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Latest revision as of 00:54, 20 February 2022

At the Wick
Date of Scene: 19 February 2022
Location: The Wick
Synopsis: Good cheer and onion soup is had.
Cast of Characters: Hella Rokkurdisardottir, Ted Kord

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's freshly showered. She spent the morning at home, ate a whole bunch of french toast with Stella, and chatted about normal stuff. But, she knew she was going to be meeting up with Ted in the afternoon, because he'd sent a message requesting it. She'd sent back an affirmative and said she'd be there. So, when she parted ways with Stella, she got in the shower, got dressed and headed out of the apartment. She thought about catchiing an uber to The Wick, but discovered it was more than two hours away from her place in Tribeca.

    Instead, she flew. Much faster.

    She lands outside The Wick and makes her way inside. She's wearing her hair down, the long white-blonde tresses spilling prettily down her shoulders and her back. She's wearing a snugly fitting white t-shirt with a pastel unicorn drawing at its center, a pair of well-worn, nice blue jeans, and a pair of white sneaks. Very casual, approachable. Well, mostly. Her physique is just gonna intimidate some people.

    She looks around to see if Ted's arrived, yet, pushing up to her toes to see further.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord spots Hella almost immediately. She kind of stands out. He gets up from his table to hold a chair for the Weapon of Mass Distraction. "I'm glad you could see me. He ponders whether to give Hella a peck on the cheek, a hug, a handshake? He's also got a sort of mischievious glint in his eyes ("We stole of J'Onn's cookies!" https://www.cbr.com/justice-league-martian-manhunter-oreos-chocos/) and there are several boxes on the table n blue gift wrapping. He stands waiting.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella sees Ted as he stands up, smiling in recognition and making her way over to the table. She gives him a light, brief hug of greeting and accepts the seat he offers her. "Thank you," she says, doing the little hop to bring the chair up closer to the table, her silky hair bouncing with the motion. "Hello, Ted," she says, smiling and sweeping her hair out of her face, sliding it behind her head and letting it loose on her back.

    She looks down at the boxes on the table in blue giftwrap. She lifts her eyebrows in a questioning expression. "What are these?" she asks, crossing her legs beneath the table and finally settling comfortably in her seat.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks at the boxes then Hella. "Well I saw Stella. She was telling me about talking and you crying for like four hours, mostly because of Joan and me. So I wanted to do something nice for you. Plus Golden Boy took you away and I did say you were leaving with swag and I didn't get to give it to you. It's phone related stuff... but first a little something to eat." He hands Hella a small menu card. "I can recommend the onion soup. Also I gave strict instructions You. Do. Not. Pay. Anything." He leans forward a little.

"I hope I don't have to get rough."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's eyes widen a bit as Ted mentions how pathetically she blubbered when Stella confronted her with her sins against her new friend. Having brought up the subject, Hella looks ashamed, lowering her icy blue eyes to the boxes and chewing on the inside of her cheek as Ted goes on.

    Hella nods her head at the topic-change to food. Something she's more comfortable with, considering the other topic. "I love french onion soup," she replies. She doesn't argue with the mandate against paying for anything. "Thank you for treating me to lunch. Is very kind," she sounds so...blue. Just, kinda down, especially compared to the lively, animated Russian beefcake Ted met, before.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord puts a hand on Hella's for a moment. "I think it is incredible how much you feel for other people. It does you credit. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Such compassion... I never saw it other than Princess Diana. I'm very glad Booster met such a big hearted woman. And I... must have done something right to have you feel so strongly about me... and Joan. I... I feel like you're a younger sister to me. If I can ever help you avoid crying please tell me. But enough of this sad stuff. You can open a box while we wait for the soup. I ordered in advance."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's hand is warm beneath Ted's, and she doesn't pull it away, at first. She nods her head gently as he attempts to make her feel less guilty about what she did. When he's finished speaking, though, she does take her hand back and stares at it while she speaks, as if contemplating the things she's done with that very hand Ted so recently touched in sympathy and comfort. "I did bad thing, Ted. I did for good reasons, with good intentions. But, I hurt my friend and I must answer for that. I owe Stella a debt that I don't know how to repay. I broke trust, which is...unforgivable, between friends. I'm lucky she is giving me second chance," she says quietly.

    She lifts her eyes, here, a little sparkly with emotion, on the verge of being teary. "But, if good comes from my transgression, that is small comfort. I wanted to help all involved. Seemed so easy, so perfect," she half-smiles, one dimple appearing, as she sniffs. She shakes her head, "I know better than to speak when I know nothing, and am new. Now, I know better."

    She lowers her hand to a box and pulls it to her side, looking at it a little dejectedly. "I don't deserve gifts, Ted."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord steeples his fingers. "Hella, you can always redeem yourself. There is such a thing as atonement and from the little time I know you... I don't think you did anything out of malice. I see you're capable of anger. But, you're very sweet. You save people as a firefighter. Stella forgave you. It can't be so bad or irredeemable. And Stella is around to work things out with you and your friendship will be stronger for this. Another day, I'll tell you a story. But open the dang box now. You don't decide if you get gifts. Others do. I decided you get some."

Suddenly, there is mercifully, onion soup. Let's see Hella resist that one-two feel good punch.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella nods her head agreeably to Ted's words. "You are right," she says briefly, sniffing again. "I only wish I had thought more before I open big fat mouth," she smiles a little ruefully. "I hope what I did ends up for best. I'm sorry to you, too, Ted," she says, swallowing thickly and lifting her gaze to his, again. "I should not have meddled in your business. I owe all of you apologies. Joan, too. I will tell her when I see her again," she says, her voice firm, determined. "It was not my place."

    She smiles softly and nods obediently, opening the first box she drew close, pulling the top off to reveal its contents. The soup arrives at almost the exact same moment, so she slides the boxes out of the way, to make room for the food. "Thank you," she says to the server.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord smiles. "You may have resolved things between Joan and me. You and Booster. So no worries. Thank you in fact. Here... I cam prepared for you." He hands her a white handkerchief.

For a bit, he eats his soup and watches her for signs of tears. If a giant robot was to attack right now, she'd be great. The onion soup seems to help. He makes sure she seems him watching her. "So open that box. We're between courses. I got the appetizer platter."

Well he got two so he'd get some but he won't call attention to that.

The box, when Hella gets to it is filled with pink gift paper and a pair of headphones with pink cat ears attached. A shot in the dark.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella knows Ted is taking it easy on her. While things may have worked out, in some respects, she caused unnecessary drama in others. "No, I thank you. For letting me off hook," she replies, doggedly clinging to her self-recrimination. When it's offered, she accepts the handkerchief with a look of confusion, a puzzled smile, and places it on her lap. "Thank you," she replies with a soft laugh.

    Her smile is bright and familiar, her dimples popping into view, as she opens the box and lifts out the headphones. "These are awesome," she breathes with delight, gently slipping them on her head to make sure it fits well. She can have some issues with fit, due to her physique, but her head's circumference doesn't appear to be an issue with these! "They're so cute; thank you, Ted," she beams, putting them back in the box, since it's not polite to wear headphones when dining with someone.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord smiles. "I understand you're going to beat yourself up for a while. I've been there. Here's a pro-tip take regular meal breaks, stay hydrated... the little white cloth is for when you cry..." He takes his napkin and demonstrates, dabbing at his eyes, then pretending to blow his nose loudly. He looks innocent when people turn to look.

"Next box..."

The next box holds a visor very similar to Booster's but pink instead of gold.

Ted says, It's a temporary screen for your phone. It tracks your eye movements to act as a cursor, displays webpages. I made sure you could play 'Candy Crush' on it. Also has a direct line of communication to Booster, or me."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella can't help but grin, and even laugh a little, as Ted demonstrates how to use the handkerchief. "I thought, maybe, was napkin for lap," she admits with a crooked smile. Instead of leaving it on her lap, she picks it up and folds it nicely, setting it to one side, on top of the headphones box.

    She accepts the next box and opens it, her eyebrows lifting in surprise at the cute pink visor! "Wow," she breathes, picking it up gingerly. She has absolutely no idea how durable it is, but she's not gonna test it out. "I can wear this safely?" she asks, her brows furrowing softly. "The heat," she mentions, giving a sort of finger-swirl at her face and head. "I won't ruin?" She experimentally lifts them to put them on, wondering how they will change her vision. Will the room suddenly look pinker?

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord puts his hands behind his head. "It's spun diamond fiber. I have to thank you. I unlocked a lot of new materials technology making your stuff. I'm going to have a go at a Venus probe. I really like you Hella. You're like a character from a Conan story: with gigantic mirths and gigantic melancholies. I'm glad to provide you with some mirth. Booster will be good for that too. So, before the main course comes you should put on your gifts so I can take a photo for Booster. e's either preventing a building collapse or flying through a tunnel. I can't get him right now."

One more small box remains. It contains a pink sulk scarf. "That's just ResistWeave. It resists high temperatures and electricity. Because, you know, you're a pretty girl."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles softly as Ted talks, explaining things, thanking her... She shakes her head gently, "I didn't do anything special, Ted. I just order phone," she grins crookedly. "I appreciate you finding ways to help me. You have done more for me than I could have hoped for," she says with sincerity. She tries not to look concerned about the fact that he can't get in touch with Booster. He's fine. He survived a long time before he met her. Just stop worrying.

    She smiles and pulls the scarf out, wrapping it around her neck, pops the headphones on, and adjusts her visor. "You take picture, now?" she says, striking a pose. Big grin, double thumbs up!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord takes the picture, feeling like he earned his place on this rock in space for another day. Then he gets up, comes around the table to take a picture with her and plops into her lap with a small squee. He poses, arm around her shoulders and says, "I feel so underdressed without my goggles. "Oh, compose yourself... try to have a little dignity. You'd think a pretty guy never fell in your lap." He's trying his best to break her.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella watches with confusion as Ted gets up, but laughs as he drops down onto her lap, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He gets a good couple of images of her laughing, smiling, as he does this. "Oh, Ted, you'll make Booster jealous. He hasn't had this opportunity, yet!" she teases, grinning and giving Ted a playful, gentle poke in the side.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gets up and says, "You guys should remedy that before I send these pictures. I don't think he'd fit on your lap anyway. Oh I got him on the phone. <<Come to Wick. Have lunch with your girlfriend. It is paid for.>> He'll be here shortly he says. I will bow out. Before I am a crowd."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles and gives Ted a brief hug, again. "Really, I am grateful, Ted. Thank you. For gifts, for kindness, for understanding. Is very meaningful to me. I appreciate you," she says before he can take off. "I hope we can become good friends, have lots of fun together as a group." She smiles and gestures to her gifts, all of which she still wears, "Thank you, again and again."