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Latest revision as of 01:04, 14 March 2022

I'm In Stitches
Date of Scene: 10 March 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Micola reaches out to Pietro after volunteering in Bushwick. Dinner is had.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola might have been worried about texting royalty. Were their protocols? Did she need to send a funny meme first? She wasn't sure, so the woman had sent a very basic text of greeting around sunset. It was a simple 'How is your day going?', maybe she was just anxious?

Hopefully no Genoshan assassins busted out of the doors of the embassy down the street and started her way. That would be a very big red flag that she should have started with a 'Your Highness'.

Micola's finished up with her volunteer night down here in Bushwick and she's currently standing in front of Fred's Diner, there is a new addition to the woman with the spectacular hair though, it looks like her chin lost a fight with something pointy given there are stitches in it and bruising has started.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a response - no Genoshan hit squads or propaganda gangs arrive, thankfully. The response is rather quick to occur. 'The day is going well, how is yours?' Pietro was multi-tasking - blurring through New York state, texting as he ran. If he had no signal where he was, there would be one almost immediately as he blurred through the countryside.

He kept running, hoping that this wasn't an immediate emergency. Even so, he turns towards where he knew she worked - moving gracefully in that direction. If she needed him there, it would be less than a minute for him to arrive.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Whew. Micola gets to live for the night.

'My day is going fine. Just got off a volunteer shift down in Bushwick and was wanting to see if you were zipping around doing heroic things.' she had texted back. She was nosy!

No, she wasn't in danger and it wasn't an immediate emergency. She was simply having a conversation. She probably didn't know how fast he moved though. She sent the text and looked up when someone passed her on the way into the diner, a quiet greeting is given as she steps out of the way of the door to enjoy the air outside for a moment.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
'Had a brief coffee with my sister and some of the team. Other than that, just been running to feel good.' Thumbs blur as he types, easily avoiding obstacles. Bushwick. Easy enough! He races through the streets, eventually finding her - easy to do when you go over the grid, street by street.

He comes to a rest near her, not overly close. "Volunteering?" Pietro asks, offering a friendly smile. A pause as he sees the stitches on her chin. "Is everything all right?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was just looking down to her phone, the glow of the screen illuminating her features. She's probably slow at typing compared to him. She had a sentence halway typed out as the blur passed her.

She jumps a little when she hears is voice, "Oh gods." she chuckles as she hugs her phone to her chest. "Yes, I help out here a few nights a week. Just little things." she tells him as she slips her phone into her pocket and turns to look at him.

She gives a little wave of her hand, "Yeah, just had one of those visions and banged my chin on the drawing table at work. I was more annoyed that I ruined a drawing." she tells him.

"Did I interrupt your run?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a nod - there was a reason he didn't appear right next to her. No need to overly startle her. "Sorry, I have a habit of just coming to talk in person. Else I might worry my phone screen and overwhelm the touch response screen." A wry grin. He looks up to the diner, then back to her.

"Little things help with people who are hurting. Never underestimate the power of small acts of kindness, Micola." The man offers, seriously. "You never know when your assistance will keep someone from toppling over the edge."

"Anyone you could identify?" Quicksilver wonders, nodding to her. "And a bang enough to earn stitches..." A tsk. "No, no interrupting. I had been out a while, thinking over some things that have come to light."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile, "I just wasn't expecting you to show up was all." she tells him honestly. "I don't mind it. I like seeing your face." she adds with a grin to him. "I can only imagine that you might go through phones and things with the super speedy typing." she nods to that. "I might seem like a snail typer in comparison." she laughs to that.

"I like helping out. It's the least I can do and I've made a lot of friends here over the years." she admits. "I would hope that if anyone needed extra help that they'd reach out as well." she comments.

"The vision was...intense. A lot of people. I saw the person clearly, but it doesn't look like it's in New York and it's not a known face to me. I can see if I can recall more about the scene though...might take a bit of drawing." she explains. "I sometimes faint at the end if they are intense. I don't do it all the time." she muses.

She gives him a smile, "Do you want to walk and talk? I don't want to make you sit when you'd rather be moving." she states.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Unfortunately, time moves so slowly when I have to keep a normal speed." He says, honestly. "It ... tries my patience with many people. Not you, so far." He grins. "Just... if I seem curt, it's because my mind races as fast as I do." An explanation. "It makes life difficult."

A smile. "People don't always know when they need help, or when they are on the edge." The man admits. "It's... just one of those things. How a smile can change an entire meeting."

"If you would like to draw it, I can run things through the various affiliation I know - perhaps the person will be known to them?" A nod. "Do you get any warning to when the visions will set in?"

He looks to the diner, then to her again. "Food is a good idea, honestly. I need to keep calories constant."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives him a look and a soft nod, "Well, if my legs could move at anywhere near your speed I would be happy to race you. But with me I'm probably going to get to the corner and then fall over from them turning into some noodly consistency." she muses to that. "I need to work on that endurance stuff I guess." she shrugs. His honesty makes her give him a genuine smile, "I will make a note of that, Pietro." she tells him. "And if I can make anything easier please let me know." she offers.

"That is very true on that." she states with a thoughtful look to him. "Though those that have my number can always use it should they approach that point and realize it." she states.

"I'll work on drawing it when I get home tonight. Shouldn't be that much of an ordeal." she explains. Then there's a shake of her head, "Sadly they come on whenever they want. No early warning detection." she frowns.

Then she looks to him and then to the diner, "Food is an excellent idea actually. Your calorie intake needs to be kept up and I forgot my dinner at home." she admits with an amused chuckle.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro grins. "I am sure if I was built different, you'd keep up just fine. Just good genetics on my part." The Prince teases. "Endurance is most certainly key - keeping up with an activity for long enough to escape is a great thing." She is given a bow of his head in thanks. "I am appreciative, truly. My family understands, but it's rare that others do."

He opens the door to the diner, offering to hold it for her to enter. "Excellent. Let me know when you have the drawing and I will see what I can find out." A smile. "But for now, food. My treat this time, as you were kind enough to share baklava."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile as he teases her, not giving him grief of his head bowing today. She learned her lesson! "I'll have to get on the tread mill more...or get out on the beack and run before work." she tells him. She gives a look to him, "We all have things that we need or want people to understand, so I try to." she tells him. "If I tried to make a situation more difficult I'd be poor company honestly." she adds.

She gives a bow of her head to him when he opens the door, "Thank you, your highness." she whispers to him before she scoots inside. "Booth or table?" she asks him. "Baklava is made to be shared. I'm glad you liked it." she grins at that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Once she's inside, he follows. "Beach is a good work out. It helps because of the different resistance of the sand. Tape up your ankles though, it is easy to turn them on the soft sand." He forewarns. "You can always run in the shallows too, for more resistance. Or swim. Swimming is a wonderful excercise - cardio, muscular, endurance. And less wear on the joints." He explains, looking about the place.

"Booth would be good, I think. Have you eaten here before?" He wonders, heading over towards one of the empty seating areas. Letting her settle in first, he follows suit. "Are you sure you're ok with the cut on your chin?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look over things and she heads towards an empty booth, her bag is setteld down and then she slides in as she listens to him. "I've never heard about taping your ankles up when running. That's a good tip." she comments to that. "I love swimming. Sadly I don't have access to a pool unless my apartment floods." she chuckles. "I guess I could go to the Y or something." she admits.

She gives a nod of her head, "Yep. Eaten here a lot actually. It's pretty good." she assures him. If it's not he'll just have to blame her. She lets her fingers reach up to touch her chin, "It's been fine so far, it'll annoy me when I try to sleep though." she admits with a soft laugh. "It doesn't hurt a lot though and they gave me some hospital strength Ibuprofen for any swelling pain." she states.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I've had all sorts of discussions on running - it is something close to my heart." Peitro offers, even as he places a napkin on his lap. "Swimming is great. I'd strongly suggest starting there - a gym membership or some such." A grin. "Or the ocean, if in a pinch. But that is harder, due to currents, waves and sealife."

He reaches for one of the menues, looking it over. "Did you have any suggestions, then? How are their milkshakes?" The man hrms, looking up at the cut as she touches it. "Seems like quite the cut, then." A wince. "Sorry you banged yourself up."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I like roller skating, have you ever tried that? I know that the speediness might make it seem like having concrete on your feet though." Micola admits as she looks at the other menu. "I'm pretty good at swimming. I went when I was in Greece and the water was just..." she gives a little chefs kiss, "Perfection." she smiles to that brightly. A lot of joy from that place. "We've had some shark reports the last few summers near Brighton. Great Whites will definitely swim up this far if they are determined." she explains.

"That reminds me...I should get to the aquarium again." she muses.

"Their milkshakes are phenomenal. And if you are looking for a nice greasy burger or some homemade chicken and dumplings then this is the spot." she states. "I never half ass anything, so it's definitely going to be an annoyance. I wish I had super healing." she chuckles softly.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I have not, no." He hrms. "I suspect that I would need to keep my motion down to normal - unless I had some Stark created rollerblades." The man shakes his head, clearly amused. "It looks like a good thing, though. Giving the sensation and faster movement for people." A smile. "I've done some cliff diving in that area. Very nice waters. Warm." His brows go up a bit. "Shark attacks? Really?" He hrms. "I hadn't heard of that."

"That sounds perfect. Nice, meaty burger. French fries and a chocolate shake." He decides, looking over to the server who had just arrived. "And whatever she'll have."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a thoughtful look to this, "It's more for leisure...or for sports like roller derby. Which is fun to watch sometimes." she admits. "I've wanted to try cliff diving, but I've always been too chicken to do it by myself." she muses to that. Then she looks over the menu at him, "Generally no attacks. Sharks that are on the coast of New York tend to be adolescents that are mainly just making the trip down to warmer waters." she tells him. "I know the one that got spotted last year was only about seven feet long." she explains.

Then she gives a beaming smile as he orders. Excellent. She then looks to the person taking the order, "Umm...I'll have chicken and dumplings and a tea if you've got any." she states. Then she looks back to him, "Thank you for buying dinner." she tells him.