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Latest revision as of 06:09, 19 March 2022

Meeting of the Scary Ladies
Date of Scene: 17 March 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma hires Lady Shiva. They get along!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Sandra Wu-San

Emma Frost has posed:
It took time and effort no doubt to make contact with a woman of Shiva's caliber. So after a few missives, some required payoffs, and locations of those that the warrior woman was on relatively good terms with, Emma Frost sat in the VIP lounge of the Hellfire Club. It had class, it had privacy, and it was a pleasanter decor than some of the wilder areas of the club. It was also setup for chit-chat, which many of the wider scaled areas did not necessarily have.
    So Emma Frost sits down, awaiting hers cheduled 'conversation companion'.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
Lady Shiva was in Dubai when the missive found her, lounging on a snow-white raft in a rooftop pool in a black and red swimsuit and designer shades with a fruit drink cupped in her hands.

Hearing it brought a slow arch to one dark, meticulously threaded brow.

"Your peers tend to prefer high-rise office suites," she evenly notes.

Now, it's possible - likely, even, given telepathy - that her arrival is not properly a surprise to the White Queen; whatever security might hover around the VIP area, though...?

A different matter entirely, thanks to silent footfalls and a knack for blending.

"Bunkers, occasionally. Garages."

A white silk headband holds long, dark hair in a vague semblance of order. A midnight black gown patterned with a slender wave of gold flowers undulating from hem to halter collar hugs tight to her chest, flares out into a long skirt with a slit up the unflowered side, and leaves tightly toned arms entirely bare. A tasteful handful of gold bangles adorn her wrists; on deeply red lips, she wears a curious purse.

"Limousines; private jets. Boats-- really, the full range of luxury transportation..."

Right across from Emma, Lady Shiva sits, crosses her legs, and leans back comfortably, letting her arm sprawl across the back of plush VIP seating.

"The recurring theme," she then spoils, leaning forward with her other hand cupped beside her mouth, "is a fear of being seen admitting that their needs have grown so great that they must reach out to me," complete with a small, taut smile.

"It's refreshing to meet someone who may not be so similarly burdened."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to fold her fingers together and then speak in fluent Mandarin, "My Lady, excellent to have you here. Thank you for being on time." She would speak respectfully, using all the right tenses and honorifics that would be required meeting a lady of Shiva's reputation and station. Emma even having a bit of hint of an accent on her in Imperial chinese. Beijing if she was doing it particularly well.

"Yes. What is money if not used and displayed? If it cannot buy happiness, it can get one everything else needed in life. What is the point of having it then if it is not be used? To be appreciated? Enjoyed? Money is not a thig you get for it's own sake."

It was something that one got for all the other things that it could get ahold of. Emma would incline her head. "Thank you for being here. Please do order whatever on the menu you might wish to have." Then Emma goes to take out a small leather pouched cinched tightly shut to put it on the table. "For your time and in appreciation of your stature." Within would be fifty thousand dollars of well cut small diamonds. No obligation; merely for having come and considered it.

Emma Frost considered it politeness as well as following proper etiquette and protocols. These were all about the rituals and traditions.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
Emma's words, her choice of language, and sparkling offering - she doesn't check, but she has seen many small leather pouches bulging just so, in her time - all merit a long, silent spell of contemplation during which Shiva is utterly still.

Finally, with a low and soft note of amusement, her smile widens; her eyes are, and have remained locked squarely upon Emma's.

"Your reverence is appreciated, Ms. Frost," she offers, even-toned and still unmoving. "As is your thoroughness: you took your time in finding me. You were willing to chance any number of failure points in the communications chain between us; you spent freely-- lavishly, even. I know what it costs to commission a trustworthy courier able to approach the Address'," the ultra-luxe hotel where the missive ultimately found her, "pool without detainment."

"I would be flattered, if it didn't make plain how badly you must want something."

The smile stretches just a touch more, splitting to bare a flash of pearl-white teeth.

"If your offerings," her eyes rove down to the diamond pouch, linger, then return to Emma's, pointedly, "weren't so clearly an extension of your own ego."

Again: her next movement is not entirely without warning to one of the world's foremost telepaths, but to anyone else Lady Shiva may as well be a pearl and midnight gale swirling from one seat to the other.

"Which isn't to say that I'm ignorant - or unappreciative - of the sheer audacity," she assures once she's settling in beside Emma with the graceful ease of a predator in her habitat.

"Only curious at what a proud, clever woman like Emma Frost must need from the likes of me."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her fingers together and go to casually rest her palm on the table. "All things have multiple points o ffailure to them. Everything has risks that are calculated against the costs compared to teh objective. It was an investment that may or may not have panned out. Such is the price to be paid. And I have contingencies in place should they have failed. My requirements would be met.. Just not by the best." The best in the world are worth the investment, worth the risk..
    "And for my needs you will do excellently. Do not think me however desperate. While money to a limit is no difficulty for me, I will not indulge if you feel that you can push excessively." That was also point of the negotiation. One did not back down and yield all the power in them over to the one being offered a job as a freelancer. It was a sign of weakness and would let the sharks circle.

"All this is to indicate appropraite respect for you and your capabilities. I wish to ensure that one of your standing and perfection is in turn treateed as they should. One does not settle for second best after all."

This was purely haggling. Emma might not -need- to, but it was part of the game. And it was a sign of desperation to give in all at once. And it was cultural.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
"I don't," Shiva promises.

"Need is not the same as desperation-- no matter how great it may happen to be."

As her arm stretches across the back of she and Emma's seat, she takes a moment for wordless appraisal by way of eyes bouncing over the length of the White Queen. The proximity's part of the negotiation too: one doesn't offer one's self up to the whims of the types of people who need deadly, enigmatic women to handle their affairs without understanding exactly what their prospective employers are made of, after all.

It's a sign of weakness that would let the vultures circle.


The lovely predator cants her head just so while one brow arches.

"Emma Frost is a social icon; Emma Frost is the young, vivacious head at the tip of Frost International's spear... and yet, Emma Frost has needs that only I," she emphasizes this to make it clear what she thinks of -- whatever contingencies Emma might've lined up in the hopes of replacing her, had things gone differently, "might fulfill." Leaning towards the CEO, Shiva's brow continues to rise.

"Emma Frost has secrets," she whispers, "and I would know one of her deepest before even considering a commitment to her cause."

This, too, is haggling-- but whether it's truly necessary or not is an open question.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile over at Shiva as the two would go back and forth, and Emma would rest her hands up and over on the table, in a display that she felt no threat from this over. And as Shiva would go on, Emma would continuet o look amused. "Very well then. If we're going to make this show of trust as part of this.. I feel that it is an appropriate question. In turn I expect what I share to be kept a secret and not shared -and- for it to not effect our negotations. I will share this in return for those promises from you and them kept sincere."

This was another part of the haggling. For form, for substance.. And also if one was asking for a secret to be shared, the one that was sharing it in turn could ensure that it would be kept a secret. That was the way the game was played and only a fair thing in return.

"I consider your question acceptable in return for those conditions upon it." One never gave up something for free.. But, this was part of the back and forth.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:

And to seal it, Emma gets a full flash of perfect white teeth, which -- despite its sincerity has a decided and subtle edge to it that just can't be gentled out of such expressions from such a woman.

"I'll even give you one in return."

And because it is a secret, she gets close enough to share it right in Emma's ear:

"I let your bouncer have the satisfaction of feeling that his job was properly done... but I am armed. Considerably."

As Shiva draws back to sit upright, she lifts a hand and crooks her fingers just so, beckoning to a passing server. "Think of it as insurance for you and I both; whatever secrets you might contain, I trust that enemies are among them. Aren't they?"

A beat.

"That one won't be counting, obviously," she adds with a sparkle in her eye. A few moments later, her attention turns to whispering a drink order in the server's ear, then sending them along with a gentle wave.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile over at Shiva, "I do enjoy a girl who can appreciate the finer things in life -and- entertain herself in the process. I'm almost amused by that to have it count as the one that you've shared." She would go voer and then mvoe to be totally silent and appreciative.

<<I do appreciate a lady who can also keep things to herself>> Emma Frost's lips do not move, and there is no sign of her having spoken.

Emma Frost in turn reveals her status as a teleapth to Shiva. Which most assuredly did count as something that very, very few knew over.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
"... ah."

At least now the smile makes it all the way to Shiva's eyes, still asparkle with interest.

<<I meant the presence of enemies in your life, Ms. Frost,>> then emanates, redolent with crystalline calm. <<Which you've wisely eluded-- save by implication, I suppose.>>

Shiva closes her eyes for a beat, breathing in.


<<I enjoy you so far, Emma, but I'll tell you now: your first unwarranted intrusion into my will or psyche will be your last,>> she states, still as calm as a lake on a clear day.

"In the name of honesty," she adds aloud, reaching to graze Emma's temple and a few blonde locks while her eyes slit open, "and fostering a fruitful relationship between us. Now:"

"Tell me: what is it that you need from Lady Shiva, full of pride and devoid of desperation?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean back over and unfold her hands and smile, "You did ask and I shared. I will not read your mind. I'm not sure if I could even if I wished to." That's something that's said so sincerely one could hardly tell if it was a lie or merely a statement for propriety. "I see no reason to unless you ever specifically request me to."
    Because sometimes one did want to have a telepath go around.
    "And I wish to have someone to be a.. Guardian. I've had an extensive and highly irritable number of those with less than effective reputations come after me as of late. I wish to have someone on.. Retainer, shall we say to deal with them for being impertinent and to make an example of them so that there are no more repeat incidents from any and to make sure the poitn gets across."

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
The smile's mostly for Shiva herself-- a muted show of pride in her own instincts and perception.


"A bodyguard," she confirms, reaching for her incoming drink without looking and slipping the martini glass' stem between her fingers. It has a deep, pinkish tint and frothy surface like blood washed into the ocean; a single little triangle of pineapple sits on the rim. "I'm going to need to know more: are these <<bigots?>>

She pauses a tick while the thought resonates. Transitioning between modes of communication might seem seamless, but it takes a bit of adjustment for someone who doesn't do this sort of thing every single day.

<<Costumed criminals, or mercenaries...?>>

Once again, she shows a flash of teeth; the main difference this time is that it is wholly, unabashedly reflective of a jungle cat anticipating a hunt.

<<The law?>> she wonders as her 'voice' slides into a low, conspiratorial mode.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her fingers gently together <<Criminals and mercenaries. Of the higher threat level sort. Common bigots I can have neutralized. The law I can have paid off or intimidated. I wouldn't waste a woman of your expertise on something so -banal-. I've had an irritating number as of late of some of the higher class trash coming after me and interfering wiht my affairs and business. I wish to have them as need be neutralized and dealt with.>>
    SHe would go on <<And while I would appreciate having you as an active bodyguard, I can fully understand if you would find such a thing beneath you and wasteful of your time and a woman of your talents to be tied down to something long term>>

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
<<I wouldn't be so quick to underestimate the value of a dead bigot hanging in Time's Square~.>>

Shiva's response is probably a joke.

It feels like one at first: there is a ripple of mirth with it; her brows lift at just the right time, even.

But it still comes with a blood-red underline, joke or not.

<<As lovely as I trust your many and varied accommodations are, Ms. Frost, I think we'd grow bored of spending each and every day together; you don't seem like a woman who enjoys repetition in any aspect of her life,>> she estimates, smiling outwardly. <<But I'm willing to accompany you in public when needs truly require; to protect your interests here and abroad, as time allows; to ward off your enemies by making lessons of those who would dare accost you. I won't insult you by insinuating that this only stands for as long as your money does, of course.>>

She takes a long, measured sip from her drink, turning from Emma.

"You're already well aware of that, after all," she adds.

<<Tell me more about your irritations.>>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Lady Shiva <<Of course My Lady. Let us say for an elimination of a non-exotic nature.. A hundred and fifty thousand per removal, of course more being provided for something of a higher end nature. They can be negotiated on a case by case basis for what you feel is apprporiate renumeration for neutralization>> She's going to fold her hands together and just smile at Shiva.

"And I appreciate a woman that is so direct and professional."
    <<And bodyguarding depending on circumstances and duration.. Let us say double that base amount, with higher ones should there be a specific threat expected>> Emma would dip her head politely to see if these terms were agreeable.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:

There's no time for thought or consideration. The moment the terms are understood--


Lady Shiva takes another long sip from her drink.

"And what of your accommodations? I'm sure that a woman of your stature will find herself in need of protection for more than just a day, an outing; I am a simple soul at heart, but I'm no hound content with a warm patch of carpet to call hers. I expect you've got it in you to see to my comfort, should the need arise."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, I have a variety of options. Most of my resources are within the city but I can find most things simply when I travel." The joy of being rich and having connections. "I do enjoy my creature comforts and as you would be my bodyguard in transit it would behoove me to ensure that you were close to me, and in turn allow you access to the same." Always treat the hired help well. It's only polite.

"Is there anywhere on the Earth that you tend to enjoy going to so I can ensure where to give you access to as a bonus at some point?"

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
"Wherever there are frontiers that beg exploring," Shiva evenly replies.

This time, her smile's evident over the rim of her glass while she enjoys another taste of her cocktail.

"Just understand, Ms. Frost: I will gladly take your money, and your instruction. I'll accept whatever other amenities your presence and providence afford me... but if we are to enter into this contract, it won't be as master and servant; boss and employee;"

"Queen and subject...~"

Lowering the glass, she offers her hand to Emma with a quiet, jangling chorus.

"This is an understanding between equals, Emma; a mutual exchange of goods and services."

She doesn't bother dipping her head; whether her hand is taken or not is all she needs to confirm whether her terms are agreeable or not.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take her hand up to her own goblet of wine then and raise it, "Cheers then." She would match the smile back over at Lady Shiva. "And it's a pleasure to have made your acquaintance and to have procured your services." Shiva's word is her bond and htere is little need for anything else on the matter.
    Always make sure to stay on the good side of the hired help. It means treat them well, give them bonsues, and most importantly make them feel respected.
    She would take her own hand out to shake Shiva's firmly. "And a privilege. I've heard so much about you. It's lovely to meet the most dangerous woman on the planet."

Sandra Wu-San has posed:

Shiva's grip is firm: enough to communicate her utter commitment to this arrangement without crushing discomfort.

"I'm but a traveler, Ms. Frost; who could be more dangerous than one with the means and will to purchase the skills of one who lesser souls deem frightening above all else~?"

Without letting go, Shiva leans to touch the rim of her glass to Emma's goblet, then empties what's left of her drink.

<<I look forward to learning more about this deadly presence in the time to come.>>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would clink the glass and smile, "Lovely. Would you care for some refills then? Anything you might wish from the bar is on my tab, so feel free to indulge yourself if you would prefer." Emma would again casually offer and smile.
    <<I do as well as soon as they make enough of a mood for me to decide they've overstepped and I wish to have an example made out of them. Your money will be well earned then.>>
    Were the two women actually getting along?