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Latest revision as of 04:54, 10 March 2022

Too Much Tea Party
Date of Scene: 09 March 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Maddie and Irie chill in the Tower - talking about Wonderland and lightsabers and Eddie Izzard.
Cast of Characters: Madison Evans, Irie West

Madison Evans has posed:
    Having escaped the perpetual tea party taking place in the Tower's lobby, Madison is currently stretched out on her back on one of the couches, her arms splayed out as she stares up at the high ceilings. "Who knew there was such thing as too much lemon cake?" she moans in complaint, to no one in particle. "And I still don't know what a 'triffle' is!"
    Maybe if she'd eaten a few more of the tea sandwiches, and less of the tea cakes, her insides wouldn't be revolting quite as fiercely.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie zooms in with a flash of yellow speed force lightning and stops when she sees Maddie laying prone on the couch and being miserable. She's got a bookbag slung over a shoulder and is wearing denim jeans and her white t-shirt with the flash logo emblazoned on the chest.

    "Hi, Maddie!" she says, her voice chipper. "I was just at the library picking up books for my English class. What's got you so miserable?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Too much lemon drizzle cake," Madison complains. "Didn't- didn't you see the Hare and the Hatter in the lobby?" Indeed - in the Titan's lobby, for the moment, is a never-ending, Wonderland tea party. It's sheer madness, and wonder, and whimsy all at once.
    And apparently it can give you a nasty stomach ache.
    "Don't let them give you three slices of cake. Not a good idea."

Irie West has posed:
    "No, I was just..." she stammers, looking back towards the lobby. "I kind of skipped the lobby and went right through the walls." She chuckles, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment, "I do that kind of thing all the time."

    She looks around and sees how the main room is all decked out, paying attention for once. "I, uh, don't know how I never noticed this. I think I was just going back and forth too fast, you know?"

    "/You/ may not be able to handle three slices of cake, but /I/ certainly can." She puts her hands on her hips, "I can eat /all/ the cake!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "You //can// - but shoooould y- oh gosh I sound like my mother!" Madison suddenly exclaims - sitting bolt upright - and then lying back down with a giggle, and a groan. "I haven't even finished High School! I'm too young to sound like my mother!" she complains.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie can't help but giggle as she lifts up Maddie's legs so she can plop down on the couch. She lets her friends legs go so they can be propped up by her lap. "Don't worry," she says, patting a knee. "It'll only get worse over time. Soon you'll find yourself 22, and no longer able to walk."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "A slave to a computer screen! In a... cubicle!" Madison declares - giving a little shudder. "No way. Not if I figure out how to make my lightsaber work, first. I mean, that's why I came down here to visit MIT," the Metropolis Institute of Technology, "But then I ended up jumping into a well and getting frog-man guards to agree that yes, cake is better than death."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie looks at Mads incredulously, "Why would anybody think death would be better? Cake is.... /cake/! I mean, it's one of the four food groups!" The four food groups being, of course, cake, pizza, pancakes, and Doritos.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "No one would - that's the point!" Madison replies. "It's from an Eddie Izzard bit. 'Cake or Death?' 'Cake please!' 'Cake or death?' 'Death! Cake, cake!' 'You said death.' 'I meant cake!' 'You're lucky we're Church of England.'" There's a momentary pause before she admits, "He tells it better. They tell it better? Anyways. We had to get the frogs to agree on something. So I asked them 'Cake or death?' And then Donna pulled out her sword... and they both said cake, and opened the doors! It was great."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie blinks owlishly as Maddie goes through the routine. When she mentions Eddie Izzard she just tilts her head, "Who?" She looks thoughtful, then. "Well, threatening them with violence sure is a good way to get them to agree to open the doors." She grins, "Be glad it wasn't one of those puzzles where, like, one always lies, and the other always tells the truth, and you only have one question to figure out why a raven is like a writing desk." She scowls, "Wait, no, that's not right..."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Nope, just had to get them to agree. But they wouldn't even agree on if I was a girl or not! Or if I was wearing clothes! Or if they were frogs!" Maddie lets out a huff of annoyed air - or at least she makes it sound aannoyed, but she's grinning.
    "It was fun. Man, I wish I could do stuff like that more..." But her mom would have her hide.

Irie West has posed:
    "Yeah!" Irie says, perking up, "Going on adventures is fun! I could tell you some of mine, but I'd probably end up breaking the timeline more than I already have." She shakes her head, "I'm surprised I haven't gotten into more adventures since I got here. Life has been kinda normal, you know? Doing normal things, going to normal school." She shoots Maddie a huge grin, "At least my best friend isn't normal!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Normal is boooooring. No Jedi is normal! Who would call Luke normal? Or Ahsoka? Or Grogu?" Madison babbles off cheerfully, still staring up at the ceiling.
    "....you think we could go to Wonderland? Actual Wonderland, like Alice did, and drink weird potions, and eat weird mushrooms, and go on an adventure?"

Irie West has posed:
    "Well," Irie muses, "I'm sure if we asked really nicely Terry could take us there." She sounds uncertain though, "I dunno if it's a good idea if we go alone, though. It sounds all weird and neat and everything, but it's also dangerous too."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well. And trips are always better with a guide - right?" Madison adds, grinning at Irie. "Not that we couldn't toooootally handle ourselves. We just wouldn't want to accidentally miss anything really, really cool while we're there. You know?" she asserts.

Irie West has posed:
    "Yeah!" Irie says. "We can handle anything thrown at us. We're quick /and/ clever!" She's silent for a moment and considers her friend for a moment. "If you really wanna go I'll talk to Terry. See if we can make an outing of it. We'll probably have to take Donna with us, but she's cool, so it's okay."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I really wanna go," Maddie confirms eagerly - grinning up at her friend. Her upset-stomach seems to have largely subsided. "Oh hey - wanna hear what I found out about the lightsaber?"
    Without waiting for a response, she launches into a detailed explaination of everything she's learned so far of lightsaber construction. It seems like she feels confident in her ability to build one soon!
    But will it be in time for the science fair?

Irie West has posed:
    Hopefully! Irie listens attentively as the night goes on. Once it gets late enough she invites Mads to a sleepover! As long as it's okay with her mom, that is. But why shouldn't it? The Tower is the safest place in Metropolis!