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Latest revision as of 08:17, 19 February 2022

Force of Will
Date of Scene: 18 February 2022
Location: Gymnasium - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Madison comes in front a sudden rainstorm to find Keli practicing with her gauntlet in the Happy Harbor Gym. They talk about Jedi powers and Green Lantern powers and then maybe kind-of sort-of break school rules. Maybe! If shooting arrows in the gym is against the rules...
Cast of Characters: Keli Quintela, Madison Evans

Keli Quintela has posed:
    It's been weeks since Keli first /really/ tried out her gauntlet, at the GIRL Expo, where she held up a whole roof covered in lava. That was /exciting/. But it also pointed out some flaws in the gauntlet's design, and she's been tinkering with them ever since. She doesn't have a super-group she's part of, besides GIRL, nobody guiding her to find villains to fight... and maybe that's a good thing, at least for the moment. It gives her time to figure things out.

    It also means she can't /test/ the thing for the inevitable day when there /are/ villains to fight. Why else did she get the gauntlet, if not to fight evil, after all? So she's in the gym, because the dorms have been /weird/ lately, after hours when most people are studying or socializing. What she's practicing is flying. She can't go /too/ high in the gym, and she's starting out on top of the bleachers. She already knows she can catch herself if she falls, so she's not too worried about that. She just has to stand at the top of the bleachers and jump off, and then the gauntlet should do the rest, right?

    One, two, three... jump! And hover in the air, Green Lantern-style. Aww yeah.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison had been outside, firing off her arrows when a cold, slushy rain began to fall. It was, as one can imagine, highly unpleasant. Utterly detered by this weather phenomena, Madison quickly packs up her her bow and arrows - and dashes through the campus towards the gym, moving at a heightened speed that most would have trouble keeping up with. She's been practicing her running as well, because you never know when a little speed can be the difference between life and death (for yourself, or for someone else).
    The door slams open as Maddie dashes into it from the outside, and then she's quickly skidding to a halt, slidding and skidding slightly from what sneakers. When she comes to a stop, she starts brushing off the excess slush, making a wet patch on the ground around her. "Ewww. Ugh. This never happens in California..." No shit, Mads. It's //California.//
    Only then does she noticed the hovering girl. "Oh. Hey! Neat! Think I could do that?!"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli yelps at the noise, and the green light around her slips for just a moment. She falls a good five feet through the air before she catches herself and starts hovering again; fortunately she's short enough that this means she doesn't actually hit the ground.

    "Ay, chica, you scared me!" She eyes Madison and then hovers on over; it's as easy as thinking that she wants to do it, which is cool. "I dunno if you could, the thing only responds to me. Don't you have the Force or something? Can Jedi hover?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Ummm - not that I saw in any of the movies. I can jump, though. Wanna see?"
    It doesn't seem to matter if Keli wants to see - because Madison, ever a whirlwind of energy, doesn't wait for her response. Instead, the girl dashes for the bleachers around the gym, and leaps, clearing several rows of seat before landing, arms pinwheeling to try to stick the landing. ...she fails, and ends up tumbling over, landing between two of the bench seats. "...ow. That'll bruise. I'm good, though! I'm fine!"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "You have much to learn, young padawan," Keli says in grave tones, ruined only slightly by a giggle. "No, seriously, why don't they have us take classes where we practice this stuff, huh? What's the /point/ if we're not training our powers and stuff too?"

    She lets herself drop the rest of the way back to the floor, and asserts, "That's /cool/ though. I can't do that on my own, without the gauntlet. But /with/ it, it's like... I can do almost anything I can put my mind to, really."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It's pretty cool!" Madison agrees brightly as she extricates herself - and starts casually hopping down the bleachers, from seat to seat, until she's back down on the ground. "I've been practicing it a lot, and I've barely had any concussions!" ...wait. She's joking, right?
    "If they had a class on training powers, I'd totally take it but I guess- I mean, everyone seems to have different gifts. How do you go training everyone when- well, when everyone's so different?"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "I mean, you like... gather everyone who can jump really far, or fly, and provide them a place they can practice and fall without getting concussions?" Keli grins. "I don't know, the big super groups have, like, 'Danger Rooms' and stuff, I hear. We should have that! A danger room."

    She considers for a moment, and then asks, quite seriously, "...Do you have a lightsaber?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Not yet," Madison admits, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I have some friends trying to help me - I haven't gotten very far. I was kinda thinking - if I had a full-length lightsaber, that was actually a sort of a... stunsaber, because I don't want to actually be cutting off arms and such all the time? And then a shorter blade that was really a lightsaber, so I could cut my way into places and the like... You know. For versatility! That's kinda... what I've been thinking, but I'm not that good at the science stuff, myself," she admits.
    "Vivian keeps saying it's not possible to make a lightsaber, but that //can't// be true."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli thinks for a moment, then brandishes the hand that holds her gauntlet. A green light extends out from it, even humming slightly like a lightsaber would, and she grins. "I mean... it's not /actually/ a lightsaber. It's an extension of my will through the gauntlet, using the energy of Will on the Emotional Spectrum, whatever. But it /looks/ cool, ay?"

    She shakes his head. "Don't listen to Vivian. I'm sure if the Force exists you can have a lightsaber. Aren't they supposed to have crystals or something? Maybe you need a special crystal."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It looks pretty flippin' awesome!" Madison agrees brightly. Yes, 'flipping.' She beams at Keli - then grows more serious at the talk about crystals.
    "I mean. In theory I'm supposed to have some sort of trial or vision quest that somehow ends in me discovering the crystal that's meant to be in my lightsaber. That's attuned to //me//. I just- well. Nothing like that's really happened, and I don't really understand how to look for it, or make it happen," she admits, letting out a sigh.
    "...open to suggestions?"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli grows thoughtful, waving the 'lightsaber' around idly. "Hmmm. It's a shame your madre won't let you do any superhero stuff. Like, it sounds like you need to be... worthy, you know? Go on a grand quest to prove your worthiness."

    Then she brightens. "Oh! I should take you to GIRL! I bet if anyone could figure out how to make a lightsaber, it'd be them. Have you been there? It's awesome. They have so many cool things, and /also/ bad guys to fight, don't tell your mother."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh. Em. Gee, do you have aaaaanny idea how much stuff I //don't// tell my mother?" Madison asks - letting out a laugh. She siddles closer to Keli and stage whispers to her, "I have a teacher. And she took me into the city to go avenge this Japanese super - I went in there with just like - baseball cleats, and a bat, and these guys, we came in at them, right? At a //bar//," yes, she was in a bar! "and they were all diving out of the way, and reaching for guns and stuff, and I'm dodging out the way with the Force, and smacking guns out of their hands with the bat, and I knocked this pitcher of beet on the floor so this guy that was coming at me would slip and- man. It was epic. We left them tied to a lampost outside for the cops." She's bouncing up onto the tips of her toes repeatedly by the end of the story.
    "...but like, don't tell my mom." Obviously.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli's eyes widen. "Ayyy, that sounds /cool/! Who's your teacher?! Can I get in on this?! I mean, look, GIRL has bad guys but like... that's not their /normal/ thing, mostly it's science and engineering. Really cool, cutting-edge science and engineering, but not fighting bad guys in bars!"

    She eyes the gauntlet. "What d'you think? Could we take on bad guys in bars, or would we be a little too high-profile for that? I can't decide whether I'm supposed to be secret or not."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, umm, my teacher doesn't like it when I say too much about, umm... her," Madison admits with embarrassment, shrugging her shoulders. "But I could maybe bring you up to her? She's only supposed to be teaching me swords, though. So I'm ready for when I do have lightsabers. I mean, well, she's teaching me some other stuff too. But that's why I started learning from her - was so I could be safe with lightsabers. Because they're dangerous." She gives a shrug of her shoulders.
    "And, well, I //gotta// be secret, or my mom'd //kill// me. And we only went fighting in a bar the once... I mean, it was kinda cool, you know? But also kinda scary. And people got hurt - but no one got //killed,// which was the thing, because I really don't want to kill anyone." Ever.
    "When did GIRL take on bad guys, though?"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "At the Expo," Keli responds easily, dismissing her 'lightsaber.' "There were a bunch of people who showed up with, like, robots, and tried to steal the spaceship. They made off with some jet packs instead, I think. They looked /awful/, I sent a bunch of them to fashion jail." She grins.

    "...And then I had to /hold up the roof/ because someone made a /huge/ fake volcano and there was lava everywhere." She shakes her head. "It was a /lot/. And the roof kinda melted, but they got rid of the lava."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Whooooa, like- REAL lava, actual lava?" Madison asks, her eyes going wide. "Isn't that stuff like a bajillion degrees Farenheight?" she asks. "I'd be so scared! I mean, Jedi aren't immune to lava! We saw what it did to //Vader//." She gives a little shake of her head.
    "You must be pretty brave."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "Well I mean, it's like..." Keli hesitates a moment, biting her lip, and then suddenly there's a robotic form with the Green Lantern symbol prominent on it surrounding her; she's floating a little inside the 'mech.'

    The robotic form raises its arm and green energy projects all along the roof of the gym. "Like that," she says, as if in explanation. "The Green Lantern energy, it can do all sorts of things, right? You just have to kind of... focus. Believe. Be strong!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Yeah, but... //Lava//!" Madison counters - before letting out a laugh. "That is soooooo cool, though," she says, a grin widening her features. "I mean - like... way cooler than a Jedi, even. Really. And I'm only half a Jedi without my lightsabers. How am I supposed to block bullets without one?" she asks.
    "And - don't worry. I plan on practicing with non-lethal stuff first. I mean, way slow, way underpowered, harmless stuff. And then slowly ramp it up." Until she sees if she can stop a rubber bullet. That'll be proof of concept, right there.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "Yeah but there's a /bunch/ of Green Lanterns, and I've never met a Jedi before." Keli makes the green 'roof' disappear and then the robot she was encased in, too, but she stays hovering. Hovering is fun. It could be her go-to form of locomotion, maybe!

    "I'm trying to practice, yeah," she says as she hovers around the room, slowly at first. "I went to Gotham, to this abandoned amusement park, but just ran into weird goons of the Condiment King and some other kids, so like... I figured here would be better."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "The- ...Condiment King?" Madison repeats. "Like, a criminal with a ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, and sriracha theme?" She takes a moment to just //stare// at Keli. "That cannot POSSIBLY be an actual thing!" she protests. "I mean- the world is strange, but- I mean, angels in Manhattan, sure, but- ... but... //Condiment King//?!"

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "It's an actual thing! He shoots condiments from his guns. Look, Gotham's /weird/, okay?" Keli grins. "Don't tell any of them I said that, though, they're /really/ proud of their city. But... it's /weird/. All their stuff is /themed/."

    She glances down at herself as she hovers. "Well. I guess I'm themed. Green!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh no, here comes the Condiment King! He's going to stain my costume with mustard again! Oooo!" Madison says as dramatically as possible, before bursting into giggles. "I mean. I guess the sriracha could be an actual threat - if he got it in your eyes but-" Seriously? Seriously?
    "Gosh I'm glad my mom moved us to New York, and not Gotham..."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "Hey, the people I was with seemed to take him seriously," Keli noted. "They didn't even wait to see him... they just /booked/ it out of there. But, I mean, they also have killer clowns as /literally/ the biggest threat around... and they don't take it as a joke." She shrugs. She's not gonna judge.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I've seen the Joker on the news - he's scary! The guy's crazy! And he uses like... guns and bombs and stuff. He isn't shooting condiments! And I mean, sure he has one of those water squirting plastic flowers, but I heard he's got like fluoroantimonic acid in it," Madison says solemnly. "And that stuff's like flipping scary. Like, Oh. Em. Gee. He doesn't go squirting mustard. Or even sriracha." She pauses for a moment. "...I don't think, anyways."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "Maybe the mustard is like... mustard /gas/. That stuff's dangerous, you know," Keli says solemnly. "You never know."

    She eyes Madison, and her puddle. "But, hey, what were you doing outside that you got all soaked and ewww?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh," Madison says, considering this option. "...mustard gas //is// bad," she agrees. "That's from like... World War II, right?" Look. World History isn't her strong suit, cut her a break.
    Her attention shifts towards the puddle she'd left - and the pile of her gear. "Oh!" she says. "Well. My friend Dyani - she can turn into bees - she's great with a bow and arrow and she's been showing me so I've been practicing so I was out at the target range and the skys just //opened up// and it was the wooooorst!" she exclaims, letting out an exasperaed sigh.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "...She can turn into /bees/? How... how does she turn into bees?!" Keli stares at Madison. Burying the lead, there, a little bit? Just a little?!

    "Okay, but... were you going to practice in here? Oh, I could set up targets!" Keli points, and a green bullseye-style target appears in the middle of the gym. "See?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well, I don't know //how// she does. She just does. She turns into bees - thousands of them. She can make just a few, and send them off - or let a few just... disappear into her body. Or she can turn entirely into a swarm of bees. She's real nice, but she doesn't think like we do, really, on account of... she's- well, she's definitely a person. But she's also, you know. ...bees." Madison shrugs her shoulderes. Explaining Dyani wasn't the easiest thing.
    "I never really thought about shooting in here. You don't think we'd get in trouble, do you? I mean- I don't know all of the rules..."