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Latest revision as of 04:00, 6 March 2022

A Little Paid Hacking
Date of Scene: 05 March 2022
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: Selene Corvinus hires a hacker to do facial recognition to find some bad guys. The one she finds, Kitty Pryde, investigates her first and has more questions than answres.
Cast of Characters: Selene Corvinus, Kitty Pryde

Selene Corvinus has posed:
It's 8:00pm on a Friday.

The diner lights are on, bright and inviting.

Selene had been looking for reputable'ish hackers that could do a job for her off the books. She'd made it clear it wasn't some up and up offer, but had come across little interested parties. The one who had responded, had a cute name, even she couldn't deny that. 'Deerinheadlights' was enough to get her attention.

She'd bit. No pun intended... some pun, fine.

Kitty's messages had been hit with the details that this was to track a few specific faces across the city's cameras, maybe even in to Gotham territory for some extra pay if one was so interested.

Selene's background checked out. She is the head of Security for 'Semira Labs', which is a high end medical labs company that specializes in blood work for hospitals.

But the deeper Kitty looked, the more odd it turned out. The name 'Selene Corvinus' had no history in the country, but it did track back to Hungary where it was connected to the same medical company, but nothing else. No record of who she was, or where she came from...

Here and now, the black motorcycle pulls up outside on time. the woman aboard it throws her leg off, and unzips her black denim jacket as she walks toward the diner, running a pale skinned hand through her dark hair.

The door opens up, her form moving inside the diner... Dressed in tight black leather pants, the tall woman walks through the diner, smiling to the employees who look her way. Her boots are heeled and go up to her knees, also black leather like her pants. Her black denim jacket rests over a white loose top that hangs down to just above the hem of those trousers.

She looks for the contact she'd been sent to find at the booth they'd told to try and grab...

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty had been intrigued by the request. Usually it's easy to smell crackpot, or jilted lover trying to figure out how to spy on his ex. This had a different feel to it entirely. So instead of just moving on, she'd looked into it.

And if she found answers to many of her questions, she ended up with an entirely new set. "So, I'm going to meet this woman and get more information. Not sure if I'll accept the job or not," Kitty had told Remy. "But I could use some backup, just in case. Someone to watch my back. Can't phase to avoid something I don't know is coming," she tells him. "Plus, her picture makes her pretty hot. Which doesn't mean you should take her home. But, figured you'd enjoy watching," she had said with a grin to him. "Feel free to join us at the table if you want, though don't use my name, called me 'Deer'."

And then off to the diner. Kitty had paid the waitress to keep the booth open from anyone not matching her description or Selene's, so it should be open when Selene arrives. Kitty is sitting over at the counter, watching. Selene is getting open glances from people in the diner which makes it likely they are not with her, since they'd ignore her. ANd, look at her! How do you ignore that!

Once Selene is seated, Kitty rises and walks over to join her, taking a seat. "Hello," she offers.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene wasn't seated long before the contact comes right on over. Kitty's age, and looks, are deceptive... She looks like the 'hot girl next door' who is still in high school no less. But, in creeping up on 700 years of doing this... one's looks can never be underestimated.

Plus, Selene was 'turned' at age 19. She doesn't really look that much older than Kitty realistically!

"Hello there." Selene says in her thickly accented English, mixing with the accents of British, and other harder to place European origins... which goes with some of what Kitty found online.

"It's good to put a face to the rather adorable picture you had online." Selene says, showing the hints of a slight calming smile then.

"Have you ordered anything to drink? I'd be happy to buy you something."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Oh, thank you. Maybe a diet soda," Kitty says, glancing up to the waitress when she comes over soon after Kitty, figuring they are ready for drinks.

Kitty waits until Selene places any order and the waitress is gone as well, turning her attention fully back on Selene. "Flattery gets you everywhere," the Jewish girl says with a soft grin. "Kind of unusual request that you had. Honestly it isn't something I'd normally have responded to. Usually something like that is a guy looking to stalk his girlfriend who wants nothing to do with him. Or at best, someone wanting footage of a philandering spouse, or at least to confirm if they are being faithful."

She leans back in the booth, one arm across the back of her seat. "But no, yours was missing the normal telltale signs of that kind of behavior. But, it's still a request that creates a certain apprehension without knowing more."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene places an order for a Diet Dr. Pepper (the best of the Diet sodas), and a black coffee. By the time the waitress has departed, the dark(er) haired woman looks over to Kitty, and has a creeping smile crossing her lips at the other's words.

"I have a missing lover." She admits. "But, I'm not asking you to find her. She's capable, I trust she's fine where she is."

"No, in truth... I'm looking for a man. Two of them. Neither of which I have any romantic interests in. Though one of them ... does have my daughter." She states the last part, lowers her chin just a little before tilting her head some.

"But my daughter is old enough to be where she desires too... So, no, that is not why I'm looking for him either." Her daughter is old enough to be on her own? How old is this woman?

"These two men ... well, to be perfectly blunt, are trying to kill my employer." She says it softly, lightly even. "My people, and I, put a stop to it. But we're trying to track them down, to keep another attempt from happening. AS you can imagine, the police are not interested in helping with something that hasn't happened yet... Which means, it solely resides upon me, the head of security, to ensure the safety of my employer..."

Their drinks are brought over and Selene leans back to accept her cup and saucer. She thanks the waitress with a soft voice, and a light nod, before her dark brown eyes go back across the table to Kitty's.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyebrow goes up slightly as she does immediately note the discrepancy between Selene's apparent age, versus her statement about having a daughter at an age capable of such a level of making her own decisions.

The glass is delivered, Kitty foregoing the straw as she picks it up and takes a small sip from it. She sets it down, beads of moisture on the glass coming off on her finger. She draws a little pattern aimlessly across the tabletop with the water, which quickly dries. "Well, trying to stop a murder is an admirable cause," she says slowly, looking up from the drink to find that unusual blue of Selene's eyes.

Kitty seems to lose her thought for a moment. "Ok, you need to stop with that whole, having beautiful, piercing eyes," she says, waving her hand in Selene's direction. "There are a few things about you that leave me concerned there's more, possibly more that I won't be happy to find out," she says. "We could start with either explaining how you have a daughter of an age you're describing, or else tell me what kind of facial cream you use to keep your youthful appearance," Kitty says.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes are currently a dark shade of brown, but do shift to a moon-like color when she's in hunter's state... should Kitty ever see that, it's a much, much, more piercing stare!

The response though, has Selene showing a more wide smile and a glance down to her coffee as she stirs it. "Covering your tracks. Very wise of you." She says before sampling the coffee with a sip. When she sets the cup down then, she lowers her slim pointed chin as she stares over at Kitty, still piercing, but not trying to cause any 'glamor' like a certain fireworks-imbued Mutant Vampire might be unable to control.

"I'm older than I look. It's true. My people are quite old, you see... We come from immortals, as it so happens."

She speaks softly, naturally, due to the nature of the subject matter being discussed.

"But some of us, such as the two I'm after, are prone to being far less civilized toward one another. I really am only looking to find their location though. I'd ask nothing else of your talents, and skills, Miss Deer."

It seems a bit vague, but Selene may not think Kitty wants to know the full breadth of just how deep this all goes... 'Immortals' might be a lot to deal with, if you weren't from a world like this one.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde had leaned forward a little bit in her seat while she was listening to Selene. At the end she leans back again, letting out a little breath and taking a sip of her Diet Dr Pepper. "Well," she says slowly as if that was a lot to take in.

Though she makes no mention of the immortal part, seeming to accept that. Instead, Kitty says, "I can only imagine the kind of... interactions that such long-lived people might get up to," Kitty says. "Of course there are any number of books that take stabs at it." And a particular grumpy Canadian role model who also takes a lot of stabs.

Kitty tips the glass back, getting a bit of ice to hold in her mouth against her cheek while she continues. "I guess the question I have then is still the one I came in with. How to know if helping you is the right thing. The normal causes of killing for money, for love, don't seem to be the case here. How do I know that your boss is on the good end of things?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"Morality..." Selene says with a lingering grin. Her dark eyes do go down to the coffee that match them in shade. She puts a bit of cream in it from the container left by the waitress, then raises it up for another sip.

"My employer is old money, as you can imagine. Older than I am, even. She's done good things, and bad things, throughout her life. Some of those bad things date back to a very long time ago, and are likely viewed as 'good' in her eyes... but bad in those of the man who wants her dead. So, I might be a biased giver of opinion, to answer that question. But I can tell you, the man I'm after is in charge of an army. An army that is trying to build its numbers by bringing in the weak, the poor, of which he promises greatness, while providing only a curse. Where my employer is funding research in to medical technologies that can help the world, our enemy? He's building an army to simply cause misery for his personal gain. If you'd like to look him up, and make your decision later? That would be perfectly fine too."

Selene smiles softly again. "I'm rather confident that you wouldn't like what you find..."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty tips her glass back, most of the soda gone, but just seeking more ice to suck on while they talk. "I think that would be a good way to proceed," Kitty agrees when Selene suggests that Kitty investigate her target first.

Because it's much better than Kitty agreeing just to get the target's identity to look into, as she'd been planning on doing before Selene's offer.

"Alright, I'll send you a message with instructions for sending me anything you have on them," she says. "And I'll take a look. If what you say is true, I'll likely be willing to help," she tells Selene. There had already been a discussion of price online before the meet. "Depending on what I find it might also require an adjustment to my fee, in particular if it might entail risk beyond the normal someone in my line anticipates," she says.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene lowers her cup of coffee down then as she nods ever so softly at this response. "Price is whatever you need it to be. Within reason, of course." She shows another light grin there-after. "Risk... should be low, for what I ask of you. So we should be good then..." She says as she pulls a black wallet out of her denim jacket inner pocket. She pulls out a fifty and sets it down on the table. "I won't take up any more of your time..." She says then, pushing out of the booth.

"Besides, that handsome friend of yours has been eying the pancakes menu for awhile. You best get him a stack, less he drool all over the counter." She says, teasing of course, but also clearly being aged and experienced enough to have spotted the Cajun that is in the distance, doing what he does so good. Looking pretty!

Selene gets to her feet then. "I look forward to hearing from you. Otherwise... I hope you're quick on your feet, and good at dodging traffic." She adds lastly, showing one more ghostly grin before she starts back toward the doorway.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde just turns to watch Selene go. "Really, there's nothing wrong with staring a little," she mumbles to herself before shaking her head and pushing thoughts of Warren and Piotr into her head.

But they don't look like that in leather pants.