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The Eternal Archaeologist of the Spotless Mind
Date of Scene: 21 March 2020
Location: New York City
Synopsis: A second date goes awry, between villains and pouring rain-- but Alex and Emma make the most of it.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alex Summers

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma would have almost thought, had Alex been the sort to have the power and money, (or the power OF money, which is more to the point), that he had paid off the little 'movie tavern' to show the very movie he had mentioned to her not long before. But it seems that it was mere conicidence that this month was "retro movie month", and tonight was Raiders of the Lost Ark. Which is how a last-minute second date had ended up being planned and executed.

It's after the movie, and a dinner which consisted of some of the best kinds of tavern-style junk to eat while watching a movie: pizza, popcorn, motzerella sticks, fried pickles... and admittedly, a few beers. Emma had been entertained by the movie, though she had asked in a whisper at one point if Indiana Jones was really seriously using a whip as a weapon. But overall, she seems to have enjoyed it-- or at least the company, and as the credits roll the two young mutants walk out of the theatre arm-in-arm, with Emma leaning against Alex, laughing lightly at some silly comment he had made as they depart.

A distant rumble is heard as a storm threatens to roll in, but for the moment it's just a little windy.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "I'm just saying, if he used a gun all the time, he'd be too murdery. It's not like he doesn't, it's just usually he goes for fists and punching first. Besides, whips are utilitarian." Alex argues as they walk. "Though I get the point there. I mean, it's supposed to be a time before superpowers were everywhere, or at least were a lot rarer." He peers over at Emma. "But I'm glad it was fun, wasn't sure if you'd be into an action movie like that." he admits, smiling slightly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma shakes her head. "I still think it's ridiculous, but I think that was the point." She grins at Alex, glancing down the street-lamp lit street. She's actually wearing flats tonight, and jeans, though they are designer jeans. A white tank top and a white bolero jacket top off her outfit. She could easily fit in as "normal", for values of that. "I'm not ready for the night to end yet. For some reason," she teases, "I enjoy your company. Should we walk?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Speaking as someone who maaaay have had the jacket, fedora, messenger bag and possibly a whip, I will concede that it's likely more style than substance." Alex says dryly, then glances up. "Hmm, sure, as long as we can find a dry spot if it opens up...didn't bring an umbrella." he admits, smiling more at the offer. "Where shall we head?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma glances up at the late evening sky as well. "I'm sure we'll be fine," she says with a shrug. "Besides, there's a ton of little places along here, aren't there? Bodegas and the like." She looks down the street. "Well, we're not too far from Central Park, right?" She gives him a grin. "I hear it's nice at night."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "True.' Alex says simply, nodding as he start to walk next to Emma. "Park sounds nice, actually...haven't been there in a while either. Used to jog there, but it's too far from my place now to make it worth the trip usually." He tilts his head, then shifts his hand up slightly, taking Emma's as they walk lightly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma blushes, but squeezes Alex's hand a little as they start heading towards Central Park. It's only a few blocks, and the wind feels good: cool without being chilly, and stirring the air to make it feel fresher. "I suppose you just use the gym at your apartment bulding?" she asks idly. "That's generally what I do."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Pretty much, though I've got some barbells too. The place I've been learning to use my power has a pretty sweet one too." He glances over. "Though I'm guessing yours is going to be a bit more high class than what Im' used to." he notes with a grin. He shrugs. "Or I just jog if I need to get out and think. Reps make it easy to keep your mind going without having to pay too much attention to what your body is doing."

Emma Frost has posed:
They arrive at the outskirts of Central Park, turning down one of the pathways. The moon is beginning to become slightly obscured by clouds. Emma nods. "I can see that. I do similar things sometimes. It helps make things quiet." She tilts her head. "Like now. I mean, it's not //quiet//, but there's not many people in the park, it's late... not so much... background noise, you know? And doing repetitive things can help do that too. It's nice." She squeezes his hand again.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "So, distance helps?" Alex wonders curiously as he squeezes back, looking thoughful. "To where it's just background white noise?" It's true the park is pretty deserted...apparently the night joggers looked at the weather report and decided today was a good indoor elliptical day instead. "Or can you build a wall between you and the rest of the world, like they do in stories?" He's careful not to say telepath out loud. Just in case. He's trying to develop a good habit!

Emma Frost has posed:
"Hurry up," the tall man in a red bodysuit grouses. "I can't keep everyone away from here forever, Paulie." He scowls through his large purple goggles.

"Stuff it, Marv." The tall, bulky man who at first glance, seems to have metal arms with a bunch of gadgets coming out of them continues to "work" on one of the power stations hidden throughout Central Park by foliage. "I've almost got it."

"It does, to an extent," Emma replies to Alex. "It is a little more--" then her hand flies to her head, and she flinches. "Ugh. Something... there's something wrong." Her mind sounds like she is surrounded high-pitched static. "There's some kind of... telepathic interferance."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Interference?" Alex says, looking concerned now as he looks around, frowning. "Maybe we should get you out of here then..." he decides after a moment. "I'm guessing this hasn't happened before?" He's not unaffected by the field, of course...getting Emma away is just the reason his brain is seizing on for why he suddenly wants to leave.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma closes her eyes, concentrating. She reaches out with her mind to Alex-- at first, because he's there, and something to stabilize herself on-- and then... as she begins to be able to concentrate again...

"Son of a... mind control." There's a little hot ball of rage mixed with indignation and jealousy. No one is allowed to rifle with Alex's mind except her, in her presence. That's simply... rude. Her telepathic powers slam down around Alex's mind like a thick castle wall, relieving him of the influence of Mentallo... for now.

"There's someone around here doing a blanket mind control," Emma says, annoyed. New York City is //her// hunting ground for mucking with people's minds, and she doesn't recall allowing another teep in to play. She reaches out with her thoughts, hunting-- but much of her strength is protecting Alex's mind. So it feels like her mental abilities are swimming through thick mud.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex blinks, his thoughts clearing as he shakes it off. "...okay, I still want to get you away from it, but I'm not feeling compelled to do so." he adds dryly as he looks around. "We must be close to whoever is doing it. Whatever they're doing." he says with a frown. "Explains why it's so deserted here too."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I'll turn whomever it is into a potato," Emma says coolly, pushing through the mental fog. Or trying to, at least. It's not as easy as it should be, and that has her worried. A little bit. But after a few moments of mental strain. "That way." She frowns. "I can't... I can't actually find their mind... but I can feel kind of a physical direction. THey're nearby, for sure." She shakes her head, her skull already beginning to throb. "This feels somehow unnatural, Alex."

"Hm." Mentallo frowns down at the readout of the telepathic augmenter Fixer had just updated for him. "There's someone coming. The field didn't divert them."

Fixer snorts. "Probably too brain dead to notice. Don't worry, Marv. We can take care of 'em." He continues his work uninterrupted.

"I'm not worried about //that//, Paulie. I'm concerned your damn augment isn't working properly. You said you fixed it."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex hesistates slightly; the idea of taking Emma into a dangerous situation goes against what he's usually do....but he's not quite sure where to go with that when it's Emma who wants to go looking for trouble. "Unnatural, huh?" he says, looking in the direction indicated. "I can go look...you can watch through my eyes, right? If they've got some way of blocking what you can do, then...I don't know how good you are at self defense." he says, bluntly now. "I can run like hell if there's trouble, but you're in heels..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives him a half grin. "Flats tonight. I thought we might be walking some." She rubs her temples. "I'll follow behind you. Whatever this is, it's hard to use my powers. It's like I'm fighting another telepath." She scowls. "I assume because I am. I'm not worried about me, Alex. No one will attack me... if they try, they'll just decide not to." She gives him a reassuring smile. THat's how it's always worked for her before, after all.. she can just... redirect or rearrange the minds of others easily. "Let's get a look."

Alex Summers has posed:
    From Alex's expression, he's debating the wisdom of this, but, well...people have done stupider things because a pretty woman asked them to, after all. "Fine. Just stay back a bit, please, so they don't see both of us at once." he murmurs more quickly, turning and starting to carefully make his way forwards, looking around alertly.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Incoming," Mentallo says bluntly. "It's moving, and... shielded. NOW will you listen to me?"

"Shielded?" Fixer looks over his shoulder. "From you? That means another damn telepath. You told me we were clean for this job." He withdraws his gear from within the box. "Let's take care of the little mindbender and finish this job before they call for backup."

Mentallo nods, once, focusing himself. "I'm good at breaking mental shields," he notes aloud to Fixer. "You do your thing while I keep 'em occupied. And by that, I mean, kill them."

Emma steps behind Alex by a few feet, probably less space than he'd like... but the closer she is to him, the easier it is to maintain the shield she has over his mind. Her head throbs as she reaches out towards the center of the telepathic field. Whoever it is is shielded themselves. Which isn't surprising. And they are strong-- not as strong as she is, though, she is pretty sure. Given time, she could break them. So she begins trying, mentally chipping away at Mentallo's defenses while part of her mental energy remains protecting Alex from his influence.

Fixer scans the screen ont he augment he had tweaked for his friend earlier. Getting a location, he moves int he direct Alex is coming from.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex inhales a bit, his heart beating faster. It's crazy, right? Someone who can block Emma like this, they have to be powered. Probably a villain or something too, if they're out in Central Park putting out a field like this? He's...not sure if he knows what he'd do if they find them. His powers, are strong, sure but...he doesn't really know how to use them precisely yet. STill, he figures he can grab Emma and run if it comes downt o that...he's got /no/ problem with beating feet if it gets her out of danger. She's not the type you impress by being bravely stupid, he suspects."

Emma Frost has posed:
"It's a dumb kid," Fixer mutters into his comm as he spies Alex approaching. He raises his arm, reconfiguring it into a projectile launcher. "Night-night, kid..." A pair of bullets whizz out, winging their way towards Alex.

Emma stops, hearing the fwip-pop of the shot, distracted for a moment. //Look out!// she warns the younger Summers brother, unable to do anything more than that. She steps to the side away from where Fixer was. He wasn't the source of the telepathic field. She had to shut that down. //There's two of them. I'm going after the telepath, Alex.// her tone was cold and matter-of-fact.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex is enough on edge that when he sees the figure turning and bringing up what looks a lot like a gun of some sort, he's already starting to move, leaping to the side as the bullets shoot past, diving behind a tree. "Are you crazy, they've got guns!" the blonde mutant snaps back, then grrs, inhaling slightly. "Shit!" His heart beating that much faster with adrenaline, he tries to quickly peek out to see where the person shooting at him is.

Emma Frost has posed:
//Aren't you part of that mutant cult upstate that pisses in Trask's Cheerios all the time?// Emma shoots back. She has skimmed enough of his mind to have a general, though not detailed overview of the fact that he's been with the X-Men. Damn. She wishes Sebastian was here for a moment... whoever was doing the shooting would be in for a very nasty shock if so. Still.

Mentallo spies her as she comes into view. He drops the generalized field and focuses it on her. Emma reels mentally from the overwhelming desire to just stop and do nothing. A little spark of anger and resentment inside her, however, prevents that wave of telepathy from winning out. She focuses on him. To someone watching, it's two people staring at each other. But it was no less a battle than Sabertooth and Wolverine clawing each other to bits; this one just taking place mentally.

Fixer misses. Pity. The kid was fast, but not superhuman fast. He goes to shoot again.

Alex Summers has posed:
    That throws Alex off...he's not told Emma about the mansion deliberately....and he's got no idea which Trask she's talking about. Which means she has been reading his mind, which he shouldn't be suprised by...

    he's just suprised that she's been reading deeper than the surface.

    If it wasnt' for being shot at, he'd probably have a comeback, but busy trying not to get killed as he concentrates, concentric circles appearing around him before he leans out and points with both arms, before a small bolt of plasma lashes out, aimed roughly in Fixer's direction.

Emma Frost has posed:
Fixer dodges, swearing. A teep and a blaster. Someone was on to their job. That wasn't good at all. He fires again at Alex, strafing to make himself a harder target. Their cover was blown. He and Marv needed to get out of here before SHIELD got involved.

He fires again, before starting to move back toward his partner.

Emma's hands balled into fists, a spot of blood trickling out of her nose. She hadn't ever really done this in practice. Sure, in theory... but mostly she had used her powers to delve information out of reticient businessmen and manipulate people into doing what she or the board wanted. Mentally, she was scrambling, but still managing to hold her own... though something she might not admit to herself, more due to sheer power than to skill and training. After a few moments--

"Fuck!" Mentallo's augment cracked, and now he was reliant solely upon his own, somewhat prodigious, admittedly, mental reserves. He feels Fixer coming towards him.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex jerks back behind the tree, splinters showering as several of the bullets hit, slicing cross his arm and cheek as he jerks his head to the side and tries to keep the tree between him and the gun. Annnnnd of course. The guy is running towards where Emma is. "Shit."

    Alex breaths out, bringing up both arms this time as the rings start to build along his arms, then rolls to the side, coming up as he aims for the ground near the man with the gun.

    This time, it's a lance of pure plasma that blasts out with a tremendous *VOORP!*. The ground eruptes in a deafening explosion, sending steaming turf everywhere as well as concussive force!

Emma Frost has posed:
Well, THAT seals it for Fixer. Whatever shit that kid was blasting at him was more than he signed up for on this job. He flips on his antigrav flying boots and grabs Mentallo by the collar. "Time to go, Marv," he says flippantly as he blasts into the air, carrying Mentallo with him.

Emma continues exerting a mental assault on Mentallo until they are out of sight... then she wobbles, almost falling over.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex pants softly, a bit relieved as the two take off, before pushing himself to hsi feet and heading to Emma, quickly moving to catch her as she wobbles, arms sliding around her. "Whoa, whoa...gotcha..." He eyes the pair making their escape. "No idea what the hell that was about...you okay?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"That was... hard." Emma sounds exhausted. Mostly because she is. She rubs at her face, flinching when she pulls back a bit of blood. "Are you all right?" She doesn't pull away from him, seemingly content to lean against him. She glances over in the direction of where he had been fighting Fixer, noticing the plasma-burnt and exploded ground and flora. "...what did that poor bush do to you?" she jokes weakly.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex has a bit of blood here and there from the wooden shrapnel, but nothing serious other than some blody scratches. "Tree, and it got in the way of some bullets for me." he says with a frown, noting the bloody nose and the weakness, before he leans down and simply scoops her up, holding her as he starts making back towards the street. "WE should get out of here before the police come to investigate what just happened. No way people didn't hear an explosion like that..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma wraps her arms around his neck, not protest as he carries her out of the park... though just as they reach the sidewalks surrounding Central Park, a loud crack of thunder is heard and the bottom drops out of the skies above, rain beginning to pour down on them both.

Emma leans her head against him, stifling laughter and an irrtated sigh at the same time. //Perfect.// she says dryly in his mind.

Alex Summers has posed:
    //Well...at least it'll wash the blood off."// It's sort of a silver lining! Maybe. He looks around, then heads for a nearby bus stop, ducking under the awning to at least keep the water off and carefully sets Emma down on the bench. "Crazy girl, why'd you want to go looking for them?" he says, in a mix of affection and exasperation. "I thought that guy with the gun was going to see you before I could get a shot off..." He wobbles a bit, then sits down a little heavily next to her. At least some of that dripping down his skin is sweat rather than rain, as he catches his breath.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Someone using telepathy like that is bad for business," Emma replies. "Besides... we handled it, didn't we?" She leans against him as they both sit on the bench. She pulls out her phone, quickly sending a text. "Tessa will send a car," she breathes after a few moments. "That was a bit exhilarating. Are you all right?" She is exhausted too, but Alex seems just as much so.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Just take a bit out of me, I'll be fine." He reaches up to brush a loose strand of wet hair behind Emma's ear absently. "EXhilarating is one of of putting it, yeah." Alex sighs out, then slides an arm around Emma quietly, hugging her lightly to her side. "Just glad you're not hurt."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs, content to not say anything until a black luxury SUV with darkly tinted windows rolls up, stopping in front of the bus stop. //Our chariot await,// Emma teases, rising slowly to her feet and moving towards the vehicle.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods, then pushes himself up, staying close to Emma in case she wobbles again as he heads over to the car. "...it's not a mutant cult." he says quietly. "But we can talk about that later."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mm." Emma gets in, waiting for Alex to join her in the backseat with the door shut before she spoke again. "The club, please."

"Of course, Miss Frost."

The exhausted telepath leans against Alex. //I can have the driver take you to your place,// she says after a few moments, //or if you want you can come to mine, at least get dried off. We can talk if you want... or...// she trailed off a bit. //The driver can get you home whenever youd like. Now, later. Up to you.// Her hand rests on top of his.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex thinks about it, then sighs, leaning his head back against the seat. //Your place is good, if you're cool with it. Could use the towel at least.// he thinks. He turns his hand over, threading his fingers between Emma's quietly, squeezing as he rests a bit. //Talking's good. Will settle for dry for the moment though.//

Emma Frost has posed:
The rest of the ride is largely in silence until they arrive at the Hellfire building. Once they are inside, Emma moves to the elevators, swipes a key card and presses her palm on the palm reader before punching the button for the 6th floor. Once there, she escorts Alex down the hallway to her apartment, letting them both in.

It is perfectly pristine, white marble and stone flooring and walls. There's a small kitchen that seems rarely used and a reasonable sized living area with a white leather couch, coffee table, and a wall mounted tv. Behind the couch on the wall is the only decoration, a few framed and hung photographs.

Emma opens the bedroom door to grab towels from the bathroom. That room is all white too, with a four poster bed made of white wood and stainless steel, with sheer white curtains drawn around it. She disappears into the attached bathroom for a few moments and returns with a pair of plush towels, handing one to Alex.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex follows Emma in, pausing by the door, then feels compelled to take his boots off before proceeding in what looks like...pretty much a pristine place. A part of his mind notes that Emma definitely has a color scheme she prefers, from the look of it. "Thanks..." he says, taking the towel and running it over his hair, then pads over to the kitchen sink, pulling of his henley and wringing it out some. "If you wanna grab a shower, I'll be good for a bit?" he says, peering back over his bare shoulder. There's some...very nice muscle definition going on there from behind.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives him an openly appreciative look, before glancing away, blushing a bit. "Oh. That doesn't sound like a terrible idea... if you're sure?" She tilts her head slightly. "If you want something to drink there is sparkling water and juice in the fridge." She slips back to go grab a very quick shower, leaving Alex to his own devices for a few minutes.

Alex Summers has posed:
    It's not like she can't sense Alex, after all. Or probably get that he's basically undressing to wring out his clothes as best he can and dry off. Or that he's very aware that Emma is in the next room, showering, and his imagination is certainly piqued by /that/ image.

    He leans back against the counter, the towel hanging around his neck for the moment. //So.// he thinks. //I should have realized you'd be reading all about the mansion and stuff. So you know why I wasn't mentioning details.//

Emma Frost has posed:
//Because you're worried about outing them, especially because there are kids there.// Emma replies after a couple moments of mental silence. //Among other concerns... like your brother, a growing sense of loyalty to this professor who helped you...// She doesnt say anymore, quickly finishing her shower and stepping out to dry off.

Alex Summers has posed:
    //Exactly. Most of those kids have pretty fucked up lives. That place is a shelter for them.// Alex turns that over in her head. //Dunno bout loyalty, and really not thinking I'm whatever....my brother is. This X-Men thing. I just wanna go back to having a normal life. Not feeling like I'm going to lose control constantly. Like I have to go vent power to make sure I won't accidentally burn you or something on a date. Or kill someone accidentally.// He sighs a bit, rubbing his face. //Trying not to whinge about it, but all this shit seriously threw me for a loop. It's all craziness. But I don't regret all of it. I don't regret meeting you.//

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma rifles through her top drawer, wrapped in a towel. She frets a bit to herself, not really finding anything pajama like that's not... well, rather skimpy, as she typical wears to bed. Alone. She finally gives up on finding something more covering and grabs a pair of short pajama shorts and a camisole to wear. She towel dries her hair as best she can, regretting not having time to blow dry it straight. But through all this, she doesnt respond to Alex, not yet. in part because she isnt sure how or what to say.

//Well,// she points out after a few moments, //you should be far from overload now, right?//

And then she steps back out into the main area of the apartment from her bedroom.

Alex Summers has posed:
    //Yeah. Probably got hours before it's an issue again, that tapped me.// It takes a moment for him to realize Emma has returned, turning to look at her, then blinking a bit, eyes flicking down then immediately back up. "...you look good mussed and damp." he says, a little bit of tease back in his voice now as he folds his arms across his chest.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma mms. "You do too. But am I that mussed?" she asks worriedly, smoothing down her hair. And she wasn't wearing makeup... she knew she should have taken a few moments to reapply it! And really, she hadn't felt this mentally drained in a long time, possibly ever.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex pushes off from the counter, padding over. "Well not that mussed...but I can fix that..." he murmurs, sliding his arms around Emma to pull her gently close. Even then, he's waiting to see if she pulls away. But if not...well. He's not actually going to muss her overly much. The idea of Emma being mussed is strangely appealing...seeing her without the makeup, the fancy outfits, just....her. It's not like she's not beautiful without it.

    But he is going to kiss her though. Even if more mussing doesn't happen.


Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's heart begins pounding. Reflexively she reaches into his mind, without thinking, as she has done often enough before with others .. to nudge his thoughts aside, distract him, make him think of anything else.

But she can feel what he wants, and for a change, its appealing to her, not disgusting. Though the same apprehension rockets through her. She doesn't pull back. And while she is still very much inside his mind, she does not touch or alter anything.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex savors the kiss. His touch is still gentle on Emma's sides, his hands resting just above her hips, warm against her skin, his fingertips curling slightly against her curves. He was afraid it might be too much...too early, or just more than she wanted.

    But she's not pulling away, and the kiss deepens easily when she doesn't, his mind hyperaware of the sensation of touch, of taste, the clean scent of her after the shower.

    It's a good long moment before he breaks the kiss...then playfully reaches up with intent to gently muss her hair. Just a bit. That teasing note in his mind at it, but just the feeling of a mischievious boy seeing something he shouldn't: Emma tousled and dressed down, like she likely never lets anyone else see her.

    In some ways it's better than seeing her in the shower would have been, and his heart is beating quickly like Emma's now as he breathes out.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma shivers a little, her lips parted slightly as she just breathes. The feel of his fingertips on her hips is almost as intoxicating as a rich glass of wine. She almost doesn't believe it was real... for a moment she wonders if that was a mindscape, one she shared with him.

But her lips still tingle slightly and her chest is tight as her heart pounds faster. Was any of this real, or would it turn out to be some sort of dream?

And then she leans up and kisses him again, slow and hesitating at first, but then deepening quickly, her arms sliding around his neck, her body pressing to his.

Alex Summers has posed:
    The little mussing touch turns into a light cup against the nape of Emma's neck as her lips find Alex's again as he slides his other hand up, cupping the small of her back now to pull her gently against him, his body warmth pressing to hers as he closes his eyes. This time, he lets Emma lead, responding to her, kissing back more strongly when she does as his fingers loosely curl in her hair.