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Latest revision as of 05:12, 3 April 2022

Hand me a spanner, would you
Date of Scene: 03 April 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Garage
Synopsis: Robbie meets a fellow ex-street racer, and they suss each other out.
Cast of Characters: Robbie Reyes, Cael Becker

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The sound of a radio playing filters up the ramp from underground. Music's a little tinny, reception's pretty poor down here. It's interspersed with the sound of metal on metal; one of the vehicles being worked on. An armoured limousine, going by the guy in a pair of dark coveralls slid under it, and the wheelbase that's been set to one side. He mutters to himself in Spanish while he tries to work part of the assembly free with his wrench.

Cael Becker has posed:
    There's the sound of an engine outside, as Cael arrives on the back of a Harley Davidson Shovelhead bike. She pulls it up to a stop, dismounting smoothly, and running a hand fondly over the machine with a brief smile on her features. Cael is a young woman, in her mid twenties with short, blonde hair. Bright purples, blues, and greens are dyed into the bottom layers of her hair - hidden from sight until she moves - and the back both of her hands feature a single line of flames tattooed across them. A simple silver chain is tucked out of sight under her shirt, and a leather jacket and jeans complete the outfight.
    She hums along to part of the song before remarking to the air, "Why use a radio down here? Couldn't you stream it off the website?" I mean. Who uses //radio// signals anymore?

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    Who, indeed. It's positively archaic. There's a thump, and a disgusted snarl of, "*Joder*," before Robbie tosses the wrench aside and hauls himself out from under the car. A brief, pointed look is aimed Cael's way, but he doesn't hesitate to cross to the shelving unit at the back where the rest of the tools are stored. When he's not covered in grease and dressed like the hired help, he might even be good looking. Hard to tell at the moment, though.

    "You need something, or are you just here to give me a hard time?" he wants to know from the girl. He keeps his back turned as he opens and closes drawers, hunting for something in particular it seems.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Since I don't need any help..." Cael replies - mischief showing on her features for a moment, before her expression grows more serious. "I'm Cael Becker. I'm the FBI's Liaison to the Avengers," she explains. "Something you can blame Cap for if you've a mind to."
    That introduction delivered, she turns her attention back to her bike, checking the oil levels and letting out a speculative sound. They do seem to have dropped - which means she does have a leak somewhere in the system. A very slow leak. "Well that's a bother," she mutters to herself.
    No real surprise, though. How long has this bike been sitting around in Sara's garage?

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The young man lets out a soft chuckle, and thumps around in the drawer for a minute before withdrawing a handful of zip ties and a handheld wire stripper. He thumps the drawer shut, and turns his head to watch the blonde.

    "FBI," he repeats, eyes flicking up and down slowly as he takes her in. "So you a fucking spook then, is what you're saying." The zip ties are shoved into the back pocket of his coveralls, and he approaches slowly. Not much of a friendly guy; he isn't smiling. However, "Sounds like your head gasket." He hitches his chin toward the motorcycle. "Probably needs replacing. I could look at it for you." Not that he's in any great hurry to do so.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No," Cael answers with amusement. "You're mistaking me with my sister."
    As she says this, a form that wasn't there before materializes, and seems to solidify being Robbie - that of a teenaged girl, seemingly of asian heritage. Perhaps... 16 years of age? "BOO!" she calls - knowing a cue when she hears one, a broad and mischievous smile on her features.
    "That's Alis," Cael adds helpfully. "And you're welcome to take a look if you like, but she does get pretty over protective about being the one to take care of my bikes for me."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    His eyes narrow slightly at the 'no', but he doesn't move an inch.

    Until, of course, that voice from behind startles him into pivoting about quickly and dodging a step backward, until his shoulder bumps the car he'd been working on. It's hoisted up on a lift, and looks pretty stable though.

    Alis is given the same intent once-over he favoured Cael with; and then, seeming to decide he doesn't in fact need to crack her head open with his wire stripper, he snorts softly and turns back toward Cael. "Said that I could," he reminds the blonde flatly. "Not that I would. Now, you need anything? I got work to do." The tool in his hand is tossed lightly, and caught the right way 'round.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I think we've got it," the teenager replies, beaming away with her arms crossed over her chest. "Jumpy that one - isn't he?" she remarks.
    "Seems to be," Cael agrees, still watching the man, while the teen grabs a few tools before she approaches the bike, starting to take things apart. "He might be right about the head gasket, though," she mutters under her breath. "Has it been running hot?"
    "A little - not terribly," Cael answers, her gaze moving to Alis briefly. "Still getting to know her though, you know?"
    With her gaze back on Robbie she adds, "You don't believe in introducing yourself?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    Alis and her cheerfulness seem to wash right off the guy. He does spare her a brief glance as he's about to get back to the car, furrows his brows at something, and changes course to approach her.

    "Right here," he instructs, crouching down and tapping the cylinder head with his wire cutters. "You're gonna need to pull this and the old gasket, and scrape that down."

    As for Cael, he lifts his head to study her again, when she asks her question. "Robbie," he offers after a few seconds. Cautious and bristly as a junkyard dog.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I know how to fix a gasket," the teen counters - her tone immediately put-out, and prompting a smile of amusement from the 'older' sister.
    "She doesn't like havint the integrity of her work questioned," Cael supplies simply. "Alis practically built my first bike from the ground up. Took a real junker, and turned her into something nice. 'The Rasper' we used to call her - on account of how she sounded the first time we managed to get her started." There's a fondness in her tone at the memory.
    Without commenting on the story, Alis adds, "Looks like we'll have to use some sealer until we can get the replacement part ordered. Should tide you over, though - the damage isn't too bad on this."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    Seeming satisfied that the girl knows her stuff, at least so far as automotive repairs go, the young man pushes upright and steps away from the pair, to return to his work on the limousine. "You like bikes then, huh?" he wants to know, sliding under the car again so he can work on that brake pad.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "We used to do illegal street races - when I was younger. Alis was my mechanic. Sometimes we did motorcycles, sometimes we did cars- honestly, usually we did cars. But the bikes are fun. There's a real thrill to them - really living on the edge, you know?" Cael remarks casually - as Alis starts opening various cupboards looking for the sealant she needs. "Alis has an amazing knack for understanding machines."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    "No es broma, eh?" Robbie murmurs, grimacing as he finally gets the assembly loose and pries it out from inside the wheel base. "Bikes can be all right," he agrees. "But you serious about the hustle, you want eight cylinders and a turbocharger." He pushes out from under the car, and braces a hand against it, turning slightly to watch Cael. "Never saw you on the circuit, though. You grow up around here, or what?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "What, when I was racing illegally? Not around here, no," Cael replies. "More recently though - I started getting involved as part of an FBI sting against organized crime but- well. Once I started showing up on the news in conjunction with the Avengers, and the invasion of Manhattan - well. Kind of blew my cover, and I got pulled out. So - no racing for me anymore." There's honest, deep regret in her voice. She misses it. Desperately.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    "Yeah, I remember. Thought I recognised you from somewhere." He bends to grab the wrench he'd tossed away earlier, keeping his gaze on Cael the entire time. He'd not been involved in helping out the Avengers -- not on the front lines, anyway -- but he's not been living under a rock all this time, either.

    The tools are set aside, and he folds his arms across his chest. "You miss it, huh? Used to be an adrenaline junkie, too." He dares a slight smile.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'm thinking of joining some sort of //legal// racing circle as a side gig. Just because I can't imagine it... not being part of my life anymore. So- yeah. I miss it. Won't be the same on a closed track but- well. Obviously it's the safer and more responsible thing to do. Can't be part of the FBI, or SHIELD, or the Avengers and go around risking public safety on a whim." She leans back against one of the cars as she talks, watching as Alis works on the bike.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    He starts to say one thing, then seems to change his mind entirely, and simply nods. For a moment he observes Cael, watching Alis in turn. Then he steps past her to go return the tools to their drawer with a couple of thumps. "Gonna go grab a smoke. Nice to meetcha." He starts patting himself down for them while heading for the ramp that leads back up.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "See you around, Robbie," Cael answers. She watches the man moving off - then goes over to her bike, having a seat on the floor beside it. The two girls begin chatting in a casual, familiar way - with Cael handing off parts and tools to the younger looking girl as they get the work finished on the bike.