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Latest revision as of 14:12, 14 February 2022

Neither Hide Nor Hair
Date of Scene: 14 February 2022
Location: Selene's Safehouse
Synopsis: Selene and Alexander confer about their next step.
Cast of Characters: Selene Corvinus, Alexander Aaron

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Its a cold rain outside in Gotham tonight, with the temperature around 35 and threatening to snow later in the night.

The hunt for Lucien and Eve had turned up nothing. They had spied their location through some kind of connection that allowed Eve and Selene to share each other's bodies. But Selene had been cut off from it, Eve had figured out how to stop it. Selene could now too, if she wanted, but she was actively trying not to. She needed to know who this Eve person was...

But Elektra had vanished.

Thusly Selene was not in a great place. She sent Alexander a text message to tell him what safe house she was in, and when he arrives he'll find the door already click with the sound of the locks opening. She cracks the door and peers out at him through it, her face pale, and her hair wild. She looks like a mess.

"Come in." She says in that butter-soft voice as she opens the door and allows the man inside the place that has its windows covered, and absolutely no lights on inside it.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Tall and wet, hair soaked a bit and his coat slick with the chill of Winter's rain, Alexander passes through the door and slips inside, shaking out his sleeves a little before entering and tapping the toes of his boots. Yet it's to no avail, a small puddle likely will be created as he moves inside and tucks the collapsible umbrella into a pocket of his large coat.
    "No signs I could discern." He tells her, giving the lede of the story before elaborating. Though he takes a moment to slip out of his coat and leave it in the foyer. Underneath he has tactical clothes of black with a harness that holds a pistol under his arm. He looks like he may have had a rough night chasing down what he could, but not as hard as Selene.
    "No trail and the locals I spoke with had no clue to their nature." He moves in, following after, taking the lay of the land and considering the safehouse.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
There are two bloodie knives laying on the edge of a table. Selene's handguns are laying there too, both still inside their holsters with a number of rounds scattered around them, along with extra magazines. She closes the door behind him and latches the locks again, one after the other.

She's wearing her black suit, and leather trench coat that was just as wet as his attire, but has had at least 45 or so minutes to dry off here.

When finished, Selene turns back to him. "I think Elektra has skipped town. I'm not sure if this got too ... insane for her. But also, I think she might believe that I've been lying to her." Selene says as she passes him by toward the table that she sits down upon a small stool beside. She starts loading her bullets in to the weapon mags as she continues.

"To be honest, I don't blame her. This has gotten beyond ridiculous, and for my life, that's saying alot."

Selene spares a look over at him, she notes his serious attire.

"I appreciate your loyalty in this. I wanted to tell you... that you don't have to keep going with any of this. With Elektra... gone, your connection here is severed."

She's cutting him loose? So it seems.

Alexander Aaron has posed:

    The weapons are noted, the rounds, he looks back toward her. She likely gets the feeling he's gauging, those pale hazel eyes focusing on her frame and the way she stands. Moves. Perhaps considering if she's been injured or what other weapons might be easily at hand.
    He listens to her. Accepts the words given. No judgment clear in his eyes, but his features aren't the most expressive. Yet he is considering. Feeling the small subtle threads of anxiety or fear that might be present, his awareness of such an insistent thing to him that he can filter out, glide a mental touch over and consider what may be at play.
    Then finally he answers. Without answering.
    "This reminds me." A look to the side, then back to her as he leans a hip against that old sofa. "My father has dozens of safehouses around the world."
    Those eyes wander, head tilting to the side a little. "Though he has crates of old clothes. Bought in bulk. Superbowl t-shirts for losing teams. Little graphic things."
    What that has to do with anything? Hard to say.
    Then he says, "Elektra would not let me off so easily if I left you without aid, Selene."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes are down on the mags as she shoves rounds in to them. She listens to what he says as she does this, her dark hair waving gently at the sides of her pale skinned face. She pauses at the last thing he says, and she looks back over at him, her brown eyes dark and centered upon his own.

"She might already be dead." Selene says then, coldly.

She lingers her stare a moment longer like she wanted to say something more, but stops and goes back to what she was doing.

"It's impossible to say, until they reveal their intentions. My Coven here in the States is on lock down now. With our leader's council killed in Montreal, she is alone to make the decisions solely by herself. She is not trusting of many, and the bulk majority of my Death Dealers are surrounding her until this threat can be resolved. If it gets much worse, they will leave, back to Hungary, and they'll require me to return with them." Selene says before she lifts one of her guns and slides the magazine in to it.

"We will have lost the United States to our enemies." She says next, before pausing to just stare at the table in front of her...

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The youth had always held himself in such a curious way. Unflappable, at ease, even when presented with such wildness as she depicts her life to be. When they had asked his help he simply accepted and pursued without question. So it shouldn't surprise her when she declares Elektra could already be dead...
    That Alexander then says, "If so then what better way to honor her than fulfill her last request of me?" Yet as she stares at him steadily, there is no flinch. No hesitation in him. He is watching, paying attention, and likely considering the next steps needed.
    Then when Selene speaks to him of the political situation he lifts his chin slightly. When she finishes speaking he asks calmly, "Is that what concerns you the most? Or is Elektra... or Eve a stronger priority?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
She stops again to look back over her shoulder at him as the rain pelts the window outside behind the blanket that is hung up over it. The dim edges of a neon sign outside offer a glow through the sides of the blanket. "I suddenly find myself with more priorities than I know what to do with..." Selene counters then as she looks away again. Her loaded side arm is stuffed inside her jacket against the left side of her body as she reaches for the other on the table.

"Elektra is the best thing I've had happen to me, in a long, long time. But, as I've learned in the past six hundred and fifty years... Nothing, lasts, forever." She pulls the magazine out of that second gun as she looks inside it. It is loaded with a different kind of bullet, one that looks to be tipped with silver.

"My duty is to my people. Elektra knows this too. I'll see to their safety, and if that means seeing them on a boat back to the motherland, then so be it." But will she be on that boat too?

'Between Elektra, my Coven, and this ... Eve... let alone Lucien, I'm at a bit of a loss on where to even begin, Alexander." She notes in her sultry smooth voice.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She is left to her thoughts, or at least as a listener... Alexander does not hover. He does not insist on attention nor input. He watches, and hears what the elder vampire warrior has to say. Some find Alexander's inscrutability disturbing. Yet it also makes him... something of a good sounding board.
    His head tilts slowly to the side, nodding a little when she speaks of nothing lasting forever. Having his own taste of such similarly, though likely... on a much smaller scale. Then when she speaks roughly about her responsibility to her people that causes those eyes of his to focus somewhere beyond her, as if considering an option before she finishes speaking to him in that quiet intimate tone. "You are pulled in many directions."
    A look to the side is given, brow furrowing for a moment. "You have given oath to your Coven. Perhaps you have given an oath to Elektra. Eve... you owe some obligation through blood shared."
    He rises to his feet, taking a few steps after the dark lady. Pausing a few feet away. He takes a deep breath, "Much of this, however, flows from Lucian, and Eve. If we can find them, then it may well relax the pressure on... other aspects of your life."
    Yet that is the thing is it not? Unable to find those they seek. So he then says, "There are options on the hunt, some I may have access to you may not."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"It seems that everyone is exercising options that others do not have." Selene answers the young man as she moves to stand up with her second pistol, also being tucked away in to her coat where she covers it over her slim waistline.

She turns to face him before she retreives something from her coat pocket. She holds it up. It's a very unusual bullet. IT's tip glows blue.

"The Lycans have made new friends. Friends that have given them this. An ultra-violet bullet..." She explains. "One was used on one of my people tonight. I watched his body burn up from the inside, like he stepped out in to the sun... when we were in the depths of a subway tunnel..."

She lowers the bullet then to hold it in her palm. Her eyes staring at it before she looks up to him again then.

"What might you have, options wise?" She asks.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Doors that could open," Alexander says as he considers the bullet and he frowns a little at the idea of such a casually lethal thing for one such as her. Though it would make sense, for such a war to be waged so long for the weapons to have become so deadly. "Though they'd require a price of some sort. Obligations given. My family members, or some friends I may have in government agencies."
    He steps toward her, then past to consider one of the rounds on that table, lightly touching it and then setting it spinning. His lips twist a little. Looking a touch sour before he looks back to her and murmurs.
    "Or I could find a werewolf and seduce them." It's a joke. It must be. But he does have such a damn poker face.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene smirks at the man as he says those last words. She glances at the bullet that he sent spinning before she looks back to his eyes. "Please don't." She says then before she produces three magazines from her coat. She lifts them up and offers them to him. "Silver." She indicates. "Do you have a weapon that will work with these types of mags?" She asks him next, clearly offering to give them to him just in case.

"Kraven is still on the loose, as well. He has to be found, and stopped. I think this is something you and I can focus on. If we can find him, and make him squeal, we should be able to find where Lucien, and this Eve are."

Selene will turn then and start to walk toward that window to peer out the small crack toward the rainy night.

"I knew a man, twenty years ago. We only knew each other for a small time before we were separated. He was ... injured. He was in the process of becoming a Lycan. I tried to save him. We both ended up at the bottom of an icy river. I thought he had perished. The told me he had."

"I was in a coma for a year. It seems ... a lot can happen while you're asleep...."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As she asks he undoes the clasp for the pistol under his arm and produces it for her. It's a 9mm Glock, little of remark though it shows some customization for the draw from its holster and a modification to the barrel made for possible augmentations to be added. A good weapon, but not staggeringly out of the ordinary. "If needs be," He says about taking one of the magazines.
    She mentions Kraven and he nods, "Then we can focus on that." He had heard it mentioned before, when they had recruited him. He didn't know the man, but the details could wait. Selene seemed more of need to unfurl her path. To work through her thoughts and find what shall be best for her.
    Then she moved to the window and his gaze followed. She spoke of that man from some time ago, and it was clear that the man had an impact on her. Some event that played heavily upon her. Then the coma. And what has passed.
    "It can be difficult..." Alexander says as he walks over slowly, leans against the wall beside that window she looks out of. His own pale gaze focused on the door he came through, thoughts likely drifting alongside Selene's or perhaps more accurately where he imagines her thoughts may be. "To be vulnerable and have no one around to trust. It seems..." He looks at her, "That even those who have been on your side haven't been entirely truthful. Or gave you time or respite to protect yourself."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The face of the vampire is crossed over by the path of light from outside created by the split in the blanket and window. She hears his words, and then pulls her eyes over to look at him across the window from her. She dips her chin at him.

"Something... is bothering me more than it ever has." She says to him. "I realize, I'm basically a stranger to you, and my strange problems are foreign, and likely miniscule to you. Vampires... werewolves, why should anyone care? These things, stick to the darkness, hide in the shadows... YOu've been a good ally in this thus far. I expected you to cut and run after Elektra stopped responding. But you haven't... thus.... Well." She sighs then.

"I'm prepared to go further, and if you're interested in helping, then we can do just so. If they /do/ have Elektra,... well... we'll rip them limb to limb to get her back. But yes, that something that has been bothering me? I think Kraven may have the answers to it."

She nods once again, and shows him a faint, tired, smile. "Thank you. I think that is what I'm ultimately trying to say..."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Not minuscule," Alexander says as he smiles a little, looking at her sidelong. His arms are still folded over his chest, and he does have such an... at ease way about him. Some consider him making light of their situations, or that he takes nothing seriously... when it's more that his reactions don't quite reach the heights. Nor the depths of a person who can feel such feelings.
    "Larger than my world in a lot of ways. Different. Matters carry weight for you. In my world different things may matter. But it's all about what is close to you now. What draws you."
    He looks away and smiles a little, "You are..." He lifts a hand slightly, "Head and shoulders above how I feel for most of my family." Then he smiles as she likely might well consider that not a high bar. He adds, "I actually like you. So. Leaps and bounds."
    He reaches over with a hand and rests it on the vampire's shoulder, giving just a small squeeze as he murmurs, "We'll go find Kraven, and see what can be gained." A beat, then he adds, "No need to thank me."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The hand to her shoulder has Selene showing a ghostly grin to him. She nods her head a single time then. "I'll buy you a house plant." She dryly jests before her eyes look back out to the night. "Seems the rain is letting up some." She says to him, as her left hand comes up to flip her phone screen on to check the time.

"There's still a few hours before sun up. I should probably put them to good use, and get back out there." She says next to him.

"If you're going out and about, please make sure to watch your back. Their meeting they took you on, they clearly have been following you, and know a lot about you now. They may be worried about what you are capable of, but that doesn't mean they won't take chances of opportunity to 'convince' you to abandon the vulnerable Vampire." She knows they're trying to box her in, that much anyone can see in regards to her situation now.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A nod is given as he pushes away from the window, "I've been breaking up my routine, and taking trips out of town without warning. But they seem to be gifted trackers." And considering their heritage... that is understandable.
    He starts to move back toward the door, slipping his pistol into the holster and snapping it into place before he reclaims his still wet pea coat and slinging it over his shoulders with a rather smooth cinematic flow of motion, as if he had practiced it before. Which he had.
    A small smile is given, "Give me a call if you need me, I'll keep myself available." And as he says that he moves back toward the door.
    He pauses, his brow furrowing as he looks back to Selene and murmurs, "Would you like for me to stay and keep watch during the day?" When she is vulnerable and the sun is high.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene stays where she is as she mulls more thoughts over her in her mind. She has a lot going on in there after all. She glances back at him when he sweeps his jacket on all fancily before his question is asked. She cosniders this before she looks back to the window. "Perhaps." She says quietly then before she turns to retrieve those bloodied daggers from the table.

"The wifi in here is terrible though." She says to him again with another small smirk.

"But yes, if you're here by morning, I'll see you in, and well, it'll give me time to rest. Elektra would very much be pushing me to do just so, were she here." The Vampire quietly says as she wipes the daggers off on her sleeves, then slides them in to leather holsters that are attached to the underside of her guns within her coat.

"Clearly she has good tastes in allies." The Vampire says to him again as she is continuously surprised by his willingness to help out.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    With that same deadpan calm he replies, "Well if the wifi is bad then I'm out of here." He tells her as he nods. "Let me know if you want some company while you hunt. Otherwise I'm going to get some supplies and I'll be back a half hour before sunrise." He moves to that door, checking outside and slightly tilting his head as he 'listens' to the subtle signs and murmurs of fear that can be felt in those myriad of minds in the nearby city blocks.
    Nothing beyond the norm, and no hint of ambush. He opens the door and steps out. "See you soon."