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The Leftovers of Vengeance
Date of Scene: 06 March 2022
Location: Historic Clocktower - Garage and Armory
Synopsis: Barbara and Helena come to an understanding about Helena's goals moving forward. Now with 100% less killing.
Cast of Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Barbara Gordon

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli had plenty of time to think over the last few weeks. Since the encounter with Batman and her reluctant agreement to end her deadly vendetta against the Mafia, it had left her adrift. She had a better sense of the reason behind the saying, "Idle hands do the devil's work." Sure, she had been on patrols. She'd stopped three muggings, even an attempted kidnapping. But it just felt like she was going through the motions. It didn't feel the same and it didn't feel like it was enough.

Something had to give and, finally, she reached out to Barbara and asked if she could stop by to talk.

Arriving at the clocktower, Helena made her way up to the top and stepped inside offering a verbal, "Knock knock...." She held a paper sack with handles, carrying something somewhat heavy. "I came bearing gifts..."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara is standing in a black smock next to a table with a bunch of car mechanic equipment on it. She has a cutting torch on the table and is extinguishing it just as the woman's voice speaks up. This gets Babs to look up from her work in the Garage area, she stares for a moment, then smiles.

"Helena." She sounds out. "It's good to see you. Come on in." She notes, there being a few stools around the area where she has the smallish two-person Batmobile up on a lift.

"I'm just doing some repairs..." Babs notes, as she pulls some gloves off.

"What did you bring me?" She asks with a slight grin then as one of her hands runs over her tied-back red hair, messy but still some how nice looking even still!

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles curiously at Barbara the Mechanic. It wasn't a side she was familiar with, as yet.

"Hi.. Thanks." Making her way over she held up the bag again, "A sort of... peace offering? I guess?" She shrugs. She wasn't sure how to make this work let alone whether it actually would. "I didn't realize you were a street mechanic along with the rest of your rock star repertoire.." she laughed. "I'm distinctly lacking, clearly!"

She moves over to set the bag on the table of tools. First out are two long stemmed wine glasses. Then a wine bottle, "Well, some Vin Santo. And... cranberry and orange biscotti. Baked fresh at the best Tuscan baker in Tuscani. They just arrived an hour ago.." she seems to be trying very hard; perhaps too hard? Or it's just the only way she knows how.

Opening the bottle, she checked the cork before moving to pour both glasses. "Thanks for letting me come over. I, well, figured it was time we talked a bit.."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
It's right after Helena finishes talking that Babs reaches up and rips a piece of armor off of the front left wheel of the Batmobile that she drives around in. The heavy piece falls to the ground with a thud that reverberates through the garage area of this tall Gotham tower.

Babs then laughs softly as she walks back toward the other woman at the table. "I'm an... up and coming mechanic, lets put it that way. I can do some basic maintenance, but.... anything too detailed, and well... I gotta reach out a bit." She reaches for a bottle of hand sanitizer, and cleans her hands off, before drying them with a towel under the table.

"And, wow... you're spoiling me..." She says, her eyes going to the drinks, and to the treats she'd brought.

"I'd think with this kind of spread, you either have some great news to tell me, or you're here to tell me you broke something very valuable of mine." Babs says, as she shows the other a warm smirk.

"Things are okay, I hope?' She asks then.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli watches the armor fall with curiosity. "Seems like more than a little skill. Best I can do is the change oil and spark plugs in my bike" she says with a laugh.

"Things are." She nods. "Okay that is. Not great but maybe better, now? I'll leave that to others to decide, I think." She opens the package of biscotti. "It's the only way I know" she says of the gifted drink and treats. She offers over one of the glasses, "I haven't been hiding my activities and I'm sure you now. Even if you haven't said anything yet." She pauses a moment, "I've been tracking down anyone who had anything to do with the hit on my family when I was 8." She doesn't seem apologetic for it when she adds, "And killing them."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara goes about pulling that black smock off as Helena elaborates a bit further. Once she has it off, she drapes it over another table, before she moves over to sit closer by her. She accepts the drink and tasty treat with a gracious expression before she samples the wine.

"Mmm..." She notes softly before her eyes look back to Helena's own.

"I've known of some of it." She replies, her voice a bit more dimly grim at the subject matter. "I wish I could say I fault you for such a thing, but I really can't. I mean... killing.... is bad, blah blah blah. But... "

Babs just shakes her head as she pushes her black sleeves on her shirt up to just under her elbows. "I'm sure you have ... a sense of all of this. It should stop, though, yes. Justice is better served with a life time of living with the pain of answering for what you've done in life. Or ... something... Batman said once." She grins lightly then and tries another bit of the wine.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli seems quite calm taking about it. She nods. "I've heard it all. And I would be lying if I didn't say I kind of expected to hear another message about how I had a special place in hell. But I had that before I came back to Gotham for this."

She shrugs. "Batman used that line on me also. Making them suffer for their crimes. I don't pretend to truly believe it is the same" she says with a pause to reflect on it.

"But.. I agreed to stop. And to use other methods to end them without killing them." She took a small sip just for someting to do. "I won't apologize for what I've done. But I've given my word that I'll stop." She looks over, uncomfortably, "But it leaves me.. empty. It feels like I have no purpose."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara folds her forearms together on the edge of the table as she holds the glass in her right hand, and had sampled some of those yummy treats while listening. At the end of what Helena says, Babs looks back up, and over at her before lingering her stare on the other's face.

"What kind of purpose do you 'want'?" She asks then.

"You've done... questionable things, but you're still free to carve out a place for yourself in this life. You're one of the newer members around here, but you're one of the members that I think could achieve just about anything that she set her eyes upon too. But, I'll admit. I'm not sure what you want your eyes set upon..." Babs adds before raising the glass up for another taste.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli says quickly, without hesitation, "I want to make a difference. I want to know, whatever I do or with what "team" it may be, that it isn't just pushing against the tide. It doesn't have to be a huge difference. Or it can be. But doing this just to keep doing it? There has to be more or I'm just going to lose myself. Maybe go back to doing things I'll come to regret."

A shrug, "I'm no angel. And I'll never be the most gentle in taking on crime. But I've given my word that I will not kill. And I won't. I just... I've tried on my own the last few weeks. And it isn't enough. It's like being a zombie going through the motions."

She looks to Barbara, "I guess I hoped talking with you might help me figure it out."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
These words garner a few small nods from the redheaded woman. "The difference... comes in knowing that what we do out there is helping to prevent any one from having to feel the /need/ to seek vengeance upon those who harm their loved ones. IF we can, and when we do, stop harm coming to the people of this city, or otherwise... then you know you've made that difference. You may not get to see it yourself, but its a stone in a lake. The ripples spread out far, and wide. Helping families, who just want to live the best life they can before the misery of the inevitable things that are far beyond you and I... come."

"It sounds, bleak, when I say it outloud." Babs says with a little laugh, followed by another sip. "It's what I wanted to do, when I first saw 'him' out there fighting the dark back in to its corners. I wanted to help /him/ because, well... someone had to. He needed the help, even if he'll never admit it." She states with a grin for Helena.

"But that's the goal here, the difference is made by the actions we take, to improve the lives of... people we don't even know. Or so we hope."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods, "Then I'm in." She pauses and looks over to Barbara directly, "If you'll still have me. I get that I'm a black sheep and I've got to prove I'm otherwise." She takes a sip from her glass again. "But this was what I came here to talk about and to start."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara lowers the glass down from her latest sip, her green eyes going back up to Helena's. She shows the other a big smile that spreads across her lips slowly at first. "Of course we will." She tells her.

Then her right hand lifts up and she wobbles the glass around a little. "Especially if you keep bringing me wine, and cookies." The redhead quips then, showing a slight grin too.

"But yes. We're here to help one another too. Not just strangers. We want to make each other's lives .. as best as we can get them, considering what we do." She states, then motioning toward the banged up sporty batmobile across from them on its risers.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli says, "Deal. I've got... connections after all" she jokes. "My uncle in Sicily owns vineyards across the island and in Italy among his, we'll say, clean investments. And I know enough shop owners to get the "real" stuff still fresh from the oven most of the time. At least for special occasions" she offers with a wink.

She seems more relaxed and reaches for one of the biscotti to munch. Glancing toward the batmobile, she wonders, "I didn't think he let anyone license his toys.. doesn't that, I don't know, dilute the brand?" she asks with a grin."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara grins at the response, and the question. Her eyes go over to the fancy armored car with the seats one, in front of the other. "I used to use a motorcycle. But... after my injury a decade ago... Well. He insisted I start using something with a bit more armor around me, I guess." She explains in a calm voice.

After another sip, she tips her chin up then. "You wanna drive it?" She asks, now grinning again. "After we let the alcohol run its course a bit. Must be responsible."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli tilts her head, "Me? Of course. Though I left my driving outfit and goggles at home.." she laments. Then she looks at the glass, "I grew up on this. Family label" she offers jovially.