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Latest revision as of 18:59, 2 March 2022

There's No Burger Like a Big Belly Burger
Date of Scene: 01 March 2022
Location: Big Belly Burger's
Synopsis: Bando and Roy meet one another at Big Belly Burger.
Cast of Characters: Roy Harper, Bando George

Roy Harper has posed:
What a week it has been! Roy spent a lot of time and energy prepping for his SHIELD interview. There are so many reasons to pass on a candidate like Roy Harper, and that hung over his head. But the interview went better than expected and he has switched to preparing for his SHIELD field test. That means long hours spent working out, honing his skills, and studying. And you know what? This afternoon he just needed a break and decided to head to Happy Harbor, where he went to high school, and visit Big Belly Burger.

The kid eats like a sumo wrestler or a swimmer given how many thousands of calories he burns a day. He is standing at the counter ordering. "So two Big Belly Burgers, large fries, large onion rings, a large vanilla shake, um..." He chin-rubs. "...a large Cherry Pepsi." He frowns as though something is wrong. With a sigh he adds, "Make that three Big Belly Burgers." The attendant who is taking the order looks around, perhaps wondering if he has a friend with him or something?

Bando George has posed:
    "Shuzzzaahhh!" Where did that come from? A moment earlier there was a fwump sound that filled the air. "Bando George," the woman says from the kitchen. "How ya doin' baby?"

    "I'm good!" he announces, bouncing on his heels behind Roy. "Made it from the second floor today!" he yells out to the kitchen, seeming not to take into account that while he's talking to someone distant, he's directly behind Roy's head.

Roy Harper has posed:
Not really one to get overly excited about stuff Roy calmly turns around, which given how close Bando was behind him puts him in a socially unacceptably close face-to-face distance with Bando. He blinks once and a small grin creeps over his face. "Hello there, cute boy who just invaded my safety circle," he comments. His tone is all light and playful and conveys zero negativity. "Were you looking for something that was hiding in the back of my hair perhaps?" Just to add to the goofiness of the moment he reaches up and pats around on the back of his head as though searching to see if anything is there.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando, considering he is almost nose to nose with Roy, seems to take a second to realize that he's there, the speaking is required for him to shift his gaze from the kitchen window to the guy right in front of him. "Oh! Sorry man, didn't see you there." Is that possible? He takes a step back to a more normal distance. "I'm Bando. I just know a lot of the people here, was just sayin' hi after class. And starved so you know, best burgers anywhere right here. Even better than any other Belly Burgers, like, you don't even /know/! Or maybe, you around here? I don't think I've seen you before but it isn't like I know everyone in town. If I knew everyone in town that'd be a pretty cool superpower by itself." And finally, he stops his run-on sentence.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy raises both eyebrows and inhales deeply through his nose as he listens to the wordicane coming from Bando. He calmly stands by waiting for the kid to finish. It's not like he has much else to do while he's waiting for his huge order to get prepped.

"I'm not new around here," he says with a chuckle once he's sure that Bando is finished. "I guess I'm old around here. Name's Roy Harper, Happy Harbor High class of 2020. I was chillin' this afternoon and decided I missed what /everyone/ /clearly/ knows is the best Big Belly Burger around so I came by. And then you teleported in an inch and a half from my head." Roy maintains that winning grin of his, which has solved many, many times more problems for him than his bow ever did.

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh sweet. Yeah I go there!" Bando declares. "That's pretty cool. So you live in Happy Harbor still?" he asks. "I'm like, goin' into Junior year next year," he says. "Though I'm in Queens, not right around here. Been practicing the teleport," he explains. "Don't worry, I can't like teleport into someone and explode them or nothin'. You're a bit taller than me? So I think I'd just bounce off if I teleported into you. Done that a couple of times, but not as much anymore. You go to college?"

Roy Harper has posed:
With glittering, amused eyes Roy listens to the latest barrage. When Bando mentions teleporting into him and bouncing off he breaks into a small roll of laughter. That's about when the server puts a tray with Roy's huge order on the counter. He glances at the food, then up at the server and offers a smile and a thanks.

"I live sometimes in Starling City and sometimes in Gotham. I go to Gotham University, though my ties to Gotham recently came to a close so I'm considering transferring somewhere else."

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh cool," Bando says. "So Gotham, you ever meet Batman? Or Batgirl? Or Robin?" he pauses. "You know, there's a lot of them, aren't there? I never thought about it. Kinda like a gang, but a superhero gang," he muses. "What's your major?"

    The voice from the kitchen calls out, "Bando you eatin' baby?" the middle aged woman asks.

    "Oh, yeah, Just a burger right now," he calls out.

    "Number one?"

    "Yeah yeah!"

Roy Harper has posed:
With a slight shrug Roy responds, "Those guys are too busy to bother with a nobody like me." As hungry as he is, he can't just stand there chatting without touching his food. He grabs a ketchup bottle off the counter and squirts an amount of ketchup on his fries that is likely illegal in several countries and a violation of God-only-knows how many OSHA regulations. The server standing at the counter looks on with obvious distaste. He scoops a ketchup-laden fry into his mouth.

"I haven't picked a major yet," Roy says as he preps another few french fries for entry. "Just taking general liberal arts courses for now." After downing another few fries hungrily he asks, "What about you? Got your eye on any colleges?"

Bando George has posed:
    "I dunno," Bando shrugs, seeming unconcerned with the /perfectly normal/ amount of ketchup being applied to the fries. "But someplace I can learn to be a better super hero. So...I dunno where you get a degree for that. Maybe you gotta be a scientist, or criminal science? Something like that. I guess it's good if you haven't met Batman though, because that'd me either you're in trouble with him, or else you're getting attacked by one of the weirdo super villains over there. They got creepy bad guys. Though I never got the clown one. I like clowns, they're cool, I don't care what anybody says." He seems to assum it's okay to take a seat across from Roy, now that they are good friends and all of course.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy seems content to share a table with Bando, who is obviously a very friendly dude. "Oh you're a superhero? Very cool. What's that like? Do you use a superhero name?"

Sorry but Roy is too hungry to wait. He spent about six hours this morning in a very intense workout. He opens one of his three burger and tears into it like a starving man. After he gets a huge bit to stave off sure-and-certain death, he takes the time to splatter mustard on his burger.

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh it's the dopest thing!" Bando says. "I can't even explain. I need some cool name, right now I just don't tell them my name. Ghost Spider and I are partners," he says. "She got Janet Van Dyne to make me a costume. I am getting fight lessons from a dude that's fifty thousand years old. But you know, they never mention all the cleanup you gotta do. Like, collateral damage is real, gotta go clean up after you help people. Reinstall air conditioners and fix doors, stuff like that. Can't just leave people with your mess after you're done."

Roy Harper has posed:
Tearing through the hamburger like it was nothing, Roy immediately unwraps the next one and adds mustard. "Man there are so many things that you don't even think about. Sounds like you're doing it right though, developing good habits and taking people's feelings into consideration. Nice!"

Roy holds out a fist for a bump. "Thank you for your service, my dude."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando grins with satisfaction. "No prob, fam," he says, returning the bump. The order is called out to be ready and he gets back up and grabs his burger from the counter, bringing his tray to plop down unceremoniously again. "Got a long way to go, but hey, start somewhere. God gives you a gift, you use it," he says. "So you don't got a degree yet, you know what you wanna do when you graduate?" he asks. "Hold on." He bows his head quietly for several seconds, praying over his food quietly, and then raises it again to start eating.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy is respectfully still and quiet while Bando says his grace. He shakes his head to the question about his degree. "I mean, I'm 19 and not some kind of genius, so no degree yet." He snorts a little bit. "I'll be lucky to get my degree in the regular amount of time."

Next comes...the onion rings. Those he actually eats without condiments and tears into them with the same abandon as the rest of his food. One might wonder why he's so skinny and is eating an 3,000 calorie lunch.

"What do I want to do after I graduate? Well..." He slows down the eating to consume like a quarter of the milkshake. "Probably something with people. Maybe a social worker or something. I'm lucky enough that I don't need the money, so I can just sort of follow my bliss."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando finishes unwrapping his burger takes it up in both hands, biting into it. "That's pretty nice," he admits. "Social work is a pretty epic thing," he says. "Like, probably even better than being a super hero. Pretty nice if you don't gotta worry about payin' for school. I gotta scramble for scholarships."

Roy Harper has posed:
A beeping from Roy's pocket indicates an incoming call. With a sigh he tugs the phone out. "Nobody ever calls with good news. Good news comes by text, bad news comes by phone call." He taps the button and answers, "Yeah?" Silence. Another sigh. "Alright." He closes the call and pushes the phone into his pocket and he stands. "Sadly, I'm outta time," he says to Bando as he walks over to the counter. "Hey, can I get a bag please?"

Returning to the table, he stuffs what's left of his food into the bag and grabs his drink. "Bando, it was cool meeting you. Best of luck with your superheroing. Sounds like you're off to an amazing start."