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Latest revision as of 05:58, 24 March 2022

NYC's Amusements
Date of Scene: 23 March 2022
Location: Fangtasia
Synopsis: Bella Donna visits the curious Fangtasia and meets some interesting people.
Cast of Characters: Bella Donna, Natasha Romanoff, Sprite

Bella Donna has posed:
It has been quite sometime since Bella Donna last travelled to New York City, so naturally she'd take some time to put business aside and check out what's new. As a native of New Orleans, unofficial vampire capital of the US, she was highly amused with the concept of Fangtasia upon discovering it, and ventured towards the curious themed bar.

The decor and atmosphere were certainly unexpected, and she soon found herself sitting at the bar, served a 'bloodbag' with a straw, as she turned to look at other patrons and staff. If she didn't know better, parts of the place would look straight out of a vampire movie or other.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Why is the woman regarded as one of the most successful 'subjects' of the Red Room here? Natasha's face is a few complexions paler than it usually is, carefully done up in makeup. Body pressed too tightly together in a compact outfit that looks like a corset made out of old whale bones, hair swept carefully behind her in small spiked spirals.
    Natasha would not seem to even be breathing, merely sipping over very, very slowly from a goblet that had a dark tinted liquid a little too thick to be the type normally drunk.. Seeming to not even breathe in between sips of it.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite, for her part, LOVES the concept of Fangtasia. A bar where you're supposed to pretend to be immortal beings who look younger than they are? That's a day ending in Y for her. She comes in, but she's definitely doing the professional/elegant look rather than the goth look so common in the place. Silk blouse, pencil skirt, heels, cameo with ribbon around her neck. A look bridging the late 1940s to early 1950s. In a bit of amusement catering to the bloody theme, her hair is blood red and she's wearing a bright red lip, along with more eyeliner than should go with the outfit, but hey, you have to make SOME concessions to the gothic aesthetic. Despite the fact that she looks HORRIBLY underage, her ID is rock solid...or at least anyone who saw it would swear it was. She heads towards the bar, eyes taking in the room.

Bella Donna has posed:
Natasha gets a lingering look from Belle as she walks into the club, but that gaze is soon stolen by the outstanding commitment to the place taken by Sprite, "...you're quite a wizard with the makeup, aren't you...?" Bella Donna remarks in amusement, "your concept is you were bitten at 12?" She asks taking a few years too many if only to play along, her compliment to the look is quite genuine sounding, as she puts the straw between her lips and takes another bit of her 'bloodbag'.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would sweep her attention over to Bella, speaking over in Romanian with and appropriate accent, would go over, "Isn't that how the book went?" The pale redhead would inquire. "Anne Rice?" Likely meaning 'Interview with the Vampire'. Her tones more muted and smiling, flashing out a plastic fang; seemingly in contrast to the rest of her (somehwat) well done up costume.

Sprite has posed:
    "Robyn." Sprite offers a name. "And really, I thought with the ensemble and the makeup I'd look more sixteen, or so," she replies to Bella. She'll get a drink of her own, although the bartender doubletakes when he sees her, getting a "bloodbag" of her own before looking back. "It was Claudia, in the books." Her answer to Nat's statement is in English, though she then adds in flawless Romanian <Nicely done with the accent, though.>

Bella Donna has posed:
Belle grins at Sprite, "well, impressive nevertheless, Robyn," she muses, before she's dumbfonded at Natasha beating everything else she's witnessed her in terms of commitment, "was that good sounding gibberish? Or do you actually speak the language?" It certainly had 'Transylvania' tones, not that Bella Donna speaks it, she has seen her share of vampire movies though.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile over at 'Robyn', "It seemed appropriate and my babushka was from around those parts before the Tsars fell." Her playing up the full accent, switching over to English along with a more stereotypical Russian accent of the steppes. "I did enjoy listening to her talk when I was a wee one."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite's already decided that the fun game for this evening is going to be to pretend to be a vampire. Because seriously, who can fake being a fictional immortal better than an /actual/ immortal? "Ahh, the Tsars. I miss pre-Revolutionary Russia. There were some disturbed Tsars, but the court was fabulous." She keeps a straight face through it.

Bella Donna has posed:
"Babushka and Tsars...? Forever Young...? I feel so very ill prepared, next time I'll do better prep, but if it helps, I am from New Orleans, Anne Rice and all that." She turns to look quizzically at Natasha "I believe you spoke the name...when you were talking...Romanian was it?" Amused, Belle plays along with Robyn, as she prompts her, "you met them in person no doubt?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would mm over, "I never met them." She would 'break' her persona over with a bit of a giggle. They were dead long before she was born.. Well, maybe by about ten years or so, give or take. "I heard Rasputin threw fabulous parties."
    Natasha would grin at Bella Donna, "Yes." On the 'Romanian'.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite's eyes twinkle. "Oh, god. New Orleans. Best city on the continent. New York and L.A. have their charms, but laissez le bon temps rouler." This coming out of someone who looks like she PROBABLY either hasn't hit puberty or just barely. "And of course I did. Nicholas the Second was probably my favorite. Rasputin was a bona fide ball of crazy." Her "acting" is dead on, nary a break of character.

Bella Donna has posed:
"Laissez le bon temps rouler indeed!" Belle's eyes light up as Sprite gives her home city it's due, and speaks the city's unofficial slogan with perfect accent. "I take it as a vampire, you've been, neh?" Turning to look at Natasha she nods, "I've heard stories about Rasputin's tremendous womanizing escapades...they must be exaggerated though, everything builds up to more than it ever was with time..."

"Why did you fancy Nicholas the 2nd most?" Belle decides to keep it rolling and see how far Robyn can go, because so far she's been surprisingly good. Most young people loathe history, and she shows impressive command.

Bella Donna has posed:
While having her conversation a young gentleman dressed like a butler approaches Bella Donna and hands her a small card, she takes a quick glance, and nods. "If you'll excuse me...it seems Count Cristoph would like an audience with me..." she shows she's capable of role playing a bit herself, as she leaves with a flourish.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would dip her head over at Bella, "I do suppose if anyone would know if there was truth in the matter.. That you would know where we could find the man, immortal as he jmay be, to ask him for ourselves." She would intone over to Sprite in amusement. "You are still in contact, I hope?"

Sprite has posed:
    "Take care!" Sprite replies to Bella, giving her a nod. She sips from the blood bag again, before setting it on the bar as she gives Nat her full attention. "Mmm. Immortals tend to enjoy their privacy. They rarely keep in touch, even with other immortals." She'll use her illusion powers, letting the bag's straw drip a few drops on the bar. Looks like blood. Smells like blood. Hell, would TASTE like blood. She has no idea if anyone will see or notice (mostly because she has no idea she's sitting next to a superspy); she's just used to being REALLY convincing in her acting.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And Natasha would most decidedly notice that. Ever so slightly. But from her body language it might be enar imposible for one to tell. From the shift o fher perspective. "That makes sense. The worth of a secret goes down with the mroe who know it after all. And so if no one knows it at all, then it is priceless?"

Sprite has posed:
    "Some would say so." Sprite picks up her bag to sip again. "But I find it's better if only a select few know...or rather, know that you know. Otherwise, you can't lord it over them, and then what is the point?" Vampires; style over substance.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha would consider this for a moment and then nod. "Yes, I can see that. But those tend to inevitably end in the same way according to all the fairy tales." Mobs, pitchforks, etc.