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Latest revision as of 03:44, 16 March 2022

Twenty One Questions
Date of Scene: 15 March 2022
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: Micola gets pie with Pietro. More is learned about one another and Italy is in the future for at least one of them.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was making a habit of reaching out to Pietro. While she knew Princes were busy, it was mainly to check in and see how he was doing. Avengers might be big and tough, but sometimes others just wanted to check on them.

That's exactly what she's doing as she's settled in a booth at Fred's Diner, she'd closed up early and there wasn't anything really going on, so talking was nice.

<Did you have pie yesterday?> the text to him had read.

Yes it's almost ten in the evening, but maybe he was up...or out running. He didn't seem to be idle for long.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Bushwick was where Pietro was, believe it or not. He'd been out and about making sure people were getting what they needed. Mutants need help, no matter their location! Just helping with some moving of equipment, he was able to glance down at his phone. A slight grin and a hrm, the man chancing it. With a wave to those he was assisting, he then bolted towards the places he'd met Micoal previously. It wasn't long before he spotted her through the window of the diner.

A blur - he zips into the restaraunt, collecting up a menu as he comes to rest in the seat across from her. "On Pi day? Yes. It seemed fitting." He offers a polite grin over to her. "Did you? Or are you planning on catching up now?" Quicksilver asks, already having scanned the menu and set it down on the table.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola would always been surprised if he continued to show up and this time she didn't even tell him! There's no startling this time, maybe she's getting a bit more used to the white haired man blurring in. "Well...yes, because it was Pi Day." she gives a bright smile to him.

"I did not get to have pie, no. Had too much going on at the shop before trip and I didn't want to leave things hanging." she admits to that. "But now...now I can get pie." she grins.

"I didn't interrupt you, did I?" she asks him as she tucks the menu away again.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smile and nod. "Well, if you don't mind company, I feel the need for another piece." Pietro grins. "I had rhubarb yesterday. Quite good." He explains, fingers drumming briefly on the table after he places a napkin in his lap.

"Lots of customers, then? And a trip?" He arches a brow. "Vacation, already?" A smirk. "No interruption. I was helping a nearby family move into their apartment. It's good to get out and help our Brothers and Sisters."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I don't mind your company, Pietro." Micola tells him with a smile. "And keeping your calories up is a good thing." she grins at that as she watches him. Her phone is put into her pocket and forgotten for the moment given she didn't want to be rude. "Rhubarb sounds like a nice choice." she smiles at that.

"I'm debating chocolate silk or cherry." she states as she looks back to the menu. "Could do both and just a few extra laps in the morning." she chuckles.

"The weather is getting warm so a lot of people coming in to check the shop out and look at things. Setting up consultations." she comments on that. "Yes, a trip for my birthday on the 21st. I've been wanting to go to Italy. It's only a few days though, not long at all." she smiles to him.

"That is nice of you to help out. Every little bit that we do helps." she states with a little nod of her head.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I think I will go with the chocolate silk - that sounds great." He decides, nodding to her, thankful for her suggestions. "And thank you for putting up with me - I know I can be... offsetting often." Pietro offers, by way of pre-emptive apology. "Extra laps do tend to burn off the excess, yes." He'll likely tear through his caloric intake on the run home.

"Italy. I nice place to visit - all the history of the city, and the art." He says, quietly. "Europe has an almost endless array of things to see, it is really worth a visit." A smile.

"And your twenty first birthday? So momentous. Are you bringing your friends?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's smile reaches her eyes, "I sometimes give good advice when it comes to sweets." she teases him gently. His apology though makes her quirk a brow at him for once, "I will keep things in mind, though I've not had any issues." she tells him. "Mhm, you say that, but my noodly legs don't agree when I'm trying to push myself over." she giggles a bit.

"I've never been. My mom said she didn't ever want to go back, but donated to the fund for me to go." she admits. "This is my second trip across seas and without anyone...sorta excited and scared all at the same time." she tells him.

"It's my twenty eighth." she muses. "And no, didn't really have anyone to ask." she admits with a soft frown. "Though I am planning on eating all the fresh pasta I can get my hands on." she grins as she brightens back up.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smile. "Remember, swimming is just as effective, and better for joints and such." He winks to her. The orders for pie are placed, and a cup of coffee for Pietro as well. "Quite good advice, so far. Baklava and now chocolate silk."

"Take pictures, see the sights. Enjoy the food and culture." He suggests. "Seeing new places is all about seeing things that you don't get back home." No mention of Little Italy, of course! "Quite kind of your mother."

"Twenty eigth is still momentous." Pietro admits. "Every step forward is a step worth celebrating." A hrm as she mentions no one to go with. "If you need of anything, let me know. I can always bring it by."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"We should go swimming sometime if you would like that." Micola comments as she gives a smile to the waitress and she orders a water to go with hers. Then she looks back to him, "My sweet tooth does wonders." she grins at that. "I've got a camera packed away. Might try to get out to some ruins or something." she admits.

"I'll be sure to call or text should I run into anything I forgot." she states with a soft smile. "My mom has her hot and cold moments, but she's a good person." she explains.

"Is there anything you would say is an absolute must see in Italy? I speak Italian fluently, so that's not going to be a problem with interacting with the locals." she smiles.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A brow arches. "I would not be opposed to swimming. A pool is best, right? Not the ocean?" He guesses, with a chuckle. "I tend to keep my sweet tooth in check - if I ate nothing but sugary things, my sisters would call me a hummingbird." A shake of his head. "I need not fuel their arsenal for teasing me."

He nods at mention of the texting. "Excellent. I suspect everything will go well there, but you never know."

"Rome, of course, tops the list. Milan and Venice are also favorites of mine." The man thinks, remembering. "The Dolomites are beautiful - and with your affinity, you might look into Pompeii - though it might overwhelm."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Correct, just need to find a pool to swim in...that's not going to be swamped." Micola gives a smile to that. When he speaks of his sisters there's a softer look to him, "Hummingbirds aren't all that bad though." she points out gently. "And I have sworn to never call you the name I uttered." she gives a nod to that. "I have half siblings...but I've not met them." she states with a frown.

"I mean, if you get bored or want a break from the US you could always come have dinner with me one night." she tells him.

Mention of the different locations makes her smile, "I will keep those in mind...though I would not want to visit Pompeii by myself...just in case I did feel overwhelmed." she admits.

"May I ask when your birthday is?" she asks as she looks to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I know of a few places, if we cannot find anywhere in specific. Always opportunities to swim, just need to know the right people." A slight smile and a nod to her. "My sisters are wonderful women. They tease, because it is what we do." A slight shrug. "There is no malice in it, thankfully." As she mentions half-siblings, he hrms. "Is it something you wish to do or... do you avoid them for other reasons?"

"Perhaps I will take you up on that and visit. I have not had genuine Italian fare in some time." He taps his chin.

"Hence my warning - with so many who were caught up in the lava and devastation, it might be best to avoid - especially alone." Pietro nods. "October twelfth. Some time off, still."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile to his words, "Knowing the right people is always a fun thing." she admits softly. "Siblings can tease each other, fight each other...but never let anyone else pick on the family. Or that's what I've seen." she admits. She gives a bit of a chuckle, "They don't know about me." she tells him. "My mom and dad were not wed given some unsavory things and she didn't want me linked to him...my grandfather though wanted my surname unchanged." she shrugs.

"Nothing that I can do really." she states. "And I'd love a visit. I'll even pay for dinner." she grins to that.

"Maybe I will go back when I have someone for support...or at least that can carry me like a sack of potatoes." she muses.