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Spring's New Growth
Date of Scene: 10 March 2022
Location: Historic Clocktower - Operations and Common Rooms
Synopsis: Kate's got writers block on her report on Ivy's plans to leave town, but luckily the Huntress arrives to give her brain a break and share theories about why Gotham seems to be a vortex of suck sometimes. And also why crossbows are the superior tactical option for the modern crimefighter to knives.
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Helena Bertinelli

Kate Kane has posed:
It's not too early in the morning, or... late at night if it doesn't count as 'morning' if Kate hasn't slept yet. But she's too focused to sleep, she hasn't even changed out of her 'work clothes', still dripping black and red, though her cowl has been left at her side on the couch, long legs stretched out to rest her heels on the table in front of her... Barbara might wonder why the table's scuffed now and then... but Babs isn't here to learn the horrifying truth!

Green eyes are locked on the screen of the laptop balanced on her thighs, Kate's fingers lightly drumming on either side of the trackpad... like she's trying to decide what to type, brow furrowed in concentration.

Given the two bottles of sparkling water on the table that are empty, a higher end brand... _glass_ bottles! With metal caps!

Metal caps that have been pinched and crushed practically into coins... what? No, Kate's not on edge, why would you think that?

It's entirely unrelated that she heaves out a loud sigh that can probably be heard from Arkham and throws her head back to stare up at the ceiling, muttering under her breath, "God... I don't knowwww... I can't just... base my analysis on a 'vibe'... but... I can't just... damnit..."

Whatever's going on, Kate's clearly not frustrated by it.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli hadn't expected Kate to be here, but she isn't entirely surprised. The Clocktower has more traffic than O'Hare. It's a miracle that none of the bad guys have noticed and put the pieces together.

Stepping out of the elevator, she glances around, seeing Kate. "Well.. not the Redhead I was expecting" she says with a friendly smile, "but hello. Kate Kane, right?" She walks over to the kitchen to avail herself of glass of wine. "It's nice to meet you. I'm, well, one of the Helena's. Bertinelli. Also one of the Huntresses. The grown one" she jokes.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate looks down from contemplating the ceiling at the sound of the elevator opening, groaning out and stretching her arms above her head, lips beginning to form some pithy remark... because surely it's Barbara dropping in to see who's making use of the room. Her eyebrows perk up as she spies (A) Huntress. Her lips crook in a grin as she reaches over to lift her cowl and bobble it on her hand like an energetic muppet head, "Yeah. Kate, also known as..." She grins, "Well, you know who, right?" She heaves out another sigh, "So, what brings you around at the crack of... god, is it past sunrise already?" She pinches the bridge of her nose, "Good to meet you. It's been a long time coming. I'm a big fan of your whole... thing. Crossbows are definitely and overlooked tactical options."

She bites her lower lip to try and fight back her grin... you know, so it seems like valid, tactical conversation, and not just a playful tease.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli walks over and nods "The other redheaded bat.." she jokes. "I'm a professional admirer of your style." All of it. As Kate, and as Batwoman. That Batwoman tends to be more vicious in her takedown of the bad guys is something this Huntress can relate to. Until recently she'd been known to kill as much as maim or cripple. But word has likely gotten out that she's turning over a new leaf. No more killing. But that just means her takedowns are going to surely be that much more brutal. A mutual admiration makes sense.

Dropping onto the sofa on the other end, she grins, "Well thank you. I'm pretty proud of my whole... thing.." she says cheerfully, looking down at herself in civvies, then she grins, "Yeah.. guns are great but they're too loud. Crossbows just seem more, mmmm, personal?" A dark grin, "Not quite as psychotic as knives. But the idea of being impaled by a bolt seems to be a real buzzkill for most of the scum once they see their friends skewered.."

A quiet laugh is offered before she sips her wine. Oh it's definitely too early to be drinking. But try and tell an Italian that.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate snorts out softly and nods her head, "Yeah, the one who's not as good with computers. I guess I just haven't got the patience for them. Did you know hitting them _doesn't_ make them work better? Design flaw if you ask me." She glances down to her laptop again, lips turning in a thoughtful frown and she finally types out the last of what she's working on. It's got to be all of three words long. And then that laptop's folded shut and she heaves out a sigh, "Well, that'll do for now. Ran into Ivy last night. She's packing up. Literally. Like, moving vans, whole shebang."

She snickers softly and shakes her head, "Knives are good as a last resort, but it's like... one step above that Captain Boomerang guy for basing an entire arsenal off of. I can see it now, a bunch of pinstriped mafioso lurking in the night, when up above there's the sounds of a windchime as Gotham's latest dark protctor glides in, just... covered in goddamn knives."

She snorts and snickers, eyes sparkling playfully as one eyebrow perks, "Plus, a crossbow's close enough to a normal bow you can still get away with shooting an apple off a gal's head as a party trick, right? That'd be a hell of an icebreaker."

one eyebrow perks and Kate makes a show of craning her head around like she's looking for an apple Right. This. Minute.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs, "Are you sure you're not confusing yourself with Dinah? She's got to be cursed around technology. I swear she's still on reel to reel film projectors and 8-Track tapes..." she jokes.

"Yeah.. bolts are also light weight. Knives? Enough knives anyway would be like an extra twenty pounds of weight. None of us need that" she muses.

"Oh I can absolutely shoot apples. But Barbara has banned me showing off my skills in here" she laments. Then she tilts her head, "What's this? Ivy is leaving Gotham?" she asks in confusion. "Barbara had brought her into the team. At least as an ally if not a proper Bird. Did she say why she was leaving?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's eyebrows perk up and she shakes her head, "She didn't... I mean, it didn't seem... she was..." She clears her throat and frowns thoughtfully, "She's moving to Brooklyn. Something about living at an Antique shop. I kind of figured maybe she realized Gotham's part of what keeps sending her back around to... you know, angry plant sprees?"

She grins crookedly and snorts out, "Plus, it's not like New York's that far away. It's not like she's moving to Kansas." She tilts her head, hand cupping under her chin as she heaves out a sigh, "But she's... definitely... Ivy. Like, all those dossier writeups about her were... definitely not enough to prepare for. But maybe she's turning over a new leaf."

She deadpans that last part. After all, Ivy got close enough to kill her, and Kate walked away entirely unharmed, so... she's willing to give the green goddess of gardening the benefit of the doubt. "But I told her I'll be keeping an eye on her, you know, just to make sure things go well. Last thing we need is her making an effort to reform and some Gotham stooge tracking her down in NYC and causing all sorts of chaos."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli oooh's and nods, "Ah. Okay. Sorry I misunderstood what you meant. That's not bad then, no. How New York exist just beyond Gotham and not get corrupted by it, I'll never really understand. But it certainly has. Which is good." Another sip of wine and she nods, "Well she's part of the team. We'll all give her support if she wants it. Or needs it. Barbara always says we're a sisterhood. So." She shrugs a bit. It isn't a bad thing. Having others to watch one's back.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate shrugs lightly and grins, "Clearly, there's some sort of ancient mystical... I dunno... portal of suck under Gotham, so all the crazy is drawn here instead of radiating out? It must also impact pizza, because how's New York got such good stuff and we don't? Downright unfair." She heaves out a soft sigh and groans, "Yeah, I'm not worried about the Birds not giving her a chance... I'm more thinking of... y'know, the _big_ Bat. He's pretty... rigid about things like that. You know, show up, grumble about 'If you slip up I'll know. Grrr. Grumble. Glower glower.' and... that's not going to _not_ put pressure on someone who's already at a delicate point. So hopefully I've headed that off."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods, "I think you're right, about that. But what's that say about all of us still choosing to live here?" she asks with a laugh. "Guess we're just glutons for punishment."

Then a nod, "You're right about pizza. Even Bludhaven has beter pizza. But even then, the best pizza in the states is still not as good as the worst pizza in Naples. Just.. for the record" she boasts.
Hers nod. "I think it'll work out." She thinks of her recent confrontation with Batman and that he gave her a second chance. She'd even heard rumblings that he was training new teammates as Robins. "It's just possible we may be seeing a kinder, gentler Batman. If that isn't a more terrifying thought."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly and bobs her head, "That's probably it. Or we're hopeless romantics about saving the city despite its own best efforts?" She sighs and tosses her head back, "But I'm sure there's not _actually_ a mystical suck portal under city hall. Like, there've been enough magic users around town someone would have mentioned it."

She snorts and rolls her eyes, "And hey, that's a point... they have better pizza, but at least we don't live in Bludhaven... I mean, they've _got_ to have like, real deal actual vampires there right?"

And then she's stretching up off the couch, laptop placed on the table in front of it as she gets her feet under her and rises up to her full height, "Buuuut I should really change. It's got to be like... _business hours_ level of morning now, and I don't think I'm ready to commit to the vigilante lifestyle to the point of never _not_ being all Batwoman'd up."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli moves to stand as well. She nods, "Yeah, Bludhaven is full of Vampires. Goths. And Methodists" she deadpans.

With a wink she heads to the kitchen to rinse her glass. "I won't keep you, then. It was nice to catch up with you though. Stay in touch?" she offers. "If there are any cases or missions you could use a hand with - let me know."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods her head and feigns a shudder, "Well, that puts me right out... I mean, I can handle vampires and goths." Her lips quirk in another little grin, "And oh, I'll be keeping in touch for sure. We'll do something... it may or may not involve making part of the mob real sad they decided to live a life of crime. I mean, they say crime doesn't pay, but I bet it also hasn't got a health insurance package." And then Kate's strolling off further into the clocktower, where she presumably has some civilian duds stashed.