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(An exhausted and out of it Terry tries to get Nick back in time for the concert.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:15, 7 March 2022

Metropolisn't: SNNNNNNNNXXXXX....
Date of Scene: 05 March 2022
Location: All Over
Synopsis: An exhausted and out of it Terry tries to get Nick back in time for the concert.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Michael Hannigan

Terry O'Neil has posed:


"According to my calculations," Nadia Pym Van Dyne says, the blue light of the monitors lighting up her white lab coat, "The doorway to Alisn't's realm has to be-"
"Here?" Vic says, pointing.
"No, that's a parking lot."
"My god. It's full of cars."


Donna Troy, Kaida, Caitlin and Nick Drago step up to the pacing Alice, and the ungodly portal to the world beyond that is shining behind her.
"Nick!" Donna snaps, "If someone asks you if you are a GOD... You say YES!"


"I'll never let you go!" Vorpal says, looking down at the icy waters.

"You have to," Leonardo DiCaprio says weakly, clinging to the door while most of his body is submerged in icy water.

Vorpal thinks for a few seconds, ".... okay," and pries the man's fingers off the door frame.



Emiko is trying to fly through the trenches, but is barely able to elude the laser fire. "I don't know if I can do this!" she shouts into her communicator.

"Emiko," Madison's voice comes out of nowhere, "Close your eyes. Trust the Force."


"The murderer left no trace," Kian says, hands in his suit pockets, staring at the crime scene.
"Maybe for you!" Garfield Logan says, giving the camera his best angle, "But everybody leaves a scent. So this is a job for..."
And the green teen turns into a green bloodhound, "Manimal!"


Terry opens his eyes, eyelids fluttering a little. His head hurts. And that dream was just /weird/. The last thing he remembers, they were standing back in the green after escaping the collapsing mini-reality that had been created. Alice was going to be sent to the pokey, and the Hare was going to be re-united with the Hatter so they could finally put two and two together and somehow not make it 'five' for the team. And then... he must have fainted.

"Ungh. Where am I?" he mutters.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the blackness opens up to cause for the circle of vision to grow larger, a floofy haired musician is seen hovering over Terry. Head tilted curiously. "Terry? You okay?"

As coherency returns it soon registers that Terry has been moved from the park to a nearby art museum. Out of the way of the elements and yet laid down upon a bench inside an exhibit that has not yet been opened to the public. Which, could explain the lack of gawkers to the rockstar acting as a pillow to the Kitten of Chaos. Judging from the lack of security asking them to leave, the museum employees aware of the situation are cool with it too.

Apparently it's good to be a Titan.

Curiously enough, the bench is in front of a mural of Meow Mix bags. It appears the teammates had a sense of humor as well. "I told you not to get hurt." Nick reminds.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry rubs his forehead, blinking a little as the world comes into focus. "I didn't get hurt," he mutters, "I just got overwhelmed. The Regalia is kind of..." he slowly tries to sit up. The world is a little wobbly to him, but it's nothing major, "Intense. I was /everywhere/ for a moment, and now I can barely remember what that felt like. I think it tapped my ability to Rabbit Hole and dialed it past eleven and into the twenties..."

He glances at Nick, then at the Mural, and rolls his eyes. "But I saw things. They're already leaving me, but I saw the sun rise in Japan, and I saw a speck of dust on Mars. And a chamber in some planet where they drink sapphire-colored wine, and the crowds at your concert--"

And then he trails off, as if trying to remember something. But what was it?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods quietly as he listens to Terry's attempts to descirbe what it was like to hold the sceptre. A hand that was resting on the arm of the bench lifts up to press against Terry's back, helping the younger/older man up. He scoots over once Terry's upright to allow him something to lean against if need be.

"That sounds like quite the trip." Nick agrees, looking over to the Meow Mix Mural. "Was it a past or present view thing?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Right now. I think. Gosh what time is it?" the Cheshire rubs at his eyes, "How long have I been out? Is everybody doing clean-up? Is the Regalia safe?"

He leans against Nick, closing his eyes for a second to make the dizzy go away. "Oh man... it wasn't /bad/. It was... something. For a moment I think I felt... complete? Like how I remember my dad must have felt in Wonderland. Like I had no limits. Not being limited by... you know. Logical limits."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick shifts, pulling out a better looking phone than he's usually attributed too. The time lights up. "I'd say almost an hour." Nick answers, "They're handling things."

He shifts aside to slide the phone back into his pocket. "I can kind of understand that. Sometimes it's easier NOT knowing what you're getting into so you can work more effectively. To where you're not subconciously limiting yourself."

Feeling the weight on his side, Nick reaches an arm around the back of Terry. Offering a bit more support. "But sometimes having limits is a good thing."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Right, maybe... but still. It felt kind of /nice/. I just wasn't used to..." the Cheshire trails off, as his mind still tries to juggle several thoughts at the same time, dropping a few, bending over, and picking them back up. "Wait, what was I saying earlier?"

And out of the fog, an ember of clarity finally emerges. The Cheshire reaches out to grab Nicks's knee, "Nick! Your concert! Oh my god! We have to get you to your concert! How late ARE you???"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Seeing the panicked reaction of Terry, the musician gives a half smile. Ah. He caught on. "Ok yeah I'm late but-" Nick shifts to his side, tugging out his phone to glance at the time again. And slides it back in. "Well the tour manager's probably having a heart attack right about now but there's two bands before me so I got some wiggle room. The question is, can you get us there okay?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Can I? CAN I? I know the way there like the back of my head!"

The Cheshire tries to straighten up, "I just need... a moment. And a glass of water. And I'll be ready to go."

Taking deep breaths, he says, "Just gotta concentrate. It's a little fuzzy righ tnow but with enough focus I can do it, I'm sure. Do you... have a glass of water or something? Let me concentrate! I can do this! I can totally do this! We'll have you in Germa--er-- the UK in no time!"


He closes his eyes and starts taking measured breaths, like Leonardo taught him to do.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick watches Terry. "There's a water fountain on the other side of the giant ball of yarn." Yes. That sentence was said out loud. "Just, take your time, Terry. I'm probably under my rock star dick moves quota for the tour so don't worry." He considers the redhead for a few moments, "Do you need to see the picture of the dressing room again?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeah... yeah, whip it up while I get some water and we should be ready to roar when I am done!" the cat slowly gets up, and starts heading towards the water fountain. It is an exercise in creative navigation at first, often involving three-point triangulation at frst, but little by little e becomes more apt.

A thorough sip later, he comes back. "I am going to have to have words with Gar about my choice of recovery space. Or Donna. Or Kian. Damnit this is like a Christie murder mystery."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Terry gets up, Nick moves to his feet, pulling out the phone yet again. Bringing up the picture doesn't take long as it's the last one he took. But making sure the screen doesn't shut off takes a bit of attention.

A wry grin forms as Terry finally makes comment about his surroundings. "Oh really?" Nick replies, looking over to one of the other sculptures. "I thought the Industrial sized scratching post was INSPIRED." He glances up to the dangling catnip mice toys. "But I'm not sure if they hung the mobile up high enough."

He steps over towards Terry, meeting him halfway as he brings the phone over to show the picture. "Don't be too mean with the words. It was close by, out of the sun, and away from prying eyes. The scenery was just...coincidence."

Nick's lips tighten as he tries to hold back a laugh. But at the threat of eyes watering up he shakes his head and gives a chuckle. "There's probably a reason why this is not a long term exhibition."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Maybe because Black Cat, Catwoman, Catman and probably a few others will probably end up making away with it?" the Cheshire smirks. He takes a good look at the picture, and closes his eyes. "Okay... here goes nothing. Room, stop spinning, I need to open a hole in reality."

It's ... comforting when he puts it like that. Not.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Oh come on. You've seen Catman's place. Do you really think he can fit that ball of yarn in his basement?" Nick replies, "The scratching post... Ok yes, I can see him getting that for Rasputin. But, the logistics of getting it over there is jus-"

He shakes his head, putting the phone back into his pocket before the jump. And WHAT a jump it is! The scenery is beautiful in the night sky. The lights of the nearby buildings reflect along the running river while there is the sound of boisterous laughter coming from some nearby pubs.

Nick blinks, looking around. "Very nice Terry. But, this is Dublin."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Easy mistake! Anyone could have done it!" Terry says defensively, and takes another deep breath. "I'm sure I can get it right this time. It's just faith, hope, pixie dusts, happy thoughts, and a bottle of Dom Perignon-- wait, no, that's France. Wrong country. Okay..."

Finger snap. "FOCUS, TERRY."

And he tries to.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
If at first you don't succeed. Try try again. And this time the attempt is much more successful as the second leap does indeed take them home.

No it doesn't. But for the sake of narrative the dressing room IS home.

As they errupt out of the Rabbit Hole Nick ends up tumbling in a roll eventually coming to a stop lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

Nick takes a moment to catch his breath. "Terry. I think you should probably rest up over here before heading home."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That's a wonderful idea." Terry says, face down on the floor, his voice muffled. "I am so glad I thought of it..."

There is silence for a few moments, and then that silence is interrupted by blissful, regular snoring as the Cheshire Cat decides to have another jaunt to recharge his batteries.

Getting back is going to be very interesting.