters...other than an abandoned scrap yard I re-purposed as a training area."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh thinks for a moment, "Innovative of you!" That big grin on her face as barely inched since she started speaking. Her drink is almost gone now, the ranch smell most prominent at this point, "Have you asked to join them? I have not heard much of you, Spider-Man, which is why I did not recognize you. But have heard your name come up. You sound very capable."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "I kinda think I blew any chance of working with the Avengers some time ago. And heroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman...? Nope. Nowhere NEAR that League. And I think the Titans have enough would-be comedians that moonlight as vigilantes, not to mention multiple geniuses. And the thing is, I'm all right with that. I have no ambition...and believe me, no ego to speak of. I'm even having someone edit a how-to book I wrote..."
He holds up his hands to frame an imaginary floating title. "SUPERHEROING ON $5 A DAY."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh watches Spider-Man's hands, "A how.. too book? What is that? How to what? Your language is not native to me. Sometimes there are errors in communication."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey's voice has become somewhat...CAREFUL.
"It's a type of book that gives advice and guidance on a particular subject. 'How to write a novel.' 'How to fix a leaky faucet.' 'How to play the saxphone.' My book basically gives advice and instructions on how to do various things involved with superpowers and crime-fighting. Focusing exercises and forensics."

He then asks almost casually, "What is your native language, since English is sometimes difficult?"

Rissh has posed:
Rissh acknowledges his answer with a slow blink, then at the question of her language, she replies, "I am from up north. In Can-ah-duh. Have you been there?" The question of her actual language seems to be dodged for the moment, "Language can be different in other places."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Ah. You must speak French, then. It's the only other language than English spoken in Canada." Spidey's voice is friendlier, but still careful. "I've only been to Vancouver. What is it about everyone liking mayonnaise?"

He shrugs. "Well, in any case, I think I'm doing everything I can here in New York. People are being helped. I don't need to be a member of a group to help people, though." He smiled again under the mask.

Rissh has posed:
Rissh continues to smile, "I enjoy syrup, especially on steak! Mayonnaise? I spread it on cookies. I found a liking for cookies. What about you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Syrup on steak. Mayo on cookies. Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice once said.
"Well, I'm a fan of most kinds of cookies. Except oatmeal raisin. I wouldn't eat those even if you paid me to."

He looked around. "Listen, a truck is going to show up soon, delivering food, insulin, blankets. Would you like to help unload the truck with me?"

Rissh has posed:
Rissh thinks, "Unload a truck of food? Blankets? Insulin? Where is it all going? Is it for you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
"There's a lot of people who need a place to sleep tonight. There are a few people who also need insulin, it's not a resource that keeps well without refrigeration. People still need to eat, as well." Spider-Man looked in the direction of Queens. "A lot of people lost their homes in this Angel nonsense."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh thinks again, "Angels? The attack in New York? I heard that it was an alien invasion." She looks around at the damaged parts of the area again, "Very advanced weapons at least. Who were these angels?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shook his head. "I don't know. But I know they weren't really angels. From what I hear, someone else is handling it. But people need to pick up the pieces in the aftermath. So...sometimes the only heroic thing I do is help pick up pieces for other people." He chuckles. "'There are no small jobs, only small minds.' Someone I admired once said that. Never think you are too important for any task."

Rissh has posed:
Rissh looks at the FEMA sign again, "I will help. I do not have a small mind." Her fragile looking body stands up, "I am also stronger than I look. Lifting heavy objects is not a problem for me."