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Latest revision as of 01:05, 30 March 2022

The Pros and Cons of Travel
Date of Scene: 29 March 2022
Location: Jan's Home
Synopsis: Jan and Veira are getting ready to go on an adventure!
Cast of Characters: Veira Lazarescu, Jan de Wit

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira had tried to time things well for the trip to Romania. A short trip between practices and actual shows for Jan would be nice...or it would be exhausting! Plus they'd need to get by to see Vinny to pick up his new and shiny armor. Because that was a new part of their lives.

Veira had also started staying at Jan's a bit more, feeling a little lonely in her apartment without him when she was there. She'd had to go into the office today, which meant she had to dress for work and not a goth concert. She does clean up nicely though. "Jan?" the Romanian woman calls while she slips out of her shoes by the door. Maybe the girls with with him...or maybe he was out as well.

She was about to find out.

Jan de Wit has posed:
It was activity day, at the manor. Jan could be heard calling back out - "In the entertainment room..." He responds, a happy sound to his voice. Her staying over more would be appreciated by the man, with him offering any number of places to store things should she choose to. And a room to study in, if she needed!

As she rounds the corner to the room, she can see Jan on his back - the pups all prancing and romping around him. He's got a thick knotted rope, playing tug-o-war with whichever of the pups is interested at the moment. Orchid is off to the side, laying and watching with a wagging tail. She's got her prosthetic, but is still wary about using it fully. It takes some getting used to, of course.

"How was the office?" He asks, only to get a lick across his cheek from the pups.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's smile is warming before she even reaches the door to the room. She lets her head peek around the corner, watching what he was doing for the moment. He was such a good man and sometimes she tried to pin point exactly what she'd done to get this lucky.

"They look like they are the perfect low impact work out that all of us want to do when we get home." she grins to that as she steps in. "Hello Orchid darling." she offers to the mother dog as she settles down on the floor by her.

"The office was boring. Thankfully I don't have to see the place until after vacation." she grins to that.

She then reaches out to give Jan's side a tickle as he's distracted, "Get him!" she giggles as the puppies go back to tugging on the toy!

Jan de Wit has posed:
As she's greeted, Orchid does get to her feet and walk a bit towards Veira - sitting next to her once she's on the floor as well. All is well with the world, in her eyes. Her tail never stops wagging. Jan smirks, the pups climbing over him to get to Veira. "I think ... oof... they are happy to see you." He laughs. "And yes, quite the workout."

A gasp and a laugh as she pokes his side, the pups wound up and playful. "Good good... so everyting is wrapped up so we can not stress over work complications?" He grins to her, the rope yanked free by the smaller pup.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's smile for Orchid softens as she gets up, "You didn't have to do that, love." she tells her as she reaches out to stroke the sides of the dogs face and scritch her ears. Then the pups climb over Jan and she tries not to laugh, "That is rude..." she whispers to them with a chuckle. "We've been teaching you better manners." she teases them.

She then scoots over to sit beside Jan, "Everything is all good to go on my end." she tells him with a smile. "So the only thing we have to worry about are emergencies, but I'm guessing others can be called over me." she explains.

"How was your day?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Orchid is all too happy to be sitting near Veira, looking out over her pups as they climb over Jan's prone form. The dancer oofs and ahs as the big paws find his softer bits. "They are going to be as big as their mother. Bigger." He chuckels, finally getting to a point where he can sit upright. "They are without manners when playing... it's fine." He smirks, scritching the boy as he trots around with the rope. The girl is rolling onto her back to get belly scritches.

"Fantastic. Let another agent handle any urgent needs." He winks, leaning in to sneak a kiss. "My day was good. A good morning of practice and excercise, followed by this ruckus here." He smiles. "I hadn't gotten a chance to study, alas - but I can do that tonight."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira is a bit amused as they puppies crawl over Jan like he's a jungle gym. But it was sweet that he was so even tempered. "Well, thankfully you've got a lot of room for huge dogs...though I'm guessing we might have to get out on the weekends more to run them through the woods and things." she offers with a grin. When the little one rolls onto her back to reaches out and tickles her belly, "Yes, we love you too." she tells her.

When Jan sneaks the kiss she gives a grin and finds herself lingering there for the moment, "I'm going to do that, yes." she whispers to him. "And taking a break from studying is not a bad thing." she points out gently. "You have to have some play in there." she smiles.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"As it gets warmer, they will get to enjoy the yard." He grins. "More than just potty breaks, they can race around in the grass." He nods, chuckling. "I am of course, not opposed to walks in the woods with them as well. The should see the world, while knowing they have a safe home to come back to." A nod. "And Orchid will hopefully be more used to her new foot by then..." A grin.

"Play is vital. Granted, work is play to me - it's something I love." A slight shrug. "But I enjoy so much more, so there's more for me to do out there." His hand strokes over her arm. "So do we need to pack? What shall we do for dinner tonight?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile, "I'll be out there rolling around in the grass with them as well." she chuckles to that. "I love being outside when I can. Don't let the complexion fool you." she teases him softly. "And yes, hopefully momma is good to go. Gods know that the puppies are going to be demons as it gets warmer." she muses as she looks to Orchid.

Then she looks back to Jan, a little twinkle in her gaze, "Mmm...maybe I should get more play into my schedule." she states as she reaches out to tickle him again. "We do need to pack and see about what else we're taking with us." she nods to that. "As for dinner, do we want to order or cook?" she asks. "I figured we're going to be running around here packing and other things, so something quick and simple might be easy." she offers.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There's a smile, Jan imagining her romping around in the grass with the puppies. "Outside is good - the fresh cut scent of grass." He grins. "We'll have to stock up on sunblock, I suspect. I would hate to see you get sunburned." The man winks.

Another laugh as she tickles him, the man returning the favor at her side. "We can order, it'd be easier and allow us to focus on what we need to bring with us. Is Atilla coming along?" He wonders. A pause. "Also, if he needs his own room, I am more than happy to afford him one here."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira offers a grin as he talks about sunblock, "Yeah, that would be a good thing to have a stock of. I had a lot of it when I was in the Middle East given the sun seems to have a vendetta against porcelain skin." she muses to that. She wiggles a little when he tickles her, moving to snuggle against him as they talk.

"Ordering sounds good." she agrees with a nod. "He is undecided on if he's wanting to return home just yet after just having things happen last year." she admits. "For now it is a no, if he changes his mind it's easy enough for him to join us." she adds. "Oh he'd probably love his own room...he seems like a spoiled child already." she chuckles.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A sly grin as she nestles up against him. "I suppose I might be able to be bribed to help you apply it, if you like?" Jan teases, waggling his brows. "The Middle East is unrelenting with their sun, as I understand. Thankfully, I spent most of my time there in the evenings. No daytime shows."

"Do we have a preference on food? Comfort food?" Jan asks, kissing her again. "And a room, then. We can decorate it to his liking. Even make a horde for him, of his choosing."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a grin, "Mm, I'm sure you could be." she teases him softly. "And night time in the Middle East can be nice. Though sometimes the desert gets really cold." she muses at that. She leans in to kiss his forehead and then gives a happy little sigh as she sits there with him.

"Comfort food would be amazing. I find myself being a little nervous today." she chuckles to that. His kiss however helps some of that nervousness bleed away and she presses a longer kiss to his lips in return. She pulls back just a little, "Just as long as it's not filled with chicken mcnuggets..." she whispers with a laugh.