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Latest revision as of 00:54, 20 February 2022

Welcome Home Duchess
Date of Scene: 16 February 2022
Location: Jubilee and Noriko's Apt - College House
Synopsis: The Duke is dead! Long live the Duchess! Noriko and Jubilation return after the rescue wedding reception. Nori pops the question, and JUBES SAYS YES!
Cast of Characters: Noriko Ashida, Jubilation Lee

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It's certainly been an evening (night).  Noriko made sure they left the party with plenty of time for just them and with plenty of time to beat the sunrise of course.  The speedster has been all smiles.  Has she gotten a chance to pop the question officially?  No.  Did she want to at a forced vampire wedding where her girlfriend was the kidnapped bride?  No.  But circumstances have forced Noriko to spoil all chances of surprise and despite the fact that she has no idea if Duchess Lee will marry her, or if she /can/ marry a mortal, Noriko has been beaming the entire time, eyes a soft backing glow.  With eyes smearing the night blue, Noriko coasted them back the scenic route, letting the crisp air break across their skin.  A time of quiet for them, a time to feel her favorite passenger right where she should be.

Noriko walks down the corridor to the apartment gauntlet in hand with the vampire, effortlessly luxuriating in a slower speed for once as if intoxicated by the moment.  She pulls a key from a retractible metal cable thing she tucks into her waistband to hide most of the time.  It's nerdy and she hates it but it helps her not fumble her keys.  Metal on metal gripping SUCKS.  But then, just before she turns the key, she freezes.  "Oh-shit," comes out compressed into something almost sounding like, "shee-," as the ear tries to process it.

"Uh, you need to close your eyes okay?"  Nori turns around and sheepishly grins.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "That was a nice party," Jubilation comments absently. She's only been gone a few nights and the creature comforts of handmaidens and universal O- blood by the goblet were nice distractions, but there's just no substitute for generic wooden dorm furniture and that vaguely metallic smell of a certain speedster. "Except, like, for the whole 'wedding' part of it. I can't believe I was going to be /married/ to that guy. Forever!" The prospect is chilling. "...Barf-o-rama."

    Jubilee looks down at the cast iron bat she's carrying in one hand. A gift from Emma Frost. "Can you believe this thing?" she asks with a bit of a laugh. For now, she's trying to move past the obvious detail that Emma got her a wedding gift when she was due to marry the Malefactor. All's well that ends well, right? No. The events of the last week are going to follow Jubilee for quite some time.

    "You saved me, Nori," Jubilation points out, her tone taking on a sentimental, lazy cadence as it passes from a mouth that can't help but smile. "...My hero." Jubes doesn't linger in that thought, though, because doing so would mean they might not get back to the apartment in time for sunrise. Nope. Instead, she stops in front of the door and gives Noriko a suspicious look. "Close my eyes, huh?" she repeats with a grin. "I like where this is going..." Not only does Jubilee close her eyes, but she also puts those new red sunglasses over them.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"He was gross," Noriko agrees, trying not to let her mind race down that dark path again.  This almost doesn't feel real and she wants it to stay real.  "And yeah.  The party was good.  I think people enjoyed themselves.  I don't know about the groom's side."  She smirks.

"I don't really understand what you're supposed to do with it," Noriko explains.  "Also...does she realize that even if you /did/ like your coat you'd just get made fun of for having something that immortalizes yourself," like that...as if there is important nuance and panache that needs to be employed with arrogance.  "Everyone knew the plan.  I'm not sure she would have given it to you if things went differently...actually I don't know.  I'm probably giving her too much credit."

Jubilation's words shut Noriko up quickly.  There's a flash of a bashful smile that quickly cycles away when Jubilation's question reminds her about the interior of the apartment again.  Nori's not going to keep Jubes waiting in the hall like some commoner, so she swiftly opens the door and leads her into the disaster zone by the hands.  Noriko cringes at Jubilation's tone.  "Don't get your hopes up," maybe Noriko can turn this around?

Noriko turns around to survey the damage.  Fat chance.  PIZZA BOXAGEDDON, canyons formed from library books like some weird art installation, a puddle of blankets in the coffin where The Book is snuggled up.  There isn't a rug big enough to sweep all of this under...so Noriko does the next best thing.  She opens the window and starts throwing all of the boxes out without even looking at where they land.  "Oh wait...there's still some left."  Noriko impulsively munches on a slice as she works.  She's taking forever...what could she possibly be doing?

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I dunno. He told me some things that got me thinking," Jubilee comments, shrugging one shoulder at Noriko's assessment of the Malefactor. Is he gross? Was? "...He healed my face." Jubilee reaches up and touches her cheek and shrugs her shoulder again. "I mean, um, /he/ didn't, but... Eh, nevermind."

    "I swear. They find me in a yellow coat, pink shades, and that hair. And I'm never hearing the end of it," Jubilee mutters, though not without cheer. She's home. Nothing's ruining this. "...I was homeless and living in a mall!" Oh well. Jubilee sets Emma's gift down on where her memory tells her the arm of the couch is. Noriko's point about Emma knowing the plan gets a silent 'oh!' from the vampiress. That explains it. Still, it's Emma Frost, so, you never know...


    Jubilation doesn't dare peek. Even with her eyes closed, Jubilee rolls them. "I'm a /vampire/, Nori," she teases with a smile that just won't quit. Jubilee twitches her nose a little as a demonstration. "There must be, like, forty pizzas in here... No, fifty... " She can't count them by smell, not even close, so it's just a number she pulls out of thin air. It smells like pizza is the point! Does Jubilee mind? No. She just stands there in the center of the chaos, in the darkness behind her eyelids, and shifts all her weight over one hip for maximum brat.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"What do you mean?  What did he tell you?  How did he do it," heal her face.  The words bolt out of the speedster's mouth before she realizes she really needs to keep working.  "Certainly not if people keep getting you gifts.  At least no one has outright given you a yellow jacket to replace it."  Noriko laughs.  She's seen a rogue picture or two of this Jubes who first arrived.  Of course Nori thought it was cute, but of course if Nori had met Jubes on the street she would have decimated her.  Now, none of the flaws really come to mind and she knows she's blinded by her bias, so she just relies on Jubes.

Noriko is in the middle of digging a box out from under the couch that got kicked there when Jubes busts her.  She startles into almost knocking the coffee table over.  She was fast enough to catch that, but not prevent the domino of book formations that starts to avalanche.  "Oops."  Maybe she was fast enough.  She'll never know.

"I guess you better open them then.  Not like I can throw the books out the window, well I mean I could."  Something else crashes as a result of the Rube Goldberg machine she just set off.  "I kind of needed to keep going..."  There's even stuff like wood working tools and wood shavings on the kitchen table still.  But Noriko would normally be able to clean such a mess up in no time.  This time, after accepting defeat, she just looks a little overwhelmed as the Tasmanian Devil cloud of chaos subsides with her, in place.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Of course, back then, Jubilee probably would've socked Noriko for making fun of her awful yellow coat and cowlick. But, who knows what might have happened if they met in different circumstances? What brought them together? Was it simply blind luck? Something tickled Jean Grey's computer to assign Noriko Ashida to room 404 in the dorms? Or was it something more?

    "Oh, a bunch of stuff," Jubilee answers, vaguely, still keeping her eyes open. "He was really mean at first. Kept saying I was a nobody and no one loved me. Something about how the 'Brujah' said I was a 'Toreador' and that the 'Toreadors' said I was a 'Brujah.' Like, no one wanted me, that kind of thing." She pronounces those unfamiliar words as precisely as her memory allows. "But, like, then he was buttering me up and saying how I was destined for greatness."

    The question about how her face was healed, though, makes Jubilee squirm a bit. Her smile fades, just a touch. "Oh, well, you know," Jubilation shrugs. "Blood. It's always blood." There's a sense that she's glossing over some key details with that.

    Noriko's entire effort to get the place all cleaned up for her makes Jubilee smile. "...Nori," she lectures gently before opening her eyes. Both arms extend outward, broadcasting a 'come here' message.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"He sounds like a dick who didn't care about you," Noriko determines like she's stamping the guy's actions with her disapproval.

Noriko just wanted to come home and live happily ever after.  She forgot about all the chores Cinderella had to do before the ball.  In her moment of desperate frustration and defeat, Noriko doesn't inquire further about the healing process.  She doesn't want to hear about it.  Not now.  She just sinks.  At her name, her gaze lifts to Jubes and she shuffles forward to rest her head on Jubes' shoulder, leaning.  "I'm so glad you're back.  It was awful without you," she confesses as if she's not proud of how she faired.  Sure, she was fine when she was busy, but there was plenty of waiting too, plenty of time alone.  "I'm sorry we couldn't get you out sooner.  We just had to prepare for the worst," she rushes out.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "He didn't," Jubilation replies casually. It's no skin off her nose! When Noriko draws near, the vampiress flaps her fingers anxiously -- hurryhurry -- and then wraps her up in her arms as soon as she's close enough. "Are you kidding?" she blurts. "You rescued me! You fought, like, the vampire president!" -- Duke -- "...You're amazing," she whispers, leaning her cheek against the top of the speedster's head. There's a long period of silence from Jubes, just nothing but the moment extending into forever. Or, forever enough. Eventually, comfort becomes an issue.

    "Can we take a quick intermission so I can change out of this thing?" Jubes complains. The vampire wedding dress, an over-glorified corset. Basically it's Hot Topic mixed with David's Bridal.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko just breathes in the scent of Jubilation, she tries to find the familiar scent underneath all of the vampire courtly marital scent trappings someone did Jubilation up in.  Whatever they are, they just aren't Jubilation.  She scrunches her nose up at the smell but says nothing of it, lifting her head.  "You saved me too...but yeah, please.  I'll just finish tidying up okay?"  Sure, like she'll be able to stay focused on that with Jubes changing.

"I'm burning up in this thing."  Clothing for humans just isn't made for mutants.  Noriko places a kiss on Jubilation's lips, slow, but delicate, before pulling away reluctantly.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    The kiss is returned just as delicately, though as Noriko begins to pull away, Jubilation's face travels forward with her in a last ditch effort to extend it. Jubilee's shoulders tense a little, as though she'd be shrugging if not for the embrace. "We'll just say we saved each other," she decides quietly. "Plus Remy helped." Yeah, that /was/ kind of weird, wasn't it... Remy swooping in with the missing piece of the puzzle. Why did he wait until the last possible moment to tell her?! Cajuns.

    Jubilation releases Noriko and walks towards the bedroom so she can change out of the wedding dress. "I feel so weird," she mutters quietly, flexing both of her hands into tight fists as she walks. The power of an ancient vampire courses through her. That's bound to feel a little strange, isn't it?

    "So, I guess you didn't go hungry while I was away..." Jubilee shouts from the bedroom.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"A lot of people helped I guess," Noriko tilts her head, thinking about that, then she shrugs and releases Jubes simultaneously.  She watches after Jubilation, her heart aching with the gratefulness that everyone is alive (who counts at least), but then she thinks about the price she hasn't paid for Severina.  "Yeah.  I wanted to see what that felt like and was it gross?...the book, it said that the punishment-"  Noriko kind of hesitates in her cleaning up of things, nervously looking toward the bedroom.

"I did, actually, but then I realized I hadn't eaten."  Surely Noriko's body told her. Surely she was probably all jacked up on electricity but forgot to eat.  This is normally not a problem for Noriko.  She's pretty good about being a slave to every beck and call of her stomach, but these were extraordinary circumstances.  She shakes her head at herself for answering Jubilation's question as she hides her anticipation of what Jubilation might say.

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to warn you.  That's not how I wanted to...like I wasn't trying to buy you or anything.  I mean technically I kind of did all of the things so I guess I was trying to but you get why I did that right?"  Her brain just bounces between internal crises.  It feels as if they haven't talked in ages even though it has been days.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yeah, well, not all of them put their neck on the line like you did," Jubilation counters. Noriko not only stood up to the entire ceremony but also challenged the Malefactor to an actual /duel/. The memory of Noriko standing in the aisle holding that sword is one that's going to keep Jubilee warm for quite some time.

    After the usual commotion of clothing coming off, the shower can be heard running, then more commotion. And then Jubilation comes back out in one of Noriko's raglan shirts and a pair of her own pink fleece PJs. Her hair is down, wet, and the red smears that stained her face and neck are gone.

    Jubilee shuffles back towards the speedster, making a point to slideslideslide in her oversized, yellow Minnie Mouse shoes slippers until she's right up in Noriko's business. "Huhhhhhhiiii!" she announces loudly ('hi'), her mouth opening wider than necessary. She does it so Nori can get a very obvious whiff of toothpaste and mouthwash. She's also chewing gum. No more blood taste. "I'm back," Jubilee adds, quieter this time, normal, and smiles, staring at Noriko. Back from the bathroom. Back from vampire sleepover.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko has pretty much gotten things back to normal, save for having just stacked the books up to the side, out of the way.  She even hopped down from the tree outside the window to take care of the pizza boxes she dumped on the lawn.  She doesn't come back in any special way though, not trusting the grip of her gauntlets.  They weren't exactly built for climbing or parkour.

When Noriko gets back, she sets about drawing the curtains closed and lighting some candles she digs out of a drawer somewhere.  She doesn't bother with a lighter, just sparking the tip of her finger at the wicks.  Once the mood lighting has been established, cozying things up in a warm glow, Noriko finally starts working on her doublet.  Someone had to help her get into this thing obviously.  She just grins as she fiddles when Jubes gives her a whiff of her hello.  "You arrre," Noriko grins and leans in for a kiss even with her gauntlets still poised to work her garment.  Her little wooden engagement box she made and the IOUs are still stuffed in her pocket, but for the moment, she's stopped worrying and thinking about anything but how nice Jubilation smells.  She checks, drawing close to sniff the vampire's neck and hair with a nuzzle.  "Can you help me get out of this thing?  I can't do it by myself unless I rip it off."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Sure," is the vampire's answer. She looks down and reaches for the top button and pulls it through its hole. And then the next. And the third. Jubes looks up at Noriko and smirks. "Where'd you get this thing, anyway?" she wonders. Another couple buttons. "Because once this is off, you need to go down there and complain that they ever sold it to you." Finally, Jubilee's hands make it to the leather belt that goes across the doublet. She slips her fingers behind it and lifts her eyes.

    With a smile, Jubilation gives the leather belt a gentle tug to draw Noriko closer. She leans in and plants a kiss on her jawline, just below her ear. "I never realized how much I missed your sound," she mutters. The thumping of her circulatory system. After lingering there, Jubilation pulls back and goes back to work on the doublet.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I don't know.  I might need to return it somewhere.  Some people helped me get some last minute things together so I could focus on what was important."  Was that ring all that important to Jubilation's freedom?  It turned out not to be.  Her brow arches as Jubilation slips her fingers underneath the belt.  A grin tugs back seeing that smile of Jubilation's.

"Mm," Noriko affirms as she tilts her head just so like someone angling the sound of the ocean in a conch shell.  That familiar rhythm reaches out to Jubilation.  "It missed its audience," she murmurs, but when Jubilation pulls back, Noriko shifts and maybe if Noriko were paying attention to anything but Jubilation, she'd catch the box and papers before they slip from her pocket and fall to the floor.  When she hears the whittled shell hit the floor, Noriko goes still.  Oh yeah.

"Jubilation..."  No, this isn't how it is supposed to go.  Not here with some crappy ring.  "I want to ask you something...but it was never meant to be like this."  Her eyes drop down toward the box on the ground, whittled in a hurry from the tree she nearly burnt down after their first kiss.  Then she looks back to Jubilation.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Well, whoever got this for you is---" Jubilee stops right there. After just a moment of hesitation, she shrugs one shoulder and finds a smile. "It's /good/ ... Very, uh, classic. Vintage. Retro?" It's basically the best possible outfit for challenging a vampire duke to a duel as a matter of ceremony. "Just, like, never again. Never, never, never again."


    Bringing Noriko in like that, with a playful tug of the doublet's belt, comes with a sound. It's a contented sigh. Feelings of love turned into air pushed out in such a way so it sounds like there's no possible way for this moment to be any better. While the living might take that noise for granted, Jubilation does not. She had to carefully draw in some air and keep it in her lungs just to make the noise. It's not a byproduct. It's deliberate. It's practiced.

    Jubilee's eyes dart to the floor, taken hostage by the unfamiliar sound of wood clattering around. Her lips curl inward as she tries to contain whatever expression wants to form as her imagination runs wild with what it could all mean. She wouldn't want to take a guess and be wrong. She doesn't want to get caught speculating with her face and she just doesn't dare to reach down for the box. Instead, her eyes lift. Standing there with wet hair, no makeup, wearing pajama pants and one of Noriko's raglan shirts, no words come. Jubilee's brow is lifted expectantly, her eyes studying Noriko for even the smallest sign of what's happening.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko certainly likes looking at fashion but she's never had any interest in period costume design, so it's likely she had help with translating her requirements into Ren Faire.  Retro?  Yes, for vampire chic, perhaps not retro for a human though.  Jubes designating it retro makes Nori's head tilt curiously and she smiles.  Is that a yes?  Never again?

We'll never know, because of that fateful interruption by the homemade engagement box.  Noriko takes off her gauntlets and sets them aside.  She takes her time at it, making them both sit through the time it would normally take Jubes to get them off.  Then Noriko stoops to retrieve the box and rises back up to full height.  Her eyes graze the top of the box as she rotates it in her hands, little bolts leaping about the box from her hands.

"I always meant to make you something better, get you real stones.  This is kind of just a placeholder but," way to bury the lead Noriko.  GET ON WITH IT.  WHAT DID YOU REALLY WANT TO ASK?!

"I just want to say that I'm sorry this isn't the way it should be, but I love you.  I don't have a lot of fancy words.  I tried.  I tried a lot.  That's why I wasn't ready for this when it all went down.  It's not that I haven't thought of whether I want to marry you.  It'd be hard to figure out when I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you; it feels like something I have always known but I was waiting to be revealed to me, like the moon."  Noriko smiles at that, these fumbled words fresh and spontaneous.  "...my Moon."  She dips down to one knee and places the box in Jubilation's hands as if only she gets the privilege of opening the box.  "Will you marry me?"

Inside is a wooden ring hewn from the black walnut tree Noriko ran into and nearly decimated after their first kiss.  "So you remember when I told you about how I hit that tree after our first kiss?"  Noriko looks down at the band and quickly points out, "I know it's not perfect; it's just a placeholder," it even says so, on the interior, burned with lightning? or some kind of tool.  The letters are crude.  Noriko's cheeks flush as she realizes she just proposed and she didn't shut up and is Jubilation really taking forever or is she just stuck going really fast right now and doesn't realize it.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's face betrays her. At least, it does at first, once she realizes what's happening. All the reasons this /isn't/ the best night of her life flash through Jubilation's brain. The past week spent like vampire Rapunzel. The wedding that had to be forcibly called off. Jubes committing the worst of all vampire crimes in front of a ton of witnesses. Plus, her appearance right now -- with the wet hair and raglan shirt -- is not how she pictured herself looking for this moment. No offense to Noriko's fashion sensibilities. They work for the speedster but do not flatter Jubilation beyond the subtle sexiness of wearing her partner's clothing. Is this how she imagined this moment would be?

    For starters, Jubilation always imagined she'd be alive for this.

    It takes just an instant for Jubilee to move past all that. Does it matter that this is the second proposal she's had this week? Does it matter that she's wearing the wrong clothes and doesn't look cute? Does it even matter that she's /dead/? It might matter to the State of New York, but not to Jubilee.

    Jubilee waits awkwardly as the speedster's proposal goes on longer than it had any right to. Her lower eyelids seem to get darker, thicker, as thin lines of blood begin to accumulate in place of tears. They hang there for a couple of seconds, unfortunately not reflecting light as well as actual tears, before each gently dribbles down Jubilation's cheeks.

    "Oh my god...!" Jubilation exclaims, the words naturally being broken up by emotion and surprise. It's a poor choice of words for a vampire, ones she'd take back if she could, but it's just what comes out once Noriko finally stops skirting the issue and actually asks the question. It's that question that gives Jubes permission, finally, to open the box.

    Jubilation stares at the box's contents, at the wood it's made from, at the ring that quite literally was forged by their very first kiss. Maybe Jubilee should hold there, wait a little, perhaps extend her hand out for Noriko to slip the wooden ring on her finger. Maybe, but that's not what happens. Nope. Jubilation just got proposed to!

    "Of course I'll marry you!" Jubilee nearly shouts, her smile now open-mouthed and even a little slack-jawed. She ham-fists the ring and shoves it onto her own finger excitedly and then... runs out of the apartment, letting go of the wooden box with the trust that the speedster will be able to easily grab it before gravity does.

    "NORI AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Jubilation runs down the hall, banging her hand against every single door she passes. Never mind the fact that it's so late that it's almost early! She's excited! Jubilee pounds on every door again as she starts her return pass. "NORI AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Top. Of. Her. Lungs. And then, there's Jubes, standing in the doorway to their apartment, her smile truly pushing the limits of her cheeks. "It's /perfect/, Nori!" Jubes exclaims, flatly disagreeing with the speedster's assessment of the wooden ring.

    "Yes, yes, yes I'll marry you!"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko's too busy trying to figure out if she's talked too long or too short or if she said all she wanted or if she said something so dumb or if Jubilation doesn't totally detest the ring, that she doesn't realize Jubilation has ALL THAT TO MOVE PAST.  Noriko won't remember Jubilation's perceived sorry state.  This is the best moment of her life.

The speedster reaches out to swipe at the little trickling vampire 'tears.'  The 'god' gets a little chuckle from Noriko, especially after Jubilation's 'yes.'  Noriko is about to help Jubilation out with the ring when Jubes takes things into her own hands.  Noriko can tell before her hesitation will ever register with anyone else, so she backs off, leaving her hands at her side.

After all is said and done and Jubilation appears in view again, Noriko is still down on her knees, a big grin on her face.  She hops up at Jubes' assessment and rushes forward a few steps to scoop her arms up underneath Jubes, lifting her up for a kiss.  Then she shouts,  "JUBES AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!"  She lifts her hand and shoots a staccato of bolts from her fingers.  They POP. POP. POP-POP. POP-POP-POP. excitedly at the ceiling.  "Oh shit," she says with a little laugh, quickly tucking her hand under her arm and leaning into Jubes, "I didn't do it," she says, still laughing.  Jubilation's enthusiasm is infectious, and not even the speedster's too cool for school attitude can put a damper on this moment.

"We should celebrate!-I should put back on my gauntlets!"  Noriko laughs, suddenly feeling naked without them.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's cold hand comes to rest against Noriko's cheek as she shifts all of her weight so as much of her body is pressed against as much as Nori's as she can. "I can't believe you thought it isn't /perfect/....!" Of course, if the vampire had a say in it, it probably wouldn't be made of wood. Her people have an unfortunate relationship with wood.

    "I can't imagine how it could be any better!" she exclaims happily. Jubes starts planting kiss after kiss after kiss along the contours of Noriko's face, gently holding it between her palms. The electrical display is ignored, ignored completely, by Jubilee. It doesn't matter. Not even a little. "Maybe, um, you should leave them off..." Jubilation suggests quietly, her head tilting a little in the direction of the door that leads to their bedroom. The moment is brief, though, before Jubes falls back into shock and awe over getting engaged.

    "I can't believe it! I can't believe it!" Suddenly, Jubilation's enthusiasm, as infectious as it may be, disappears. For an instant, she's worried.

    "Nori..." Jubilee begins nervously, leaning back so she can watch the speedster. "...You're not, like, uh..." Awkward. "...I didn't glamour you by accident, did I?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Good, because neither can I," think of anything better, though that might be just the rescue itself took quite a bit of planning and eww, teamwork.  Noriko grins and angles toward all of those kisses gently - lips-lips-lips she chants in her head as if that will influence any outcomes.  Jubilation's suggestion gets a slack-jawed, "Oh," just as quiet.  JUBES IS FINALLY IN THE MOOD.

But Noriko, like Jubilation, is still yoyoing on the shock of the moment until Jubilation brings everything to a grinding halt.  "Jubes.  If you had glamoured me, do you think I would have used wood for your ring?"  Noriko isn't sure if this is sound logic, but she sells it with as much confidence as she has in the sky being up and not down.

"You can test me!  Just tell me you want something hideous for the wedding," Noriko suggests with an amused smile.  "Like mustard colored bridesmaids' dresses."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation smiles back at Noriko as she embraces the absurd suggestion and plays along with it. Jubes has never tried to glamour Nori and, luckily, has control over it these nights. Jubilation smiles, opening her mouth happily, as if to continue the joke. Perhaps she'd say something about mustard colored dresses and that such a glamour exceeds her ability. Perhaps she'd make a jab about putting a wooden ring on a vampire. But, she doesn't do any of that.

    "Shut up, Nori," Jubilee teases happily before practically tripping herself forward and into a kiss with the speedster. When it feels right to let the kiss end, Jubilation would shift her weight so she could pull Nori towards the doorway that leads to their bedandcoffinroom.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Shut up?  Noriko can do just that, especially with Jubilation's help.