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And Cael Said Let There Be Noodles!
Date of Scene: 21 March 2022
Location: Royal Dragon Restaurant - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Sara and Cael have noodles and talk, Bears gets two fortune cookies... such a lug.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Sara Pezzini

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's been making an honest effort to stay in touch with her roommate - even though the pair having been doing all that much 'rooming' up anymore. After a phone call, though, the pair agree to meet up for lunch at a Chinese greasy spoon (greasy chopstick?), and Cael arrives first being shown to a table near a back corner, where she sits - with Bear at her feet, dressed in his service vest. Cael pulls out her cellphone as she waits - fiddling idly with an app game to pass the few minutes between her arrival, and Sara joining her.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For Sara, this is her lunch break. Normally it would just be an hour, but today she clocked out for a two hour lunch so she could ride her bike over to Hell's Kitchen for noodles with Cael. It had been a while since the two of them were actually roommates, but they were still friends, still family, and she would drop everything when Cael called... no matter what.

Parking in the lot, she leaves the helmet on the seat of the bike and heads in side. Finding Cael in the lunch crowd would usually be difficult, with Bear however that made her stand out. Offering a wave, she makes her way over to the table to sit down.

"He's getting bigger," she comments, leaning to give Bear a light pat, but just one because he had his vest on. "Eating you, Jon and Martin out of house and home yet?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "God, daily," Cael mutters without looking up. "Sorry, one second. Almost... Almost- shit." She puts her phone down and then announces flatly, "I'm dead." In some game, presumably.
    Flashing her friend a broad smile now that she's looking up she adds a casual, "How've you been? How're, uhh... your boys, I guess?" I mean. What //should// she call the pair of them?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara chuckles as Cael 'dies' in her phone game, which is one reason that Sara doesn't play that kind of phone game. Ordering herself some tea, when the menus are set down, she sits back to look it over.

"Wade's been insanely busy," she comments idly, as if that is just how it is. "And Johnny's been here and there, I think the Rider is searching for someone specific, don't know, just know he's not been around much either."

Deciding what she'll order, the menu gets set back down and her eyes move to Cael. "How are Jon and Martin doing?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So we all sort of ditched you simultaneously," Cael remarks with sympathy - and something akin to apology in her voice.
    "Martin and Agnes are doing fine. Martin's still keeping busy with work, you know? Like always. And Agnes - well. She's just excited to be able to do normal teen things like shopping, and going to school, and whatever." She gives a brief smile at that remark.
    "But Jon... well. That's more complicated. Not.... great, though." There's obvious worry showing on her features.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Nothing goes into the green tea Sara ordered, she pours some from the pot for both of them as she listens to Cael.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." She offers, a slight smile on her face. "It's good that Agnes gets to be a normal kid. Martin and Jon should consider sending her to Happy Harbor, let her /really/ be a normal kid for a while."

She takes a sip of the tea then cants her head. "What's up with Jon? What has you so worried?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. I mostly leave Agnes stuff up to them, you know?" Cael remarks simply, reaching down to stroke Bear's head, which has popped up into her lap. "That sort of thing don't really feel like it's up to me." With her free hand she picks up the tea, sipping it before she continues.
    "I mean - I'm sure you know this, but this stuff is- it's just between us, yeah?" she remarks. "But Jon... I mean, aside from the fact that he's still dealing with being tortured, and the fact that he //died,// and all the things that happened in Du'at - including getting eaten by a //bull// apparently - just what the fuck?" What the actual fuck? She doesn't know how //she's// going to get over that, let alone Jon.
    "...Michael's been getting into Jon's dreams. Apparently he made Jon dream about me, Martin, and Agnes all dying - and then offered Jon power. Like some real Star Wars shit. 'Join me and rule the universe together - and you'll have the power to restore and save those that you love.' It's fucking sick. Like he hasn't been through enough, already."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The smile instantly disappears off Sara's face, and the tea gets set down on the table.

"It's just dreams," she states flatly. "There's no reality to it at all, just Michael fucking with Jon's head because he can. Tell me Jon isn't buying it. Tell me Jon realizes that the power isn't real, and even if it /is/ real, it's to serve Michael in his fantasy reality that he wants to make the universe in to."

Reaching over she picks up Cael's hand for a moment. "Tell me /you/ know it's all a trick to fuck with Jon's already fucked up head."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The power's real. We both believe that," Cael answers quietly. "Jon thinks Michael is lonely, that he... I mean, basically that he wants Lucifer back. His brother. That in his own sick, twisted way that he's trying to groom or force Jon in that role." Cael scowls wordlessly down into his tea.
    "Jon knows it's wrong. That Michael is not right, that he shouldn't accept, that it is just dreams, but... he's scared. He's worried that Michael will be able to infliuence him, and change him. And of course... it's all costing him sleep, which isn't helping him. It isn't helping him recover, or heal, or stay strong. It's a fucking mess, Sara. ...Jon's a mess." Her left hand continues scratching at Bear's head as she talks, seeking comfort from the pup.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For a short time Sara stares at the tea cup. The little porcelain tea cup at Asian style restaurants were always so cute. Two drinks, maybe three, and they were empty, but she had lost interest in actually eating.

"Jon needs to walk away from all of this," she finally says as she looks back up. "He needs to separate himself from the rest of this, and let the rest of us get Chas back. I know he won't, but that's what he should do."

She picks the little cup up for a sip, then looks back to Cael. "He hasn't been given any time to recover, or to heal, and I don't give a fuck is Michael is lonely or not. He needs to get the fuck out, go home, make all nice with his brothers and sisters or whatever the other archangels are."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "He asked. He tried. //He wants to,// Sara," Cael replies, bitterness leaking into her voice. "Uriel insists it's not an option. Maybe he's still fucking with Jon. Manipulating him." Cael has no trust for Uriel. "And even if he tried to - even if he did - do you think for a second that would make Michael back off?"
    She downs the rest of her tea from the little tea cup and then remarks simply, "So. One of the Archangels - Sandalphon - linked Jon and me. So I can be in his dream. So... Jon won't have to face Michael alone. Michael can't use Jon's dreams to corner him and harass him without backup anymore."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Without even thinking, Sara grabs the pot of tea and pours more into Cael's cup. When the waitress comes by, she places her order for noodles with a beef base, beyond that she doesn't care. They'll end up in a to go container anyway, and likely eaten by Johnny.

"Uriel..." she says flatly, once the waitress moves away again. "Who gives a fuck if he says no? Fuck him. Jon gets to choose for himself now, all the angels can go fuck themselves with razors."

She takes the last drink of her tea and pours more into her own cup as well. "And Michael may not let up, but that will be the /only/ thing Jon has to deal with. The rest will be up to the rest of us, while you take care of Jon when he's awake and asleep, the rest of us will go get Chas."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's own order is for some of the wide, flat rice noodles - stir fried with beef, and a spicy sauce. Regular broccoli, none of that 'chinese broccoli' bullshit. Then, after another drink of her tea she adds, "Believe me. I'm the first person in line for the 'Uriel can die in a fucking fire' fan club. But Jon trusts him. And the other Archangels seem to think Jon has the best chance of convincing Michael to stop all this bullshit. So. ...this is just how it is. I'm focusing on supporting Jon, though. Believe me."
    After a few more rubs at Bear's head she murmurs a quiet, "I'm okay, Bear Bear. Really." Her attention shifts back to Sara as she adds, "One of the drawbacks about this link between me and Jon... is that apparently, if one of us sleeps - both of us sleeps. Always. No matter what. So... I'm sticking to Uber for now, just to be safe." She makes a face at the idea of letting others drive her around, however.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"You can also call me when you need rides," Sara states, sitting back in her chair. She'd really like Jon to just step back from it all, but she knew he wouldn't. He doesn't listen, so set in being right at the center of things to help people, even if it cost him dearly, and thus far it had. Uriel's thoughts on the matter, regarding Michael, truly she gave absolutely no fucks about. Yes, he had helped her when she needed help, but that doesn't give him the right to keep inserting himself into Jon's life.

"I don't have a whole lot going on right now, not even with the force. They are still trying to decide how to handle the fact that I'm also SHIELD, whether that means I have to leave the force or not really. They don't even know I'm Avenger," she snorts at that, because it still makes her want to laugh that she is part of that team. "and they won't know. That would mean revealing the whole truth to them, and that can't happen yet."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "'ppreciate it," Cael remarks as Sara offers to give her rides, giving a nod of her head and a wry smile. "I mean, you know me - I'd rather be driving myself. But... not if it might mean falling causing an accident that could kill me, or Bear, or some random fucking pedestrian or driver, you know? If Jon just happened to doze off without realizing it. Fucking inconvenience," she mutters under her breath. It is what it is.
    After another sip of tea she asks, "The NYPD really doesn't know about the Witchblade stuff yet? How much longer you think you'll be able to keep that shit under wraps?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara chuckle-snorts, yes that is a thing. "I know you'd rather be driving yourself, that's the obvious answer right there, but you're right that it's safer to Uber or call me for now. Totally imagine you out on your bike and Jon dozing off and you in a ditch, so no... for now, rides."

She looks into the tea cup for a minute, not that there is anything exciting in there. "I managed to wave the questions off by being part of SHIELD," she then says. "Or rather telling them that, but I know it's only a matter of time before it's all out there in the open. Should I just tell them? Should I let it just happen when someone manages to catch me on their phone? I'm still unsure how to go about it, so right now... I just try to keep it hidden while looking for the best way to maybe /not/ be hidden."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You wanna know what I think?" Cael asks - but she continues without pausing. "I think it's better to be in control of the narrative. I mean, if it ends up on the news, and your bosses find out that way rather than from you... might not reflect too well on you. You know? At least in their eyes."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Looking up from the tea in the cup, Sara nods as she says, "I agree. I should pick the place, time and location and just go public. Tell my bosses at the NYPD first of course, then just... press conference, done." She pauses a moment, then adds, "Okay, need to tell my Aunt as well."

When the noodles are set on the table, she picks up the chopsticks and moves them around a little, not quite ready to take a bite. "You realize you'll have to be there, right?" She looks back up to Cael with a slight grin. "Cause standing in front of a bunch of cameras to answer questions is totally not something I'm prepared to do alone."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Please tell your Aunt before the press conference!" Cael remarks with a laugh. "Or she might get angry and cut us off from the tiramisu," she points out in a teasing tone.
    She digs into her noodles - struggling with the chop sticks. As much as she loves noodles, she much more accustomed to forks, still. She seems to consider Sara's remarks as she chews - appearing on TV, something high-profile like that - is honestly not a great idea for someone in WitSec but- it's not like she hasn't been all over the news for fighting with the Avengers, or protecting Manhattan from the angels, so- "Yeah, sure. No problem," she promises with a shrug of her shoulders. "If that's what you need."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The noodles are finally wrangled into a bite, complete with a piece of beef, and Sara takes a moment to chew and savor. She was a sucker for noodles, just like Cael. In fact, she was prepared to go on vacation and search out the noodle places in the US just cause. It would never happen, but it was a thought.

"Yeah, if I don't tell Ruth first..." she shudders. "The missing tiramisu would be the lease of my problems. She'd totally go postal on me, then go after you for not telling her because clearly you should have told her as well."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I do not need violent aunts on my tail!" Cael remarks with a laugh. "I have enough problems." Yup. At least she can make light of what is probably the most serious dilema in Sara's life at the moment. She grows more serious, though, as she offers her friend a reassuring smile.
    "It'll all work out in the end. One way or another. And I mean - probably strange coming from someone who doesn't really even use... their real name, but- I really think it'll be better in the long run. Just... being honest. Being open. Secrets are exhausting."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara nods repeatedly, almost looking exhausted. "Keeping all this secret for so long as been the most exhausting thing," she admits quietly, wrapping more noodles into a bite. "It's not like I have to share the details of Witchblade, cause that's a major no, but I can tell them the basics and it's time. It's been time for a while."

Then she snorts at Cael. "Listen, if I have to deal with Aunt Ruth, so do you. She already told me to invite you to all the holiday meals from now on, so you've been claimed whether you like it or not."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, well, what if Jon, Martin, and Agnes call dibs?" Cael counters. Perhaps surprisingly, though - she smiles, rather than squirms.
    "I guess we'll just have to schedule things so it doesn't all over lap. I, uh- it's been a while, you know? Since I really... celebrated any holidays."
    Her expression gets thoughtful before she adds, "Jon and Martin probably aren't //Christmas// people, anyways."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara grins rather broadly as Cael just gives right in to what Sara already said was going to happen. She doesn't pull a 'told ya so' or anything like that, she just grins, nods and takes another bite of her noodles.

"I already told Ruth it wasn't likely you'd come," she chuckles after she smiles. "I didn't go into why, just told her you have your own life and I wasn't forcing holidays on you. That was effective enough with her, she didn't ask questions. Maybe we can work it out, but Jon, Martin and Agnes comes first, plan your holidays with them."

Laying the chopsticks by the bowl, she picks up the glass of water that gets set on every day for every costumer and takes a drink. "Christmas isn't just about the whole Jesus being born thing," she then says. "So they might very well be the type of people to celebrate something that time of year, perhaps Samhain or just Santa Claus and the season of giving. Either way, that's months away."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. I imagine Martin does the whole Hanukkah thing," Cael points out with a shrug of her shoulders. "Which... not a thing I've done, but how different can it be? It's... food, presents, and family, yeah?" Family. Still weird. She shakes her head slightly, then digs back into her noodles.
    "I mean. We haven't talked about holidays or anything like that," she adds with her mouth half-full. "Just- you know. That vacation we're gonna take."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"No time for talking about holidays right now," Sara comments before taking another sip of tea. "Planning a vacation however, perfect time for doing that."

She wraps up another bite with the chopsticks, watching the way the noodles slither through the broth as they are collected. Holidays, vacations, these aren't things she talks about with Wade or Johnny, perhaps they aren't things that will ever be talked about. Wade's mind is in many places at once, including his work, and Johnny's mind isn't entirely his own. Sometimes Zarathas' purpose wins and he has to be gone, dealing with whatever the target is. It was life, neither good or bad, just what it was. She had already accepted that there would be times she would be alone again, and settled on the fact that that was alright.

Finally scooping the bite up to her mouth, she sits comfortably while chewing and just thinking. When she had finally swallowed she says, "Hanukkah has a lot more to it from what I understand. Eight days of stuff, but yeah close enough with presents and family."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael continues to struggle with her noodles, as they slip out of her chopsticks as she eats, making the occasional appreciative sound. They'd hit the spice level right on the nose this time. After a sip of tea she remarks, "Well, I'm sure when it comes around - Martin'll let me know. There was apparently another holiday the other day - something about costumes, and giving away treats to your neighbors, and jam cookies, and 'they tried to kill us but they didn't.'" She shrugs her shoulders. Hadn't all made much sense to her.
    After another bite she remarks, "Jon thinks I should get over myself and just join the 'Justice League Dark.' Something about 'how it's about protecting the world from magic - and not possessing magic.' And the willingness to show up, and make a stand, and providing a unique and valuable perspective..." But from Cael's dubious tone, she doesn't seem sure herself.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Jon's right," Sara responds without hesitation. "You should be a member, because you're always right there, ready to do what needs to be done against magic. I don't possess magic either Cael," she adds with a smirk. "I happen to have an artifact that is magical in nature, but me? I'm just a human wearing a bracelet. Don't need magic to be a member, just need the will and the drive, which you have. So yes, Jon's right."

Watching Cael with the chopsticks, Sara can't help but smirk a little, then slides a fork toward her as openly obvious while pretending to be nonchalant as she can manage. "You need to eat, you're going to starve at this rate," she chuckles.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You're both nuts," Cael counters - though she takes the fork with a wry grin, and digs in properly. After a bite she remarks, "So. Not much point in me asking if he's just blinded by his affect for me, huh? Since you and him are seeing eye-to-eye on this whole thing." She shakes her head slightly, and lets out a sigh. "It just feels... weird having a seat at that table. Like- why would any of them even listen to me? When I really don't know fuck all about what I'm talking about. But he was saying how it was helpful - me forcing everyone to come up with concrete //plans// - and the like." She smiles at Sara a bit wryly, before taking another bite.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
More tea gets poured as Sara listens to Cael, still smirking over it because yeah, Jon was right. She herself hadn't known much about the Justice League Dark when they first formed up and such, other than her constant comments that the name was stupid... she still believed that.

"None of them listen to each other anyway," she finally says with a slight shrug. "Most of the members are so used to working alone that the whole 'we're a team' thing goes right over their heads. The more voices that remind them to be a team, the better."

She moves a few noodles around to find a piece of the beef which she sets on top of the noodles for now. "I don't know fuck all about most of the magical stuff they all talk about. Sometimes Witchblade knows and tells me, but most of the time I'm just as much in the dark as you are. What I do know is that I can handle being hit by most forms of magic and not get too hurt, but I'd much rather actually /plan/ attacks then go in blind over and over and over again."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "God, it's amazing how many of them are //just fine// with going in blind," Cael bemoans dramatically. "The whole 'going to Du'at' thing was a nightmare for me. Getting everyone to understand that I needed to know how we were going to get there. What was going to happen once we were there. How we found Jon. How we... handled the problems we were going to encounter..." She shakes her head in frustration. "I still didn't get MUCH in the way of answers. But it was better than NO answers. Let me tell you."
    After another bite of her noodles she adds, "Things are still good, yeah? With you, and Wade, and- Johnny?" Yeah. She still hates the guy. What're you going to do, though?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The answer starts with a slight shrug of her shoulders before Sara says plainly, "As far as I know." Then takes a sip of her tea. "Nothing has happened to change the status of our relationships, but as I said I haven't really talked to either of them for a while. Life happens."

The piece of beef finally gets grabbed off the top of the noodle and eaten. "But I can say that the last time I talked to both of them, things were still good."

Now back to the other topic. "I like having a plan, even if I don't have all the information or answers to all the questions. We both are like that because of our training, FBI and police, we don't do shit without plans, contingency plans, plan Bs and so forth. For us, going in blind is a nightmare."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You need a framework. Or how the hell are you gonna improvise - without that framework as a foundation," Cael remarks with some frustation. "I don't see how they don't get that. It's just... nuts." She shakes her head, then after another bite she adds, "You know we can like- hang whenever? Get noodles. Or a drink after work. Or whatever. I've, uhh- things have been less stressful without Jon's... torture and death looming over me." She offers a wry smile at the strangeness of //that// sentence. "So I've been able to cut back a lot on the meds. Thankfully."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara lifts a brow slightly at Cael's announcements they can 'hang'. It wasn't something Sara had been thinking about, in fact she'd been thinking in the other direction, that she would see less and less of Cael as time went on. That's what happened in life, even with the best of friends, people drifted away.

"We could set up a night a week, after work for a drink or dinner or something," she replies, chewing a little at her bottom lip. "I'm glad you don't have to rely on the meds as much, I know you hate using them at all. Things will level out, calm down a little bit more, and hopefully soon we'll get Chas back where he belongs. That will help things calm down even more, less astral crap, and no Michael."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. Once we get Chas back - and I punch him in the fucking face for starting all this mess," Cael remarks in a dry tone. Sure, the guy's Jon's friend, but she's got issues, still.
    Lots of issues.
    "But yeah. Hanging out once a week would be good, I think. Just no karaoke," she remarks in a teasing tone. "Don't think that's much of a risk with the pair of us, though."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara smirks with a softly snorted, "I don't do karaoke, so no problem."

Waving the waitress over she asks for a to-go container for the rest of her noodles, before taking another sip of tea. "Wednesday or Thursdays are best," she offers, pulling out her phone. "I'm not on cases with the NYPD right now, but those days seem the slowest thus far. Could also do Friday, if that's better for drinking, no work Saturday unless I get called in by SHIELD, but I know how to sober up quick and hangovers aren't really an issue."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Honestly, I'm pretty flexible. Chief Carter's been giving Jon and I a lot of... leeway with everything that's been going on. She knows we've been working for the common good, and she's just leaving us to it. And well - the FBI's mostly decreased my duties to just working with the Avengers."
    Smiling wryly she adds, "It'll be great when I can get back to just... regular missions. Sort of miss it."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara cants her head, right brow raising. "That will never happen," is offered bluntly. "Pandora's Box has been opened, there will never be just regular missions. Everything will be touched by the insanity of the world, magic, demons, etc. etc. etc. There might be one here and there, but once you step through the door into the crazy shit, you can't get away from it."

She sighs softly, looking at her right wrist and the double bracelet. "There are times I miss just being a detective, but I've been lying to myself and the department for the past two years, so really I'm looking back even further for that regular work."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't know that that's true," Cael contradicts Sara. "I mean. I went through a period of doing a lot of missions with Cap, and Sam, and Barnes for a while. And I've been doing stuff with the Justice League Dark, lately. And who knows what's next? I mean - I know I can't go back to undercover work with gangs anymore. I've blown my cover, and there's no going back from that. But that doesn't mean all my missions will be //this// nuts." Unlike Sara, she's continued eating - most of her noodles gone now that she has a fork at her disposal.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara chuckles quietly. "I guess that's the major difference between us then, I don't get to go back to any kind of normal and haven't been able to for two years. What I did, false reports and lies to cover up the supernatural stuff, was wrong. It's all out there now, the NYPD is aware that stuff is out there and the lies are the past, but I haven't forgiven myself for that yet."

Continuing to take small sips of her tea, when the container arrives she moves her noodles into it, then steals one more bite. "But you are right that not all missions will be /this/ nuts," she adds after swallowing. "This particular mission, case, whatever this is, has been the most insane thing I've seen, and I wield a magical artifact with a god in it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I mean - I guess I never had to lie about anything other than... my name. And where I came from," Cael remarks in a wry voice. "So - yeah. I can see how that'd be hard. I wouldn't feel right lying to Chief Carter, or anyone else at SHIELD, or the FBI. I hope you're not too hard on yourself, though. You were in a pretty shitty position," she remarks sympathetically.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Putting the lid on the container, Sara lets out a slow breath, almost a sigh but really just breathing. "I hated the lying," she admits quietly. "I just didn't know how else to explain certain events that happened without going all, 'I armored up and removed pure the evil that was murdering people from the face of the earth.' So I'd exaggerate or flat out lie. No, I'm not beating myself up too much about it now, but it still lingers in the back of mind."

Finishing off the last of the tea in her cup she looks back to Cael. "I've been going through all the old reports, rewriting in the things that actually happened, without revealing Witchblade. I've been using 'through magical means' as the explanation, which when I reveal the truth, will be self explanatory."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It's good of you to go back and correct the record," Carl remarks seriously. "...do you have your own notes about what happened on those cases? Or you having to do it all from memory?" she asks. Because she knows what a crap-shoot //memory// can be.
    "If I could help at all... But not having been around at the time," she says in a wry tone - as she passes Bear a piece of her beef. The pup happily scarfs it up, before licking at Cael's hands.
    Gross, dog.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Tearing open a fortune cookie, Sara removes the paper fortune then gives the cookie to Bear. "I have notes," she replies. "Used to write things in code for myself, and did it old school in notebooks that I would then lock up. I won't rely on just memory, and some of them I don't have information on, so I've marked them as such. Other times, Witchblade remembers from cues in my notes, but if there isn't anything solid and written, I just leave notes to the fact that they aren't a hundred-percent accurate."

Opening a second cookie, she nibbles at the cookie herself, watching Bear staring at her, so he gets the rest. "Memory is a fickle thing, and honestly I don't know if repairing the reports serves any real purpose, but it makes me feel a whole lot better."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well - you never know who it might serve down the line," Cael points out. "What sort of weirdness might reoccur. Who might be able to glean something useful from your techniques, and your decisions. I think correcting them is a good thing. I think it'll be helpful someday. Maybe not all of them - but some of them, and since you don't know which'll be needed..." She gives a shrug of her shoulders, before setting down her fork. There isn't much left over - not enough worth bagging up.
    "And if it helps you feel better about it all - then that alone is reason enough in my book. We have enough shit on her shoulders, that... any guilt or whatever we can set aside? We should."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Assuaging guilt," Sara states with a sigh. "That's what this is about. Guilt of not being able to tell the whole truth. Guilt about lying in the first place. Guilt over breaking the law by falsifying the reports. A lot of guilt really, but at the time there were no other options."

Now she sips at the water, even crunches up one of the ice cubes before continuing. "I should have realized after the alien attack on New York that some truths could be added, but I was still caught up in the whole 'what the hell am I doing' part of it all, and having lost two partners..." she stops there, shifting gears and topics.

"So yeah, call me if you need rides anywhere because right now, that's my work days in the office. Reading and updating two years of reports."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Hey," Cael says, kicking out with a foot to nudge at Sara. "You did the best you could. Yeah? The whole mess was fucking rotten - but you did the best you could. And it doesn't seem like Yee holds it against you. From what you've said."
    She glances down to see Bear giving her the most pitiful look and she snorts at him, giving the pup a nudge as well. "No. You've had enough cookies, you lazy mutt. You're going to get fat. Geeze." She rolls her eyes, then returning her attention to Sara she adds, "I'll keep that mind. I appreciate it - seriously. I'm looking forward to having this... dream sharing thing turned off, though - once all of this is finally finished."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara grin a little as Bear attempts to beg more cookies from Cael. She knew the woman wouldn't give him any more, but Sara doesn't see the dog all that often so she spoils him when she does.

"Yee doesn't hold it against me, he considers it 'death in the line of duty', and he knows all the angles of the whole thing, but I still miss him." She sighs a little, then shakes it off.

"I can't imagine sharing dreams with someone. I mean first off, Witchblade would /never/ allow it, cause it means who ever it is might get information about him." She suddenly grins rather broadly. "Soooo... when Michael isn't fucking with Jon's dreams, what's he dream about anyway?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It's not the same," Cael agrees quietly - in regards to someone being around in person, or merely 'in spirit.' Though with Alis... It was nearly the same.
    Other than the fact that she didn't change or age.
    As for the question about Jon's dreams, she picks up her tea, taking a sip and then offering a simple, deadpan response. "Oh, I never remember dreams."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The last fortune cookie gets thrown at Cael as Sara says, "Bullshit, but good answer all the same. I'm pretty sure you remember his dreams because they aren't yours, but I'll let you have this one."

Finishing off the water now, she keeps her mind from wandering back to dinner at Yee's house with his wife and daughter, instead she tries to force her mind to stay in the present. "I think my Captain finally understands why I don't have a partner with the NYPD though," she finally says. "But understanding doesn't change the fact that if I intend to go back into the field, I need a partner... or they want me to have a partner, not sure which it is. It's the present argument going on."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael flashes Sara a broad grin as she's called on her shit - but she doesn't offer any explination of what the man's dreams were like.
    Honestly, it wasn't surprising that after all he'd been through - his sleep was troubled.
    "I can see that being a problem," Cael remarks with a thoughtful tone. "There's no one you could take as a partner, though? What about... a mutant? Or maybe there's someone in the Force who practices magic of some kind? There has to be a way to find a more suitable partner."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara shakes her head. "There are no mutant officers that I know of, nor anyone flinging magic," she sighs again. "You have to remember, the force is still primarily just average humans. Up until recently, anyone claiming to use magic would have been laughed out of the academy, and mutants are still treated like some sort of plague that can't be trusted. You know, the shit that pisses me off in ways I can't express without profuse swearing and large weapons."

Shaking her head slowly, Sara attempts to wrap her head around that problem. Police forces around the country were still ninety-nine percent humans, there was always that one percent that managed to be something else while looking and acting human. These human beings were being asked on a regular basis to deal with the chaos and insanity, which if they survived lead to prejudice against the types of people and things that lead to the chaos and insanity. It was a vicious cycle that wouldn't change until the world change.

"I've heard of a few mutants who have tried to join the academy, some who made it through, but I don't know where they are, what precincts they might be in, and it's not like I can go around going, "Hey are you a mutant? Want to work with me?". That would be like shooting them in the head."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well - there's got to be a way," Cael insists. "Especially if news of an NYPD task force to deal with unusual and unexplained incidents is made public - you'd think that would attract the attention of applicants who happen to have extra abilities, or magical knowledge, or- ...//something,//" she points out simply.
    "Maybe the right partner ends up coming to you."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Now Sara nods and a small smile touches her lips. "To be honest, that is my hope. We're still a few months from an actual task force, the first steps are in motions of course, but with the angel crap it all got put on the back burner. Once the reports are updated, the Captain and I will have a meeting and go from there."

Partner. She still wasn't certain about that, about having another one other than Cael, who technically wasn't even her partner. In SHIELD it was about teams, not partners, and the couple of times that Cael did work with her with the NYPD were special situations in which they used her FBI credentials.

"There is also the possibility that I leave the NYPD," she finally says bluntly. "Once the reports are redone, I might retire from the force to spare them all the problems that /will/ come their way once I go public with the Avengers. Let's face it, I'll have a target on my back the minute that happens and the fewer people who can't handle that sort of attack, the better."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. Hasn't been a problem for me. I- ...I spent some time worried that old 'friends' might find me, and track me down, after my face played on the news a few times more than I was comfortable with - and that never happened. And no one's come after me for being associated with the Avengers," she points out. "No one from any of the New York gangs have come after me, either. At least, nothing that seemed to be a credible threat. Maybe they're just waiting for things to quiet down," Cael remarks with a shrug. "I know something could always happen."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara lifts her right hand and taps the bracelet with the left. "It's different for me," she states with a sigh. "He has enemies, and his current wielder could be targeted for things that happened hundreds of years ago. It's one of the reasons I've stayed quiet, the risk to those around me. If I can minimize that risk, I will... but I'll talk to the Captain when the time comes, see what he thinks."

A soft smile touches her lips, "Captain Siry has been like a second father, so clearly I want to protect him too... but if he thinks it's all worth it, knowing the level of risk, etc. then I'll stay."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah. Well. I mostly have to worry about being suddenly gunned down by a drive by," Cael remarks in a wry tone - as if it's no big deal. She could survive something like that. ... right?
    "Hopefully no one's dumb enough to try, and they can forsee the hell they'd bring down on their own heads." If anyone's even seen and recognized her on the news.
    "I'm glad your Captain has your back. I'm sure you guys'll figure it out together. I just wish I could help more."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara shakes her head slightly, still smiling as she nudges Cael with her food.

"You do enough," she offers. "Stop worrying about it. I was mostly just keeping you informed what is presently happening. Could all change tomorrow, never know how it will turn out until it actually reaches a conclusion."

Leaning down she gives Bear a scritch behind his ear, vest or not, then stands up. "I should get my butt back to the precinct. Going to hit lunch traffic. Tell Jon and Martin I said hello."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'll let them know," Cael promises Sara, flashing her a grin as she adds, "And let me know what night works best for you - for not-Karaoke. And whether or not you feel like having Jon, or Martin tag along with us," she remarks with a wry expression. "I'm fine with it either way. And they don't get to have an opinion - they're not here," she remarks in a teasing voice.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara smirks with a laugh. "Thursdays or Fridays, and they're both welcome to join. I won't bring either of my guys, for obvious reasons."

Picking up her to-go container, she makes sure the lid is nice and tight. It's going into a plastic container in the saddle bag, but she doesn't want to waste it.

"Figure best choice is dinner, maybe with drinks for not-Karaoke nights," she adds. "No where we have to dress up though."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Fuck dressing up," Cael agrees. After leaving some money on the table, she starts to get up, to walk out with Sara - offering the woman a casual bump with her shoulder, rather than a hug. "And Wade's welcome to come, you know," she remarks in a friendly, encouraging tone. "I've never minded him. Jon seemed to find him interesting, anyways," she adds in a thoughtful tone as the two head for the door.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara bumps right back with a grin. "I don't invite one when the other isn't welcome, would create come major issues," she offers as they head for the door. "I'll just make it up to both of them on other nights."

Just outside the door she pauses for a moment. "Jeans and t-shirt location with good food and alcohol, and no chance of singing... I know a few." She then gives Cael a pat on the shoulder, her 'instead of a hug' moment of close. "Want me to wait with you for the Uber?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Nah, I'm good. I got Bear - and there's always an Uber nearby," Cael remarks casually, as she pulls out her phone.
    She glances back up at Sara as she adds, "And look - you know if you ever need me...? Yeah? Always just a phonecall away."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara glances up the street as if she might see a random Uber right there, then looks back to Cael. "I know I can call, and if something comes up that I need to do so, I will. You know you can call me, I know I can call you... you never have, and I haven't yet. There is always a chance tomorrow brings something that leads to that call, and if it doesn't, there's the day after that. You worry too much."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'm not worrying, I'm just-" Cael gives a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know. I'm not good at words sometimes," she says simply, her hand reaching down to find Bear - sitting patiently beside her. "So it's not about worry, it's about- just... making sure you know I'm still here, you know? For you. That's all. Anyways - don't want to make you late back to the precinct... I can still hear the tearing into Captain Boras gave me for that, one time..."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara gives Cael another pat on the shoulder, leans to give Bear another pat then says, "I know, but thanks Cael."

Glancing toward the parking lot, she offers one more smile, and one more pat for Bear then heads to where she parked her bike.