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Latest revision as of 14:43, 16 March 2022

'crazy' night in hell's kitchen
Date of Scene: 16 March 2022
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Logan and Outlaw share drinks and words in hell's kitchen
Cast of Characters: Inez Temple, Logan Howlett

Inez Temple has posed:
Sometimes it's nice to wander a bit farther afield to have a beer or six, and while Inez lives just over in Brooklyn, the gentrification that's been ongoing there makes it a little more 'high tone' than suits her style. So she wanders her way over into Hell's Kitchen, where you can still get a $2 beer and a game of darts, or pool, for less than five bucks. Also, the jukebox isn't filled with that crazy new pop-rock crap. This is all 60's to 80's, rock, country, and soul. The atmosphere is perfect for people that want to mind their own business, or just have a friendly drink after work.

Inez herself can be found at one of the pool tables, along with a bottle of beer and a few dead soldiers, playing a friendly game with an off work short order cook still in his whites and rubber-soled shoes. She lines up a tricky-looking bank shot, leaning far over the table to set the balls in motion, then pulling back to watch with satisfaction, calling, "3 in th' side pocket, an' ya owe me another round, Dave." Not that Dave seems too upset, the scenery is nice, at least!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is fond of drive bars. Places out of the way where the drinks are cheap and a short hairy meathead like himself doesnt look out of place. But Who does look out of place? Outlaw. Outlaw is the prettiest and most well endowed Lady to blow through a place like this in a long time. All eyes are on her, which is fine by logan. No one to bother him and Inez can take care of herself in most ways. For now Logan is sipping a tall neat glass of cheap canadian whiskey and minding his own business while keeping an odd eye on Outlaw to make sure things dont go left.

Inez Temple has posed:
With the game finished up, Inez flashes a sweet-as-pie smile to Dave and shakes his hand, "Good games, Dave. Best get home t'yer lil ones b'fore I clean ya out. See ya next week? I'll buy first round." She smiles as Dave heads off and cleans up the table, making sure to put everything back. She even collects up all her empties to carry up to the bar, leaving them near the well station with a wink and smile. Then she's glancing sidelong to Logan and giving a tip of her hat, "Logan. Long time no see. How's things?" Keeping it casual, calm.

Finding a stool a few down from him so he can keep that personal bubble up while she reclines against the bar and sips on her beer. Eyeing up some of the other patrons for potential pool partners but finding nothing but potential trouble. Letting out a sigh, she looks back to the Canadian and smiles, "Y'know, last time I saw ya, it were th' weddin'."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Still don't know what made you actually go through with it." Logan says shaking his head. "forever with... wade?"
"Myself, I've been ok staying steady at the school teaching the kids, and all that. I come out here to get away and clear my head." He eyes her over. "It's normally quiet but you being here has got the regulars all riled up, Inez."

Inez Temple has posed:
"He really ain't that bad.. he's funny an' sweet an' yeah he's crazy but... th' man was tortured fer God knows how long." Inez lifts a shrug and smiles, "Besides, he cares... cared... bout me." She frowns a touch, then shakes her head and smiles again, "Also he completely fergot I existed at all, so... that happened."

She glances sidelong to Logan and lifts a brow, "Can't help how I look, darlin'. Gonna suggest I should stay tucked away in an apartment 24/7?" Chuckling, Inez glances towards the rest of the bar and shakes her head, "They won't be any trouble."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"you? tooked away? never. I know you can take care of yourself. I just wish yah didn' have to" Logan says

"So wade forgot about you?" He takes a sip. "Well take it from me. It happens. I really can't tell you how many times I have forgot someone I loved with all of my soul. just to have the mememories ripped from me. So don't don't let it hurt you too much. It just seems to happen to people like us."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Yeah, me too. But, least I get th' leg up on most fights... lotta women out there that got nothin' between them an'..." she glances briefly over her shoulder, "them."

Chuckling, she gives a nod, "Took 16 rebar t' th' head, completely forgot me, our marriage, all o' it. An' I ain't wailin'. Actually... been seein' yer boy lately. Jimmy, he's... he's real good." Inez smiles softly, then looks back to Logan, "Been takin' Gabby around, too. Nothin' like with Jimmy, we jes' hang out, takin' her t' a Broadway show, a fair, some farmer's markets... jes' some normal fun stuff, y'know? AIn't right she ain't been able t' do normal things. So I'm fixin' it."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The mention of Jimmy gets a glare from Logan. "jim's a good pup, He's managed to be normal despite coming from me. Thread light Inez. I want him to stay how he is. I don't want him to end up like me or any of us. Boy has a chance. And I'll protect that with my life. "

"Gabby is a sweet girl despite it all. Thank you for helping her out. She needs socializing" logan says softening his expression and tone.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Hey now, don't go lookin' fer trouble, Logan. I ain't doin' nothin' t'him other'n havin' a real relationship. But yer not th'one that gets t'decide how Jimmy ends up.. Jimmy is. Yer th'one that's gotta trust him t'be th' good man he is. Ain't gonna claim I'm a saint, but I ain't a bad person either." Inez shoot Logan a quick glare of her own, then lifts her bottle for a sip. "Me'n'him got somethin' good, mebbe somethin' great. I ain't lookin' t'hurt him."

Nodding, she smiles, "Gabs is awesome. She's labeled me a sister, given m'relationships with Wade an' Jimmy... an' I'm damn proud t'call her m'sister. Nothin' I wouldn' do fer that one."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gives a grumble at he fightning back to his comments but he silently concedes the point. HE trusts Inez at her word at the very least.

"The runt is something else. She's sweet heart, she even befriended the juggernaut. that was a surprise over ice cream." Logan chuckles slightly.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez smiles a little and gives Logan a small nudge, "Hey. Yer boy's doin' great. He's a good guy. Loves his work. Treats me real well. He's so sweet he don't even realize when th' waitress is flirtin' with 'im when we go out." She smiles down at her beer bottle, "He's a good man. An' he's makin' me better fer it. So... trust that I ain't gonna hurt 'im." She glances back to him, "Wade... he bought me an apartment once, cause he got mine blown up. An' he got me kicked outta a couple temp places, too. So he bought me a place. Now I'm buyin' th' buildin' an' openin' up th' rest o' th' apartments t'other mutants that need reasonable rent. That's cause o' Jimmy's influence."

Inez lets out a laugh and gives a nod, "She does have a way bout her. Pretty sure she could make th' Bat smile." She glances over, "When Coney Island opens up, I'm takin' her t' th' boardwalk. We're gonna play games, ride rides, eat a ton o' junk food. Ya wanna come with us? I know it ain't usually yer thing, but she'd really get a kick outta havin' ya along."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan groans like a dog being given attention when he doesn't want ti. 'Fine I'll tag agaong. I don't want to dis appoint the lil' one. "

"Yah mean it? Jimmy's being a good boy? Making you do better? I want at least one of them to be decent. Most of mine want to kill me so i end up having to kill em first. Laura has her issue, Gabby too. I just want one of mine to be a good one. I managed to some how be better than my paw one of mine gotta do better then me. So I aint a total failure." Logan says a few too many down and getting a bit chatty.

Inez Temple has posed:
"It won't be so bad, Logan. I know ya like t' be this whole 'one man army lone wolf' guy? But seriously, playin' some rigged games an' eatin' a corndog ain't really a terrible way t'spend an afternoon. It'll make her smile." Inez turns her smile towards him and lifts a shrug, "Ya might even have a lil fun. I promise, I won't tell nobody if'n ya smile."

Then she's giving a nod, sipping on her beer. "Jimmy's a good one. Really good. He's kind an' sweet. He's great with th' kids at th' school. He's real good." She shifts, turning on her stool to face him, "Yer not a failure, though. Even barrin' Jimmy. I don't know Laura, but Gabby's a good kid. With a lil help, she's gonna grow up jes' fine. She's gonna have weird hobbies because she lives in a world o' superheroes and supervillains. Can't be helped. Not fer people like us. But she's a good one, too. Yer doin' good with 'em, Logan. Best ya c'n do. An' that's all any o' us c'n do."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan just answers in a series of barely inteliigible grunts. Logan then clarifies. "i don't me me get emotional inez not out here. in front of these folks I like coming here." Logan is usually a hard man but his 'kids' biological and those who just adopted him, are his weak spot. "I have killed more of my children then I've raised. doing my best ain't enough to make up for that."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Ain't yer fault, Logan. Yer not responsible fer how a person thinks, or feels. They gotta make their own choices in life. An' fer th' ones that came out that way from a lab? Still ain't yer fault. Yer not responsible fer someone else bein' a sick psycho with a PhD." Inez tilts the bottle back to finish off what's left of her beer, setting it aside and throwing down enough cash to cover both their tabs, plus a hefty tip. She stands, smiling at him, "Can't let th' actions o' others define ya, Logan. Then yer lettin' them dictate yer life. An' that's th' one thing ya really got control o'.. yerself." Resettling her hat, she starts to head off, then pauses, turning, "Hey, when th' buildin's ready, should come o'er fer dinner. Me, Jimmy, an' yerself. We'd love t'have ya." Then she's tipping her hat at him, smiling, and turning to saunter out of the bar.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Alright bub just let me know when i'll be there but I aint dressing up or nothing." Logan says before diving back into his drink. "have a good one Inez take care of yourself eh