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Latest revision as of 00:36, 30 March 2022

When In Rome, Dinner!
Date of Scene: 21 March 2022
Location: Rome, Italy
Synopsis: Micola's birthday in Rome goes alright!
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola had spent the day trying to get in some photos around Rome and trying to make it back to her hotel to shower and change before dinner. That was a feat in itself given she did not have Pietro's gift of super speed, but she's happy that the evening has finally came around. Rome is a beautiful place and the woman had decided that walking for a bit to get to the restaurant would give her time to get over the last minute jitters, worries and general picking at her dress to make sure it's settled right.

It's not entirely formal, but it might pass for afternoon tea or a smaller setting. She didn't really get it for those reasons though, she'd wanted to go out and this was a dress she liked. She'd gotten a lot of compliments on her walk and there was a smile from the woman, but she didn't stop. Thankfully those little red flats of hers were comfortable and not the pumps she'd original dug out of her bag. She was plenty tall already! (https://i.imgur.com/LkHEpUL.jpg)

Cantina E Cucina is easy to miss if one isn't looking for it, but there is a crowd of people that are milling in the street just outside, some awaiting a seat and others exiting. They seem popular! Micola turns the corner to look head that way, whistling softly as she does. She was guessing she didn't beat Pietro here. Thankfully she'd made a reservation or they'd be finding another place to eat!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He'd made his own circuit - looking over various scenic sights over the large swoop of Europe. As it got closer to the time for dinner, he made it back to Rome with time to spare. A quick change of clothes and then Pietro moved at a very reasonable pace towards the cantina. No rush, this time - just a quiet, introspective stroll.

As he neared the dinner destination, he canted his head at the throng of people waiting on seating. Good to see the place is popular, that usually was a good sign. Better yet, that Micola had planned ahead and gotten reservations. He waited with the others, looking about for his dinner date.

As he does spot Micola, he offers a smile and a wave. "It looks like you selected a good spot for a meal." He called over to her. "You look wonderful, Micola."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's carrying a little purse to keep her things in, her phone is slipped into it as she nears and she sees Pietro. Her smile is bright and she gives him one of those little goofy waves in response as she hurries over to him. "It has amazing reviews and it's this cute little rustic place. I've always appreciated those types of places." she admits to him as she joins him.

Her golden gaze looks him over, "You look very dashing this evening." she tells him with a softer smile. "I hope it's not too crowded for you? If it becomes too much we can always see about finding another spot." she explains. She didn't want him to get too annoyed with others.

"Have you had fun today?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Indeed! He's not wearing his super-suit today. He's got a nice linen shirt and gray slacks, complete with nice loafers. "Rustic is good - especially when it is a local favorite." Pietro responds, with a smile. Moving to step next to her, he looks over the crowd.

"No, it should be fine. I don't suspect people will be a problem, honestly." He decides, moving with her towards the front of the line, to get the attention of the host. "And thank you, very much. I had hoped to compliment your choice of attire."

"It was nice day, yes. I got to do some sight-seeing, all the different locals in the country."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"It is apparently a local and tourist favorite, so I am glad they had a spot open." Micola admits to that with a soft smile. She moves with him, giving a smile to the host as he speaks Italian, she answers him, telling him that there was a reservation for Lykaois. It might be her teal hair or something else, but her talking perks someone else up that's seated, they don't stare for long.

She gives a look back to Pietro, "I...do you speak Italian?" she asks him. Then the host is guiding them to their table, tucked away in a corner with a view of the street outside, "I'm glad I decided to come this year." she comments idly. Then there's a brighter smile, "Aww, thank you. I don't get to dress up a lot, but...I don't clean up too bad." she teases him.

"I'm glad the day was nice. I was hoping it would be a nice relaxing trip." she admits.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"It seems quite the hot spot." Pietro agrees, glancing around as they are seated. Teal hair and white hair - quite the pair to watch. If people are staring, he ignores it - for now. There may be a little tension in his frame, though it might be due to the pace of moving among so many people, in such a small area.

"Alas, no. It's one of the languages I haven't brushed up on." The man admits, waiting for her to sit before taking his own seat. "Perhaps I'll look it up and take it as my next challenge." A slight grin. "Do you speak other languages outside of Italian?"

"You clean up very nicely, Micola. Never doubt that." He assures her, chuckling. "The ocean was a bit choppy, but it wasn't bad at all." He explains. "Went around quite the storm."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola lets him sit where he can see doors and things. Thinking it might be a better thing for him. She'd be fine focusing on things around her. She settles into her chair and then gives a smile to him as he takes his.

"Challenges aren't always bad things." she nods to that. "And if you'd like any help I'd be happy to offer it." she adds. "I speak Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Italian and Latin. Had to learn them in College for my degree." she tells him. There is the faintest of blushes that grace her cheeks when he tells her she does clean up nice, but she doesn't try to make a big deal of it.

"I love a good storm, but definitely don't want to get caught in one out at sea." she nods to that. "Do you have a particular wine that you like or are you not a drinker?" she asks him as she looks to the menu.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The location is most certainly approved by Pietro, the man nodding appreciatively. A napkin is placed in his lap as he settles in, one leg crossing over the other as one does in Europe. "Challenges are how we know we are alive, for the most part." Pietro comments, with a slight smile. "I might take you up on it - learning to read and write different language is easier for me than learning to speak it. I've learned German, French, Russian, Romani, and Spanish."

A glance to the wine list, the man hrming for a moment. "Storms are... one of the greatest displays of power in the world. Watching nature unleashed is always impressive." A slight smile. "I like the taste of wine - it metabolizes quickly for me, so..." A slight shrug. "I always look for the best flavors."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola settles a napkin in her lap after she's crossed one knee over the other and then she relaxes. Nothing was on fire and she wasn't having a heart attack or stressed. It was fine. She gives the waiter a smile when he comes by to take their order for drinks and she orders hers and then gives it over to the white haired man she's sitting with. "I promise you won't have to deal with a tipsy Micola." she grins at him.

Once drink orders are done, she listens to his talk on languages, "You might like Greek better. Writing the language is something I've always loved doing." she admits to him. "I like sweet wines, which I guess isn't shocking given my sweet tooth." she muses to that.

"The Pantheon is close to here, if you wanted to go for a walk after dinner. I haven't been that way yet." she states.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
No fires, no stress - not that Pietro can see, anyways. He orders after she does, nodding politely to the waiter as well. If anyone recognizes him, it's not apparent. "If you wish to imbibe, feel free. I will make sure you get back to your suite, safely." He offers, with a chuckle. "It does make me wonder how a tipsy Micola behaves, though."

"I love languages. I process information quickly - so learning new languages to read helps me quench my need for knowledge, and helps occupy my mind." A slight smile. "I like to read." A slight shrug. "I think a walk would be lovely. The Pantheon is quite breath-taking, any time of day."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
There might be a few people that have squinted at Pietro, but if they know who he is they've made no move to approach.

Micola gives a smile to him as she looks across to him, "I ordered a bottle of their signature to share and I might get something to take back to the hotel with me." she chuckles. "I don't drink often and I am a bit of a light weight...but I'm not a violent person when I'm tipsy. I might have zero filter, but..." she shrugs.

"I have some books I could loan you or make suggestions since you like reading...which is nice, so few people take the time to sit and read these days." she comments. "But I bet I can't finish in the time you do." she grins.

"Excellent, we'll wander by the Pantheon after this." she smiles brightly to that. "Was there anything that /you/ would like to do?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
That earns a genuine laugh. "You have a filter? Oh dear. I am curious as to what it is like without your filter enabled." Pietro teases her, clearly being good-natured about it. "Enjoy what you enjoy - just not to getting ill, yes?" The man suggests. A nod to her at the book trading suggestion. "Perhaps we'll trade books some time. I spend a lot of time reading - it's how I come to understand the world we live in."

"And no, I take speed-reading to a new level." A wink. "We could swim if there's a pool available, or the ocean if you like? It might be a bit brisk, though." He chuckles.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Oh...I am wounded." Micola places the back of her hand on her forehead like a delicate flower. Then she chuckles, "Yeah...I don't have much of a filter as it is. Though I try not to overstep boundaries or things like that." she tells him. "And no, no drunken illness. I think that ruins the fun...that and I'd hate to throw a drink at someone in anger and then have it plastered over the internet." she huffs at that.

"At least I know what to get you for your birthday when it rolls around...if I've not completely scared you off by then." she teases him gently.

"There is a pool at the hotel and it looks like it would be delightful even at night." she smiles to that. "I am not sure if we're close to the water here though, it might be a bit of a trek, but I'm up for it." she smiles. "Did anything look interesting on the menu?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A brow arches at her commentary regarding the beers. "Yes. I saw. Hopefully it got you good press?" Pietro smiles. "And I am familiar with the filter, after the comment and 'nickname' you bestowed upon me." He chuckles, just a bit.

"Indeed. Books are treasures that cannot be enjoyed enough." He says, with a nod. "I re-read many of them, truth be told. Looking for anything I missed on the first time through."

"Did you bring a swimsuit, then?" Pietro asks, as she mentions the pool at the hotel. "And yes, many good items - I am in the mood for the pasta. It would appear that they make their own?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a chuckle, "It brought more weirdos asking what I did to make that chick mad than anything. I don't tattoo intoxicated people and they didn't like that." she frowns. "Just want to keep people from regretting doing something stupid." she explains. Though his reminder of her comment and her nickname for him makes her look down for a moment, "Well...I more meant you could have the bed and I could take the couch, but the other part came out." she tells him as she looks up. "You mean that one nickname we don't talk about, yeah?" she winks at him.

"Do you like reading books based more on real life things or do you read fantasy and other genres?" she asks him.

There's a nod to his question, "I did. I was planning on getting in the water whether I had to sit in the tub in it or not." she muses. "They do make their own pasta. Do you want me to order for you or I can translate for you to order?" she offers with smile.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I recall that being one of your policies, yes." Pietro smiles. "It is a good policy, and those who cannot understand it clearly have no concept of consequences." A shake of his head. "What other part about the bed?" He teases, eyes on hers, mirth on his features. Ever the innocent, is Pietro.

As the question of books comes up, he hrms. "Both? I love to learn, but I can appreciate good fiction as well. When I've run out of reading material, almost anything will do - including romance novels."

He looks to the menu, then to her. "By all means, please order for me. I'd like to try what you suggest." A nod. "And I've brought a swimsuit as well."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's gaze is a honey gold as she looks to him, "Most people don't really think of long term when drunk. Had she been a little toasty I would have talked to her more...but black out drunk is a no go." she shakes her head. Then she gives a bit of a cough before she waves a finger at him gently, "The other part was we could share the bed." she tells him as she looks over her menu. It wasn't anything lewd...but most could take it that way.

She takes keen interest in his reading choices, but the romance novels make her look at him for a second, "Alright, there are a bunch of romance novels I can loan you." she admits after a moment. She wasn't ashamed of reading them!

She orders when the waiter comes back, making sure to get Pietro a pasta dish to build up calories and there are a few other things ordered. "Nice, you'll probably need to pick your suit up unless you've packed it in your pocket." she tells him after the waiter has headed off to put in the order for them.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro's brow arches at that explanation, with a grin. "Fair." He chuckles, at the mention of sharing. "I haven't a good or appropriate answer to that, aside from let's see how the evening goes." He nods, smiling. "And good plan - some drunkeness is, I am sure, not all that uncommon when people need courage to have ink put on their skin."

A hearty chuckle at the offer of the romance novels. "I will take you up on that, when you are up for a trade." He grins.

"I'll swing over and collect it along with my bag." He agrees, listening as she orders. Some words might be easy enough to pick out, but most of it is lost on him. "I wouldn't put it in my pocket, for fear of ruining the lines of my outfit."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola looks like she might slide under the table and slink out the door forever. There might be stories of a new cryptid in Rome. "It is fair and I will explain more when we are not in a public place so people don't look at me oddly." she tells him with a gentle smile. "I got my first tattoo when I was eighteen...so I didn't have the liquid courage sadly. Just a lot of needle stabbing." she chuckles.

She gives a nod to his talk on collecting his bag and swimwear, "That sounds like a plan." she smiles to him. "It was a joke." she tells him. There is a look over his outfit and she smiles, "You do look very handsome, we'd not want unwanted lines ruining it." she admits. "Which brings up another question, do you get to dress down a lot?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It's good, every so often, to not be the teased one. "Forgive me, Micola. I do not mean to embarass you." He assures, taking a sip of the wine after it was poured. "As for people looking at us oddly, I am used to it. I brush it off, lest I spend my life angry." Pietro explains. A smirk. "Was it rebellion or a need for art that had you suffering for the needles?" He wonders.

An amused shake of his head. "Some jokes I might miss." He admits. "Thank you again, for the compliments. I hope to live up to how you are dressed tonight." A smile. "I suppose dressing down is all a matter of perspective? Often, I have to wear my suit, unless I wish to burn off the clothing I am wearing."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a grin to him, "You didn't embarass me, Pietro and you don't have to apologize. A little ribbing every now and again is healthy." she tells him. Then she gives a little dip of her head to that, "I think that's a good way to look at things. I got used to being the weird one ages ago, so just don't pay much attention to it." she admits.

His question about tattoos makes her think for a moment, "Hmm, you know, I never really thought about that. I wanted to get a tattoo in honor of my grandmother and then it sort of went from there." she explains to him. "She died when I was still fairly young, but I remember certain things about her, like her flowers in the Spring." she gives a thoughtful smile to that.

"I'll try to be more careful on jokes then." she nods to this. "I got lucky with the dress. It went on clearance and I snagged the last one." she muses to that. "Had to take it in just a little was all, but I'm glad it's liked." she smiles. His talk on his suit makes her look thoughtful, "I'd guess it is a protection that is needed then." she admits.

Dinner does not take too long to be delivered to the table. The pasta is fresh as well as the bread that comes with it. Micola might wiggle a little in her seat at the sight of the food. "I ordered Spaghetti Alla Carbonara for us. It's one of the best dishes from Rome...rather simple but sometimes you don't need to be extra when making something." she smiles.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Too often, people assume weird is bad. Often it is just a sign of things to come. Evolution." Didn't his father preach something like that? "And yes, teasing in good nature is well and good. Like I said, my sisters often poke at me in such a fashion."

Pietro listens as she explains her first tattoo, and the meaning of it. His eyes go to the ink showing on her skin currently, looking for flowers that might be the aforementioned work. "Memories such as that are good sources of art, I would imagine."

"No need to take care with the jokes, just understand I might miss on some of the meanings hidden within." He grins. "Especially if they are using more modern slang or colloquialisms." He straightens his shirt. "Indeed. The speeds I travel are terrible for normal clothing." A smile to her as well. "And yes, be happy with the dress. It is very flattering on you."

As the food arrives, he rubs his hands together. "Simple is good. Simple can be comforting. And it is often the most difficult to perfect, as most pay it no mind."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola does remember something like that being said by Magneto...or there were at least news reports of it. "I think we need a bit of weird in our lives." she admits to that. "I mean, sisters are allowed to do that sort of thing. Isn't that a sibling right?" she asks him with a smile.

There is a rose on her shoulder, but that is something that is only peeking out. Most of her tattoos are kept hidden by the dress. "They are and we do a lot of memorial tattoos. I like doing them and given my own gifts well...it just sort of fits." she tells him.

Her gaze does seem to be pulled to different locations in the place, but she always looks back to Pietro to focus on him at the end of things. "I will try to remember that I might need to phrase things differently then." she grins.

There is a bit of a smile before she settles in and takes a bite of her food. It is really perfect. Wine is refilled and a sip taken after to wash things down. The pasta was perfectly cooked and who didn't love pork and cheese? "Pasta is definitely one of my comfort foods." she comments to that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Another nod from Pietro. "Weird is what makes us." He chuckles, adding a bit of cheese to the pasta as it sits on his plate. "And yes, my sisters would say they are allowed to do that by familial rights." A smirk. "Whether I agreed or not."

A quiet moment as he considered memorial tattoos. "I imagine you give those people quite a bit of closure and comfort in those pieces of art. Rememembering loved ones is so vastly powerful to us as people." He nods over to her. "You help a lot of people, I am sure, Micola."

"I appreciated the consideration on your jokes." Pietro winks. "I will have to brush up on modern parlance, just in case."

A bite or two of the pasta is sampled, the man showing his approval clearly on his face. "It is quite good. And yes, pasta is a comfort food of mine too."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a warm smile at the mention of his sisters agreeing, "Well, if I had a brother I'd probably have the opinion that they do." she muses. "Or...he'd pick on my relentlessly and we'd fight all the time." she chuckles. "Sadly we don't seem to get a say so in most family matters like that. So we grin and bear it or we snap at them." she admits.

She gives a look to him, a bit of spaghetti comically disappearing as she does. She gives a bit of a smile, "Sometimes people just need that little bit of art or a portrait to help and I can give that." she admits. "On the otherworldly side there are so many that want help, but that is a little harder." she shakes her head.

"You don't have to change the way you talk, Pietro, so don't do that on my account." she points out. "So what is your favorite food?" she asks him. Curious as to what the Avenger likes.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Fighting with them would be a bad choice on my part." He laughs, shaking his head. "But yes, it is the way of siblings." Pietro muses, in between bites of his dinner. It's good - and he's almost always hungry!

"I think you diminish what you give them. You give them art for remembrance. That is ... a gift that is quite impressive. They see the care you put into your work, the creativity." A tap of his finger on his fork. "It's no small thing."

At the question of his favorite food, he thinks. "I miss stuffed peppers. And goulash. Food from home."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Couldn't you outrun them though?" Micola gives a sly little smile after she asks him that. Maybe he couldn't run away because of that being rude to just leave like that. She doesn't seem sad this time when they talk of siblings, which is an improvement over the last time!

She gives a soft smile, "My mom was not happy that I decided to become a tattoo artist professionally, but it pays the bills and I enjoy being able to practice my art and to help people with their grief." she tells him.

"I don't think I've had stuffed peppers since I was a kid." she admits to that. "I could dig up my grandmothers recipe and maybe make them sometime if you'd be up for that?" she asks him.

Then she gives a look out towards the street given they've got a view, "It's going to rain later...which is sort of sad given people are out celebrating the first day of Spring. But I'm sure that won't stop anyone from enjoying their evening." she muses to that as she sips her wine.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smirk. "Until they hexed me or dragged me back by any metal I had on me..." His sisters cheat. Nyah. "Still, if I get the drop on them, they cannot catch me." He agrees.

"Has she come to see the value of your chosen art career?" The man wonders, still enjoying the meal between bits of conversation. "And not all art is grief, thankfully. I suspect you have happier subjects, as well?"

A grin at her suggestion of her family recipe. "I think that would be wonderful. I can perhaps bring goulash as well? Make it a big hearty meal?" He chuckles.

His eyes follow hers to the street and sky beyond. "Perhaps. It will be nice for raining, so long as it isn't a chilly rainfall." He muses. "And spring brings rain, rain brings growth. I love the smell just before the rain - the scent in the air."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a warm laugh at that, "Mmm, so no metal presents, got it." she states. "If it makes you feel any better I can do neither of those things. Just...might bore you to death with talk of...death." she muses to that.

She takes a bite of her food while listening to him and there is a little hand wobble, taking a moment to swallow food before speaking. "When she found out that I was buying the shop space she was better with the idea. I couldn't work a nine to five due to the visions and it was a good investment, plus...I got living space as well for a steal." she grins. "We do have happier subjects, yes. I like doing bright colorful tattoos on people just as much as black and white." she tells him.

"Deal." she tells him as he offers to bring goulash.

"Chilly rainfall would be a bit of a pain, yeah." she nods in agreement to him. "I've always like the smell of petrichor. If they could make a cologne or perfume of that I would buy it religiously." she chuckles.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A shake of his head. "Metal presents are fine. Non-magnetic metals work better." Pietro grins. "And death cannot be boring. It is one of the great unknowns in our lives. People such as yourself have a unique insight on such things." He muses. "Most of us have to find peace in not knowing what is waiting for us in death."

His own dinner is worked on as well, along with the wine, as he listens to her about her shop opening. "I'm glad then, that she came around to the career choice." He grins. "I am hoping that the happier requests fill the days, Micola."

A chuckle the thought of such a cologne. "I suspect it would lose it's charm if worn consistently." He decides. "It is quite a lovely scent, though. Speaks of growth and healing, in my mind."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"That would make sense on that." Micola gives a chuckle on that. She was at least thinking of things. She then looks to him when he talks about death and she gives a soft smile, "I do have days where I wish I could turn it off...but in the end I have a reason for having it I think." she explains. "There are more ghosts than people realize as well." she muses as she finishes up her pasta. Apparently someone was hungry!

"I did tell her I would finish getting my forensic certification. She thought that me working a job like that was better than dealing with ruffians." she rolls her eyes playfully. "I'm glad tattoos are far more accepted today than they were in the olden days." she smiles to that.

"Hmm, that is true and I wouldn't want something to lose its charm so quickly." she admits to that. "Do you have any favorite colors, Pietro?" she asks him before she takes a sip of her wine.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"It is a gift and a curse all at once, I imagine." There's a laugh at the mention of more ghosts. "There are more dead people on earth, than living. It stands to reason the same would go for ghosts." Pietro grins. "And yes, I am sure the universe has a reason for you inheriting this gift."

:"Forensic examiner? For the police or authorities?" He guesses. "How far along did you get in those courses?" THe man asks, as he sips from his wine. "And tattoos, vibrant hair, piercings - all becoming more and more common and accepted."

The color question has him thinking. "Honestly... I've never really thought of it. I tend to wear blues, though. I do not know if I have a favorite, though. I am open to suggestions."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives him a soft smile, "I do say that sometimes about it, so you'd be right. I like being able to soothe people...to help them...but when there are children or horrible things that have happened it is draining." she admits to him. "Though the ghosts in here haven't noticed that I can see them yet...so lets hope they don't." she murmurs as she drains her wine glass. "I'm glad you don't mind a bit of morbid humor, Pietro." she muses to him after the glass is settled down.

She gives a nod, her smile a bit easier to form this time, "Yeah. I liked my time working with the NYPD forensic team when I was on a case with them. One of their supervisors suggested I pick up some courses and I did." she admits. "And I'm halfway through. My grandfather offered to pay the tuition for it but...I want to make sure that I can pay for it." she states stubbornly.

"Mmm, so blues." she smiles to that, her eyes bright as she looks to him. "I could break out the color palette...but I think I'll wait for that when we're back in New York." she grins. "I am a fan of blues and greens. I do like the occasional golds, but more...burnished. Not gaudy golds." she explains.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The speedster nods. "I can only imagine." He says, quietly. "Hopefully you see more peaceful passings as well." Pietro murmurs. "Though I would wager most of life is a form of violence, at the end. The nature of things breaking down." A smirk. "I have seen my fair share of ... morbid things. It is not something too terrible to discuss, from time to time."

"I am sure the police appreciated your assistance, as well. If you see things they cannot, through their mundane investigations, it can help. I recall many tales of psychics and empaths being brought in for consultations. Real or phonies." An appreciative nod. "Good that you seek to earn it yourself. It is much sweeter that way, upon completion."

Break out the palette? To match against my skin tone? I fear I am rather pale..." He grins. "Burnished gold. Gold with a rich history, not the shiny new gold."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"There are more violent deaths than one would think, but...it is what it is at this point. I don't expect that it's going to go away and I'm a bit at peace with it for now." she admits. Was that a weird thing? Maybe. She does look to him and there's a soft frown, "I can hope that the things you see don't become a reoccuring thing. Sometimes breaks are needed to sooth the psyche." she states.

"The way I help is sometimes dangerous, but it is worth it." she explains to him. "I can sort of blend in with the forensics folks as well." she chuckles.

"I more meant to see what kind of blues you'd like. I tend to dye my hair some fair shades of blue." she winks at him. "Hmm, and yes. More like antiques and ancient tomb golds." she grins.

"Did...you want dessert?" she asks him with a sparkle in her eyes.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a shake of his head. "I think I would be close to the mark on violent deaths, unfortunately. Nature is not kind." He says, with a nod to her. "It is good to know you can find some peace in this. And yes, I ... tend to avoid some situations nowadays. However, in my line of work, it is impossible to avoid casualties around me."

A quirk of his brow. "Do most examiners dress as you do? Or have such ecclectic fashion?" Pietro grins. "Not meant in a bad way, of course. You're distinct."

A smile at the mention of dying her hair. "Someone suggested I dye mine once, but I fear it's grown on me." His brow arches as she asks after dessert. "That seems to be an implied thing, dessert." A chuckle. "Certainly, I am up for dessert."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a softer look to him, "I don't want to dredge up any bad memories or anything like that, Pietro." she tells him quietly. She knew that he'd probably had more than a fair share in his line of work.

"Oh I just meant that we got along and had similar personalities. I think another guy that works there has a lot of tattoos and things. I just think it's easier to have them when you aren't in a front facing job like police officers and secretaries." she chuckles.

"Your hair a a very beautiful color. I don't think there's anything that would really do it justice." she tells him. "And dessert wise they have most of the classics like tiramasu and other things. I also believe they have panacotta. So whatever you like." she grins.

Maybe she'd had enough sugar already?

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A slight smile. "I assure you, you are not." He offers, finishing his wine. "While I mourn the losses sustained or caused, I cannot dwell on it. I have to keep moving and learn from the mistakes I've made, and the choices I've taken."

Pietro ahs, and nods. "I imagine without being facing towards customers, more leeway is available for dress and style in some positions. I imagine being a tattoo artist allows a lot more freedom as well, even if you are working face to face with customers. It might be why I don't dress 'down'. Familial obligations." He smirks.

A nod and slight blush at the compliment. "Thank you. Yours is quite fetching as well, bright and energetic." A moment of thought. "I shall let you pick dessert, then. I trust your tastes."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola reaches for the menu again, her eyes wandering over the dessert section with a bit of a focused precision. Girls and their desserts! She wasn't afraid to eat apparently. Though she gives a look back to him as she settles it down, decisions made. "Learning from our pasts and our mistakes is a good thing. It's a sign of growth." she nods to that.

"It has some benefits. I don't have to always fake smile and believe me, when I was a barista in high school that was painful." she muses. "I do get to express myself a bit more and wear what I want to work. No one can report me to the boss." she giggles at that.

When he blushes it brings a brightness to her smile, something that she notes...but she doesn't tease him over. "Thank you, I tend to change it sometimes with the season, but I've become partial to the jewel tones...so nothing neon." she muses.

Then she gets the waiters attention and rapid fires in Italian. Then he's hurrying off again. Once he is, she looks to Pietro, "I ordered the vanilla pana cotta with berries and the canolis. Plus some water. I figured we...I might need it." she grins. "I'll have to get some Sfogliatella while I'm here in Italy as well." she comments idly. Food...food was a good talking point.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I suspect that food service is a layer of Hell." Pietro murmurs. "At least in the lower end places." A shake of his head. "People tend to treat people in customer service as chattle, or something to be denegrated." The man sighs. "It's hard being the face of the kitchen, when you really have no input on what they provide."

"I think the rich colors suit you, Micola. Deeper tones, of any color." He muses, watching as she rattles off in Italian. The words are easy enough to sort out, regardless of how fast she says it. A smile as she explains what she ordered. "You have many thoughts on what you'd like - is Italian your favorite regional cuisine?" He wonders.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"You'd not be wrong there. Everyone that's worked in any part of food service really gets shafted sometimes." Micola admits to that. "And this is why I tip generously when I can." she nods to this. "The kitchen here has been wonderful so far though." she states. Or so she thought. The royalty might have another opinion!

She blushes slightly, the faintest tinge of pink on the crest of her cheeks, "Thank you, Pietro." she tells him softly. "And yes, I do tend to know what I want." she smiles to him. "Italian is one of them. I also am a big fan of Greek and Turkish food." she admits. "I like making my own hummus and things. I know it's not a thing everyone likes, but..." she shrugs.

Then she looks across to him, "What is your favorite cuisine?" she asks.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I tend to treat waitstaff with courtesy. Never know when someone might try to poison a royal." He half-teases. "Also, they are people. No need to treat anyone like that, unless they act in a manner that invites it." He shifts a bit in his seat. "Tipping is a good thing, I tend to be generous as well."

A grin at the blush. "I favor Romanian food, honestly. It speaks to me of a home, far away." Pietro mentions. "And it is comfort, like a warm blanket." He muses. "Aside from that... I tend to favor Italian food as well, though I do appreciate a good Parisian menu."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look kitchen ward, "I didn't even think about that." she states. Now a little worried. "Though I'm guessing with your metabolism poison might be the least of your worries." she states. The shift in his seat makes her give a bit of a soft smile, but she doesn't mention it for the moment.

"I've not had a lot of Romanian food, but I am happy to rectify that. I am a fan of food." she chuckles. "Though I probably have to worry more about what I'm eating carbs wise than you do since they probably have a hard time hanging onto your waistline as it is." she teases him.

Then there is a soft smile, "We could get dessert to go if you are in need of stretching your legs?" she offers quietly.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro's voice lowers. "It's worse for me, unfortunately. Toxins could take affect before I could even think of an antidote." A shake of his head. "Not that I fear poisoning from enemies of Genosha - I would wager they are not that subtle." A wry grin. A shake of his head. "I don't fear any such thing here, no need to fret."

"It is hearty. It is full of calories and nutrients. And when prepared correctly, a medley of flavors." The man explains. As she mentions his waistband, he looks down. A pat to his flat stomach and a smirk. "It is difficult to gain weight, yes. All too easy to lose it. Which... is good and bad." He gives a slight shrug as he looks back to her.

"If you like? I am happy to sit and chat, but keeping in motion is often my preference."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola makes a mental note to make sure no one tries to poison Pietro on her watch. His reassurance makes her smile though, "I tend to be a tiny bit of a worrier, but not overly so...unless it's something I know is coming." she chuckles.

She looks to his stomach as he pats it and there is a warm laugh, "I feel a twinge of jealousy...then again a good nap after a food coma is sometimes very nice." she admits. "Honestly we should get our walk in before it starts raining and making sure that you are comfortable as well is something that I should be mindful of." she tells him with a smile.

"Since you did indulge me and come all the way to Rome for my birthday." she adds. Most people wouldn't have done that. She realizes that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I've yet to run across any such scheme, but... I've been forewarned. Advisors always have such concerns." Pietro shrugs. "I appreciate the concern on your part, of course." A slight smile from Quicksilver. "I would be more concerned over my sister's health, truth be told." A wry grin and a shake of his head. "Simply for the fct that she is a reigning monarch."

"Don't be jealous. I am almost constantly eatin." A laugh. "It gets to be tiresome, some times. And yes, naps are ... something that can happen, but..." A shrug. So much energy in the man. "I doubt they feel the same for me."

A smile, genuine. "It was no trouble, really. I enjoy your company, the food is wonderful, and the sights of Rome are impressive as always." A look to her. "So, shall we get things to go?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a nod to that, "Hopefully no one would be silly enough to try to poison any of you. Just so it doesn't make a lot of people mad." she admits to that. There'd be a lot of scary people royally angry over that she guessed.

"I'm practically a sloth compared to you, so I'm going to go ahead and accept that now." she muses with a grin to him. His words make her dip her head to him, "It is the best birthday I've had and I'm glad that you've enjoyed my company...though my horrible jokes are hard to deal with." she muses. "And getting things to go sounds like a good plan." she tells him. Once that's decided she flags down the waiter, who looks happy to box up dessert before it gets plated.

It doesn't take long for him to return with a bag of goodies for the two. The check is also quickly squared away. "Shall we go see the Pantheon?" she offers as she rises, smoothing out the skirt of her dress as she does.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"It would be folly. I cannot imagine the wrath someone would bring down upon them. I cannot forsee how anyone could get away with such a thing, either. So many psychics and investigators would be involved..." Pietro shakes his head. "Hopefully people would realize this."

A smile. "You move as you were intended to move." He offers over. A nod and a chuckle. "I am glad I am able to make your birthday enjoyable. And your jokes are not horrible. Trust me, Toad wins that competition." A shake of his head.

Once everything is settled, he's up to his feet. "Yes, I am sure we could make a run of it. Did you want a lift?" He chuckles.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola completely agrees with him on it being folly. "I can't either." she admits. Then she grins, "Hey, Sloths are adorable." she tells him with a soft chuckle. "I will trust you on that then." she replies at the mention of Toad having worse jokes than she did.

She makes her way out the doors since they aren't that far from them, bag in her hands, "Oh...um...isn't that dangerous?" she asks him at the mention of a lift. "I'm not making you waste your calories lugging me around either." she chuckles as she wags her finger at him. "Pantheon is only a little up that way." she points up the street. "And my hotel is back that way. I sort of set it up to be walking friendly." she smiles at that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Sloths are quite adorable. I often empathize with them, when moving slowly." A wry grin. "Though they have no concerns about doing so. They are happy with the pace life has provided them. Rightly so, I would imagine." He muses, walking with her out to the street.

"Dangerous if I move as fast as I can. I tend to take any passengers into consideration." Pietro grins to her. Still, he starts in the direction of the site - smirking a bit. "Walking friendly is best, in many of these cities. It can be difficult to maneuver vehicles through some of the winding and narrow roads."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a grin to Pietro, "They are happy to go their own pace, yes." she agrees with that. She walks for a few moments, listening to him explain that there is less danger with slowed speeds. She worries her bottom lip a little, thinking on it.

"This isn't a bad thing really. It's probably better for the environment and other things." she nods to that. She gives a look over to him, "Would you still be willing to give a lady a lift?" she asks him with a bit of a smile. She was sure dessert would be fine given things.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The man pauses, looking her over - determining the fabric her dress is made of. "Of course." He motions to the skirt part. "You should hold onto the skirts, I'd hate for you to be drowning in your dress." Once she's settled, he scoops her up - nodding to her. "Arm around my neck, then."

Assuming she's up for it, he nods. "Take a breath..." He murmurs. And then, they are off! He moves at a good pace, much akin to a motorcycle at top speeds. The accelleration though, is much faster. She's braced, however - no terrible g-force to contend with. It is quite the rush, of course! It takes just a couple of seconds - and they are there. He's again bracing her, keeping her from the trauma of a sudden stop.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola feels a shot of adrenaline run through her, excitement as she gives a nod to him. Though she gives a laugh at the dress comment, "Oh that would be embarassing." she muses to that. She does take hold of her skirt though, making sure the hand is not going to slip. His scooping her up was not planned on though and she meets his gaze before she moves her arm to where it is told to go.

She gets the breath in just as they zip off. It's an odd sensation, but not a bad one! Pietro might hear the woman give a happy sound, akin to a 'weeeeee' but that might also be the wind playing tricks on people.

When he stops she is still bracing her arm around his neck and dessert isn't destroyed. "That was fun." she breathes out with a laugh.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a moment given to her to readjust to her surroundings, setting her down when she's ready. "If you ever wanted to go faster, we'd likely need to get you a flight suit." He murmurs, considering. "And a breathing aparatus." A nod. Pietro does smile at her clear enjoyment of the rush. "I am glad you enjoyed. I will never tire of the sensation, the rush of the world as it blurs by." A smile.

The food is intact and he doesn't seem immediate in his need to disentangle as they stare up at the Pantheon. "Shall we, then?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to him, "I'd definitely need to see how much those things would be, but it seems like something I'd try at least once." she tells him. She didn't seem to be scared of it at least. "I can see why you like moving like that." she comments.

She seems comfortable as she is settled down and she looks to the Pantheon, "Oh wow, it's even more beautiful in person." she smiles to that. Then she looks back to him, "Lets." she nods with a grin. "It's closed, so can't go in...but can take photos of the outside." she muses to that.