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Latest revision as of 06:19, 13 March 2022

See Spot Run
Date of Scene: 12 March 2022
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: A language lesson on drugs! See the spotter. That is a 'pimp'. Can you say 'Bagman'?
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Emiko Queen

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Not all houses in this market sell quickly, and those that don't tend to gather homeless people. Half the houses on this strip are either boarded up, some form of shelter, or a place where you just don't go due to other issues.

No real issue for anyone who doesn't use your standardized pathways and byways though. Cassandra leans over the rooftop of a house she's not technically allowed to be on top of, watching a drug operation below.

She looks at one man, then points. Then says, "Spotter...?" She thinks that's the word Steph uses, when talking about who does what. Given that Emi's new to this interaction, the fact that Cass is talking might be a surprise.

It's a language lesson! See Dick buy drugs. Don't buy drugs, Dick.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl is lying flat, just her head lifting to look over the edge of the roof to limit the chances of being seen, even with the black cowl against the black backdrop of the night sky. "Yep, spotter," she whispers back to Cassandra. After a moment's thought, Batgirl reaches into a pouch of her utility belt, and pulls out a rather stylish looking pair of glasses. She hands them over to Cassandra, hitting a stud on them as she does. Cass will immediately recognize the tiniest glow on the inside surface of the lenses. A heads up display.

"Had Oracle make them," she whispers as Batgirl's lenses on her cowl drop into place, allowing her to use her eyes to work her own optics. If Cass takes the glasses and looks down at the men being surveilled, one of them will have his form outlined, and the word "Spotter" appear next to him.

Batgirl looks over towards another man who is sitting in a nearby car. "Wheelman," she whispers, and after a moment, the word will appear next to his outlined image. "Or, Driver," she says, and that alternate word appears underneath.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko is new to Cass' talking, but delighted to be part of her vocabulary expansion. Laid out flat on the other side of Cass, she's poking her head up to glance over the edge of the rooftop. Pointing to the man getting out of back of the car with a leather valise in hand. "Bagman." He's the one that collects the monies for delivery to boss! She's glancing sidelong towards Cass and Stephanie, grinning, "This is fun, by the way."

She turns her attention back to the deal going down and looks all around to see who else she can spot, falling quiet so Cass has a chance to say the words herself, but still with the encouraging smile.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The glasses go into place, and the instant headtilt that Cass does suggests that she wasn't expecting the content on the HUD. She pulls down the glasses to rest on her nose, looking over them, then back in. Out. In. Eventually she stops messing with them and leans up to peek over the edge of the roof again.

"Pay money are here," she says, as the money arrives. The pay moneys are here, but she has yet to really nail down the adverbs. "Slow." She shrugs, then turns and leans her back against the post she was just keeping behind, for cover. It's hard to get as much with the glasses in place, but she looks like she's rolling her eyes.

She looks so laid back, it's almost like they're not on a stakeout. As she upnods toward Emiko, then half-crosses her legs. One side only, the other stretches out lazily.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown pulls a tiny camera out of a pouch and attaches it to the edge of the roof, allowing her to keep an eye out in one part of her HUD without continually craning her head over the edge to see. "Yep, the money is here," she agrees. There is still more detective work to do, tracing the payments up the ladder.

Batgirl looks over to Emiko. "Cass has come so far," she whispers. "Just two years ago she couldn't read or hardly speak yet. Just read body language." There's obvious pride in Stephanie's voice, not to mention Cass being able to just read it from Stephanie's body.

"Glad you could make it back to Gotham. Appreciated your help at the University," she whispers. Stephanie checks the camera's view of the proceedings. She causes the HUD in Cass's glasses to focus in on a kilo of drugs. "Drugs. One kilo," she whispers to Cass, and has the words pop up next to it.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Yep, now to wait for them to collect the money and lead us to the boss..." Emiko loves stakeouts. There's some really great times that can happen during stakeouts. And then there's the fun of following the money! Or taking down the mid-levels, depending on the goals for the night. She smiles as she turns on her own HUD and camera. Hers is on the building opposite theies, so she gets a different view, but that isn't a bad thing!

Looking back to Stephanie, she grins, "I'm so glad I can be part of this. Cass was probably the first like.. around my age female friend I made. We met at Phoebe's party, that was super fun. Then again at the airport and that was, well, parts of it were heavy, but still fun." She flicks a glance to Cass and grins, "Cass is awesome."

Nodding, Emiko chuckles, "I like Gotham. Reminds me of Starling City. Moreso than New York or Metropolis. And my boyfriend has friends here, so we end up here a lot. So feel free to ping me anytime something is going down."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The main response Cass Cain gives to all this talking is to wait, then to slowly slide the sunglasses down her nose and to peer at both Emiko and Steph over them, as she watches them talk. She smiles a half-smile to Steph, clearly thinking about something. The whole stance seems to suggest a slight detachment from the things being talked about.

Leaning up a moment, Cass arches her back and leans back, back, and gets her eyes over the rim of the building. She eyes the ongoing proceedings, then lowers back down to look at Emiko. "Slow," she says, as a comment about stakeouts. Or is it about some other topic?

She them makes a motion, her eyes looking upward...then slowly tilting to her left side, as her head and body follow. Until her head is resting on her shoulder, and she looks almost like she's ..

Yep. Bored, and wants to get doing stuff already. That was 'I'm falling asleep here' in Casstongue.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Behind the Batgirl cowl, Stephanie breaks out in a grin for Emiko. "Uh oh. Boyfriend? Spill. If you can. If it's, you know, secret identity, no problem," the blond coed says over to the Arrowette.

Stephanie catches sight of something in her camera, and leans over to take a look the old fashioned way. A dog is trotting down the street, its fur looking like it has seen better days. A collie, it stops a distance off from the men making the drug deal, wisely being wary about going closer.

Leaning back again, Stephanie motions towards the street and the dog towards Cass, while she uses her eyes to navigate menus silently back to the Batcomputer. "That is a dog," Stephanie says. "The breed is a 'collie.'" Cassandra's Bat-riffic sunglasses show her a few images of dogs, before showing one that is a collie and putting the word beside it.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko turns that smile towards Cass, "Patience. Meditation. Surveillance. We want to follow the money. Hook the big bad, not just the street thugs. But we also want to mark the street thugs for later. Either so we can grab them or use them." Relaxing against the edge of the roof, she silently chuckles over Cass' pantomime, then motions to all three of them, pointing to the rooftop, then smiling. This isn't boring! They're together, talking, engaging. This is fun!

She looks back to Stephanie and grins, "Impulse. He's one of the Speed Force guys. I don't know if you know him, know him. Cass does, I think." She glances to Cass, pointing to herself, then pantomiming holding hands with someone and making smoochy faces, brows lifting. Does Cass know the guy she was with at the party, or is this going to backfire hilariously?

She glances at the dog and clucks her tongue, "We should rescue the dog... not right this second, obviously but... we should swing back around and pick him up. Collies are great dogs."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass is busy browsing dog breeds that Steph has sent her, and glancing over the rooftop at ...things. It's hard to tell what she's actually doing, since she rarely explains her actions. She looks at the vision in the glasses again, then mouths 'collie' without making sound.

And then she looks up and sees Emiko making kissy faces, and visibly starts backward! She lowers her eyebrows a tiny bit, firmly expressing her opinion on playing around...until she catches on to the context of the conversation again. For all her vocabulary is improved, she still really thinks in her native tongue. And that ain't English.

She thumbs over the edge, in the general direction of the dog below. Apparently she's not against the idea.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl replies in an appropriately soft whisper. "I don't think I know him personally, but heard of him," she says. Which probably means she's read Batman's file on him. Getting caught up on those she might run into, both heroes and villains, was a point of her training with Barbara.

Stephanie lifts up enough to peer over towards the dog again. "After it's done," she agrees. "Can maybe find a rescue to take him," she says. "Looks like he needs a meal."

Down below the men are loading up product into another vehicle, while someone else is doing a count on the money in the backseat of a different sedan. Stephanie lets out a sigh. "No matter how many of these guys we take down, there's always someone else waiting to take their place."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko just smiles at Cass when she startles, waiting for the cues and clues to catch her up before giving a nod. Her shoulders shake lightly with the silent laughter, however. That will never not be funny. To Stephanie, she nods, "I can text Impulse, he can pick up the dog after we head off, make sure he gets settled in somewhere nice." She glances between Steph and Cass, brows lifted.

Shifting her attention back to the deal below, she gives a nod, "If it weren't for the exploitative nature of the business though, they have a great business model that more corporations could stand to utilize."

She glances towards the car where the man counts the money in the backseat. "Following the money tonight?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass lifts her left hand to her skull, scratching into her mass of hair a moment as she yawns, mightily. She leaves her hair a bit of a mess, but given that she normally just chops it off it's probably fine. She doesn't know 'exploitative nature' or 'corporation' so she just assumes that Emiko is answering Stephanie's comments about the dog.

She rolls over onto her stomach, peering over the edge again, and then says a word that she clearly learned from Jason, pointing at a female professional who's hanging out with the dealers.

Someone gotta tell Jason to watch his effing mouth around impressionable students!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Just as Batgirl is about to answer, the dog takes off at a trot. "Shoot, we'll lose it if we wait. I'll sneak around and go catch the pooch," Stephanie says. She looks to Cassandra. "Pooch, is another word for 'dog'," she explains. She's definitely making sure Cassandra learns some slang. Slang from someone besides Jason Todd that is!

She gives them both a tiny salute and then slips off, quite as a mouse with rubber soled shoes and ninja training as she heads to the far side of the house and drops down to go get the collie.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko gives a nod to Steph as she declares her intent to get the dog, smiling over the rescue before looking back to Cass, "Follow the money? Beat up the boss?" Since Cass has been getting squirmy about waiting for the more action-y part of the night. She motions to the man counting money, then looks back to Cass with lifted brows.

For the woman that's talking to the dealer, she gives a nod, agreeing with the term thrown out there. She points to the dealer and says, "Pimp." Since the man is likely the one that's put the woman out on the street to begin with. Probably to pay for the drug habit he gave her.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass shakes her head. She frowns as another word shows up on her spectacles, and sighs. "Word blah," she comments, still not exactly -happy- with using language. Still, she leans to watch Steph work, to save the doggie, and presses her left cheek against the rooftop. More out of a temporary sense of laziness than anything. She's quite capable of moving if she chose to do so.

"That I say," she says. "Am no, am..." She frowns, then as Steph performs an elite level dog-snatch, she turns back to Emiko. Laying on her back, she puts her hands behind her head. Then she looks at the young woman oddly. She shakes her head, words having failed her. She's trying.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Chuckling softly, Emi gives a nod to Cass and stretches out farther, watching Cass as she struggles with words. There's a smile when Cass trails off and she gives a nod. Words are hard. She nudges Cass gently, trying to keep out of her personal space as much as possible. Motioning from herself to Cass, then making a rolling motion with her wrist that rolls her hand. She can always try to act things out with her friend to let the girl get the things out that she wants to.

Her head tilts to one side as she purses up her lips, then tries Japanese. "Does this help at all?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The vague nature of the question doesn't help Cass' body reading to get Emi's content of her message. So she lays there, then sits up and looks at Emiko, ignoring the ongoings below for a moment. What she does say is, "No." Since it's clear that Emi is asking some kind of question. More than that, will have to wait.