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Latest revision as of 11:44, 20 March 2020

Library, huh
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Bryant Park
Synopsis: Rachel and Shuri meet, info is exchanged.
Cast of Characters: Shuri, Rachel Summers

Shuri has posed:
Sitting in the outdoor seating area of the Bryant Park Cafe, Shuri has a couple of books open before her and is casually skimming through them a page each at a time before flipping to another page, letting out a little laugh and then flipping to another page. She had wanted to see one of the most famous libraries in the United States and checked out a couple of books in her field.

"This is what they call the most advanced?" She shakes her head, speaking to no one in particular as she brings up a piece of toast to her lips and takes a bite before she sips some coffee and laughs again as she flips to another page. Meanwhile, at the table nearby, Adisa, her bodyguard/assistant is sitting there looking around, seemingly bored though always alert.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    The Library is a place where Rachel has decided to visit. Her timeline already diverged from this one. Or this one diverged from hers. There is only so much that google can teach her. She prefers the feel of books in her hands, paper on her fingers.
    She has a copy of a history text that she is wanting to flip through. She walks through the library, trying her best to -not- overhear the thoughts of those nearby. Sometimes it is difficult with the power level boost she got by having the Phoenix Force bonded to her very cells.
    So she pauses and lifts a hand to the bridge of her nose, massaging a mild headache as she passes Shuri's table, one hand reaching down to brace herself on said table. In fact, she half drops the book in that hand as she does so, using it -and- her hand to brace against the dizziness.

Shuri has posed:
Taking another bite, Shuri blinks as she notes a hand hit her table. Already Adisa is shifting ans eyeing Rachel but not before Shuri's hand shoots out to catch the book that was starting to fall and then she stands up, "Hey now, are you ok?" She asks as she carefully tries to help Rachel, "You had better sit down, you appear to be suffering form dizziness at the very least and perhaps more." She tries to guide the girl to a seat at her table and then immediately looks at Rachel's face carefully.

"Feeling better now that you are sitting?" She seems genuinely concerned and seems to be already eyeing Rachel's eyes, looking for the girl's pupils.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Not objecting to the help at all, Rachel Summers smiles wanly. At least this young woman wasn't jangling her 'DETECT MUTANT' hound insanity power. Yeah. It's complicated. She was trying to keep her face markings concealed with her powers, but the dizziness makes her control slip, and harsh markings on forehead, cheekbones, jawline, and chin... more like brands or scars, are easily visible there. "Thank you." she says softly, trying to respect library quiet. "Sorry to disturb you. It's.." she shakes her head, "Let's just say that my condition is a recent development, and while it is wonderful, there are a few drawbacks that still catch me off guard from time to time."
    But then she inclines her head and jerks it back a bit as if doing a doubletake. "Royalty?" she asks. "You are a princess?" she adds, confused, but delighted.

Shuri has posed:
A blink and then Shuri holds up a hand, "Shhh." She states simply and shakes her head as she looks at the girl, "I do not know how you know that but I assume something involving psychic powers." She states simply enough, "And I prefer if you keep that to yourself." Shuri waves a hand at Adisa to call her off even as she looks at the odd markings on Rachel's face, "Who did this to you?" She asks as she looks over the girl's scars or brands and then shakes her head, "I imagine you got overwhelmed or overloaded just now and that is why you feel the need to invade other people's personal space." She states simply enough, "And I mean my mind." She nods, "Stay out, you'll hurt yourself." She nods her head and then looks at her carefully.

"Now, are you sick to your stomach or just a headache?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Blinking rapidly, Rachel Summers shakes her head. "Oh, OH!" she exclaims before she lowers her voice even as others turn to stare. She whispers, "Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't -mean- to. But yes... mutant telepath." she whispers with a shrug. "My powers recently got augmented and I find it hard to -not- hear thoughts from time to time."
    She looks down at her hands, if only to let her bangs cover her face as she can tell that the girl noticed her markings. "As for who did this to me. That itself is a long story and... now it will never happen. But it already happened. If that makes -any- sense at all."

Shuri has posed:
"Possibly but I don't care to go into that right now." She states simply enough as she takes a step back and sits down, "You don't appear to be in any danger of passing out or anything so we are good." She sits back down and looks over at the book she got from her and considers it as she looks it over and then looks over Rachel and then her words before nodding, "It is as I thought. You are not from this timeline, are you?" She asks and tilts her head, "I had always thought time travel was possible but never got confirmation. Also didn't bother making a time machine because I thought it too dangerous."

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Inclining her head, Rachel remarks, "I'm actually feeling much better now. Thank you for your concern and..." a pause at your comments and she smirks, "And you are an exceptionally bright one too, huh?" She nods her head, "Yes. I am from a potential future that now has zero chance of actually happening. It has already been changed, but.. the fact that I am still here means that there are multiple timelines or something. I'm not a scientist. Just a psychic mutant with a godlike being bonded to my soul."

Shuri has posed:
A blink and she tilts her head, "Godlike being?" She asks and then she considers, "Interesting." She then rolls her eyes, "And of course there are multiple timelines." She shakes her head, "Simply put, your future is your past and because it is your past it cannot be changed for you. You were there and are here now. Technically, it still happens and is happening." She nods her head, "Any time someone alters something there's likely many timelines and possiblities created." She gestures, "It's likely that there are many other timelines all happening right now." She shrugs and then takes up her coffee and takes a sip, "Of course, I have no evidence at the moment."

Rachel Summers has posed:
    "I do." mutters Rachel as she shakes her head. "I met a sister last night. A sister that never existed in my timeline, but who came back in time from -her- timeline. Both of us here from different futures... Is that proof enough for you?" she asks with a smirk and a glint in her green eyes... eyes that briefly flare with just the barest hint of flame. "And yes.. a godlike being called the Phoenix."

Shuri has posed:
A blink and Shuri stares at her, "I do believe there are powerful beings out there but I am not so certain they are simply gods. Just much more powerful than us." She then taps a stud in her ear and a visor simply appears over her eyes as she taps the beads at her wrist and up pops what appears to be a keyboard. She taps her fingers along the keys there before looking at the girl directly and hmming, "Interesting, I do not know what it is I am seeing but it seems to have a great deal of power whatever it is." She then taps her ear stud again and then shakes her head, "I would need to get you into a better place where I could run more thorough scans to understand it better."

Rachel Summers has posed:
    "I did not say it was a god. I said godlike. I've no idea what else to call it." says Rachel. Then you drop your visor and scan her. She feels the scan, and knows that she could block it should she so desire.
    But she has no desire to do that. She merely sits there and allows the scan. The Phoenix Force surges within her, flames licking over her flesh for a moment before she withdraws them back into herself as she closes her eyes. It seems like it's always more difficult to restrain the Phoenix than it is to push it out.

Shuri has posed:
A blink as she sees that and then Shuri considers as she sits back slightly. She stares at her for a long moment before shrugging, "Well, it is just something to figure out. Like any other thing." She states simply enough, "And I do not know what to tell you about it but I can tell you it is powerful. I'm sure you already know that but I would not recommend indulging it. IF it is as powerful as it seems, then it is likely causing you harm in some way." She nods her head, "The human body, no matter how altered, was not meant to contain that kind of power forever." She shakes her head.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    "It is... it's not so much a part of my body as... bonded with my psionic essence." admits Rachel with a shrug. "Sure, on a cellular level, I inherited the bonding potential from my mother. But when it boils down... from what I understand, this being is only semi-sentient, and having it bonded to my essence makes my psionics far more potent. It is..." She shakes her head, "With anything on the scale of the Phoenix, there really is only so much that can be put into words about -how- it functions. Bu I appreciate the concern. That entity is how I came back in time. There was no machine. No technological thing. It knew I needed to go back, to change my past and so it threw me back in time."

Shuri has posed:
Shuri tilts her head and stares before shaking her head, "Sounds like some kind of strange plot device." She laughs a little before shaking her head, "All the same, I would not recommend letting your guard down. Things like that rarely come without a price. All the same, it is not my business unless you let me study you in teh future or help you out with that which I would." She states simply enough, "Which you obviously don't need but if you did, you should definitely think of me." She then offers her hand, "I am Shuri by the way, and you are?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Grinning at the enthusiasm of the science kid, the redhead reaches a hand out and accept's the grip of greeting. "Rachel." And her voice gets super soft as she adds, "Your majesty." with an attempt to keep a straight face. An attempt that lasts two and a half seconds before she smirks, "Sorry. Couldn't help myself." she adds.

Shuri has posed:
The girl rolls her eyes and then Shuri lets out a sigh as she looks over at Adisa who is still watching around but was briefly smirking before she looks away. Shuri looks over at Rachel again and then shakes her head, "Well, anyway, I am gonna need to get going." She offers over a card and gestures to it, "Just put it next to your phone and it'll add me as a contact." SHe nods her head, "Make sure your phones NFC is turned on." She nods her head, "Either way, it was good to meet you, Rachel.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Watching, Rachel looks at the card and then observes the princess and her guard depart. "Thanks." she mutters as she reaches for her book, the book sliding into her grip and opening so that she can get to the reason she came here, studying how things happened -this- time.