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Revision as of 05:10, 1 April 2022

  Tomie Kawakami  
Tomie Kawakami (Scenesys ID: 3959)
Name: Tomie Kawakami
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Human...ish
Occupation: None
Citizenship: Japanese/American national
Residence: New York
Education: Incomplete
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 0
Date of Birth 3 Oct 2021 Played By Miho Kanno
Height: 5'2" Weight: 106 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: 'Tomie' from the Junji Ito collection.

Character Info


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Tomie is an undying nightmare. A toxic personality that ruins the lives of everyone around her in an endless cycle of obsession, horror, and destruction -- and then she always comes back, spreading like a virus into the lives of more and more people.

Reiko Mizutani, on the other hand, is a quiet girl who lives in their suite and doesn't come out much, but those who've seen her say she's very pretty. Agoraphobic, but very pretty. She's also a Tomie. Mostly. Maybe a little less toxic ... hopefully.


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In Japan, there's an urban legend about a girl who died. Not once, or twice, but over and over again, ruining everything she touches before being consumed by the whirlwind her manipulations create. For those who've seen the trail of chaos and destruction that's left in her wake, there are few sentences more terrifying than, "Hello. My name is Tomie."

But she's just an urban legend, one that faded into obscurty in the late nineties or early two thousands, until...

October, 2021:

A badly injured young woman was brought into a hospital, where it was found her organs were a match for numerous indiviuals in need within the state of California. Given the non-survivabvle nature of her injuries and her state of brain death, these organs were harvested and then transplanted succesfully.

Within a week, every individual who had received a transplant had vanished from view. Authorities, without much to go on, didn't make the connection linking the disappearances to the transplant list at first, spread out as they were across a country, and by the time they did it was far too late, to say nothing of the vanishing of the original body that had been harvested from after it had been left at the county coroner's. Ordinarily, something like this would be a scandal, but tissue samples left behind proved most interesting to certain shady research organizations and it was swiftly swept under the rug.

Eight organs had been succesfully transplanted. Each succesful transplant resulted in a new Tomie being born, as the nature of her as a kind of living cancer metastasized in each individual, regenerating and then overwriting them into a new example of the same, self-serving monster, as she always had been.

Only slight differences exist between Tomies, typically, but in *one* example, just one, their sense of self and consciousness was not fully overwritten by their shared origin. For whatever reason, this version of Tomie was not fully subsumed into their shared persona.

Despite some early missteps, and hard lessons, this Tomie chose to walk a marginally different path: she'd find the others and destroy them, all for a good cause.

Or at least that's she tells herself.

October 2021-March 2022: The last year has been spent navigating a new existence, and avoiding trouble. Having learned some hard lessons about the nature of her existence, she's become a predominantly online presence. Her innate nature made acquiring the resources she needed to exist this way easy enough. Now, she looks for the other versions of her and other things as well.

IC Journal

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A Half-Remembered Life:
What seperates 'Reiko' from other Tomie's is that her consciousness wasn't fully replaced by a copy of Tomie's own. For whatever reason, she has memories of her former life, fragmented and broken as they might be. This fundamnetal grasp on her own nature as person independent of 'being Tomie' has given her the agency to make different choices, even if her instincts scream otherwise. This will ensure a steady divergence from the others, assuming she's able to hold onto it.

All Tomie's are reflexitively manipulative. 'Reiko' is no exception. She just can't help it. If you're talking to her, she's probably watching for the best way to use you and she may not even know she's doing it.

Despite her agency, Reiko is still a 'Tomie'. She is narcissistic, vain, easily flattered, grandiose, and has an entirely too high opinion of herself. This also makes her brittle and prone to flashes of anger when this illusion of superiority is punctured. Self-absorption is second nature to her, even if she tries to mitigate it.

All Tomies are socipaths, lacking in care and conscience and seeing people as tools to entertain them until they're bored and then discarded. 'Reiko' is different in this sense, in that while she can be callous, she is aware she's *supposed* to care about people, and makes an effort to do so, but she is reliant on external validation to inform her of if she's doing it 'right'.

Character Sheet


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Aura of Obsession:
Most Tomies are the center of attention whereever they go. It's as if they exhbit a compulsive pull that demands it. This effect is simply part and parcel of what Tomie is. Many people will look her way and then move on, but for those weaker of will or otherwise vulnerable, this compulsion can produce an ultimately destructive obsession with her and all that goes along with it, and a typical Tomie will exploit this to ruin lives for her own amusement, collecting willing thralls as they go until things ultimately blow up in their face. Others are simply immune to this charm for unclear reasons.

'Reiko' also produces this aura and is painfully aware of its existence, and does her level best to prevent people from being exposed to her presence, and limiting the duration people are when possible. She can't predict who will fall victim to it.

This power is not an excuse to compel RP or force anyone to RP in a specific way, and like all other powers on HAM requires consent of other players to affect their character at all. It's just a natural part of Tomie's existence that helps fuel her cyclical nature, and Reiko's adamant attempts to avoid it are RP fodder for her difficulty in intereacting with people in person. Most PCs are not the kind of people who would fall victim to it with ease in any event.

On the other hand, this makes her *great* bait for traps.

Connected Minds:
Tomies tend to be connected in a limited sort of collective hive mind, gaining insight into each others memories and intuiting another's plans as well as being able to ascertain the health and status of another Tomie at a glimpse. This linkage is stronger between 'sibling' Tomies spawned from the same source incident.

Through unclear means, likely linked to whatever allowed 'Reiko' her own independent consciousness instead of being fully subsumed into a Tomie herself, has limited her ability in this regard. She only occasionally gets hazy glimpses of what one of her 'siblings' might be up to and hearing echoes of things they might be up to, and the reverse is true of them. They are less able to sense her own plans in turn. Either way, she finds this deeply unsettling.

Psychic Resistance:
Both because of her connection to other Tomies, limited as it might be, and perhaps for the same, unknowable reason she was never fully immersed in it, Reiko is intensely hard to get a grasp on with telepathy. Moreover, the mind of a typical Tomie is far more alien than its personality and superficial surface belies.

Tomie is perhaps best known for her ability to regenerate. Seemingly no matter how many times she's died, she's always come back, no matter how dead she might appear to be. Her regenerative ability is a constant, and in fact, prevents her from even so much as shedding dead skin or losing hair as normal people might. This carries the added bonus of her leaving no biological forensic traces in her wake.

These regenerations take time, depending on the extent of the injuries. Single injuries heal faster than multiple ones, and coming back from the dead may take anywhere from hours to days depending on the cause and full extent of her injuries, but she always does, even if she has to dig her way out of the earth. Undying, thy name is Tomie.

Certain things can influence the speed of her regeneration. Ample access to food can help her regenerate faster. Radiation, opposed to what one might expect, also serves to help her heal more quickly. Even the most potent acids usually aren't enough to destroy her but it does halt any active regeneration until the acid is exhausted or she's removed from it. On the other hand, a Tomie burnt to death is dead for good and is one of the only sure-fire ways to end her threat. Presumably, others forms of energy sufficient to carbonize or disintegrate her on a cellular level would have the same impact.

Tomie's regenerative capacity doesn't end at just healing wounds. In fact, Tomie's biology can be said to work much like a Starfish. Cut off a limb and that limb will grow into a new version of Tomie, regenerating into a full version of herself within a length of time influenced by the same factors as her regeneration as a whole. Most Tomies see these copies as threats or 'inferior duplicates'. 'Reiko' has learned she can control her duplicating such that most injuries don't generally promote a spawning of her own person, but she will be unable to prevent if it a piece of her is detatched from her person or if she's 'dead' at the time. Each of these copies contain a copy of the mind of the Tomie they spawned from and their own typically malignant will, and are connected to the original's will. 'Reiko' refuses to allow any copies of herself to exist, ostensibly fearing for her sanity.


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Computer Prowess:
'Reiko' has schooled herself in matters computer and technical. While she is by no means an expert hacker, there are plenty of geniuses and normies who outstrip her in every category of proficiency, she has managed to make herself proficient.

'Reiko', like all Tomies, is skilled at pulling the wool over someone's eyes for a time but she is very prone to short-term thinking in her deceptions.

Detective Tomie:
In her effort to locate other Tomies like herself and destroy them, 'Reiko' has schooled herself in basic deductive reasons. She's no Sherlock Holmes and definitely no Batman. Heck, she's not even an Inspector Lestrade. But she tries.


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Alternate Identity:
With deliberate focus, 'Reiko' was able to create the fake identity of Reiko Mizutani with considerable difficulty. A thorough background work would reveal its fake, but it would take some doing.

Computer Woo:
'Reiko' has top of the line hardware for her personal home. It's very fancy, and her suite of security and hacking tools is as good as a civilian can manage to get their hands on.

Due to her agoraphobia, 'Reiko' has acquired numerous drones to interact with people through and to serve as her eyes and ears.

In her earliest days, and with lack of available opoortunities, 'Reika' exploited enough of her inborn Tomie talents to mooch off a large amount of cryptocurrency in her favor. She has since expanded this wealth into a versatile portfolio. However, her high standards for her living have kept her from making more of this than she otherwise might.


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Being splashed with or immersed in acid can delay a Tomie's regenreation, but not stop it. Still, this can be enough to prevent her from spawning or healing and is one of the reasons Reiko keeps a barrel of the stuff on hand.

As a result of some close calls earlier in her life as a Tomie, 'Reiko' has come to suffer from considerable agoraphobia. Getting her out of her suite is not impossible, but it takes some finesse and she will not want to tarry long if she doesn't have to.

The most available way to permanently kill a Tomie is fire. Carbonized cells can't regenerate. She can heal from burns she survives, of course.

Existential Dread:
'Reiko' is terrified of the questions around her own identity that her existence raises. She can be paralyzed in a fit of existential dread at inconvenient times very easily by someone who, on purpsoe or accident, can point these out. She can just shut down. And while she might argue that she's 'different' than other Tomies, it can be correctly pointed out that her focus on destroying others like herself is something that all of them try to do.

Even 'Reiko' is prone to fits of vainglory, as much as any of the others of her kind. Easily flattered and molified by expensive gifts and attention. Even if Reiko knows better, she can't help this part of her nature.

Cultivating obsession in people around you has drawbacks. Any Tomie can be hoisted on their own pertard by one of their 'fans' at inconvenient moments. This has happened countless times. 'Reika' has drawn these figures to her too and takes considerable care to avoid them.

Still photography always captures a Tomie as something ... other than human. The picture is distorted somehow, often displaying her as having two faces, or some other grotesquerie. Live video, on the other hand, will seemingly capture her image just fine in the moment, though with some occasional optical distortions that become prominent if paused or screen shotted. A Tomie will typically grow very upset if shown these results.

Every time 'Reiko' looks in the mirror, she is both enchanted and disgusted with herself. All Tomie's are self-destructive, ultimately, on a certain level, and this is no less true of 'Reiko'. She despises her own nature, and yet, is enthralled by it. She is as obsessed with herself and others like her as any other victim of Tomie and that has its costs.



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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Tomie Kawakami has 9 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Imperfect Strangers January 10th, 2024 Clara meets Tomie and Minoke admist a bout of particularly unpleasant New York weather.
Outlaws April 20th, 2023 RIley and Tomie have a little chat about their natures.
Powerhouse in the House of Power April 20th, 2023 Another night in the Hellfire club, deals are made and unkind things said.
Free Ain't Free March 17th, 2023 Sasha investigates something. Sassha finds something. Sashsa gtfos from something.
An Elevator Pitch July 12th, 2022 No description
Getting Some Answers... Maybe June 5th, 2022 Chas makes a call to the mysterious River and tries to find out more about the informant/contractor. The conversation turns however, when the man is offered a job and surprisingly accepts.
A Question of Taste May 30th, 2022 Cael gets wrapped up in the disappearance of a former colleague.
It can scream May 30th, 2022 The Screaming Blood makes its appearance and is dealt with... probably.
Club Obsession April 7th, 2022 No description


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Tomie Kawakami has 9 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Tomie Kawakami has been credited in 0 shows.

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Tomie Kawakami has been credited in 0 albums.

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Tomie Kawakami has authored 0 books.

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