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Latest revision as of 19:39, 15 February 2022

Apparently the World Didn't End
Date of Scene: 15 February 2022
Location: Workshop - Garage
Synopsis: Logan and daughter agree feeling helpless sucks. Logan contemplates a diary, but decides against it.
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Logan Howlett

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    Rien followed the scent of Logan's cigar into the garage again. He seemed to be spending a good amount of his time in there. Perhaps he got some satisfaction from working with his hands and fixing things that needed fixing.

    Or maybe it was just somewhere he wasn't likely to be bothered by other people.

    That seemed the more likely explanation to Rien, even if he had gone so far as to join Xavier's folks, 100+ years of lone wolfing doesn't wear off that easily. She leans against the doorframe, saying "Hello Logan. Since it looks like we may have survived the whole angel thing, I thought I'd put together a batch of my herbal blend."

    She holds up a ziplock filled with some sort of herbal tobacco blend, the tosses it over to him. "You can decide how you want to smoke it."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Teaching wood and auto shop, Logan spent a great deal of time in the workshop. Sometimes the students were here, sometimes they weren't, and when they weren't he felt perfect alright with having a beer in hand. Right now he was working on an engine, not the same one the students had as their project, this one was entirely his. His beer sat on the workbench not far from the small lift holding the engine securely in place outside of the car or truck it was from.

Thanks to the cigar, he scented Rien's arrival only moment before she was actually there. A moment of peace from the overwhelming sense of smell he had.

"Seems we all survived," he comments, turning to pick up his beer and look to Rien, almost smiling at her. "I got some papers to roll it in, make everyone think I'm smokin a joint. How you doing?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    She shrugs, then steps into the garage and sits on the hood of one of the project cars. "Not too bad. Since it looks like things are going to settle down, I can get back to my normal job instead of trying to figure out what the hell you can do to angels. Demons are just simpler in general, so banishing I will go. With the occasional detour into other magical issues that crop up."

    She pulls out her cigarette case and gets one of her cigarettes going, then blows out a cloud of herbal smoke. "Looks like you're in your normal spot, so I assume the angel thing didn't have too much impact here, except for a few cancelled trips to the city."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Picking up a rag, Logan wipes his hands off before accepting the ziplock of herbs, which goes into his jacket pocket.

"Thankfully, not much changed around here," he offers, then leans down to the cooler to pull another bottle of beer which he offers to Rien. "We did out best to entertain the kids with trips to Winchester instead, and of course the usual snow ball fights and ice skating, thanks to Bobby. Seems almost... surreal. All that destruction in Manhattan, all that death, and life here just went on like nothing was happening."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    Taking the beer, Rien nods before opening it and taking a drink. "I know what you mean. One minute the whole universe is going to end, the next it's all normal. Maybe it's just because the stakes were so high that it was tough to wrap our heads around the whole situation. I'm not used to feeling insignificant, and in that mess, I was."

    Another swig from the beer bottle, then she grins at him. "It's so much nicer to be the hunter, not the prey. It felt wrong being the other way, you know?" Another puff on the cigarette sent more smoke in the air to join what was there already.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Leaning against the workbench, Logan takes a puff of his cigar and lets the smoke drift out slowly. He'd been doing his best not to look at just how close the universe was to destruction, mostly because there wasn't anything he could do about it. Sometimes he managed to almost forget the ticking time bomb was out there, most of the time however it was right there in the back of his head.

"I may of been out here," he says slowly. "Away from it all, but it was always there, the thought that there was something seeking to destroy us all. Was the first time in a long time I actually felt... helpless."

A large drink of the beer in his hand is taken before he sighs, and sets the bottle down. "Not a damn thing I could do about it," he continues. "I get that helpless feeling Rien, cause that's what most of us were. Helpless, useless, we just had to 'hang in there' and I don't do that real well."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    She laughs, raising the beer bottle in a salute, "Exactly. I'm supposed to be someone with the answers, the libraries of Clan D'Arqueness at my disposal should I come up against a mystic threat I haven't already run into over the course of a hundred years, and I might as well have had a straw and spitballs for all the good I actually did."

    "As for you, yeah, I remember a trip to Hell we took because you wouldn't let me go alone, couldn't sit and wait to see how it played out. Of course, we were able to get some things done on that trip."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan turns his blue eyes to Rien and nods once, curtly. "I don't like sittin on the bench," he responds. "Not my thing. Normally I'd of been in the middle of it, offering up whatever help I could, which is to say I'd be clawing things, but this time... wouldn't have done a damn thing, wouldn't have mattered."

Another puff of the cigar is taken before he adds, "Seems to me that you get to add to that library now, write up something for future generations bout all this angel shit."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    "Well, that's true at least. I was probably the D'Arqueness most involved with the situation, so they'll expect a report of what I found. That's the way those libraries got so big in the first place. Anything one of us learns, it gets added for future generations. I'll have to poke around some of the people who were most involved, see if I can find out what actually happened."

    Another swig from the beer takes it below half. "Ok, enough about that. We both hated being on the sidelines, now it's over. Time to find a few bad guys and teach them the error of their ways. Or at least make them very, very unhappy."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan snorts. He was all for teaching bad guys the error of their ways, but his method was usually more permanent. "Dead makes them unhappy, right?" He asks with a smirk. "I'm good at making things dead. Usually try to leave one alive as a living witness to why you don't fuck up, not sure how effective that really is, but I like it."

Glancing around the room, he lets his eyes settle back on Rien. "I don't know who was involved, think you have a better chance of finding that, but if I can help let me know. Keeping records is a smart thing to do, means other's can learn from it. Might of been helpful for me, what with all the times my brains been screwed up."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    A smirk turns into full blown laughter as the image in her mind takes shape. Logan, bent over a little book writing 'Dear Diary, today I eviscerated three people who really deserved it. Still in love with Jean, wish Scott would fall off a building or something.'

    Once she gets herself under control again, she shakes her head. "Sorry, mental image. You just don't seem like the diary type."

Logan Howlett has posed:
For a moment Logan stares at Rien with a blank expression on his face. "They call 'em journal's now," he finally snorts, then takes another drink of his beer. "And no... I don't keep one, ya smart ass kid." Finally a smile touches his face, indication he's just joking with her.

"You pictured me writin bout killing people, didn't you."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
    She nods, "Exactly, any journal you kept would probably be able to be used against you in a court of law." Another drink almost finishes the bottle. "It was a very amusing picture, what can I say?"

    She finishes the bottle and hops down from the car, tossing the bottle into the recycling bin. "Off again, just wanted to touch base and deliver the blend. Give me a yell if you ever have mystic issues crop up."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan laughs, the image of this journal existing and him sitting there writing in it finally amusing enough to tickle his funny bone.

"Yeah, okay, I can see the humor," he comments, reaching over to pat Rien on the back lightly before she moves to recycle her bottle.

"Be safe out there," he then says, tossing his bottle into recycle as well. "If you need my claws, call me, and if anything voodoo happens, I'll call you."