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Latest revision as of 04:54, 10 March 2022

With Toast
Date of Scene: 09 March 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: Some of Tony's bots made a mess!
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
The kitchen smells like burning and mild chemicals.

Because there was a fire.

Two robots are busily cleaning a splatter of fire extinguisher foam, busy as little bees, while Tony relaxes back at one of the large mahogany tables, enjoying something that entirely appears to have no fire involved in it's make -- something ice-cream like in a bowl. His feet are up, on the chair across from him, his posture unconcerned and mild.

"Breeeeeeeeeeeee," comments one of the robots as it mops up some mixed soot and particles on the countertop near the stove.

"I don't want to hear it. You're banned from helping anyone make snacks."

"Brehhhhhhhhhh..." sighs the bot.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper finds the quiet of the study to her liking. It's cosy, the fireplace is warm in to dispel the chill of the evening now that it's beginning to warm during the day, and it's quiet. It marks quite a difference from the steel and glass penthouse (that is still undergoing a subtle renovation in personality now that she's living there), the books and deep mahogany wood trim with overfilled smoking chairs. It's the smell of char mixed with a hint of chemical (and a touch of commotion) that gains her attention from down the hall.

Rising from her seat, she sets aside her tablet, closing the screen, and walks with purpose towards the kitchen, towards the center of the tumult, such as it is, to find..

"Tony," green eyes look around the kitchen, the scene of the crime as it were, the single word an exhale. "Oh, what happened?" Did that come out as a groan? Perhaps, and she's focusing the question first on the only other person in the room.

"If you wanted something, I could have just made.." and the thought falls off even as she's ready to step in and help clean up.

Tony Stark has posed:
"I love how you immediately assume it's /my/ fault," Tony chuckles at her immediately as she 'groans' at him. "Though I suppose to some degree I can shoulder some of the blame here, since I did make /them/," Tony continues, with a gesture of spoon towards the robot pair.

"Just some learning subroutines got mixed, they decided to become more helpful than any floor-scrubber aught to have inspirations to be. Not that I necessarily blame them. My AI is just too robust. A curse, really," Tony comments, with a mild shrug, eyes dropping into his icecream snack with a relaxed stirred swirl of spoon. It folds the white frozen dessert over itself pleasantly.

"And I give no apologies for creating in them a dire /need/ to assist humans to the best of their abilities. Even if there's a stray mistake of overcooking toast now and then." Tony is, indeed, shameless in expression.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Rather than heading in, then, Pepper remains at the door, that ghost of a smile rising in answer as the 'complaint' rises from the seated, very comfortable Tony. "You're there, in the middle of chaos," she explains, though her tones are nothing but fond, even if she is eyeing the robots and their attempts at cleaning. "And they.."


Now Pepper does enter the room, and moves some dishes around, up and out of the way of one of the robotic arms, "No, not these," she addresses one of the cleaning 'bots.

"Stray?" Pepper turns around and looks at the entirety of the kitchen again, which is being cleaned as only robots can, "I'm glad there's a fire suppression system."

Moving around the cleaning, Pepper reaches the coffee maker in the express desire to brew a pot. As she begins her busy work, she looks over her shoulder, "Why not make JARVIS or HOMER their supervisor? They're a little more conservative and might be able to keep them reined in while you're not around?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Yes, that has occurred to me, to place them under constant supervision," Tony relents to Pepper's suggestion about the robots and JARVIS. "It wasn't important to have everything connected. Sometimes that's /not/ best, to have all systems interacting - or even the ability to be hijacked," Tony shrugs. "These are older, before I'd improved security -- so they lack 'doors' that communicate well with JARVIS...."

Tony trails off, with a gesture of hand in a 'nevermind' manner. "They're normally reliable. Tiny bugs happen. I could retire them, but they're a good reminder of where things started, anyway." Tony's history, including the tendency to create fires.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper finishes brewing her coffee and pours two cups before she dodges the cleaning to come up to the table, though it's a path that brings her behind Tony. She leans over to set the mugs on the table beside him before she reaches to wrap/drape an arm and kiss him on the top of his head affectionately as he sounds that hint of 'memory lane'. "I see. Yes, We won't do that, then. Wouldn't want to have a way into the rest of the systems."

It's only a moment while she's there, and soon enough takes hold of one of the cups before she maneuvers her way to a chair to sit down. "Where things started. You're a lot further past that now," Pepper reminds. "You've done some really amazing things." There's the pride; pride of works and of the man who has changed a great deal over the years. "I'm glad I've been here to be a part of it." Even if he's scared the living daylights out of her along the way! "Just, try not to let them," she gestures towards the robots, "set anything on fire in the tower?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Honestly I'm surprised they were capable of both setting and putting out their own fires. They normally just vaccuum, so that's sort of an impressive feat on it's own. But I know I shouldn't be surprised. I'm incredible, after all," Tony says with amused, shameless 'arrogance', leaning towards Pepper to obtain his reward kiss.

His dark eyes are amused and bright, though: he does know better. He's just not /acting/ better. It's a choice.

"Still, I will be sad the day that nothing surprises me anymore. I'll be a depressed sourpuss like Dr. Strange. And that sounds like a terribly depressing state. I'll stay surprised, enjoying the things we still don't know about this world. Even in the small ways... like roombas trying to make toast."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"You should see what Amanda's done with Patrick," Pepper muses, the smile still there. It's fond, affectionate, and most definitely reaches those green eyes when they're lifted to Tony. "And you'll never be accused of being modest," is laughed. "You are."

The coffee mug is cradled, and Pepper looks back into it before lifting it to take that first swallow. She's pensive, if only briefly, before another laugh exits her and she looks back up, "Oh, that's not nice," is chided playfully. "You do know it's hard to surprise you, right?" Pepper takes it as a personal challenge for the little things she likes to get him. To put that smile on his face. "I think you surprise yourself more." Like making little roombas that try to spread their wings and make toast.