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Latest revision as of 02:20, 18 March 2022

Don't Drink & Get Tattooed
Date of Scene: 17 March 2022
Location: Hunter's Moon Tattoo - Main Shop
Synopsis: It's St. Patrick's Day. That means there are drunk folks...and someone gets offended before throwing beer. Daniel is looking for someone and gets into the middle.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Daniel Chain

Micola Maximoff has posed:
It is St Patrick's Day!

Which means that locations all over New York are serving green beer and being swamped by people dressed in green and other various novelties. The Brighton Beach area is no different and there is a lot of college kids that are on Spring Break but didn't have money to travel. Which means they are out drinking in droves and it's the cheap stuff.

The weather being warm only adds to the crowds. There are people coming and going out of Hunter's Moon tattoo as people try to cram into the little space. There are drunken laughs and some pushing, but mainly just people window shopping. Micola's manning the front for the moment, making sure that people don't do anything stupid, which given there is alcohol involved there is a real threat of it.

Daniel Chain has posed:
The hunt does not go well.

Not that Daniel would call what he's doing 'hunting' exactly. For him the term brings something closer to 'foraging' to mind, and this is hardly the same thing. But that doesn't change the fact that it's not going the way he'd prefer it. When he made the decision to start actively pursuing his quarry instead of just passively looking for clues, he'd gritted his teeth against the frustrations that working with this world's forces and materials arose in him, and tried his hand with both his unique vision and his tricks of spellcraft. But as good as he might be at getting results, his quarry seems equally good at obscuring them.

For the moment, he's turning to the workings of... well, 'colleague' isn't exactly what Hex may be, but it's the closest thing he considers her to be, here in this world. And she seemed so confident that the tools she lent him would work! True, they've already led him on one false chase, but that just had to be his own failings it their operation, surely. This time for sure, it would work!

But the streets are oddly busy today, and while the young man in denims and the white streak in his hair is doing is best to keep up with the free-roaming device, trying to weave his way through the throngs with a guitar case in hand is... troublesome. And so, it becomes easy to loose sight of it...

...which means in addition of the usual craziness Micola may be looking out for, she'll also now deal with a Roomba with a pair of rabbit-ear antennae whirring its way along the sidewalk, by some miracle not getting stepped on and crushed. Although sensing all those obstacles means it'll turn, and be on a course to bump against either her doorframe or her leg, depending on the flow of traffic.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to one of the girls that comes to the counter, clearly someone that had been drinking all day. They wanted matching shamrocks. Thank gods it wasn't another butterfly tattoo. Though they get distracted by a group that finds them, "Oh wait, noooo. No tattoos." one of the old girls shakes her head. "Yeah we don't tend to tattoo people that are intoxicated." Micola states to them. The group ushers the two girls out. One looking a little peeved that they cock blocked her tattoo.

The woman with the greenish-blue hair looks down when something bumps her leg and she gives a bit of a blink, "Ummm...did someone lose a Roomba?" she asks as she crouches. Quick hands reach out to pick it up, "You're going to get stepped on in this crowd..." she looks over the robot. Looking to see if it showed where it came from.

Daniel Chain has posed:
"Excuse me! Excuse me, I -- oh! Sorry!" Daniel neatly sidesteps the grumbling girls as he hurries up see who's got his Roomba. Hurrying up with an apologetic smile to the pizzled Micola. "I'm sorry. Seems I let this one get away from me." Carefully setting down his guitar case and shrugging off his backpack, deciding it's probably better to stow the thing for now. "Thank you for picking him up before he got stepped on."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a jump when Daniel approaches, "Oh! I thought someone got weird with a bomb or something. Can never be too sure." she chuckles. She looks to the round robot and then hands it over to Daniel, "Yeah, in this crowd they'd definitely squash him. So happy to help." she smiles to that.

"And some people just like to break things to be assholes, so double fine saving someone some cash. Replacing those things are expensive...not to mention whatever modifications it has." she states.

"Does it have a name?" she asks him.

Daniel Chain has posed:
"If he does, he hasn't told me," Daniel replies, completely seriously. "I'm not even sure if it's a 'he', come to think of it. Hm!" Turning the device over for a moment and peering at the undercarriage -- but no, no obvious clues there. The fact that this might be nonsense doesn't cross his mind -- Hex had mentioned her creations being alive, so he has no reason to think this one wouldn't be either. The fact that the girl in question may not be quite all there... well, that actually hasn't crossed his mind either.

For the moment, Daniel busies himself with removing the antenna and carefully stowing it and the Roomba in his pack, sighing when he straightens back up. Another dead end...

...or was it? Did the Rooma lead him here for a reason?

"Excuse me again," he says after a moment, studying the storefront. "But may I ask, what kind of place is this?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a genuine smile to that, "They look like a Skippy. Don't want to misgender them either." she nods to this. Then she notices the guitar case but doesn't bother the man that is packing up his robot.

Which lets her deal with someone that is cashing out after their tattoo is done. Daniel's question makes her look to him, a curious lift of a brow as he asks her what this place is. "It's a tattoo shop. We do piercings as well." she offers. There's a look to the guitar case, "Do you play the guitar?" she asks him.

But with both of them distracted they don't see the grumpy college girl from earlier barge back into the shop with a freshly poured grin beer in hand, she finds Micola in the crowd and launches it at her with a drunken and slurred outburst as Mic and Daniel both get a green beer shower.

It causes the shop to go quiet, like the calm before the storm.

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel gives the storefront a thoughtful look, glancing aside at Micola's question and starting to answer -- but that's when a very loud, very obnoxious and soon-to-regret level of inebriated college girl decides it's an excellent time to be brave, and proceeds to shower them both with beer.

Daniel's first reaction is surprise, a startled blink. Back home, having something lumber up babbling in tongues at you and proceed to shower you with vile liquids, would be considered an attack. Or lunch, depending on how generous you felt. But honestly, this person seemed so... well, bumbling, that a threat never crossed Daniel's mind. That's something he's going to need to work on, tch.

The second reaction, is curiosity. He's seen people carrying cups of that green drink all day, and though he's been curious, he's set himself to work this time rather than play. But the opportunity is here, and so he takes a moment to lick his lips. ...urgh. His first taste of the brightly-colored, yet bitter (and most likely cheap) brew is not a favorable one.

Curiousity more than satisfied, Daniel glances aside at Micola, wondering just what the correct response is in this case. No one's made any analogies to him yet about nukes and flyswatters, but he would find that apt if he considered what his usual responses against threats would be, brought against this... person.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola sputters as she gets doused in green beer, "If you are quite done!" the usually quiet spoken woman snaps at the college girl. The urge to strangle her is overwhelming. Paper work and things are ruined or are going to smell of beer for DAYS!

She looks to Daniel and gives a frown, "I'm sorry that you got hit with beer. I'm sure we could call the cops and they could book her for assault." she grumbles as she looks back to the girl.

That's when her friends locate her again, "Oh...whoa!" one of the guys step forward, "What the fuck Brenda?! Come on before your dad has to pay for another cleanup, sheesh." he states as he takes the girl by the arm and starts to pull her out of the shop.

Brenda protests much like an ornery cat the whole way out.

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel blinks again at the suggestion, and actually laughs out loud, a bright and genuinely amused sound. It's probably just as well Brenda's friends are leading her off and she's being loud all the way, because she probably might have a thing or three to say about what he says next. "*Assault?* If *that* is the best that poor girl can do for an assault, let her be. She'll be food soon enough." Seeming to mean that every bit as seriously as he means the answer about the Roomba, unslinging his pack and rummaging around inside. Not reaching for the robot again, but instead for a roll of gauze bandage -- and twitching his fingers lightly, tweaking a light pulse of power and will down his fingers...

What he pulls from his pack isn't bandage, but a simple strip of clean white cloth, which he offers to Micola. Apparently not having a problem with standing dripping for a moment, offering her the means to dry herself off instead.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The man laughing makes Micola look to him a bit wide eyed, was he alright? Then she chuckles a bit, "Yeah...I'm guessing she's going to be fine." she chuckles. "Just take her out before it gets worse, please." she motions to her friends to do so. They do it without argument.

There is a smile to him when the cloth is offered over, "Ah, thank you. I've got some paper towels if that helps?" she asks as she offers him the roll from behind the counter.

"Were you looking for something?" she asks him with a curious look, using the cloth to wipe the beer out of her bright hair.

Daniel Chain has posed:
Ah, that's right. He has a job to do, doesn't he? "Looking for some*one*, actually. But I don't know if he'd be here -- thank you." This last as the paper towel is offered -- these Daniel is familiar with at least, and takes a piece to scrub at his own face and hair. The smell of beer isn't particularly bothersome (growing up among brimstone among other things, it's a pretty mild scent by comparison), but he decides he'll do a more thorough cleaning later. "I don't know if he'd be here, or would have come here."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a look to him, "Someone?" she asks. "We get a lot of folks through here really." she tells him. "Got a name or a face? I try to keep tabs on the rougher looking folks in case the cops come in looking for someone with a specific tattoo or something." she shrugs to that.

Then she finishes drying her hair out, but wishing beer didn't smell so freaking bad!

Daniel Chain has posed:
"A name," Daniel replies. " 'Marcus Chain.' I can't tell you of his face -- I *can* tell you he would be about same age as I am, and his hair -- " Here he pauses for a moment... and then takes a look of dismay. "I -- don't remember the word for it. Yellow? Yellow-gold? But it may not be that color anymore." He does know humans tend to change their color as a matter of preference, which he can get behind certainly, even though he felt no desire to change his own unique hair coloring.

Whether Micola has a ledger or will be using her own memory, the name probably won't ring any bells. And if any of what Daniel said sounded suspcious, he doesn't seem to think so, instead wadding up the sodden paper towels and looking for someplace to toss them.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a thought and then goes over to check her computer, "No, no Marcus Chains have come through. We've only been open since January though." she tells him. "Might check a few more of the more established shops and see if he's a customer there." she admits.

She picks up the little trash can, "Just drop them in here." she chuckles. "Are you like a PI or something?" she asks him.

Daniel Chain has posed:
"Ah, thank you. And thank you." For the advice and the waste can both -- Daniel chucks the wad in the latter before cocking his head at her. "P.I.?" he repeats. Tch. The Madwand's been thoroughly enjoying the city's culture, but that hasn't swung around yet to reading Raymond Chandler, or shows about Hawaiian shirt-wearing Ferrari drivers. As such, the term is familiar to him.

He *is* savvy enough however, to realize some kind of explanation is going to be needed. "Trouble from home," he offers. "They've sent me to come and get him."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"It's no problem." Micola tells him with a smile. She settles the trash can back down on the floor and then looks back to him, "Private Investigator." she offers. She doesn't think anything of it really, they had a lot of newly arrived folks that come in some days.

"Well...I hope that you find him. New York can be a bit of a rough place sometimes to those that don't know it." she states. "Again, sorry about the beer incident. We get some uncultured people in here on public holidays." she chuckles.

Daniel Chain has posed:
"Is *that* what's going on today?" Daniel looks back over his shoulder -- a job to do yes, but still curious, and always eager to learn. The concept of holidays is a foreign one of the Ebon Skein, but he can understand celebration easily enough. "I thought it seemed a little more exciting than usual. And quite a bit more green," he adds thoughtfully. Glancing at Micola, and giving a little 'ah!' as he takes another look at her hair. "Ah -- you're celebrating as well? My apologies if I interrupted you! And -- " Giving a sigh as he glances over his shoulder again, this time to his pack. " -- if Marcus Chain isn't here, I should get back to looking." Much as he'd like to learn more about what's being celebrated. Maybe even do a little himself. Alas, duty calls.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Oh, yeah, it's Saint Patrick's Day!" Micola tells him with a smile. "Everyone's Irish...and drunk today." she muses to that. Then there's a chuckle, "No, my hair is generally this color unless it's blue. I just like the color better." she admits. "And you aren't interrupting. Glad to talk to folks." she explains.

"Happy hunting, Mister!" she waves at him before she's looking to the line of folks. It was going to be a loooooong night.