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Latest revision as of 17:17, 6 April 2022

Territory, Part 2
Date of Scene: 05 April 2022
Location: Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Huntress meets Wraith again. They come to an agreement.
Cast of Characters: Helena Wayne, Evan Cooper

Helena Wayne has posed:
Meeting Wraith last night was both curious and disturbing to Helena. Curious, because he seems to be very skilled. The camo tech is also pretty cool, admittedly. But also disturbing because she doesn't understand his motivation. And he seems a bit... naive?

Sort of like she was when she first put on the Robin costume.


Huntress has taken to the rooftops for her patrol tonight, swinging from one to the next, taking a look around before moving on. A short ways into her patrol she touches her comm. "This is Huntress, checking in. Wraith, you out there?"

Evan Cooper has posed:
<Copy that, Huntress. I'm on 4th Street, behind the strip mall. The warm weather tonight has brought out a lot of people and I'm just keeping an eye on things.>

Although it can't be seen from behind his mask, Evan smiles. He had really been hoping that he would run into Huntress tonight. He kept getting up from his sleep all day to double, triple, quadruple check his charging ear comm batteries, and even got backups ready just in case.

<Are you being safe tonight?>

He is probably less naive than he is isolated and craving some sort of company. He has spent so many years in complete social isolation than the loneliness has just become normal for him, it's his background constant. So when faced with the possible social interaction last night, he just fell apart. He has literally forgotten how to interact with people.

Helena Wayne has posed:
<I'm always safe. Every night I put on the mask, I'm safe.> she replies, like it was part of some mantra. Or catechism. 4th street behind the strip mall. Not far from where she is right now. <Just hang tight, okay? I'll be there shortly. Recon always goes better with two.>

Not to mention she wouldn't mind the company, either. And she did promise the other Birds that she'd gather more intel on this guy.

At least that's what she tells herself.

<If it's really quiet, I'll swing through a drive-through and grab a couple of coffees for us.> And that's right about the time she swings up onto the roof near him. Feet up, she kicks into a neat pike before swinging over and sticking the landing.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Wraith was in a crouching position. When Huntress arrives he stands and faces her. He quietly claps his hands. "Not bad. The German judge gives a 8.4, the American judge gives an 8.2, and the French judge gives...a 5.6. Well fuck those French judges."

He walks closer to Huntress. "Well you should know that I stopped exactly zero crimes so far. I figure that public drinking is below my pay grade, so I'm letting that slide. And I don't have time to take about sixty people into custody."

He nods in Huntress' direction. "How 'bout you?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne rises, her cape settling last as she approaches. Purple lips draw into a wry smile at his assessment. "Well I'm not exactly a professional gymnast, otherwise I'd be doing something else with my evenings." she replies, closing the distance.

"And it's not about stopping every crime out there, Wraith. It's about stopping the ones that truly matter." Pause. "You'll know which ones they are when they happen." She sizes him up as she approaches, then asks. "How're you doing tonight, by the way?"

Evan Cooper has posed:
A shrug. Forced casualness, like one who is trying to act more nonchalant than he feels. "Me? I'm doing great. Never felt better." His tone might indicate he's trying to convince himself of that.

"So what are..." He pauses, thinking. "Er, what do you... I mean, how is your..." He shakes his head and blurts out a laugh. "You know, I never counted on how hard it is to strike up a conversation with someone you only know anonymously. There are parts of this life I did not expect."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne steps over towards one of the air handler units on the roof, leaning slightly against it and folding her arms. Her upper lip twitches into a smile. "I'm curious, Wraith. I mean, everybody in this business has their reasons -why-. So why do you put on the costume at night?"

"Aside from not wanting people to know who you are, that is. It's really easy just to watch. It's harder to do something about it."

Evan Cooper has posed:
Wraith just sits down on the roof casually. Apparently watching the crowd below has taken a distant second place to talking to Huntress. "Wow, okay so we jumped to *that* question." He laughs, one part humor and one part nervousness. "My parents are both dead. I was never able to prove it, but I'm pretty sure my father had my mother murdered to get custody of me. And he went on to do some really, really shitty things that hurt a lot...a LOT of people. And part of his evil is what allows me to be out here and do the things I do." A shrug. "So I figure that I can appreciate the irony of using my the evil things my father did to bring some good into the world. I guess you can say I'm paying of his ledger."

A nod in Huntress' direction. "You?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne smirks, nodding with a little shrug. "Hey, enquiring minds want to know." Like most of the Gotham vigilante crew, no doubt. The more he goes on the more she tilts her head, wry expression fading. "Yeah, I definitely get that." she replies in a softer voice.

"Me?" She chuckles, then, mulling it over. "Okay, so I'm not sure how to say this without coming across like I'm mocking. But it's the truth, I swear."

"I'm from another dimension." Pause. "More specifically, Gotham City in another dimension. My world was destroyed and I got thrown into this one."

Evan Cooper has posed:
There is no facial expression to read. He's wearing a full-head mask. But Wraith sits there silent and unmoving, staring at Huntress for several long, silent moments. Does he believe her? Does he think she's crazy? Is he calculating the best way to escape this rooftop? What's going on inside that unmoving, implacable form?

Then finally: "Wow. That...that must be really fuckin' lonely. You don't even...even live in your home world?" His voice is gentle, non-judgmental. "I'm sorry."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne shakes her head slowly, upper lip curling into a wry expression again. "It definitely sucks on a certain level. I've also been accepted by the local Bat-crew, which helps a lot." Even if one of them ISN'T her real father. "But it's not my REAL family. And we didn't have nearly as many back home."

"You don't even want to know how many Robins there are. Trust me."

Evan Cooper has posed:
Wraith lets out a small, breathy laugh. "Yeah I probably don't. I mean, you're the only other vigilante I've ever met. I saw Batman once in action. I was up on a rooftop over in the Narrows and there was a gang fight like you would not believe. And all of a sudden there he was." He shakes head. "I man, they *say* what a force of nature he is but I couldn't even understand it until I saw it for myself." Another small laugh. "I was up on a roof and not even involved, and *I* was scared. I can't even imagine being down there in the melee against him."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne nods a little. "Batman is the best." she replies simply. Not one of, but THE best. "I worked with the Batman in my home world. He was my mentor, you might say." She draws a deep breath, exhaling softly. "So listen, Wraith. If you want, I'd like to shadow you for a bit. Not because I don't think you're capable, because you really are, but because everybody makes mistakes. And even when you don't make mistakes, things happen. That's the business."

Evan Cooper has posed:
"Sure, you can shadow me all you want." He agrees so readily. That speaks volumes about his intense social isolation.

Wraith sort of sits there in awkward silence for a few moments. "Is that...did you mean now? Like you want to shadow me now? I could go do some stuff and stuff like that. If you...if you want me to." He rubs one gloved hand across the top of his masked head. What a shy, awkward nerd for someone who is supposedly out writing wrongs and striking fear in criminals.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne chuckles softly at the shift in his demeanor, shrugging to ease away from the air handling unit. She steps closer, reaching out to slowly rest a hand on his shoulder unless he pulls away. "Relax, Wraith. This isn't a job interview or a police interrogation. You do your thing. I'll hang back and watch; give you pointers over the comm if I think you need it. But mostly I expect I'll just need to watch."

The grin returns, then she adds. "And after that, I'll grab us some coffee."