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The Last Minute For One's Ascension
Date of Scene: 09 March 2022
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Coffee shop. Kate and Alex peripherally meet Hellboy who makes a basket.
Cast of Characters: Kate Cha, Hellboy, Alexander Aaron

Kate Cha has posed:
Before classes, the best thing in the world was a giant cup of coffee. Certainly it wasn't the best for one's health. Yet, it was a must for many people around the world.

Kate was one of those people.

She was already in the coffee shop, having entered earlier and currently sitting at one of the tables with a laptop opened up in front of her. Next to that was a giant mocha with three extra shots of espresso. With her class load she deserved it!

She took a sip then adjusted a few words on the screen then continued to proofread. Once in a while she would take her eyes off the screen to look around at those coming and going.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy stands out even in Mutant Town, so here, he is definitely not hidden. Walking up to the counter as if he's just another person in line, Red runs a finger of his left hand down his cheek, scratching at his mutton chop as he looks at the menu. The person behind the counter looks wide-eyed at him, waiting for his order, but he'd be running away if he didn't need this job.
    "What can I get you?" the kid says, his voice practically cracking, though from fear, not from adolescence. "Sir?"
    "Yeah, can I just get a chocolate milk with a bunch of caramel in it?" the demonic man requests.
    "Uh..." the kid says, looking at his screen to try to figure out how to input that. He scans awkwardly for a minute before turning and weakly calling out, "Stephanie?"
    A young-middle-aged woman comes over from having busily and single-mindedly making the coffees. "What, Bran--" She stops and realizes Hellboy is there. He flashes her a broad, toothy grin, which doesn't help her not kind of freak out inside. "--don..." she concludes.
    "This gentleman wants chocolate milk with caramel. How do I put that in?" Brandon asks.
    "Oh, and can I get one of those little umbrellas in it?" Hellboy asks.
    "Yeah..." Stephanie says. Without taking her eyes off of Hellboy, she grips Brandon's arm. "Just...charge him for a single," she says.
    Brandon punches things in, already taking things more in stride as he gets back into his groove. Stephanie, however, backs away from Hellboy as she goes to make his drink. "Three dollars," Brandon says.
    Hellboy pays, gets a number, and moves to sit down somewhere with a view out a window, where he people-watches for a bit.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A classload... oh right Alexander has one of those. Though with the number of lectures he's missed the last week and some it's understandable why it might have skipped his mind considering the wildness of what had passed. There had been some craziness with werewolves and vampires. Or perhaps Lycans is more apt. The supernatural world had a way of intruding at those moments when really studying was needed.
    Yet it wasn't the caffeine that drew the young Olympian to the out and about that day. Since it rarely helped him. More it was the need to be out and amongst some hint of normalcy and the general population of New York. An attempt to find some safe harbor in the sane aspects of the world.
    Which might make it all the more amusing why upon entering that coffee shop that Alex is confronted with a rather tall crimson figure of some stern demeanor. Though a figure he recognizes from a good number of stories he's heard before which has him making a small sound of recognition. Then hunkering down on it without offering utterance. Waiting for the crimson man to place his order and get his drink. It's at that moment of departure that Alexander clears his throat and raises his voice.
    "Excuse me, sir." A pause, a slight smile. "Thank you for everything you've done." Considering what he's heard, if even half of it was true...
    But then he's urged by Stephanie, "Can I help you, sir?"
    Which is when he moves to place his own order.

Kate Cha has posed:
The room had gone a little quiet, prompting a pause in Kate's reading. She glanced up to find that conversations had dropped to whispers as a large man with red skin was at the counter. She could see the reactions of the staff and then scanned the crowd. Once Hellboy had ordered, the people quickly looked back at their tables/phones/drinks/anything but him. Trying to make it look like they hadn't been looking which always failed utterly. Conversations started again shortly thereafter.

Kate shook her head slightly. That lack of subtlety was absurd. Then she heard a voice that sounded familiar and shifted to lean slightly in her chair, catching sight of Alexander placing his order after having greeted Hellboy.

When Hellboy sat down, he was literally one table over from Kate, facing toward each other with the empty chairs at their tables between them. She gave him a bright smile and a nod in greeting. "Good morning."

She glanced back to the line. "Alexander!" Trying to get the attention of the young man. "Come over when you've ordered if you want." Leaving him the option of running for the hills if he preferred.

Hellboy has posed:
    Turning away from the window to look at Alexander, Hellboy doesn't have time to respond before Alex is called away to make his order. He looks back out the window before a woman says hello. He doesn't think much of the hello until he feels eyes on him. He looks over at the woman looking at him. He tries a polite smile and nods. "Hello," he returns. He then goes back to looking out the window.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The order of a god is a simple thing, at least in this case. For it is a large regulah, delivered in that tone and understood by the server as he shuffles to the wait station for his drink to be crafted so exceptionally well. He adjusts the hang of his backpack with the roll of one shoulder when only then he shoots a glance back toward Hellboy and smiles a little. Not wanting to be 'that guy' or anything.
    But then Kate's words are heard and he looks over to the side, lifting a wave, "Oh hey. Kateface." Which is a term delivered with some affection even as he lets the pack drop from his shoulder and catches it by the strap. Once he's got his drink he moseys on over and sets it down beside the seat opposite her.
    It takes him a few moments to get out of that large black pea coat he wears, sliding one shoulder free, then the other, and folding it to sit on the back of his seat. He gestures at Hellboy with his eyes, giving a slight widening to them as if to say, 'you know who that is?' But then he settles down, drink in front of him.

Kate Cha has posed:
Hearing the response from Alexander, Kate made about clearing up a little more space on the table. It was just a two top. While the laptop wasn't that large, it would be kind of in between and give barrier of sorts, though they could easily see over it. That wouldn't do for polite conversation.

She clicked save then closed the lid on the machine before tucking it away in her messenger style bag sitting on the floor by her feet. But closer to the wall so no one could just snatch it as they walked by cause it was New York City.

As Alexander joined her, she smiled and nodded to his question. "Admittedly I don't know a lot about him but I've heard that name. Never thought I'd get to see him but trying to let the guy enjoy his coffee." Since she didn't know what he had ordered. "As much as I'd like to fangirl a bit and ask him a thousand questions. I mean... He's a hero." Which was a big thing for the young would-be heroine.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy is brought his chocolate milk. At first, he smiles, but as the server walks away, he turns and bellows out, "Where's my little umbrella?" He quickly waves dismissively toward the nervous server and makes a noise like, "Ah!" at him. There are quite a few hushed conversations about him going on. A few people have opted to leave. Meanwhile, Red reaches across his chest with his left hand and into his nebulous jacket under his right arm. People tense up who are watching him. There's a collective sigh of relief as he just pulls out a smartphone.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Settling into his seat, Alexander glances over and grins a bit, then looks at Kate and says, "Maybe after he's had his drink, but yeah. I can't say anything more or I'll be 'That Guy'." Which is clearly an ill and dire fate. He leans forward, resting his arms on the table and then murmurs, "My dad though? Loves him. Thinks he's one of the few capes worth a damn. I pester him for stories, no deal."
    Though likely to Kate that doesn't matter too much since all John Aaron is to her is some prepper guy who raised a fun son.
    He takes up his drink and sips, then sets it down. Still a bit warm. "Studying?" Since they share a few classes he then asks, "May I get some of the notes from you later?"

Kate Cha has posed:
"Of course. You can borrow my notes anytime. I was just finishing up the presentation I have to do today in Advanced Chemistry," Kate says with a wave toward the floor, in the vague direction of her bag. That was not a class the pair of them shared. And if he ever looked at her class schedule in depth, he might wonder how she has enough hours in the day to attend while still relaxing in a coffee shop and having a cup of coffee.

At the mention of the umbrella for his drink, Kate looks over toward the bar where the baristas are busy bustling to provide beverages for the bevy of customers. "Do you think they have umbrellas?" She looked at her coffee in the plain, albeit large, glass with the little cardboard sleeve around it to keep her hand from getting uncomfortably warm when holding it.

Then she went back to the conversation of the hero in the room. "Your dad doesn't think much of heroes, huh?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At the question about umbrellas, Alexander tilts his head and murmurs, "M'sure they'll send someone out to get some for the future, just in case." Which has him sparing a glance again, then he clears his throat. "Begging your pardon, sir."
    Alexander raises his voice enough to carry a bit, then offers, "You wouldn't recall a John Aaron, would you? Working with him in the past? He's spoken positively of you before, and it would tickle him to hear you remembered him."
    Which may or may not be so, though he does look back toward Kate to answer her, "No, he kinda doesn't." Which is true.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy faces forward to look at Alexander. He looks over the boy's face with a narrowed brow as he drinks some of his chocolate milk. He wipes his mouth on his sleeve before saying, "Sorry, kid. I meet a lot of people, and that's a really generic name. Maybe if you had a picture or something."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A bob of his head is given as Alexander nods, "Alright, thanks." As if that was the end of it. Which it is. He turns back towards Kate and gives a small shrug, "He'll be heart-broken, alas. But such is life." And with that he leans forward to oh so casually claim Kate's laptop and starts to sliiiide it around to face himself. Though he has not opened it yet, for that likely would be the bridge too far.
    "So you've been keeping busy? Last time we hung out was..." A pause then he half-smiles and murmurs, "Well a bit ago. You talked to any of the others? I haven't had a chance to catch Kelso in a dog's age."

Kate Cha has posed:
Kate was paying very close attention. First because Hellboy. So hearing what he had to say was a moment of excitement. Sadly, the answer was a negative but that didn't make it anything strange.

But the second thing was why would Alexander's father have met Hellboy. Being John didn't like capes meant he was not a hero or something in hiding. Maybe he was rescued at some point. "Show him a pic of your Dad?" She figured he had one on his phone.

She did eye the laptop he'd moved in front of himself from her bag. "Just don't open the file that says Nanny Cam at Alexander's." There was no such file. For there was no such camera. "I see them here and there between classes. Kelso and I have a class on Thursdays. Want me to tell him to text you?" Because roundabout was always better than speaking directly right?

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Nah, dude doesn't want to be hassled." Which as far as Alexander was concerned settled it. Though now he quirks an eyebrow at the nanny cam as he eyes her across the table then pops open the laptop to peruse.
    "Ok, no cam feeds. But... time to look at browser history." Which if anything had her likely to drag the laptop away from him it would be that. And the smile that settled on his lips seemed to know it.
    "But yah, drop him a line. I've been out of the loop the last week and some." He lightly taps the touchpad a few times, perusing around all willy nilly on the laptop. Likely delving into this secret or that. When really he was just opening up candy crush.

Kate Cha has posed:
Oddly, Kate doesn't seem to be reacting to his threat of perusing her browser history. And should he actually look, he'd see why. The only thing he would find would be various academic type sites that had information on topics she needed to write papers for. Sources she would quote in her turned in work, not thing she was copying.

She kept her sketchy stuff on her private laptop. Which was safely hidden in her room back at the sorority house. Because she had trust issues for some strange reason. Perhaps as Alexander was demonstrating, such issues were not unfounded.

She did pull out her phone and fire off a text to one Kelso, telling him to stop being a dork and pay attention to his friend by texting. Or Facetime. Discord. Something!

She tucked the phone back into her pocket. "Where have you been for the last week?" Since he gave the opening, she wasn't going to be shy.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Mmm," Is Alexander's off-handed answer which isn't an answer at all. More to buy a touch of time as he delves through that staggeringly boring browser history. Which ends with him pushing the laptop back toward her and closing it up, disappointment clearly visible in his hazel eyes.
    "An old instructor of mine introduced me to her friend who was having problems with her work. I agreed to help her some so for the last week I've been looking for some old colleagues of hers. Which has been largely fruitless considering they've left town. So basically my life has been..."
    He looks to the side, uncurling a hand to wave distractedly, "Talking to people and being told they have no idea."
    A beat, "You?"

Kate Cha has posed:
"School. School. A break for a coffee. Then more school."

Which really summed it up. Kate hadn't had enough time to even go out on the streets and attempt to help those in trouble. Well, she could when she had the duplicates doing all the work but honestly, it still tended to tire her out when she absorbed them back into herself. Thus, she was burning the candle at both ends and soon was going to run out.

"Think about after finals, taking a little break. I considered a semester off but then I think how I'll be putting off my degree even further." She takes back the laptop since he has satisifed his curiosity, slipping it into her bag again. "So I'm torn. Maybe just less of a load for the next semester. I know, super boring stuff."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy doesn't stand as he crunches his plastic cup in his stony Right Hand of Doom. He tosses the cup at the trash without looking. The 'fsh' sound lets him know he hit the opening. He smirks, looking very pleased with himself.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Are you still teaching your classes?" The Olympian asks as he leans against the table, though remembering to try another sip of his coffee. Still a bit too warm for his inclination so he sets it back down precisely from whence he raised it.
    A slight half-smile lights his features as he asks, "Still being very competitive and getting all grumpy when you lose a match?" Which might be a creative interpretation of events.

Kate Cha has posed:
"If you are asking do we still meet up at the gym for martial arts then the answer is yes." Kate lets out a sniff but she looks somewhat amused at his version of events. "I do not recall being grumpy when I lost a match. Losing is part of learning. If I reach the point that I don't lose, then I have nothing more to learn and that sounds boring as hell."

Her attention shifts as she watches a piece of trash fly from Hellboy's table to the trashcan. "Two points," she says randomly. But as her eyes slid that way, she caught sight of the clock on the wall.

"I just realized it's gotten later than I intended. I have just enough time to get to class." She picked up her bag as she stood, slinging it crossways over her torso. Then she picked up her coffee. Still quite a bit in there so she was taking it to-go.

"You are welcome to join us again, you know. I'll even protect you from your admirer," she teased. Then she added, "Text me."

A glance was given to Hellboy. "An honor to meet you. Be safe out there." And with that she turned toward the door of the cafe.