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Latest revision as of 06:09, 19 March 2022

A day out checking out other Zoos.
Date of Scene: 17 March 2022
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Emiko and Bart have a good say and are joined by Kate
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Emiko Queen, Kate Bishop

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had an early class this morning, and knowing Emiko's class schedule he makes sure to find a lamppost near where she has parked her motorcycle. He leans against it trying to look all cool, probably more goofy than cool but he is trying

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emi heads out from her last class, trading some notes with a classmate before smiling and waving as they part ways to head in different directions. Heading towards her bike, she slows as she notes the figure leaning against the lamppost. A smile spread as she strolls up towards him, "You know, you should be careful hanging around like this... my boyfriend might see you." She approaches him, reaching out to tug lightly at his jacket, "He might get jealous and come kick your butt."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and lets her tug him, and leans in to kiss her, and says "Well if he comes after me, I can run pretty fast." He smiles at her, and his hands find her hips hold her a moment, and says "If you aint got any plans, thought maybe we could hit central park zoo today."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Returning that kiss, Emiko smiles against his lips, "That so? Will you run off with me, then?" Winking, she keeps her arms curled around his shoulders, smiling up at him. "I'd like that. I haven't been yet, kinda got busy with the boyfriend and the apartment and all that."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will scan about making sure none are watching them, and then he scoops her up and off they are, soon standing just down the path from the zoo, even made a stop by to put her school stuff away/

Emiko Queen has posed:
Whirled away to a fan-er, to the Central Park Zoo, Emi drops her bag at home right quick before they head out! She also makes a mental note to look into a service that will pick up her bike on the days Bart runs her around so she can have it delivered to the apartment and not have to worry about overstaying parking meters. NYC street parking is weird.

When they arrive at the zoo, Emiko takes a moment to make sure she's not TOO rumpled, then beams up at Bart and takes his hand, "So! Where to first?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles at her, and says "Well I figured we would start off at the beginning, and just take our time making our way around, maybe save the bears for last, so we know the last part is one you will like alot.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Sounds like a plan," Emiko leans in to kiss his cheek, squeezing his hand as they head into the zoo. "So you want to be a vet, do you plan to open a practice here in the city or were you wanting to start out working for someone else?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen walks along holding her hand as they walk. He shrugs a bit and says "I am not fully sure yet, I may just stay on at the Gotham zoo for a while, and after I have some experience decide what I want then. I may work at this rescue center I have heard is being worked on."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko grins up at him, "Oh yeah? Anyone that I know involved with the project? You know me, I love a good charitable enterprise..." She nudges him lightly and murmurs, "I was hoping you might want to work there. And if you might want to recommend someone that can hold the in-house veterinary position? I want to have some cabins set up, nothing too wild, but that way we can have staff on the premises 24/7. And we should really make sure we involve some good vets in the setup, too."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "I will ask around, and see what I can find out. I know Dr. Johanson is considering retirement in a couple years, maybe interested in something like that a little lower paced, and away from Gotham. I will see what she thinks about it."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"That would be awesome. I really want to make sure we get a good starting team in place so we can ensure good practices are in place from the get-go. And I'm going to start talking to the various colleges in the area to see if we could set up a work-credit program for veterinary students, too. And offer volunteer opportunities for students in general to come help with the animals, or just spend time with them." Emiko smiles across at Bart and lifts a shrug, "We can even try to pull a lot of our part-time help from the surrounding colleges, help kids be able to have some extra cash while they're in school."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Maybe even work with some of the surrounding homes for the elderly and orphans to bring some of the friendlier animals about to get the animals, and the people some time together might be good for both.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko nods, "If we can. We're focusing on animals that are less likely to be adopted, either because of age, infirmity, disease, damage, or just because their temperament is such that they can't be in a normal household. So certainly some of the animals could be trained and certified as emotional support animals, they could easily be taken around to nursing homes and orphanages to help liven days. But some of them won't be able to leave the property." She smiles up at him, "Older animals, cats and dogs especially, would be wonderful to take around, though. They tend to be calmer and less excitable, and appreciate the positive attention."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Thats what I was thinking, I mean Min and Hug would be good with people, well once they have their zoomies out." He grins and says "We could possibly even add a service animal side of things for either animals that are no longer needed, or ones that turn out not to be the right temperment for it.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Oh yeah, those two would do -great- with people. Such cuddlebugs when they aren't too busy exploring or playing... or zooming," Emiko chuckles softly and gives a nod. She glances at him with a smile, "I was also thinking we could offer to take in police and military animals that lose their handlers. And we could offer positions to veterans and retirees that better know how to work with them."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "And we could also work out a way some of those might be rehomed, I mean specially for the police and military ones. If an owner's pet has passed away we could hook them up with an animal who has lost their handler.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Shaking her head, Emiko grows quiet, "Police and military dogs can't be put with normal families. There's too much danger. They're very highly trained to do very aggressive things on command... and a lot of them have PTSD. Which... we can't really even begin to treat in animals. We don't even really appropriately treat it in people. They could possibly be rehomed with other police or military, but even that could be a risk to the owners. A lot of times if a police or military dog loses it's handler, they're put down because they bonded with that handler. Some of them end up in places specifically for retired service animals, but not all of them."

Emiko and Bart are wandering the paths of the zoo, looking at the animals and talking about a project that Emiko suggested, and Bart has been running with! The current microtopic seems a bit dour, but Emi is soon smiling again and offering, "But that's why I think if we bring them in and partner them with other vets or cops or rescue workers... it might be better. They'll be familiar with the training and the animals' behaviors. And it would make them more likely to be able to rehabilitate."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head to Emiko as they are walking along looking over the animals, and says "I was not thinking normal homes, was more like if a K9 officer , who was able to take the K9 with him, when he retired had lost his dog from old age or what not, he might be able to take in one of the dogs who lost it's handler.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate finishes up class, she goes to a pretty prestigious academy in Manhattan and commutes down to the tower where she lives with the Titans.

    She glances at her comms and browses through various alerts and then spots a bit from a certain duo headed to the zoo and that sounds interesting. Not hunting bank robbers or fighting aliens.

    So she drops a note to Emiko in DM through the comms and heads that way. Another note when she actually hits the zoo itself. ~Where you two at? I'll totally get Bart some hot dogs my treat~

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Now that could definitely work and was more what I had in mind too," Emiko gives a nods to Bart, grinning even as she pishes her phone out at the alert tone. Glancing at the screen, she smiles, "Kate's incoming! Awesome!" She responds with their location (near the red panda exhibit), then tucks the phone away to smile up at Bart, "But yeah, I'm think we have a lot of room for expansion with this project, though I want to keep the main focus on the animals that are in the city's shelters now. We need to help relieve the pressure from the shelters to take in all the extra animals that inevitably get dropped off after some crazy big fight or alien invasion... we can do that by taking in the old, the infirm, the special needs, the injured... the ones that the shelters are going to have trouble rehoming."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit at the mention of Kate, he smiles "Cool." but at the last bit while nodding something seems to dawn on him, and hmmms a bit to this and says "I wonder if we could set up a secondary location smaller, but secluded for any alien or special animals left behind after such things.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate snags a handful of hotdogs, honestly basically a bag with a dozen of them in it, and condiments, from a park vendor as she wanders along. She doesn't need directions to the Red Panda area. She grew up coming to this zoo. It also isn't the largest zoo in the world.

    She is sipping an ice tea in one hand, bag in the other when she comes into view and lifts the bag holding hand in a wave when she spots the other two Titans. "Sup!" not realizing the convo is about alien critters or special animals yet.

    The bag though is proferred "Hot dogs?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Yeah, I was thinking about that. Like.. the supervillains that have animals.. or just the experimented-on animals that have left them in a bad position. It would have to be a separate location, and one that is a lot more guarded, and kept a lot quieter." Emiko gives a nod of agreement to Bart, then looks up with a smile as Kate arrives, "Hey! Great to see you again, thanks for coming out!" She nudges Bart, "Well, this one could probably eat everything in the bag and still have room for more." Grinning, she looks to Kate, "We were actually just talking about a project that we're working on... an animal rescue project."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "Sure thanks." Bart has not been known to turn down food often, specially from someone he knows, and counts as a teammate or friend. He will take as many of the hot dogs as offered, and smiles a bit and says "A place for animals that have no other place to go."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Animal experimentation is so bad.... like what kind of person will cross a shark with wolves and use them to guard their evil lair. Bad guys."

    She hands over ten of the twelve hot dogs to Bart, then offers of the two hold backs keeps one for herself and offers one to Emiko. "I know right? Food abyss.." she notes amused about Emiko saying Bart could take the whole bag himself.

    "Are we going to start rescuing supervillain pets and guard animals and rehabbing them?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Well, that would be -part- of it... but actually what the initial idea is, is to have a place for all the domesticated animals that are kept as pets in the city. The ones that end up in shelters but are considered 'unadoptable', either because they're too old or too expensive to maintain, or they have injuries or behavioral issues that make them more difficult to find homes for. Or, the ones that end up being turned in because they lost their home during one of the many many crazy attacks on the cities. People lose their homes, they end up in hospitals or worse, they die... and their pet ends up on the streets. They get caught or turned in because their owners can't care for them... but the shelters can only take in so many of them. So... I want to provide a home for the rest of them. We're looking at property upstate, so we can take in the animals that people can't or won't adopt. We can bring more light to their situation. Maybe get some of them rehomed. Then we can expand. Service animals. Sea animals. And potentially those animals that are used and experimented on by supervillains, or that come from alien worlds themselves." Emiko looks a bit winded after the big explanation, then grins and takes the last hotdog with a nod of thanks. She motions with it as she continues, "The last part would have to be a separate location, secret and well-guarded. I don't want the other animals to suffer if some villain comes looking for his tiger."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and makes sure no one is watching and make short work of 8 of the hot dogs slowing down for the last two. "I still say we get Beast Boy to do a spot on social media once we got it up and going, maybe ever talk to Haley. She loves her Hyenas and am sure anyone who is hurting animals would get a mallet upside the head.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Ooh... so like a sanctuary, no kill, for pets. That isn't a bad charity or nonprofit." she thinks about it. "Very expensive though. Might be easiest to build up the network of no kill shelters that still try to rehab and adopt. Also boost the rescues for various animals. Like parrots and pitbulls."

    Thoughtful as she takes a bite of her hot dog and loks at the zoo exhibit nearby. "The supervillain pets though you are right, totally different, need their own secret shelter or sanctuary."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I'd be fine with that. Harley is... hm. I think that will be situational. She definitely loves her hyenas, but that's more like... the supervillain shelter side of things. Though I would be happy to see if she wants to help out with that one once we have it up and running. She clearly loves animals and has a rapport with exotic breeds, so she might actually be really good for helping with those types." Emiko lifts a small shrug and takes a bite of her hot dog with a nod to Kate.

She chuckles and flashes a grin, "Well, I'm a trust fund kid with a share of the Queen billions, and we've also got another super rich trust fund kid involved. So money -definitely- won't be an issue. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to continue to donate to shelters of all kinds, and animal rehabilitation efforts. But you have to admit.. a lot of places don't see the level of.. action.. that New York, Metropolis, Gotham, and Starling City see. There's a LOT of animals that suffer because of the fights that happen. Moreso than usual. So I want to help relieve the burden on the city and county shelters, since that's where a lot of them end up."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and says "and not that we won't be open for others donating money or time to help, but yea the first step is the more public side of things. Which will also be getting people to help watch over them, I am planning on talking to a couple of people at the Gotham Zoo since I work there.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I'm just saying there is infrastructure and volunteers in place. Reinforcing it all might be the fastest path to really making a difference. Can also take the pressure off county or city kill shelters or make them obsolete. Maybe push through the local laws to ban kill shelters even."

    She isn't dismissing the idea, just more workshopping it. Another bite of a hot dog.

    "I'd help too if you want, I mean one super rich trust fund kid to another." amusement. "Have you ever wondered why so many of us heroes are super rich trust fund kids..." then she blinks and looks at Bart "you work at the Gotham zoo Bart?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"There are, but they aren't necessarily in good places for expansion, especially not on the level that we're looking to do. Also, new place means less overhead for those non-profits and charities, means the grant and donation money they get goes farther and they can do more. But regardless, it's going to be a lot of expense and building costs and hiring costs... the startup will frankly be easier than trying to work expansion of existing places. And even those places are being overwhelmed because there's literally thousands, if not more, of 'unadoptable' pets. Money alone isn't going to do it. They need physical room for all the animals. Which is at a premium in the city. But outside the city? Up along the coast? Lots of land that's just sitting there, not being utilized, that those shelters and rescues couldn't hope to afford." Emiko lifts a shrug and smiles, "But we can."

SHe nods to Bart and smiles, "He's in school to be a veterinarian." She looks back to Kate, "And as someone who is working on both criminal justice and social work degrees? Changing the law takes too damn long. Years, if ever. So I'm working through the system, rather than in it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and says "Yea, don't think I have a trust fund or at least not one yet." He jokes a bit and says "Yea, I work night shift at Gotham zoo, gives me a chance to get stuff done and slip away if needed, and also about if anyone tries to mess with the animals there.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "That's pretty cool Bart." about the zoo job, and working on becoming a vetrinarian.

    "I really do need to spend a little less time with my bow and deciding what I want to do for a degree when I finish High School." she pauses "Which is in a few months.... currently I'm undeclared to Metro U." she just sighs. The hot dog wrapper is balled up and then she tosses it, sinking it into the trash can with a perfect shot not even looking. "Happy to help. Though it sounds like you are going to need to hire some good business people to make it work Emiko."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Chuckling lightly, Emiko shakes her head, "You have time, Kate. Enjoy it. I'm twenty-two and a freshman in college. I didn't have a... traditional upbringing. It took me longer to get to this. But it let me focus on the things I felt were most important to me." She lifts a small shrug and smiles, looking to Bart, "Yeah, but you have the know-how, and contacts in the veterinary circles, which we will absolutely need." She pops a kiss to his cheek and finishes up her hotdog, gathering up the wrappers and tossing them into the garbage can.

Nodding to Kate, Emi smiles, "I'm already on it. I've got a battery of lawyers, accountants, and business professionals helping to guide me through the process. And I've been reaching out to other non-profits and charities to find out what sort of issues and difficulties are most likely to crop up, and how they were dealt with by others."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and will toss his papers, and if any are not going to hit he rebounds himself. It is good to be fast. He smiles at the kiss, and nods to Kate. "It took me a bit to decide on mine, I mean like a few days, and I know that does not sound like a lot but for me it is quite a lot. I have been bringing treats for all the animals over at titans, so they get health treats for the pets and such."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Well sounds like you are the trust fund kid with a plan then Emi." amusement as she sips her ice tea and wiggles her now free fingers at the Red Panda.

    She turns back to the two of you and considers. "Still though let me know if I can help at all. Dad has a lot of publishing properties so can always handle some PR media I'm sure for a good cause."

    "I'm still sad we didn't get a baby carpet shark for the tower out of that last Wonderland incident."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko chuckles softly and gives a nod, "Ask Ollie... once I get something into my head to do it? It's going to get done. After I got Huginn and Muninn... yeah, that cemented the idea and made sure it was going to happen. Those two have already brought me so much happiness, and I love seeing them racing around and having fun." She grins at Bart, "I even told Bart I was considering giving up the superhero life to become a crazy cat lady out in the country."

She nods to Kate, "That would have been amazing, and I would have been ALL for keeping it around. I'm not Spider-man, but I know how to avoid floors when I need to." She bumps Bart's hip with her own and grins, "You missed a great evening there. Wish you could have seen it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit and says "Carpet shark? Yes it seems I did." He smiles at the hip bump. I do like meeting some of the more unusual animals around us, sad I did not get to see it." He admits. "Might would need a carpet tank or something but I am sure Vic could have whipped something up.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "One of the land sharks from wonderland ended up in the tower chasing a Snark. It was a whole thing. Baby though, absolutely adorbs. Terry scared it back to wonderland on accident sadly."

    Her empty ice tea is crumpled and then she tosses it next into the trash with accuracy. "Emi, who are Huginn and Munnin... do you have rescue ravens?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Oh it was absolutely adorable. You know that Baby Shark thing that went around for a few years? Like that. SO cute," Emiko smiles at the memory of the little baby carpet shark. She nods to Kate and grins, "Yeah, but the look of Terry being all floofed out like that? I wish I'd thought to take a picture. That was -great-. I feel bad, but it was the best thing." Then she's laughing lightly and shaking her head, "No. Though I would absolutely do that. No, this Huginn and Muninn are a pair of rescue kittens. Amercian Bobtails, black fur, both missing an eye. But not the same eye. Huginn is missing his left eye and Muninn is missing his right eye."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "And They have each decided one of us belong to them, but the other should help take care of them as well." He chuckles a bit and says "They do like to sit on your shoulder like some birds though." He will smile and pull out his phone with pictures, and says "They were part of what helped inspire the idea."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "One thing I learned very early on with the team." there is a dramatic pause. "Never feel bad for taking joy at Terry ending up in ridiculous circumstances. Hell I think he would probably agree with me."

    "Are American Bobtails like domestic cats or bobcats...?" she asks curious. "I've never really had a pet like that so I ... am not an expert sorry. Poor kittens though.. missing eyes."

    She steps closer to Bart to look at the pictures "Okay.. that is adorbs."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"He was just... so floofy. I almost regretted suggested we de-floof him with dryer sheets." Emiko lets out a chuckle and shakes her head, then looks to the pictures with a smile, "They're a domestic breed. They're Bobtails because they're born with only a partial or stub of a tail. In their case, they have this sort of medium length floof coat? So their little stubs are fluffballs atop their butts. Its completely adorable. They also have these crazy long back legs? Their jumping ability is... nuts. These guys aren't even a full year old and they're able to go from the floor nearly five feet straight up."

She glances to Kate and grins, "I did some research and had 'catwalks' installed high up on the walls and across the ceilings? Yeah... they have become the stealth bombers."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "We should have Kate over sometime to meet them." It maybe Emiko's place, but refers to it as we having them over. He smiles and after Kate looks over the pictures, he puts his phone away. "They are great, my pets at my place are a bit less sneak attackers."