Inez Temple

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Inez Temple (Scenesys ID: 3855)
Name: Inez Temple
Superalias: Outlaw
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: NYC
Education: High School Graduate
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Mutants
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 11 Apr 1992 Played By Charlotte McKinney
Height: 5'11" Weight: 142 lb
Hair Color: Blonde (wig) / Brown (natural) Eye Color: Blue
Twitter: Outlaw_Inez
Theme Song: Here for the Party - Gretchen Wilson

Character Info


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Inez Temple, aka Outlaw, was raised by her father on a small ranch outside of Harlingen, Texas. She learned to rope and ride between the usual ranch chores and schooling. Always possessed of a quick temper, she was dubbed 'Crazy Inez' by a classmate. Her mutant powers


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* 1992: Born and raised in Harlingen, Texas to Douglas Temple and his wife Donna. Her mother seems to have died in childbirth or left soon after, and Douglas Temple raises Inez on his own, never telling the girl what happened to her mother.
* 2004: Her mutant powers manifest as a result of her being bullied in school. As a result, her father often has to keep her out of fights she could easily win.
* 2010: On graduating high school she ends up at an 'academy' for people like herself. Her first introduction to Taskmaster, training under him for a few years before joining as a trainer herself.
* 2012: One of the founders of Agency X, there is now a small group of trained mutant mercenary/bounty hunters for hire.
* 2014: Agency X disbands after a rash of bad jobs, Inez starts hanging out with Domino. Also, her father dies.
* 2017: Married to Wade Wilson after a torrid affair.
* Present: Shows back up in New York after years spent moving around the country and 'laying low' to let statute of limitations run out on a few different charges.

IC Journal

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Inez is not a woman that has trouble letting anyone know what she wants and when. Thankfully, she's also learned how to take things in stride, leading to a more fun and flirty bent than aggressive or rude.

Beneath all the bluster and energy, Inez actually does care about people. While getting on her bad side isn't great, she's shown a remarkable ability for forgiveness and compassion towards others. While it might take some time to see that softer side of her, it does exist and can come up at the most needed times.

Fun without being pushy about it, she is unapologetically herself and will drag others along for the ride! No matter what she's doing, she's good at making it seem like a rousing good time. A true force of personality!

Inez Temple is a woman that knows her worth and makes sure she's treated appropriately. She is confident in her abilities, but also in herself, wearing it like a badge.

Character Sheet


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Accelerated Healing:
When injured, Inez can recover from minor injuries almost immediately, such as bruises or contusions. Cuts and broken bones can heal within hours or days depending on the severity of the injury. Bones will still require proper setting or they will heal improperly. Inez cannot regrow lost limbs or organs. This also gives her a higher tolerance for drugs and alcohol as her body processes them faster and her denser tissues require higher amounts to filter through.

Enhanced Eyesight:
While not possessed of the full suite of enhanced senses, Inez' visual acuity is beyond that of a normal human's capability. Noted for being 'eagle-eyed' on several occasions, she seems to have a sort of internal scoping ability that allows her to not only pick a person out of a crowd, but hit targets well beyond what a human's sight range would allow. Her upper limit has not been determined, but its been noted that she can easily pick a target up to a mile away.

Superhuman Durability:
Inez's tissues are denser and more resistant to injury than an ordinary human, most particularly against impact forces. She can and has withstood impacts that would cause severe injury or death to a normal human. She's fallen from great heights and taken blows from other super strong opponents with minimal or no damage. She can also resist the impact of gunfire, to a degree. Being shot multiple times by a .45 left her with little more than bruises, though she's still susceptible to things like machine guns or rifles.

Superhuman Stamina:
Part of her mutant 'gift' is that her muscles produce fewer fatigue toxins than the average human. She is able to physically exert herself without stopping for several hours before any sort of fatigue or impairment sets in.

Superhuman Strength:
Inez manifested an immense strength in her youth, making her a dangerous with a temper. While her upper limit has yet to be determined, on average she can lift around 10 tons.


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Armed Combat:
Much in the same manner, Inez was taught how to use a variety of weapons with no real focus on any particular type of blade or blunt instrument. Where she truly shines is when a gun is put in her hands. She has been highly trained in use of all firearms and is deadly with any gun put into her hands.

Inez's mutant gifts also aid her in more normal pursuits, making her a gifted athlete that can compete at or above a professional level in most things that she tries. This also extends to high-intensity activities, exercises, and games. She's been known to stay dancing long after everyone else is ready to call it. She's also extremely good with a lasso, able to snag moving targets from horseback.

Horseback Riding:
Growing up in Texas, it was practically a requirement to learn, and Inez took to it well. While she isn't the best of the best, she's shown she can lasso a man while on horseback, suggesting she's good enough to not need the reins or hands to maintain control.

As a bounty hunter, Inez learned to be precise with her shots, able to kill or wound on command. She wields firearms with incredible accuracy that is aided by her enhanced vision. Her skill with marksmanship was only enhanced by years spent as a bounty hunter along with Agent X, Taskmaster, and Sandi.

Unarmed Combat:
Inez has undergone rigorous training through a multitude of fighting styles, though she tends to prefer a good old fashined bar room brawling style. She worked with Taskmaster for a number of years, picking up different fighting styles from him during their time together. W


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As a Bounty Hunter, Inez keeps stashes of weapons all over the place, and generally travels with a small arsenal of hand-selected weapons. Nothing out of the ordinary, though some of the guns might not be strictly 'street legal', or even legal at all. Some of the blades too, for that matter. All of her weapons are things that can be easily found for the right price and with the right connections.

You can't be a bounty hunter without making friends in low places. Inez has a network of contacts she can reach out to for weaponry, quick escapes, or information on bounties. This includes both mundane and other contacts, though the 'other' usually comes with a higher pricetag or quid pro quo attached.

Offshore Accounts:
Inez keeps the money she's earned safely tucked away in offshore accounts in countries with non-extradition treaties, like any good bounty hunter should. While she isn't one of the megarich, she's able to keep herself in a comfortable lisfestyle, and is able to afford NYC prices without batting an eye.


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You can't be a bounty hunter, especially in the circles Inez has run in, without making a share of enemies. There's always the chance that one or more of her past targets or clients of failed jobs will come looking for revenge or worse, a refund!

Inez has largely lead her life knowing she's one of the bigger guns out there. And this can get her in trouble. As strong and capable as she is, there are certainly those who are stronger and more capable. And this can and has lead her to being out-manuevered or outgunned.

Soft Heart:
Even though she's a mercenary and bounty hunter, Inez is still a person. She cares for people and is just as susceptible to a good sob story as anyone. She refuses to hurt innocents, which has of course earned her some disfavor amongst the more 'hardcore' in the mercenary world. Likewise, she has been known to help those being hunted if she likes them or if their story touches her. Sometimes to her detriment, as shown when her apartment was completely detroyed when she harbored a healing Wade after a rather nasty encounter he had.



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Inez Temple has 64 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Riding the Cowgirl May 6th, 2024 Monet and Inez go out drinking.
That New Safehouse Smell April 18th, 2024 Inez and Domino get together for mischief and mayhem.
WWII Veterans Victory Dance and Exhibit January 12th, 2024 Damian Wayne hosts a party for WW2 Veteran Awareness. Bucky, Steve and Diana are the true stars of the show!
A (Not Really) Chance Encounter January 11th, 2024 No description
The Cat and the Bibliophile January 8th, 2024 No description
One Night in Alemeda County... January 6th, 2024 James and Inez start a stakeout, maybe?
Honky Tonk Intervention January 1st, 2024 Inez, Clara, Ted, and Opal meet at Opal's bar. Inez spikes Clara's drink. Hilarity ensues.
Post Zombie, Pre 2024 January 1st, 2024 No description
Ring in the New Year Clobberin Style January 1st, 2024 The heroes manage to fight the bad guys and stop the zombies but someone grabs the payand collects the combat energy released
Guns In Spaaaaaaaaaaace December 31st, 2023 Cable and Outlaw visit Nathan's secret stash of weapons.
These Boots Are Made for Walking December 26th, 2023 Eddie and Inez banter about fashion and the holidays while making future plans to hang out
The Handoff December 17th, 2023 Following a long con at a night club, Inez makes a drop off with Creed who sub-contracted her for a gig.
Better Than Lockheed December 17th, 2023 Sabretooth is contracted to steal a green kitty-furby-alien. Shenanigans ensue.
It's Not Broken! December 15th, 2023 No description
Another Day at the Gym December 14th, 2023 Wildcat picks up new students and meets an old friend.
The Workout December 13th, 2023 Inez. Ted. Who's the crazier one?
The Path of Progress: Hightown Rumble December 11th, 2023 Cable and his team hunt down their next lead on John Sublime's location at a Madripoor night club.
Outlaw meets Deadeye December 10th, 2023 No description
Two Girls, One Deadpool December 6th, 2023 Inez, Monet, and Wade celebrate big scores. Inez serves Wade with divorce papers after finding out he got a possible 3 million windfall. Monet decides to help and watch the world burn.
Murder In the Orient December 5th, 2023 Inez takes Venom out for snacks.
Gyros with Anti-Heroes December 3rd, 2023 Merc vs Alien, ft. choco-kinks and the proper way to make gravy.
Try A Little Priest December 2nd, 2023 No description
Even Cowgirls Get Job Offers December 1st, 2023 Daimon Hellstrom needs a trigger woman. Outlaw's trigger fingers are for hire.
ONE OF THESE DAYS, INEZ! November 30th, 2023 Something something Cowgirl. Something something joke.
Penance and Paige November 29th, 2023 A group talk about coming holidays, presents, and the current state of Nicole and Claudette St. Croix, currently locked in the gestalt form of Penance.
The Check In August 7th, 2023 Cable and Monet drop in on Outlaw to make sure that all is well. Possibly laying the ground work in case they need to draw her in to the latest missions. X-Force.
Long necks and rednecks July 13th, 2023 Jacen and Inez random meet up in a dive bar. There was some fireworks.
The Perfect Plan...Almost June 20th, 2023 Future-Spider meeting the Golden Gunslinger.
Banner the most wanted. June 2nd, 2023 Ross attacks, but Mighty Woman, and Inez save the day with a little help from Hulk.
Outlaw Star May 7th, 2023 Talia and Inez talk in a Gotham bar.
Unicorn Hunt III: No Horsing Around August 12th, 2022 Definitely not The Last Unicorn movie. Phoebe, Mike, Inez, Hope, Steve and Wade stumble across each other in Times Square and take on not only a two-story tall undead unicorn, but also The Ringmaster. Steve takes out the Unicorn with a one ton bun, Inez gets to ride the undead unicorn like the proud Texan she is, Hope gets kicked into a building, Mike's rhyming skills are excellent compared to the Ringmaster's, and it's just not a party unless Wade leaves with broken bones.
X-F: MAX EFFORT MAH BITCHES! July 8th, 2022 The finale of X-Force's inaugural missions. The team manages to fight off their doubles and save Neena's brother with only minimal physical and emotional trauma. One loose thread remains unravelled, but we'll have to see where that leads.
Yukon AIM July 8th, 2022 The Bear defeated, the wolves vanquished a beleaguered X-Force calls this a win and finds more details of AIM's diabolical shenanigans.
Shoppping Trip, Take Two! July 4th, 2022 And a good time was had, with new clothes acquired!
Shopping is The Bomb! July 2nd, 2022 A blast was had by all.
Wonderland: Murder on Disorient Express July 2nd, 2022 Rien learns the cardinal rule of any Wonderland Detective: Logic is the first to be murdered.
X-F: X-Force is Back! June 26th, 2022 X-Force (along with Power Girl) manage to destroy the final genetics facility linked to Armadon Labs. But the ringleader of the shady organization and his pet Evil Deadpool are still at large. Where could they be?
Funny Meeting You Here... June 13th, 2022 Introductions are made, business advice is given.. but more importantly, there's cheesecake and Golden Girls!
X-F Side Dishes: Mistakes Were Made May 29th, 2022 Inez comes to Wade's rescue when a recon mission goes awry. The entity labelled X-00 turns out to be a Frankenstein's monster version of Deadpool constructed out of disparate body parts that Wade's lost over the years. It gives Wade two near death experiences and Inez a warning. (And it stole Wade's color to boot!)
FIGHT NIGHT!:Gotham's Lucha Underground May 15th, 2022 lots of commotion and a fight to the draw between 2 of the heaviest hitters around.
Don't AIM, just shoot May 1st, 2022 No description
X-F: Kitties Need Scritches April 29th, 2022 X-Force takes down another of the facility bent on cyber-genetics with the help of Inque. More files were found on their next target. But more questions were raised: Who is the mysterious man who seems to be in charge and what is X-00?
No More Bachelor Pads April 24th, 2022 Wade decides to show Inez his room on the Asteroid and after some more heart to heart, they decide to use the quarters as the site for their second honeymoon.
X-F: Roses Are Red April 11th, 2022 The first mission for X-Force is a resounding success but leads to implcations of something far larger than any of them had bargained for.
Date Night on the Boardwalk! April 10th, 2022 Look, a Rare Date Night That Doesn't End in Bloodshed or Explosions!
Mirth April 9th, 2022 Outlaw and Cable meet in a bar, discuss life, the universe and Wade Wilson.
Getting to Knoooooooooow Yoooooooooooou April 4th, 2022 Getting to Know All About Yooooooooooou!
A Fool's Birthday for a Fool April 2nd, 2022 Wade, Inez, Domino, and Clarice celebrate three out of four birthdays in one night while discussing the formation of a morally gray mutant super group without stigma or gender bias.
Secret of the Sisters: Resolutions April 1st, 2022 The Outsiders and friends regroup after the attack on Alchemax. Wounds are healed, plans are made, Deadpool is itchy.
Jiggedy-Jig March 28th, 2022 Smol glimpse into a morning and the life.
'crazy' night in hell's kitchen March 16th, 2022 Logan and Outlaw share drinks and words in hell's kitchen
Outsourcing is Always an Option March 12th, 2022 Inez and Neena check in on Wade as he continues his long play of helping his 'family.' Discussions of possible future scenarios are had over drinks, because why not?
The One about the Claw Kids March 10th, 2022 Inez visits the X-ers with Gabby in tow while Jimmy shows them around his mansion.
Srs Bsns March 6th, 2022 Inez pays a visit to Wade at his usual HQ. Some drinks are had, work is discussed, and the happily wed couple set off for a romantic masacre of a mutant trafficking ring.
Xaviers: Spring Break Volleyball March 5th, 2022 ROGUE WINS AGAIN! The others are pretty great too tho.
Welcome to Best-Mart February 28th, 2022 During a shopping trip to gather supplies, Inez, Sam, James, and Tabitha have to interfere with a domestic dispute.
For Want of a Nail... February 26th, 2022 No description
Don't Tell Mah Heart February 25th, 2022 Inez and Jimmy reconvene at Harry's
Open Air Union Square Market February 24th, 2022 Goodies were had, bonding occurred!
It's cue with a C. February 23rd, 2022 No description
A Question of Nuptials February 22nd, 2022 Wade and Inez catch up and discuss their past, present, and future going forward while dining on steak and beer. All in all, not a bad restart as far as Wade's relationships go.
Ride 'Em Cowgirl February 19th, 2022 In which there is a Mercenary Mutant reunion and much blackout drinking that will happen
Burgers, Beers, and a Drawl-Off February 19th, 2022 Came for a burger & beer, left with dessert!
Quiet in the Coffee Shop February 19th, 2022 Emma Frost goes to hire a group of reputable killers for hire to find some cloners who made Divine to be dealt with.


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Inez Temple has 64 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Inez Temple has been credited in 0 shows.

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Inez Temple has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Inez Temple has authored 0 books.

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