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Latest revision as of 06:03, 22 March 2020

So who are these guys
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Computer Lab - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Alexander comes asking about Shaw industries. Samuel and Damian join in. The conversation steers to an invitation to prom.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Alexander Aaron, Damian Wayne, Samuel Morgan

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The computer labs!

Daisy's favorite spot of the school, unless we count that cubicle she has for an office but if one wants to find her this is usually it. Either doing a class, helping someone with some more difficulties with these technologies (are there even kids these days that have those problems?) and today is no different.

She is dressed in a pair of black jeans, a t-shirt with that dark green 'matrix' lettering on and she pointing to a screen where another kid is working on what seems to be a coding problem. "No, Jack. Shouldn't use global variables when local ones will do." she says with a faint grin.

"Tell you what though, go ahead and finish up the exercise at home. Bring it up to me tomorrow." Jack seems relieved. How long would he had been here by now?! So he picks up his stuff and starts walking away.

That leaves Daisy to herself for a bit, bringing up her smartphone to check on it.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The day, for Alexander, had been exceedingly normal. A good bit of routine does a soul well when the days before had a little too much chaos around. So normal was good, and it left Alexander feeling a touch at greater ease... but with a feeling of floating. As if the school itself had a surreal feel to it. Something not quite right nor real. Hard to pin down really. Especially the why of it.
    But as the youth's footsteps carried him down the hall, most of the student body having already rushed off after the final bell, it leads to Alexander being a touch introspective. Wandering, and eventually those footsteps carry him to the lab. And in line of sight of the instructor therein.
    Knuckles rap on the open door, and there is Alex. His usual attire, slightly too large jeans, large black t-shirt with a large MISFITS logo on the front of it. His hands in his pockets and his ESU backpack on one shoulder.
    "Ms. Johnson, you got a moment?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Happy Harbor's newest student had a bit of an interesting week to say the least. He had some things he had needed to take care of, and nothing is better for an introvert than a quiet place to work than an empty computer lab.

  Quiet steps down the hallway announce his approach. He was decked out with a shirt emblazoned with the Gotham Knights logo, one of Alfred's insistences when it came to his street clothes. The first family of Gotham's scion had to of course support the local teams. Jeans were his pants of choice, and some high value sneakers finished off his look. One may actually think he was a normal teenager considering his getup.

  He hadn't noticed the lab occupied until he had looked up from his phone. "Oh, I...was going to do some work in the lab. I can come back if need be."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy busies herself shooting a few messages for a bit, checking on some of her friends at SHIELD, some tweetering to set someone on the internet right. Because that always goes well. But then she stashes it away on a backpocket when she hears that voice. A glance up. "Thought we had decided on Daisy." a brief squint of her eyes. "But in my old age I am starting to forget things." then a smile given to Alexander and she gestures with her head for the young man to walk in. "Come in. What's up?"

She dislodges herself from the table she was standing against, pulling up a chair with a foot for Alexander in very much the same manner she did when they first met. An offer to sit.

Damian's approach does make Daisy looks his way though. They hadn't yet met, but then again she is but a part-time teacher here. But nothing like the present. "No, come in. It's a public space. Don't think we have met?"

A gesture to the room. "I am Daisy. And this is my den."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander gives a small snort, then amends, "Daisy." Though his smile is perhaps not entirely forgiving of that request. He strolls inside, but doesn't take a seat, not yet at least. Instead he leans against a desk, his hands in his pockets and sparing a glance around for the place.
    At Damian's arrival, Alexander's hazel eyes slide over to him and he seems to take a few moments to process. Not too long, heartbeat or two, then he lifts his chin with eyebrows lifting as he murmurs. "No, hey. S'cool." As it's alright by him. Then his eyes widening slightly as if realizing something as he adds, "Mebbe you might have insight too, because... why the heck not."
    He turns back toward Daisy, though his body language shifts a little, turning his shoulders to the side as if to include Damian into the small social circle. Then he addresses the computer teacher.
    "I was wondering if you could tell me anything about Shaw industries and what they're known for. Or connected to." Since of course a high school computer teacher might have resources to find out such things.
    Though he does spare a glance toward Damian, as if to see if anything registers there.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian gives a small nod to Daisy. "Damian Wayne."

  He places the leather messenger bag he carried down, and looked up to Alexander. "I may know?" He asks, before the questions about Shaw Industries come to the forefront.

  He had heard of them, but he had to keep his cover. "No clue." He says, shrugging it off. "My father's business operates with many others, but I don't think we have anything with them."

  The small teen keeps looking to the pair. "What are you looking to them for anyway?" He asks, plainly.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The name Wayne has a sort of a click to Daisy's mind. Wayne? That's .., either common or .., no.., something else. "Good to meet you, Damian."

But then the question about Shaw industries, and it makes it click. Ah, Wayne. Interesting, maybe a coincidence? Yet she knows there are little coincidences where it comes to Happy Harbor. And then Damian seems to confirm what she was thinking.

Yet her focus goes to Alexander's question. "Shaw Industries. Old money, lots of fingers everywhere." a beat. "From what I read over on the internet." but then a brow starts arching up slowly, her own curiosity coming up. "I am as curious as Damian here though. What are you looking to them for?" she folds her arms together, back to resting a hip against the side of the table.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    From his place there against the desk, Alexander looks back and forth between them, head canted to the side in reflection to whatever thoughts flit through his inner monologue. He lifts his chin and murmurs, "I spoke to a representative from the corporation and they have a social holding that I may be connected to. I agreed to accept the invitation, but I've done some research."
    He shifts his balance from one foot to the other, remaining slouched against the desk, "And the internet is fairly swept clean, as far as my google fu extends, and I'm curious."
    At that he blinks slowly, thoughtfully, "So I thought I would ask around in a somewhat circuitous way." Which may be why he's not exactly mentioning too many particulars, as if to fulfill some sort of obligation perhaps.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Yes, that Wayne. Wayne Industries, WayneTech, the Wayne Foundation. "Likewise." He answers to Daisy, a small smile reaching his normally serious face.

  Damian looks a bit intrigued, if only because this had been the most interesting hit of news he had heard today. "Well, good luck with that." He offers, before he grabs his bag, taking out his WayneTech laptop, and opening the piece of kit.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's good to socialize." Daisy finally admits, looking at Alexander, "Specially now that you are so close to graduating from Happy Harbor. Are those circles the ones you see yourself getting into?" an honest question, a thoughtful look on Daisy while she looks at Alexander. Certainly no judgement, simply wanting to understand.

Then a glance to Wayne, a faint smirk that lifts the corner of her mouth. Though she notes the piece of hardware. "Nice piece." she says of the Waynetech device. "Always meant to get my hands in one of those in the past.." most likely before of her SHIELD days, when she was still Skye, the hacker.

But then back to Alexander, "It's good to experience though, to know how things are like. So you know the path you have to take afterwards."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Perhaps it's better because I am graduating." Alexander counters back to Daisy, but not with malice, more with the tone of one offering an alternative school of thought. He then lifts his shoulders a little and takes a breath in consideration before he tilts his had the other way like some quizzical canine.
    "Though, I'd imagine you'd be kind enough to drop me a line if you heard anything. My father was apparently part of their thing going on." An offer given, tossed out casually. Then he smiles and shrugs a little, "Hopefully it's not some sort of country club dealio."
    That said he pushes off of the desk, adjusting the hang of his backpack with the sweep of one hand.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     WayneTech being a lead consumer electronics company, gave its owner's family access to the high end equipment. Damian's laptop was no different. "Thanks." He responds, looking to Daisy again. "The processing power beats Intel, and the display is very sharp." He adds, turning it on and to Daisy. "I am trying to learn more of this side of the business, coding and software development. I...well, you know." Best to lead when you know your stuff, of course.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am still waiting for the benchmarks on how it compares to the new Ryzen. But yep, so far it seems those will still continue to be top of the line." Yep, where it comes to technobabble Daisy is easy to get into, though sure, she knows there are a lot of other top of the line companies out there. Lex's, SHIELD tech, even Shaw's.

"Have you come to the decision already? Moving on from Happy Harbor?" Her eyes straying to Alexander, resting there on him in a thoughtful manner. The mention of Alex's father having belonged there makes her mmm, "Following on his steps?"

The gang is currently at the computer labs, Daisy talking with Damian and Alexander after class. She just now looks down at the Waynetech computer that is turned her way, she watching it without touching just yet, even if the temptation is great. "I am here just for that, I can give you a hand in learning more about it. Once I know where you stand on your knowledge." a grin down to Damian. "May I?" most likely asking about the computer.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As for Alexander, the youth is mostly leaning back against the desk nearby, at times shuffling and fiddling with his backpack, but mostly having a conversation with Daisy. "Mmm, well I mean this is my last semester and all."
    He uncurls a hand as he speaks, that ages old rhetorical technique to signify the truth being brought forth. "I already had an orientation meal get together thing at ESU. And I know this is the time when people come at you to commit to things."
    A slight smirk as he looks away, then back, "Like credit card companies and all. But I agreed to go and meet and talk. But I don't see a problem being around people even if they might not think exactly like me."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It is inevitable, inexorable, that at some point the technopath will be drawn to the computer lab. In truth, Sam has been here quite a lot, but always choosing his times carefully to be practically if not actually alone. But things can't wait at the moment, so he has to go in just after hours, and he doesn't seem surprised that there's more people here than usual.

    He does seem pleasantly surprised at the people who are here, however. As usual, Bear precedes him, does his usual lap of the room and then returns to the door to let Sam in with a happy 'whurf'.

    "Being around people who don't think like you is good for you. Or so I've been told." The teenager says as he enters, having caught at least that much from the conversation. Possibly more, but he's not saying anything else about it for now. A nod to 'Not Miss Johnson' Daisy, Alex, and a slightly more respectful nod to Damian, before he puts an external drive on a desk and sits down. "Is this the time the computer club meets? I can be elsewhere if needed..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "By all means." Damian says, sliding over the laptop towards Daisy. "I am no plebeian, but I do need to know more if I want to go that route." That had been when Bear came in and the dog gets a bit of a raised eyebrow from Damian.

  Computer club? That's a thing still? "If it is, I had no idea." He comments, sitting back in a chair for the time being. The black haired teen did however take a peek at what Daisy was going to do with his laptop.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Good then." Daisy seems happy in that expression she shows that Alexander is apparently ready to choose the next on his life though there is still a questioning look to her, perhaps one about his other path. The one they had spoken of before. Though it doesn't seem like a conversation for now so she lets that one go, eyes trailing to the entrance. "Hey, Sam!" she greets the young technopath, giving him a thumbs up. "Hadn't seen you in a bit. Are you well?" a gesture with one hand. "Come in. And no, we are just conspiring a bit after school. Have you met these two?" a thumb pointing between Alexander and Damian.

She starts working on the computer at a fast speed, it's mostly just checking it's specs, the type of software, the responsiveness. Nothing really weird. But she seems rather proficient. "None of us are plebians until we find someone better. That's always how it goes. But yep, starting coming to those IT lessons and I can give you a hand."

A glance up to Alexander, "But anyway, no, don't think there's a problem with that. In fact it's often with those people different from us that we learn more." she certainly has experience there!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Still leaning against the desk, Alexander's gaze drifts off contemplative as he nods a bit at some of what Daisy says, quirking an eyebrow at one point, but then settling in again to nod a little more. His eyes flit over towards Sam and his arrival, and then he smiles at Bear. He even mouths the word 'puppeh' to himself.
    But for the moment he takes a deep breath and holds his counsel for himself. Until out of nowhere he comments without really looking at anyone, "When most people say plebes they really mean capite censi." A nod is given though his eyes are still distanced as if that was murmured on auto-pilot.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Been okay. Had a fishing trip go a bit sideways earlier this week, but doing pretty good otherwise." Which is, of course, a clear reference to a certain incident report Daisy has probably read. "And we've met. Alex, Damian, what's up?"

    It's only a matter of moments before he has attached the external storage to the loaner laptop and booted the thing. Must have hit a key to start it up at some point while sitting down. Must have, right? What loads isn't the usual OS though... From the corner of one eye, he can see the WayneTech laptop being tested out, and of course he can't help but offer commentary. "How does it stack against Intel's W series, or AMD's newest Zen architecture? Same ballpark as the 3990, or more of a 9900 non-k?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Supposedly it's the best WayneTech offers, comparable to the 9900 series, and that doesn't hold a candle to what I have seen in the R&D labs...but I cannot say more." Yep, he's seen Applied Sciences too, and the general benevolent mad scientist that is Lucius Fox.

  "Hello." He offers, the corner of his mouth smirking to Sam.

  Of course, it would be a while until Damian had to decide on what to do with himself at Wayne Industries. The young heir was determined to learn all he could about the company's operations.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy Johnson lets out a whistle about the specs she finds on the computer. Yep, it checks out. "This one's the real thing, Sam." a look to the young technopath, then a brief smirk about a fishing-trip-that-went-wrong thing. Yep, she is aware. Then she slides the computer back to Damian. "Being held to secrecy, uh?"

A glance to Alexander, she shaking her head, "Not computer nerds. It means people without know-how, or without the skills." she then commenting over to Samuel. "And thanks for your help on the Van too. We should go check it out sometime soon."

She returns to folding her arms together, looking between the various students. "How have you been enjoying the school?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Blinking a bit, Alexander looks around and eyes widen a little, he espies Sam and waves, "Oh hey." He pushes away from the desk and shoulders his backpack a little tighter there then murmurs, "I..." He tilts his had at Daisy, "Should probably get going."
    That said he'll back to the door and gestures with a nod in Daisy's direction, "I'll let you know how all the things go and whatnot." That said he'll turn and offer another wave in Damian and Sam's direction, "Seeyas." With that said he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jeans and starts trudging toward the door, leaning a sharp right to head on up the hallway.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Is that a half grin? At any rate, Sam holds out a fist to Damian for a bump, hoping he won't be left hanging. Once freed, that hand will be used to return the wave to Alexander. "Be well dude. Catch you later."

    As for that laptop being the real thing... "Might have to get me one then, just to compare it. And I hope the van is still running fine? That's a mostly new engine and gearbox in there, by the by. Just ... don't hit the big red button in the middle of the gear shift." He's kidding. Must be. Right?

    Meanwhile, the custom OS appears to have loaded just fine on the library laptop, and he can open his project, giving it a bit of a suspicious glance "I... may need a bit more computing power..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian takes a moment to recognize the offering of nabes from Sam. To which his right hand is raised a bit and a small touch is given to Sam, dap achieved

  "I thought it was going to be...nevermind." He answers Daisy. "Not as bad as I thought it would be." Yes, that's right. Despite being completely new, he's been having a decent time of it all.

  "So what do you have working?" Damian asks, a bit curious and intrigued.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"More computing power...?" That makes Daisy's attention perk up, along with a brow when she spots Samuel talking about it. Not that she goes and checks on what he is working on, simply staying there with her arms crossed. Much better to ask. "What is it you have been looking into?"

Though the mention of a red button makes her chuckle, she shaking her head. "Trust me, I have seen my share of red buttons to know it never goes well...." those damn SHIELD flying cars! But she doesn't detail on those. "But really, thanks for it. I am owing you one. And so far it's been smooth riding, like it was back in the start."

A glance to Damian, a grin. "Good to hear. I am on the same boat, being the new teacher and all that, so far it's good."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It would honestly have helped if you'd put premium oil in the engine rather than... whatever that was. Looked like a marshmallow when it came out." Yes, Sam is going to blatantly criticise his teacher for not taking proper care of her van. At least for now. Seems he's going to stop now as well, ending his remark with just a smile before returning to the screen.

    "Just doing a physics simulation of something I'm working on, but..." it's roughly at that time the fan on the laptop decides to ramp up to full power. "... I'm hitting this thing on all cores with a full work load, but it's throttling so bad this is going to take weeks at this rate. I guess that's why they normally use those expensive room sized supercomputers for this..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian glanced over to the borrowed laptop of Sam's. "Interesting. That...is pushing some hard heat through if the fans kick off that soon." The teen looks to his laptop, then to the borrowed one. "What kind of power would you need for that kind of thing?" He asks, keeping his cover a bit. But one wouldn't have to look too hard to see the wheels turning in his head already.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Look .., it was my special brew alright..?" Daisy says in a somewhat defensive manner but there's amusement creasing at the corner of her eyes, "It made my baby live until it could find you." because everyone calls their old-ass van 'baby'. For her though it seems to have some kind of sentimental value.

She then looks between Damian and Samuel, giving them that little push. "Why don't you boys work together? Sam here is no pleb where it comes to computers too. He might give you some hints too." she suggests with a brief grin.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Next time, more oil, less buttermilk." And that's ended with a wink. Honestly he enjoyed working on that van, and he appreciates that Daisy trusted him enough to even touch it. Which probably explains why it literally runs as if it came just off the assembly lines.

    And the idea of working together... honestly, the teenager doesn't seem to mind, although his hand does drop down to Bear's head for a moment. "I could do this in about a day with the kind of hardware they use at the JPL. An hour or two at most if I had access to a reliable and actually functional quantum computer, but let's face it, that's never going to happen..."

    Aaaaaand, gambit time. He adds on to his next statement in the same breath, as if to assign it the same 'laissez faire' attitude "... and the prom is totally bogus and I don't see why anyone would waste time on it, but are you already taking someone, Damian?" Ba-thump. Heart rate, please stop racing.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "What kind of brew, it's too hot for anything that isn't designed for motors." Damian comments, then slides his laptop towards Sam. "It isn't a quantum computer, or anything that would be at the Jet Propulsion Lab...but it is better than what you're working with, by far." Not to insult the loaner, just facts.

  Damian's head rears back a bit when he is asked about the prom, he did not even expect anything about it. "No, I am not taking someone." He says, not seeing any sign of the context in which he was asked at first.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Buttermilk! PFfff! Though Daisy's amusement seems to turn more amused by that, a glance given down to Bear, a shake of her head as if condoning Bear's owner and then a sigh. No respect! At least none of them called her Ms. Daisy. Improvement.

Sure, Daisy could give a hand now and explain things. Do some adulting. But she doesn't. Instead she lets them do their own thing, solve it at their own pace. Not the type to interfere.

Just another glance over to Bear as if checking if the dog will come to it's master's aid or not.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Oh, that's a shame..." Sam begins, feeling the rather insistent nudge Bear's head against his hand. Human! Speak human! Keep speaking! "... I was ehmm... wondering, if perhaps you'd like to go with me?"

    Well, /that/ took some effort. But it's rewarded with a happy 'whurf' from the ever cheerful canine, who now turns his expressive eyes towards Damian. Clearly, some kind of response is expected. Honestly, it's hard work with these two around... he's probably due for a rather large treat later.

    Awaiting said response, Sam smiles and unplugs the external drive from the loaner laptop and instead attaching it to the offered WayneTech system. An act about as symbolic as it might get under the circumstances. "Thanks."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's serious face grows just a small bit less serious as Sam continues to speak, then as Bean asks him outright, he takes a moment to realize what had been asked of him. "You...with me?" Making sure he heard right, now it was his turn for his heart to start beating quickly. With the whurf from Bear, and a glance from those green eyes of his, Damian looks back to Sam. "Okay." He finally says, not sounding defensive as he could have, especially given that a boy just asked him to the prom.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy does that mental highfive with Bear, which mostly is just her winking over at the dog just before she dislodges herself from the table. "I am sure it will be a fun time. I will leave you guys to it. And hey, great idea on the computer club, maybe we should get one going." she slips her hands inside the pockets of her jeans, a chinjerk of farewell given at the two boys.

"See you about, and if you need to find me. Cubicle right next to the teacher's lounge..." New teachers always get the worse spots it seems ...