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Latest revision as of 16:26, 11 March 2022

Furry Favors
Date of Scene: 11 March 2022
Location: Grand Hall - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Plans have been solified and a partnership agreed to. Animal Aid is a Go!
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Late afternoon at Wayne Manor is quite beautiful, most would not really believe that this was New Jersey, but the picturesque estate was immaculately kept. The home of the Wayne's for generations. The long driveway leads to the rotunda which allows for the guests to park their conveyance. Alfred opened the door to allow the two guests in. "Welcome to Wayne Manor, Master Bartholomew, Miss Queen. Master Damian is awaiting you in the library." He greeted with a smile, letting the two in while taking any coats they had, the butler/glue of the Wayne clan placed them in the cloak room before showing both to the library. "May I offer you refreshment? Tea? Cookies? Soft drinks?" He asked on their way, opening the grand doors to the impressive manor library, mahogany bookshelves surrounding all walls, other than the grand window overlooking the estate, brass ladders on rails allow access to the higher shelves invitingly. The leatherbound books smelled decadent, true aficionados of books would drool over the scent of vintage paper, ink, glue, and age in the air.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will never turn down treats from Alfred, so he smiles and thanks the elder man, asking for some cookies and maybe a glass of milk. He leads Emiko along with him, and says "Damian here is an animal lover, and I believe when we tell him what we are planning he will want to be in on it. I know you could probably do it on your own, but I think two big names, and two people who care about animals would work out well." He looks about for Damian as they walk in He has brought a cooler with them, that has wheels on one end and he is bringing along.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko smiles towards Alfred and murmurs, "Tea would be delightful, thank you. If you have oolong, I will be grateful, just a twist of lemon. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pennyworth." Then they're moving past and heading down the fall while she glances up at Bart, "I have no problems with sharing the limelight, and if he wants to help then I'm happy to have another big name to put to the project." As they enter the room, she's glancing around, "I think I want to weekend in here. We have all kinds of tech at Ollie's, but he's not really a... book guy."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian himself was sitting in a long back leather chair, reading a worn copy of Voyage of the H.M.S Beagle. As the door opened, he placed a bookmark in the old tome, and placed it to the side. He was about to say something before Alfred had cut him off. "Yes, Master Damian, your usual tea. Seems Miss Queen is also a fan of Oolong as well." He bows before exiting, Damian offering a small smile to the man already knowing what Damian would have wanted.

  "Welcome." He offers, his expression more at peace than when he is under a mask. "So, Allen tells me that you are have an opportunity that I would be interested in?" He asks, approaching the two guests and holding out a hand to Bart, and Emiko in turn. He wore a dress shirt, white with French cuffs, a black vest with a green tie, accenting his own green eyes.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and shakes the hand, and says "Yea, I think it is something you would want to be part of." He does move the cooler, up, and says "I brought Goliath's treats and the other on over today since we were coming over." He says motioning towards the cooler. "I have them all in separate containers in there, figured save ya a trip bringing it in.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko takes his hand with a smile, "Good to meet you, Damian. Good to know we have a few things in common." Releasing his hand, she glances to Bart, then gives a nod, "Yes. I recently adopted a pair of cats, kittens really, but because of their injuries the shelter didn't think anyone would want them. I spoke with them and found out they have a larger than usual number of pets that aren't likely to be adopted out, either because they've been there too long or special needs, injuries..." SHe lifts a shrug, "Anyways, I was thinking of opening a place upstate where the 'unadoptable' animals in shelters can go to live. We can keep different buildings based on needs, have a full-time on-site staff and circulate volunteers to come and spend time with the animals. And maybe along the way a few of them will find other homes.."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Thank you, Allen." He offers, before gesturing to the other chairs in the room. "Make yourselves comfortable, we should have the refreshments in shortly."

  "Makes sense, the ones that need care, but should be able to live happy lives." There was a clinking sound approaching, and the recognizable tick-tick-tick of dog claws kissing the hardwood floor outside of the library. Ace was already on the case, sniffing out who was visiting the house. His nose picked up Damian's scent, and turned the corner into the library where the other two scents were. Curiously he approached, going up to Damian and putting his head in his lap. Damian chuckled, before petting the young German Shepard's head. "This is Ace." He announces, as the dog turns around and approaches the other two, sniffing the air around them gently.

  "I know there are many people who could take in special cases, and it could ease the shelters into sparing euthanasia. I'm definitely interested."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and smiles "So this is Ace good to meet ya." He grins and will offer to let Emiko sit down before he takes his seat. I have thought once we get it up and going maybe do some celebrity appearances "Maybe get BeastBoy to do something, that whole Alphabet social media he did got a lot of attention, so him doing a spot there once it is done might be bring a lot of attention to it.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko gives a nod towards Damien, "I'm hoping that between your name and mine we can bring more attention to the animals who need it most." Ace's arrival has her smile brightening, crouching down to get on his level (not far to go for her), holding out her inner wrist to him to get the most from her scent, then offering a scritch to his ears, "Hi Ace. Huginn and Muninn are going to boycott me for hours, but they'll get over it." She gives him a last pet-scritch before rising to find a chair, smiling at Bart when he helps her to the seat. "That sounds great. I'm sure we can ask at the Tower, see if anyone else might be interested in putting in an appearance?"

Looking back to Damien, she offers a faint smile, "That would be one firm rule. No euthanasia. Even if an animal is never adopted, I want this to be a place they can call home. Everything that happens.. none of it is their fault."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian rests back in the chair. It was common knowledge that his part of the Wayne Foundation was ripe with animal related charities, this was of course no exception. Everything about this sounded like something he would like.

  "So, where are you wanting this to be located? How far along the process are you?" He was putting his business pants on and it showed. "Are you only going to be looking after dogs and cats, or are you looking to branch out into other places as well? We should also talk with the local vet schools and see if we can arrange for an internship program. The more people we have there able to help, means the more animals we can take in."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "We talked about upstate but we have not made a lot of the plans yet, mostly idea stage, but when I thought about it, I figured you would want to be a part of it. With your love for animals. I figure you and Emiko are much more into the whole planning and figuring things out. I can possibly talk to some of my teachers and the folks at the zoo. I personally would love to be able to help anything from Rabbits to hippos, but I figure we have to start little and work our way up."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I was thinking in the countryside of New York, somewhere away from the cities so we could potentially take in larger animals, but also so the other animals could have space to roam. I've scouted a few locations since I planned to move forward with it regardless of how the meeting turned out, but I will admit to being a novice when it comes to the purchase and renovation of property. I leaned heavily on experts when I purchased my place in New York." Emiko smiles to Bart and lifts a shrug, "I wanted to start looking regardless." Then she's looking back to Damien, "I want initial focus to be on the major cities that can see a lot of... extra.. attention from various parties. After that thing with the angels in New York the shelters were flooded with injured and homeless animals. A lot of them are over capacity and will have to start looking at euthenasia soon if they can't free up more space. Once that's no longer an issue, I'd like to branch out into some more of the exotic animals... especially those left behind by animal-themed supervillains when they get caught. That will likely need to be it's own property, however, as those tend to be more special cases." She gives a nod, "I plan to reach out to veterinary schools, volunteer groups, animal rescue groups. I want to be able to coordinate so the animals can be homed as quickly as possible and with minimal fuss."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Good, good. I'll get the Wayne Foundation to get you on the rolls. Have you already established the 501(c)(3) yet? We will need that to accept the donations and most importantly the charitable credits to donators. We can use the foundation and your resources, Emiko, to get purchaskng power, but for the long run we will need to be able to host the usual charity options, findraisers, all of that from individal donors."

  Alfred had by this point brought in a trolley holding a pot of tea, a tray of cookies and a large crystal goblet of cold milk. "Refreshments are served." He announced before pouring the tea for Damian and Emiko, with a twost of lemon, along with offering the milk to Bart. "Help yourself to the cookies, theyre my speciality." He smiled as he left the three again to discuss things.

  Damian accepted his cup, sipping it. "So, you both assumed correctly. Now, we will make it a reality."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, his head a bit to this and says "I thought you would want to be a part of it." He thanks Alfred for the milk, and cookies. "I am glad you want to be a part of this, will have to let you meet Hugin and Munin sometime soon. I think you would like them." He tells the young man. He seems to be pondering asking something but resists it seems. He looks over to Emiko "Oh remind me sometime there is another animal I should see if I can set up for you to meet, but I have to ask his guardian about bringing him back to the tower sometime.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko gives a nod to Damian, "I had the lawyers start drawing up paperwork early this week. Once we have a property picked out and the name set up, we can fill in the blanks, sign, and everything will be submitted by the end of day or following morning, whichever comes first. The accountants are already working on funds coming from my personal trust, from Queen Industries' charitable accounts..." She lifts a small shrug and smiles, "I came into the rich game late, but I've been trying to study up on it as I go."

The tea is accepted with a warm smile and thank you for Alfred, sipping from it and giving a nod, "Excellent. I want to look at seaside properties too. I know that the ocean is large, but I see no reason why we can't rehabilitate seabound animals as well, eventually." She smiles at the cup, "Oh this is good. I'm impressed." Then she's looking to Bart with a grin, "Another bear? Or is this something different?"