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Latest revision as of 19:40, 15 February 2022

Attacking the Amazons
Date of Scene: 14 February 2022
Location: Union Square
Synopsis: Cheetah attempts to ambush Wonder Woman. The first blood is drawn as Cheetah's anger leads to her being outmaneuvered and defeated. But the Cheetah got away to try for her revenge another day as her bloodlust will only grow deeper..
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Diana Prince

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Galatea had gone out, heading to one of the embassies in Manhattan that had just recently begun the process of reopening. Then never arrived or checked in afterwords. Having gone in the morning and now it approaching twilight, others had no doubt started to come looking for her.
    For one furred individual, years of aggression had finally hit a boiling point. Acting like they -owned- this city, this world. They had ruined her life. So now she would start the process back.
    Cheetah waited, slung in the darkness. In an ambush position, concealed, fur flat against her form.
    Her captive simply dangling from long, thick rope; perhaps even her own from the side of a building nearby. One that had been damaged and hadn't started the process of fixing itself up yet. The sun was fading, and the darkness was starting to rise.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had not heard from Gala since she left this morning to check on this building's opening. They were hoping to turn the facility in to a place for young girls to come and have a community center that was themed after Amazon ideals. Separate from the large affair that is the Arts Center, this place for young women was a promising location that Galatea was excited for herself...

But without any responses to text messages, Wonder Woman set out to check on her sister and fellow Amazon Warrior.

She traced her phone, and it lead her here.

Wonder Woman steps in from the darkening outside, her hair gently blowing against her otherwise bare shoulders, as she stands in her armor, with her lasso at her side...

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There is the Amazon hanging from the building. Bloodied, unconscious, and not moving beyond the shallow breathing indicative that she was still alive and had no particular crippling injuries. But someone had clearly overpowered her before she could respond or fight back. Dents and.. Slices through her armor.
    As Diana is moving over towards the Amazon, there's a flicker in the shadows. A quick movement that she may or may not take notice of. A very, very quick one.
    The shadows themselves would be empty if she were to examine them, no signs of anyone or anything. No wind. Nothing on the ground to indicate anything if she did check.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's wedge-heeled armored boots step quietly across the ground, crunching softly on the dirt and detritis of the area. She looks up at Gala hanging from the scaffolding, and she draws in a breath. Her hand goes to her lasso as she unclips it from her leather harness, but just as she's about to act, she hears the sound of something rushing past in the dark shadows...

Diana does a look from Gala, to the shadows, then turns in a full circle.

"Whomever is out there, I am not here for a fight. I am here to collect my sister, and go." She announces in her thickly accented English.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
There's a sound over from the opposite corner where Diana is facing. A big, big sound. Clattering of noise, like someone was darting along in an alleyway, scraping and metal and rock. Blatant, definitely the sound of motion. Diana's attention and training likely have her focus over on it for just a moment, eprhaps automatically.. Perhaps not in the slightest.
    But it's not real, just some heavy thrown rocks.
    And perhaps when Diana has just instinctively, perhaps or not, given her attention over to that.. Then coming from the opposite end she was facing would be a blur. An inhuman blur. That would be Cheetah on the attack. Silently. Charging at Diana at full speed with power that only one imbued with the SPeed Force could outmatch. Claws going in an arc behind her, going to build up momentum for the powerful strikes she intended to launch! Thanks to whatever mystical source of her powers, she would run without a sound, without motion in the air. In total silence. Running hard, fast, at well beyond the speeds even the fastest plane could achieve in atmosphere. Claws going to slash in an arc forwards, her not bothering to slow down behind intent on just trying to run clear THROUGH the Amazon to try and cleanly bisect her through the midsection!

Diana Prince has posed:
It very nearly works too!

Diana's senses are of the Gods, however, and she turns in time to raise her left armored forearm, and cause a shower of sparks to spray out from between them, as the Princess leans back and uses the momentum of the attacker to push her back several steps!

The lasso comes to life with a brilliant golden shine, as she swirls it in the air and lashes it out at the shadowy figure that just lunged at her!

The twirl, swirling, rope of the divine, tries to ensnare the agile, fast, target before they can attack again!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
As fast as the amazon princess is, lashing with the lasso, Cheetah is faster. Even as the lasso is going to whip through the air, Cheetah would run out of range of it. Then she's leaping through the air with the grace of a predator, moving at speeds that even Amazonian senses might be just a micro-second behind. Hitting a nearby building, rebuounding off it, then zig-zagging along at high speed, seeeming to move without regards to friction or inertia! To anyone that did not have enhanced senses, she would be blurring well beyond the capacity to even acknowledge that she was there.
    Going to launch herself at Diana from a variety of angles, sides, and being a berserk array of claws attempting to hit at her from every direction with feral power and strength!

Diana Prince has posed:
The lasso swhirls back to Diana's grasp as the Cheetah dodges it. But the Princess' honed reflexes are next to none, and she starts to dance across the ground as she keeps track of the noises, the way the air flows, and the sounds that just can't be avoided of someone moving around as quickly as the apex predator is.

"I am here to talk!" Is all that Diana can get out before the attacks come again, Diana once more on the defensive as she moves to block them, to raise her bracers up and send the incoming blows aside, causing more sparks to flash out in the darkness!

But the Princess doesn't remain on the Defensive side for long, as she starts to get a rhythm for her attacker, and now tries to engage her in wrapping the lasso around the enemy by hand, her body glowing from the golden shine coming off the Divine twine!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would once again dodge the lash of the lasso, but her maneuver is a little more awkward this time. Diana's adversary is revealed in her glory. Fur splotched with streaks and spots. Darkly colored to match the surroundings. Fangs. Massive claws on her hands and feet, a lashing tail behind her dancing as if it were a scorpion's with a barb on the end of it.
    "Well I'm -not-." The first words she had spoken to Diana. Then another berserk frenzy, attacking Diana at high velocity and relying on sheer speed to go at her! Intent on turning from superspeed to near stops on a dime to attack, then going to full speed again in defiance of the laws of inertia and friction! "I'm here to gut you. Play along or let me do it, I'm good either way."

Diana Prince has posed:
the glow of the lasso, and Diana's own ability to see better in the dark than the average person, allows her to see her enemy when she responds to her. It is a surprise, to say the least, but it is not the strangest thing Diana has fought in her time away from Themyscira!

The princess continues to use her bracers to deflect the attacks, she stammers back once, then lunges her body forward as she waits for the next incoming strike...

In truth, Diana is directing Cheetah... she's trying to get her to come in at just the right angle...

Then the Bracers of Submission are brought together when she does...

Diana crosses her arms as Cheetah rushes, and finds herself going face first in to the kinetic blast of Diana's Aegis attack!

A stunning blow of power washes out from Diana's forearms, blooming away from the Princess to engulf the Cheetah, and hopefully sending her spiraling away, as well as hopefully dazing her enough to subdue her!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would be moving as directed at high speed. Whatever she -was-, she didn't seem to be fully trained or even cognizant of how she was being maneuvered. As Diana would go to lash up, bringing the Bracers of Submission together, the energy wave would send her flying away! Hitting the side of a building, crumpling through the wall! And the sounds of her immediately flipping back up again and hissing in pain could be heard.
    "You ruined my LIFE! You took away EVERYTHING from me! You DESTROYED everything I had! Everything I WORKED for!" The words simmering with rage of someone whom as far as they were concerned -had- everything taken from them.
    Now she's bounding out of the rubble, but staying at a distance. Outside of striking range; of the lasso or the Aegis.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana doesn't hesitate.

A second after the Aegis sends Cheetah tumbling, the Princess lunges! The words spoken, shouted? from Cheetah has Diana only curious as to what this person truly could mean...

But her lunge has her intending to simply steam roll the enemy over, to pin her to the ground and to use the lasso of Truth to wrap her up again!

"You are still alive. you still have life yet to live!" The Princess counters as she still isn't trying to actively harm this enemy, just subdue her!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The woman goes to wait for Diana to commit to the attack, momentum gonig forwards, lasso surging to snap.. And Cheetah goes to leap through the air with surprising agility and speed, hpoefully when all of Diana's power and momentum had gone forwards, hopefully before she could react or redirect hereslf and the bracers to block or dodge..
    Then with a flip and a lash coming from behind her and sommersaulting over Diana's head Cheetah would try and kick back and twist her leg about, moving to try and take a chunk of flesh from Diana's torso.
    "I have NOTHING to live FOR beyond taking from you everything precious like you have from ME!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's armor does deflect some of Cheetah's claws, but they do manage to swipe, and scrape across the inside of her right bicep, slaching in to Wonder Woman's skin. The Princess doesn't outwardly react to this though, as she reaches to grab that slashing hand with her right hand, to twirl the woman up around and then toss her back toward that wall she'd slammed in to moments ago!

"I do not even know who you are!" Diana calls back before Galatea shouts something from her place in the sky.

Diana looks up, and leaps in to the air now, her dagger coming out from the sheath on the small of her back, the Princess now swipes it at the rope that holds Galatea captive!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would be yanked and flung through the front walls of another building, almost immediately getting right back up, the sound of SNAPPING of her popping one of her bones back into place. "I'm Cheetah. And I'm going to enjoy killing you, Amazon. I thought of giving you a quick, clean death. But now I'm going to rend you limb from limb, and make you bleed out and die -slowly-."
    Galatea is easy to free, she's mostly bound up to dangle as bait. So it would be effortless. There's silence from Cheetah. Given her almost mystical stealth and speed she could be maneuvering to anywhere on the battlefield.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana catches Galatea before she can fall, and she doesn't take her to the ground. No, she just hovers there in mid air as she looks down in to the darkness to the source of the voice. She rises up then and vanishes... just disappears.

But she's only gone for a moment, before she returns then with sword and shield. Galatea now gone.

Diana now drops to the ground, armed with her round shield and Athena sword, she raises it up.

f "Whomever you are, I did nothing to you. I am willing to help you, but you have to stop this now." The Princess says in to the dark. "Whatever has happened to you, it can be helped. I offer help to you now, but you have to end this, and let me help you." She tries again, her leather wrapped palm now squeezing the blue leather grip of her sword.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Stupid flier. Cheetah would hiss from the shadows, "The best thing you can do to help me is DIE!" Cheetah would charge in at high speed! Her intent being to charge towards the shield to lash at it quickly, then disengage. Her intent tactically being to see how well the shield stood up to damage, and how quickly Diana could wield it about. The shield protected her far better than the bracers, and for Diana it might as well be weightless.. But it still would limit her movement in close range much more than the bracers might!
    Cheetah would shift to the predator mindset, testing hte opponent for vulnerabilities and go on the attack! Slashing, feinting! But more than happy to let Diana take it on the shield and then she would attempt to withdraw on each attack pass before Diana could counter with sword or lasso!

Diana Prince has posed:
The sword and round shield were always Diana's weapons of choice. She trained amongst her people with them for 800 years, and has actively fought for 100 against all manner of beasts, ranging in all manner of sizes.

With Cheetah's attacks coming in now to test the Amazon's new defenses, Diana just uses that shield to cast them aside, with more sparks lighting up the dark!

"Your anger is a hindrance to your success." The Princess taunts the Cheetah as she waits for a chance to lure her in close again, before she strikes low with her armored knees! A powerful jumping knee attack, followed with a thundering bash with her Themysciran steel shield! Again, Diana tries to knock the feline fellon silly, to bring her down a peg, and non-lethally defeat her.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah is damned fast and slippery even as Diana is going to jump through the air to knee her and bash her with the shield! Cheetah again would dance around, one claw hitting the ground to anchor and let herself pivot along it, letting Diana once again overly commit to the forward assault and be in a position that evasion and blocking would be -much- more difficult and going to try and slash up along the torso of her opponent, going for another attempted slice along her back or even better her thigh, magic claws almost glowing as Cheetah's lust for blood would rise!
    "Your arrogance is your's!" she would try to slash up and hard! If the attack hit she would go in a berserker charge fury! If not then she would try and rapidly backpedal to get out of range again!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana accepts the berserker assault and continues to defend against it, using her shield to block it, as well as ducks and lunges to avoid strikes! She backsteps several times in a row before she jumps backward against a wall and lunges over Cheetah with a swirling flip!

When she lands, she raises her round shield up again, and motions for Cheetah to come at her once more...

When the angry kitty focuses on Diana again, something will happen behind her, the lasso glows once more, as it twirls out at Cheetah from another direction!

A second Amazon has appeared, and is now wielding the lasso, as Diana had passed it off aboard the invisible jet!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Whatever Cheetah had been thinking of, it hadn't involved Diana engaging in backup and calling for reinforcements, and then another Amazon wielding the lasso! With her obsessive focus over on Diana, she's taken almost entirely by surprise! Lasso looping down over her as she would shriek! Even as it would loop and tighten about her, she's going along at high speed to try and slash with an arm over at the Amazon going to yank it down on her! Trying to use her full speed to slash at the Amazon, who likely did not remotely have Diana's speed or strength before the lasso could fully settle upon her and immobilize her!
    Deseprately trying to go to cleave a limb clean off!

Diana Prince has posed:
Adrastea, the redheaded Amazon, is not as fast as Diana, and not as strong either, but she is older and has trained even longer in combat! She keeps the lasso taught around the Cheetah and does dive behind the cover of the scaffolding of the construction equipment all around this building project! She starts to wrap the lasso around the base of the construction materials, in fact, further attempting to tie the Cheetah down...

And Diana doesn't waste a moment to pursue the Cheetah either! She moves in a low diving slide, that is meant to take the attacker's legs out from under her, while her right hand wraps around the Cheetah's tail to try and use it to slam her backward down on to the ground!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The Amazon is older, far more experience,d and well able to compensate for Cheetah's powers. Recognizing that she's not going to win this fight, Cheetah would dig her claws in to the ground and run -hard-! The other Amazon is then faced with the point of trying to hold down someone moving suddenly at zero to near instant hypersonic velocity! Even as Diana's foot is going down to try and kick down the tail cheetah is going to full speed! There's a howl of pain and rage as Diana would yank the tail as she would go to full speed, Diana literally dragging much of the fur on the end right off! The invisible jet can -probably- track her and target her. But she's still running likely faster than whatever ordnance it could shoot at her would travel at!

Diana Prince has posed:
One thing can be said about Cheetah. She's agile, and she's slippery.

The fur is ripped off her tail by Diana's grasp, and the lasso slides down her body until the feline is free again. The Jet does have its weapons trained on the attacker from the sky, but Galatea was ordered not to fire unless told to.

So with the feline in frenzy mode, she slips free and her howls and cries of pain echo out in to the darkness.

Diana steps backward when the feline is freed, expecting either a return attack, or for her to regather in the darkness...

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Even if the did did try and chase and shoot at her, Cheetah's moving at speeds where it would be nigh impossible to hit her and a shootout through populated streets would have the immense potential for collateral damage. The Cheetah has run away, apparently having taken the old 'live to fight another day' aspect of the engagement.

Whatever drove her hate, she seemed mentally able to cut her losses rather than go down fighting. And there were no signs of her coming back. Injured, nearly being taken down, and outmaneuvered..

That cat had fun fully away.

Diana Prince has posed:
When the dust settles, Diana lowers her shield and slips her sword away behind her back. Adrastea steps out of the shadows, and coils the lasso up at her side as she too looks around the results of the chaos.

"I do not know who that was, or why she claimed I was the cause of her ills..." Diana utters to her sister.

The redhead with the long braided hair looks over to the Princess and shakes her head. "This is man's world. There is an unending level of strife, and misplaced hatred. How we can hope to manage any of it is beyond me." She says back.

Diana relents and within moments, she is leaping up in to the sky with Adrastea on her side, vanishing together in to the Jet.