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Latest revision as of 15:49, 17 February 2022

Life at the Pezzini House
Date of Scene: 16 February 2022
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: Cael comes by to check on Sara after she signed herself out of the hospital.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The papers were signed, indicating that Sara was leaving the hospital against doctor's advice, and then she went home, to her father's home. It had turned out to be the one place she felt like she was herself, no expectations, no requirements. She had started to uncover the furniture before Barachiel laid into her, and now she had finished. It looked like a house again.

Although it was cold, she was once again in the garage. The coat she was wearing went over the sling and was buttoned up the front, save one button where her left hand in a glove could stick out. She was drinking coffee, no alcohol even though she really wanted it. She was being dry for a few weeks, she couldn't put herself together with the effects of alcohol. The side door of the garage was open, as well as the big main door, the snow in the driveway about ankle deep with perfect foot prints leading from the back door, through the gate and to the garage.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael drives up on her motorcycle this time - dressed in leathers, to protect her from the possibility of skidding out, though that is far from a common occurance, with a helmet firmly into place. She pulls up towards the garage, slowing to a stop, and sliding down the kickstand before climbing to her feet, and approaching her friend slowly, her hands shoved into her pockets. She remains silent for a few moments, just watching Sara work before finally offering a simple, "Hey."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Hearing the motorcycle, Sara looks up and watches as Cael pulls up the driveway. Taking another drink of her coffee, she sets the cup down before turning more toward the open door.

"Hey," she offers back after a moment of just standing there, looking at Cael. "Warmer in here," is then offered as well, because technically it was, just not that much warmer.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Doesn't the cold build charcter, though?" Cael counters with a brief, amused smile. "Though. I mean. ...I'm already quite a character, so... Probably unnecessary." She makes her way closer, finding something sturdy to lean up again as she studies Sara, trying to guage her posture, and the way the woman moves. She doesn't bother to hide the evaluative look on her features, either, as she does so.
    "So you're feeling alright? Not in too much pain, I hope."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Leaning against the workbench in the garage, Sara looks like she feels fine, no indication of pain in her stance or her face. She indicates the thermos sitting at the end of the work bench. It has a small cap that also serves as a cup, but for the moment she doesn't say anything, just stands there to let Cael look her over.

"My chest hurts a little," she finally admits quietly, then picks her own coffee back up. "Not bad, four outta ten, so I'm good."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, yeah, good to go for sure," Cael answers with an amused quirk at the corner of her lips. She sobers up a moment later, though. Without offering another word, she moves towards the thermos, pouring herself a cup, before taking up her spot leaning up against one of the cupboards again. It's only after a couple of sips that she asks quietly, "We're okay, aren't we? I didn't mean to set you off like that, you know."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara offer a nod, even if the expression on her face doesn't quite say 'sure, we're good'.

"I know you didn't," she then says. "You never do, it just happens sometimes... don't worry about it."

She takes another drink of her coffee, then looks over to Cael. "I'm not being in the middle any more," she then says, more firmly. "I get that you don't like him, and you don't want to see him, and you really don't want him around... I get it, that's why I moved him here. But he's a part of /my/ life Cael, I love him, so on occasion you're going to see him, he's going to be around, and he's going to offer to help because that's the kind of guy he is."

She sets the cup down, then runs her fingers through her hair. "I love you Cael, you're like a sister to me, I can't be in the middle, I can't be forced to pick you over him or him over you, so we need to find a way that you can at least be civil for the brief time you do have to deal with him okay?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I do worry, though," Cael offers quietly. "Of course I do." She takes her own sip of coffee - a frown appearing on her features as she listens to Sara, her gaze directed down towards her cup. She allows a moment of silence before she speaks, shifting a bit uncomfortably in place.
    "I don't want you to be in the middle," she agrees. "But we both know I'm not always going to get along with him. I'm not always going to pick the perfect words and- ...as long as we're not //screaming// at each other, maybe that's okay." She lets out a heavy sigh before she adds, "Sara, he just- he casually invited himself along to something that- well. That terrifies me. Where the last thing I need is the added burden of trying to get along with this guy. He didn't ask. He didn't offer. He just - 'gee, hrm, which would I rather do?' So... yeah. I got pissed. I'm allowed to get pissed, and I'm allowed to tell him... he isn't welcome on the mission. Do you think I'm wrong?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"If you took the time to actually know a little more, you'd know that's just how he talks, that is his way of asking to help out," Sara replies softly, no anger in her tone, or her posture. "Maybe he should have worded it better, maybe he should have said, 'do you need my help' rather than offering the way he did, but it's just the way he talks."

She sighs softly, shaking her head a little. "I don't think you're wrong to be upset about how he worded it Cael, but your reaction... I don't know, it seemed completely gut reaction based on your hatred of him and nothing more."

She takes another sip of her coffee, "I was wrong to react the way I did, and for that I'm sorry, but I'd been trapped in that room for a week. Watching Johnny dislike Wade, Wade not care about it, and the two not really being in the same room together.... and the minute I get real conversation, have real visitors... you went off and I snapped. I'm sorry."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "And I'm often blunt, unfiltered, and direct," Cael points out flatly. "That's part of who //I// am. Look, part of it was my dislike of the man. Like I said - the last thing I need is him on that mission. I've- accepting that Jon is going to die, trying to find a way for that to be.. okay, to not be... panicking over that, every moment of every day is... hard. But everything I said to him - about it being a finite list of pre-determined individuals, is the same exact thing I would have said to //anyone// without the baggage that exists without me and him. I would have given you a flat no as well."
    She shifts in her place, a faint frown on her features before she adds, "I regret how it all went down, though. Upsetting you. Setting Jon off like that. I- you know I didn't want any of that."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara shifts from the place she was leaning, walking over to lean against the workbench by Cael. "Yeah, you're a bitch, we both know that," she says completely flat toned, but a smile touches her lips and she nudges Cael with her good arm. "But so am I. Neither of us wanted that, but we're both bitches, and there's been /so/ much shit the past couple of months."

Turning her head to look at Cael now, she smiles more broadly. "We've both been through hell, and that's not going to end any time soon for either of us. So we're going to go off, we're going to get angry and lose our shit, we just have to make sure not to do it in front of Jon, Jonny or Wade, or the men in our lives will start taking sides. We lose our shit at each other, in private."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "A complete bitch," Cael agrees. "I try not to take it out on my friends, though." She takes another sip of the coffee and stares down ito it as she adds, "Or my family," in a quiet voice. The volume increases as she hastily adds, "This is good coffee."
    After a sigh she adds, "It has been hell, but... I'm hoping the worst'll be behind us soon. Jn's doing everything he can to reassure me that this is going to be alright, and //I'm// supposed to be the one making sure //he's// alright."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The coffee cup is mostly empty now, so Sara holds it with her left hand and lays her right hand on Cael's shoulder. That was the only offer of acknowledgement over being called family, anything more and Sara felt it would go south quick.

"Listen, about Jon," she begins, removing her hand. "He has a destiny Cael, Ma'at told him about it for a reason. Yes, he's going to die but you're going to bring him back, it's practically written in stone at this point. Accept his comfort, because he's right. It will be alright, once you get through the hell."

She takes the coffee back with her right hand, because the left can't hold it for too long. "I wish I could be more comforting, but I realize I'm not."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It does help," Cael offers quietly. "Knowing I'm not alone. I just- I struggle to shake the feeling that all of this rides on me, and that somehow I could... fail him. Screw this all up. He believes in me, but-" She sighs heavily again. "I'm trying to be more confident. To have some sort of...." she makes a face, "faith." Yes. The word sits that uncomfortably in her mouth.
    "So I'll feel better when it's over, and he's alive, and- and we know how this all turns out. How... he's going to change. How he stays the same. I mean, I know we all change, but- this isn't the same as that. You know?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"The coffee is a Hawaiian Kona," Sara offers, remembering Cael said it was good and she wanted her to know the brand.

"You don't have to take it on faith Cael," she then says, switching back to the topic at hand. "Apply logic, look at the facts, it's a done deal. You can't mess up, you can't fail, because destiny doesn't get to take a vacation. I'm serious here," she looks Cael in the eyes. "Some things get written in the strands of time, they can't be changed. This thing with Jon, it's written there... so really, you already succeeded you just don't know it yet."

She looks back at the motorcycles in the garage. "It was written in the strands of times that I would be Witchblade's wielder, it was there before I was even born. Nothing could have changed that, not one thing. It's the same with Jon, take comfort in that."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Believing in destiny requires faith in destiny, Sara," Cael points out in a dry voice. "Not logic. I... I don't really have that faith, that's what makes this all so hard. But... Jon believes in me. Jon believes I can't fail. And I have faith in my stubborn fuckin' nature, so- I try to find comfort in that," she replies with a shrug of her shoulders.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"You know I have faith in you, right?" Sara then asks, setting the coffee down to reach for the thermos and add a little more coffee. "It's not just destiny, I /know/ you can do this. I know I'm not Jon, I know I'm not as important as he is to you, but I know you can do this."

A little more cream goes into the cup before she stirs and picks it back up, but there isn't any other words on that topic she can offer, so she sips her coffee and just looks at the motorcycles.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The same sort of faith I have in you," Cael answers, flashing Sara a smile, and finishing off her coffee. "Anyways. Like I said - it does help. All of it.. I'd be climbing the fucking walls, otherwise," she remarks wryly. "But I don't think I can quash all of my worries, so... I'm just looking forward to it being behind us."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Picking up the thermos, Sara tucks it under her arm then picks the coffee back up.

"You can't squish all the worries, no, but some at least can be cast out." She offers, then looks back Cael. "I'm going back in the house, where it is actually warm. You're welcome to join me, but I suspect you'll be heading back to Jon's. Call me if you need anything."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I mean, he's with Martin right now," Cael answers. "But I've been enjoying..." she gestures towards her bike, "a little bit of freedom. A chance to clear my mind. It's... helpful." After shaking out the cup she'd been using, she perches it in place on the thermos under Sara's arm. "Then again, so is knowing you're not pissed enough to toss me out of the apartment or whatever," she adds in an amused tone.
    "I'll stay in touch," she promises.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara blinks a few times. "I can't toss you out of the apartment, both our names are on it," she states with a smirk. "Besides, I'd never do that. Nothing you could do would lead to that. Go enjoy yourself. I'm looking forward to when I can finally get back on my bike."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "We'll go on a ride together - I'll take your father's bike out for a test drive," Cael suggests - giving Sara a broader smile.
    "And look - I know you have Wade and Johnny. I know I've got Jon to worry about - but if there's anything you need, anything I can do- you know I will, right?" She starts moving out of the garage as she's talking, heading towards her bike.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara just nods, heading out of the garage as well. "I know Cael, but right now, you deal with the shit on your plate," she comments, pausing to slide the door closed. "I'm not adding to it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You're a little bit more than 'shit on my plate, Pezzini," Cael calls over her shoulder, rolling her eyes - though there's a hint of a smile on her features. "I mean it! If I can help, you better fuckin' tell me, yeah?"
    She settles onto her bike, kicking the stand back up, and turning the ignition.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara pauses to throw Cael a look, a smirk really. "Man can you twist words, Becker!" She called out, then just goes into the house.