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Revision as of 07:41, 22 February 2022

Part of the Family
Date of Scene: 22 February 2022
Location: Martin and Jon's Suite
Synopsis: Martin and Agnes have their first night in together as a family and Martin introduces her to the most essential British television series ever created: Doctor Who.
Cast of Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin holds a small red ball in his hands as he sat on the couch. He tosses the ball across the room and the mass of fluff and drool that is Lady Grey bounds after it with enthusiasm only encountered in young animals. She starts back after retreiving the ball with a prancing action that does not match her large appearance before depositing it it the man's hand, with a rather large addition of doggy drool.

    "Lovely..." he mutters as he grabs a nearby towel to wipe both ball and hand free of the saliva before throwing it across the room once more to repeat the process, it's one part exercise for the dog and one part distraction for the man. There is a lot on his mind and most of it concerned Jon and the war he was leading against the forces of Heaven.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Cael had taken Agnes out to get her hair dyed, and then returned to Grand Central Station after dropping Agnes back off at the Triskelion. So the girl comes into the apartment alone, calling out, "Umm, hello? I'm back..." in a tentative sort of tone. She's still not used to being allowed to /leave/, let alone to get her hair dyed.

    Said hair has been dyed purple, with silver tips, which is a bit incongruous with her conservative, old-fashioned wardrobe. They're going to have to get her new clothing. She comes into the living room and hesitates just inside the door, fiddling with her skirt.

    "Oh, that's right," she says. "Jon went back to New York."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin rises as Lady Grey stops in mid-return to glance at Agnes before dropping the ball and rushing over to the girl. "Yeah" he says. "It's just you and me and Lady Grey for now. Is that..." he pauses. "Is that okay?" he asks. He keeps his tone relaxed and even, not over enthusiastic or dismissive. But it doesn't take a telepath to know, he's nervous.

    His memory of this girl's mother and the thoughts surrounding her pregnancy only came back a few weeks ago and with them a whole slew of feelings and emotions that he was still sorting out. But now, the girl was a part of the family and while he's not inexperienced, kids are always different and Agnes was miles away from the type of kid Lyra had been.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes blinks down at the dog, and reaches down very carefully to offer her hand. Her hands are covered in white gloves that might look overly formal. "It's fine. Jon mentioned... you both mentioned... it's fine. You knew my mother. Well. Both of my parents, I suppose, but I've talked to Jon. I'm still..."

    She frowns. "I've... suspected Elias wasn't my father for quite some time. We don't look at all alike, and he..." She goes ahead and starts petting the dog, very, /very/ slowly. "I have, umm... I touch things, and I see visions? And I... I saw some visions of Elias... talking to people about me in ways that..." She huffs out a breath. "He called me 'that child' or 'the Montague girl' like I wasn't... his daughter."

    She looks away. "And then he handed me over to the vampires, which was... I mean, you wouldn't... Jon wouldn't... people don't... /do/ that to their own children. Right?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "God no" Martin replies quickly. The very thought fills him with anger that surprises even him. "No. Parents who love their children..." he shakes his head. "Any parent worth the term wouldn't hand their child over to a pack of predators willingly."

    He gestures behind him to the couch. "Do you want to have a seat? We can... talk? I think it would do us both good to chat and get to know each other better... since you're going to be staying with us." He pauses. "I can make us some tea if you'd like?" Always the fall back plan to go to tea for easing the mood, even for himself.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes straightens and smooths down her skirt, then walks over to sit down on the couch. She moves carefully, like she's afraid of touching things. One can only imagine what growing up with Elias Bouchard for a father must have been like for her.

    "Tea would be lovely, thank you," she says, sounding oddly like Jon despite the difference in dialect. "I, ahh... I don't know what there is to say. I'm not terribly interesting. But we can talk, yes." She's clearly nervous, though there's curiosity in her eyes too.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "Well..." Martin starts before moving to the kitchen. "How about questions? Do you have any for me?" he asks. "And... is there anything you'd like to get for yourself?" he asks from the kitchen. "I mean, converting the spare room back into a room instead of an office won't be hard, but... you need to make it your own in ways that you decide upon, right?" he says, looking to the girl from the open divider between the living area and the kitchen.

    "And... not to be rude but... you're going to need a new wardrobe with your hair like that." He smiles. "But I like it. It's very... it suits you." He pauses as he sets the kettle to boiling. "But... yeah. Let's start small. Do you have questions for me? About me? I assume that while he spoke of Jon occasionally, my name probably never came up when Elias was talking, did it?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Oh, no, he mentioned you," Agnes replies, looking over toward the kitchen. "You were one of the 'traitors,' along with Jon. The spy, he called you." Her eyes widen a bit. "Did you /really/ infiltrate the Eye of Ra to save Jon? I mean, that's... not how Elias put it, he said you infiltrated because the government was afraid of him." She makes a face. "But I can put two and two together, now."

    She frowns down at her skirt, fiddling with it a bit. "I wouldn't know where to start, with... making it my own. I don't, umm... I've never really... Elias decided all of that, you know?" She shrugs.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin stops and frowns. "You know. In a way it was more than just Jon, but yes... I did" he replies. "I didn't save as many as I had hoped and even less after..." He shakes his head. "But I managed to get Jon out and that was part of my plan so it wasn't a total failure."

    He looks at her. "Well... that's one of the things we can work on then. Taking you out and shopping. I don't mind shopping and... well, never a better time to start than the present." He smiles at her. "That is... if you're okay with that? I know that he kept you... cloistered and large crowds like shopping centers might be a bit much and I'd understand if that were the case."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "So you /are/ a spy," Agnes says, nodding to herself as if happy she's placed Martin in the correct box. "I suppose all of SHIELD are spies, yes? Does this mean I need to train to be a spy...?" She chews on her lip, thoughtfully.

    "Cloistered... that's a word for it, yes. I never really... I hadn't watched television, or movies. I read books, but only the ones Elias would let me read. I had to steal glances at his newspaper to know what was going on in the world at all." She frowns. "Everything's... very different than I thought it was. People don't bother me, though. People are /fascinating/. And as long as I have my gloves," she lifts her hands to waggle her fingers, "there's no worry about getting visions of anything I shouldn't."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "I mean... if you plan on continuing things once it's your turn to take over the Archive, then... yes?" Martin replies, making a point not to notice that her taking it over means Jon's death. "SHIELD does a lot of things and one of those is spying. But that's a decision you can make when you're older and more settled in who you are. Let's start small and work up to multi-level government espionage, hm?" he suggests, moving to the kettle and removing it from its place on the stove before pouring the boiling water into a blue-mosaic pattern teapot.

    Placing the pot, the cups, and the assorted additives onto a tray and heads back into the living room. "So you've read but only what he allowed... that's... no good at all. Have you watched TV since you were first rescued? Jon said you were staying at the temple that his friend has... the Midnight Mission? When you were there you were afforded... luxuries, yes?" He feels terrible calling hobbies a luxury, but avoiding the girl's past doesn't help anything, this conversation included.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Jubilation gave me her Netflix password. I've been watching Netflix. And... I really like Animal Crossing, and Jon gave me another password? I haven't tried that one yet." Agnes drums her fingers on her knee, idly. "I suppose there's some canon of television and movies that I absoutely must watch? Like the Western canon, for literature. That's most of what Elias let me look at."

    She glances over toward the kitchen again. "Mr. Knight got me a New York Public Library card, and I've been checking out books electronically. Jon gave me a list of things he figured Elias /wouldn't/ have let me read, and they've all been quite lovely, if... ahh... well, I don't /quite/ understand why Elias didn't let me read the Lord of the Rings or the Neverending Story or Howl's Moving Castle. It's all about magic, you know? Seems odd to restrict that sort of thing. I wonder what he didn't want me learning?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "Heroics" Martin says setting the tray on the coffee table and taking a seat next to her. Lady Grey dutifully shifts to accomodate her owners place. "He probably didn't want you to see anything that had to do with a hero overcoming adversity despite the impossible odds against them." He shrugs. "It's not surprising, if rather uninspired."

    He pours the girl a cup and realizes that he's made her cup in the same way he would make Jon's. "I... hope that's to your liking. I made it the same way I make Jon's." He offers an apologetic expression to the girl. "Habit. Sorry."

    He pauses. "As for -must see- television. I'm... going to have to differ that to Cael. US television is a little beyond me. I watch local news, world news, and BBC America when I can. So... my library of understanding is rather limited" he chuckles. "Cael's probably got a better handle on what is essential in the US market."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "What does it matter which market it's in?" Agnes tilts her head and peers at Martin as she takes her cup of tea. "American or British... I mean, what do /you/ like? I /am/ British, after all, even if I'm living in New York now. I ought to know the culture of the place I grew up in."

    She frowns down at her tea cup. "I spent my whole life in London but I never really saw the city. And now I can't go there for fear of Elias." She huffs out a breath, annoyed, then takes a sip of the tea.

    "...That's awfully sweet. Jon really takes his tea like this?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin nods. "He says he does. And I believe him" Martin replies. "Which is a bit odd, because he takes his chai rather bitter. Maybe to savor the spices?" He pauses and sips his own tea for a moment, contemplating on the nature of how Jon likes his drinks.

    He moves to the topic of shows. "Okay... well. If you're going to watch British television you have to watch Doctor Who. There is no other quentissential series more British than Doctor Who, even after the revamp and expansion when America fell in love with it... it's still by and large a British show through and through. So how about we start there? Besides, I'm pretty sure Elias would hate to have you watching it."

    He smiles, happy to allow the girl act upon those small things she had been forbidden from doing. "I would start you with the older earlier series but you can get just as much from starting with the eighth or ninth if you'd want to go more modern era. I admit some of the jokes and terms of the earlier series' can be a bit... bland? Outdated at the very least."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes considers this quietly for a little while, sipping her tea. Finally, she says, "I don't care what Elias would think. I just... want to do things. To see things. I suppose it makes sense, now that I know I'm supposed to be Archivist someday. Wanting to see and do... everything."

    She looks over at Martin. "Show me whichever you like best? I don't really have a reference point for any of it, but if you can watch it out of order..."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin considers her statment for a moment and then nods. "Alright. Tom Baker it is" he says rising and getting the television remote from atop the entertainment center. "Some of the enemies are reused but everything is explained pretty well when they show up again so you don't have to start from the very beginning if you don't want to." He smiles and starts going through the menus to find the first episode of the Fourth Doctor: Robot from 1974.

    "Also, some trivia for you. Doctor Who has the world record for longest running science fiction television show and most successful science fiction series of all time, based on sales and downloads of audio programs of the extended works." He settles back. "After a few episodes I'll get us some food and we can continue if you want to or... we can go out if you like." He smiles and seems to relax a great deal, this might not be so hard to adapt to after all.