Helena Wayne
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Helena Wayne (Scenesys ID: 1062) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Helena Wayne | ||
Superalias: | |||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Homo Sapiens | ||
Occupation: | Investor / Vigilante | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America (Forged) | ||
Residence: | New York City, NY. | ||
Education: | Private Tutelage | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 29 | Actual Age: | 29 |
Date of Birth | 22 September 1990 | Played By | Jessica De Gouw |
Height: | 6'0" | Weight: | 170 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | @HDinNYC | ||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Helena Wayne (known as Helena Dubrovna on her passport and other legal documentation) is a private citizen. She made her money through wise investments and private consulting work, doing her best to stay off the public radar. If one is familiar with her at all, it is only in passing from a society function.
(Earth 2) 2001 - Helena Wayne is born to Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle in Gotham City, New Jersey. Almost from birth she is trained by her father to be his partner and eventual successor as Batman.
(Earth 2) 2017 - At the urging of her mother, Helena dons the mantle of Robin for the first time and stops a mugging. Bruce insists she is not ready but eventually relents and allows her to join him on his crusade.
(Earth 2) 2019 - A malicious interdimensional force attacks Earth - killing millions and starting a war that necessitates all nations coming together to form a singular World Army. Later this same year, Selina is killed, and Helena meets Supergirl for the first time - becoming close friends.
(Earth 2) 2020 - After more desperate fighting, the Battle of Metropolis sees the apparent destruction of that universe - including its Superman, Wonder Woman, and Helena's father; Batman. Supergirl shields Helena from the explosion and carries them both through an exploding portal generator, saving Helena's life.
IC Journal
"Didn't your father teach you to be careful?"
"Sure. But my mother also taught me that the only way we make it in the world ... is if we trust our friends."
- Batman/Superman (2013) #8
The world that Helena comes from had moved beyond the idea of heroes operating in their own personal fiefdoms, keeping their secrets, and only working together when needs arose. Her world was threatened by the greatest extradimensional threat it had ever faced, and its people were forced to band together as one to stop it. As a result, Helena is a little unlike this Earth's version of her parents in that she can trust others. She doesn't trust implicitly, and it generally needs to be earned, but once someone has entered her confidence she understands that she needs to rely on them as much as they rely on her in order to get by.
"Little people matter too. I won't forget that, mom."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #0
Helena has spent her life training her mind and body to contend with the most volatile and dangerous threats the universe can throw at her. Despite all of this, she never forgot where her parents' crusade began - protecting innocent people on the street from the criminals who prey on them. For her whole life, Helena has been the defender of those who cannot defend themselves. She's ready and willing to dive into the fray to protect others who need it, and she has honed it into a gut instinct now. Where others feel fear and a desire to preserve themselves, Helena only wonders how she might help.
"And I'm sure you have dossiers on every hero, too ... but I mean the real people ..."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #18
One does not grow up with Batman for a father and not learn something about preparedness. While Helena long ago learned to master the sort of improvisation necessary to react and adapt to situations in real time, she learned that preparation will always trump that. If she has the opportunity, Helena prefers to sit back and observe a situation before she involves herself. She likes to make note of patrol routes for guards, listen in on conversation for extra information, or just observe those she intends to fight to make note of any weaknesses she might be able to exploit. On top of this, she likes to make plans for her nightly patrols and prepare the loadout of her utility belt accordingly.
"You do the celebrity thing ... I hate having my picture taken."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #1
Helena prefers to keep herself to herself. Even though she's managed to amass a tidy sum of money to make her campaign work, she does it through private investments and shell companies. There is no part of her that wants to be in the limelight, and while she can function in high society with the best of them that has never really been her goal. She's no shrinking violet and can keep up for herself and speak loudly when she needs to, but the life of a socialite isn't for her. She'll keep her personal thoughts about things to herself unless she needs to share them, unless she trusts someone well enough to have those kinds of conversations.
"You can daydream about what we lost. I learned every day can be your last the hard way. I want to make every day I've got count, wherever the hell I have to spend it."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #18
Helena wasn't always a pragmatist. When she was young - when she was Robin - she enjoyed a healthy dose of optimism. She thought she could take on the world and that anything she set her mind to could be accomplished with enough hard work and determination. Then she ended up deposited on an Earth very different from her own and with no accessible way back to her home. Since then she has learned to make the most of what she has, working with what she's got rather than pining for what she doesn't. This doesn't necessarily make her cruel, but it does make her quick to accept the grim realities of her work. People get hurt; people even die.
"Always take care of people before you take care of yourself."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #19
Realist though she may be, Helena is still a hero at heart. She's ready to lay down her life for other people, and she will always think of them first. If there's a gun pointed at someone else, she's the sort who will move to take the bullet instead. Her parents made the goal of her life the safety and betterment of those who could not protect themselves, and she has lived by that credo. Be it saving the entire world from destruction or simply keeping a mugging victim from being slain, she will lay down her life for either cause.
Character Sheet
Physical Conditioning:
"Three hours a day, seven days a week ... way over 10,000 hours now ... "
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #0
There was no point in her teenage years where Helena's parents decided to shape her for a life fighting crime. Rather, her entire life from infancy was spent preparing. She is at the absolute pinnacle of health for a woman her age; strong, fast, flexible, and with incredible stamina. As well as being in this shape, Helena has many long hours of practice that makes it easy for her to keep herself in the same physical condition. Simply put, she has known nothing else in her life and even if she were not actively working as a vigilante she would still maintain her fitness regimen simply out of habit.
"Land on your feet, mother always said."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #17
Helena is an extremely capable acrobat. She's able to move with fluidity in grace even when she's being shot at or attacked by all manner of enemies. On top of that, she's developed the strength and finesse necessary to scale buildings, jump from rooftop to rooftop, and generally scale the glass and concrete canyons of major urban landscapes. She may not have the flair for it that some do, but she's been turning flips and cartwheels since almost before she could walk.
Computer Scientist:
"Hacked into the NSA's version of Pattern Search, and twinning that to the NYPD's surveillance cameras ... "
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #18
Computers have always been a part of Helena's life. When she showed an aptitude for them as a youth, Helena's mother made sure to teach her the best ways to use these skills to get by various methods of cyber security. Now, Helena incorporates it all into her vigilante skillset. She's able to siphon funds away from bank accounts, hack into surveillance infrastructure to use it for her own benefit, and even duck in and out of secured servers to get a hold of information.
"Hints of accelerant in the air. Mom always said use your nose to sniff out trouble ... "
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #16
Helena was raised by the World's Greatest Detective and he taught her all the tricks worth teaching. He cultivated in her an analytical mind that can look at even the most obscure aspects of a scene and employ deductive reasoning to work out just what happened. She's well-versed in forensics and other investigatory tactics, and would be well at home in even the most advanced crime labs. In short, she is a worthy heir to her father.
Escape Artist:
"What did he say - only your own mind can keep you prisoner, Helena ... otherwise there's always a way out ... especially if you're prepared."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #15
Helena's mother was one of the greatest thieves in the world - if not the greatest. Her father had been in more death traps than most people had hot showers and he'd managed to escape from every single one. Between them, they taught Helena all the tricks of getting into and out of places and confinements. She can pick handcuffs with ease, dislocate her shoulders to escape ropes, and knows her way around most security and alarm systems even if she's only seen them once or twice.
"Too far for another shot from this angle ... she's zipping across the water ... maybe 50 MPH ... maybe that's not a problem."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #16
While Helena was obviously taught a wide variety of skills, there were some that she favored even more than her famous parents. One such skill was archery, namely the use of crossbows. Helena has become an excellent shot with the miniature crossbow she favors, able to hit moving targets and even bank shots off certain surfaces. She is accurate enough to cause injury without accidentally hitting vital organs or arteries, making the weapon useful even in a non-lethal capacity. This skill also extends to thrown weapons such as shurikens, and even firearms if she ever deigned to use one.
Martial Artist:
"I'm going to enjoy taking this man down."
- Huntress (2012) #2
Perhaps the most telling element of training under Batman is the ability to turn the body into a living weapon. Helena's father traveled the world to forge a new, wide-ranging style of hand-to-hand combat fused together from parts of dozens or hundreds of other martial artforms. Helena learned this art from her father, learning as well the various martial arts that informed it. She is a superb hand to hand fighter, able to take on multiple enemies both armed an unarmed with minimal trouble. She is a threat even to some of the most well-trained and agile fighters on the planet, and can even turn the strength of super-powered opponents against themselves if she exercises her skills properly.
Bat Family:
"She knows exactly how the system works. Down to the password overrides and the custom keystroke commands."
- Batman/Superman (2013) #8
When Helena arrived on this Earth, she had no connections with the Bat Family - in her world, it had only ever been herself and her parents. But while things on this Earth had gone differently, Helena learned that many of the secrets remained the same. As such, she knows how to access much of the Bat Family's computer infrastructure, she knows the (rough) location of the Batcave, and even knows the identities of both Catwoman and Batman - though she hasn't confirmed the latter and has accepted she may not even be correct. Not everything is exactly the same and there are certainly a few passwords and secret locations she's not privy to, but in general she has all the knowledge of a Robin in good standing.
Power Girl:
"She's like a whirlwind, blowing this cesspit clean. Whoever this Superkid is, she's awesome."
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #0
Helena's closest friend is Kara Zor-L, whom she knew on Earth 2 as Supergirl. Helena met Kara shortly after her first outing as Robin, and the pair worked together many times in the years that followed. They shared secrets with one another that they kept from even their adopted parents, and trusted one another with their lives.
" ... and silk just doesn't do it like treated Kevlar ... "
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #1
Helena has designed for herself a uniform not unlike that of the Batman of her home dimension. It is comprised of an armored cowl with advanced optics and HUD display, as well as a Kevlar and Nomex weave that makes it both bullet and fire resistant. Though it may change a little in style and appearance from time to time, it is functionally designed to offer the same suite of abilities. Namely, it houses a wide variety of gadgets, it can withstand punishment, and it conceals her identity.
"There. Braver than she is bright. Doesn't she realize how fragile she is? How dangerous those weapons are?"
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #0
For all her training and equipment, Helena Wayne is a mortal woman. She can be wounded, she can be killed, she ages over time, and she can be struck low by illness and fatigue. She knows how to take care of herself and prevent these things to the best of her ability, but the ultimate truth of the matter is she is putting herself in harm's way every time she sets out to fight against crime and corruption.
"I lost them once, who needs to hurt twice? If they're out there, let 'em be well and happy ... and if they're not, why disappoint myself?"
- Worlds' Finest (2012) #18
One of the strangest parts about being on another world is that Helena's parents are now alive again. Except they aren't her parents. They're younger versions of them, with many of the same formative experiences and the same appearance. Their personalities are similar, albeit untampered by years lived as loving and devoted parents. At best it is weird to hear about their exploits or see them, at worst it is a heart-wrenching reminder of all that she has lost. What's worse is that she would go to any lengths to keep them safe from harm, despite the lack of a connection on their part.
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Helena Wayne has
47 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Safehouse | April 22nd, 2024 | Helena breaks into Selina's safehouse, only the Cat is home. |
The Cat and the Dragons | April 1st, 2024 | Catwoman run into 'Huntress' during a fight and both end up doing a double-take. More questions are left than answers. |
Helena and the Ghul | July 4th, 2023 | Finished scene |
The Gravity of the Situation | August 10th, 2022 | Franklin Hall's first attempt at revenge on those whom have wronged him fails thanks to a particularly deft Huntress. |
The Reavers: Initiation Interrupted | July 29th, 2022 | Several heroes converge on a black market cybernetic body shop just when the Reavers inducted a new recruit by giving him his full enhancements. The fight was swift, brutal and left nothing standing. But that did not keep the heroes from making off with people and information that may shed some light on who the Reavers are and what they have been doing. |
Hunting a bit of Inque | July 26th, 2022 | A simple infiltration and sabotage job goes horribly wrong for Inque as Jim Gordon, The Huntress, Balm, and Poison Ivy all arrive at the scene at the same time. |
Jurisdictional Conflicts | July 21st, 2022 | Two government agencies and one vigilante interrupt what should have been a lucrative drug deal. |
Searching for a Dojo | June 9th, 2022 | Helena meets Colleen and joins a new dojo. |
Newcomers and Shortcomers | May 28th, 2022 | Helena and Gabby chat about their respective pasts, families, and potential training. With swords. |
Informal Team Meeting | May 15th, 2022 | Several of the Outsiders meet by accident. |
Masks Are Just Cages We Wear On Our Face | April 20th, 2022 | After the big fight, Helena brings Evan home to patch him up. Sharp suture needle is sharp! |
Bats in the Moonlight | April 16th, 2022 | Helena becomes the Purple One |
We Carry Our Own Cages | April 14th, 2022 | Huntress and Wraith tangle with some wicked mechs, and save the day. But Helena has some words of advice for the newcomer to Gotham. |
Territory, Part 2 | April 5th, 2022 | Huntress meets Wraith again. They come to an agreement. |
Protecting Territory | April 4th, 2022 | Huntress meets Wraith, a new vigilante in Gotham. |
Back Online | March 15th, 2022 | Roy calls Helena after being M.I.A. for a while. Ice cream ensues. |
Recon Patrol | February 19th, 2022 | Huntress gets Supergirl's attention. And doesn't die. |
Coming (not) Home | February 12th, 2022 | People gather in the kitchen. Julia Pennyworth meets people, and Austin gets his first glimpse of Wayne Manor. |
Updates and Ice Creams | February 2nd, 2022 | Helena and Roy eat a lil, talk a lil. |
Gotham: Human Trafficking Rush Hour | February 2nd, 2022 | Heroes stop human traffickers from snatching refugees from Manhattan. The Foot make an appearance, but it doesn't go how the bad guys hoped. |
Cat meets Kitten | January 24th, 2022 | In her temporary(?) Bat guise, Selina makes contact with Helena Wayne. Selina comes away suspicious, but ultimately unaware of her own strange connection with the Huntress. |
Burgers and Confessions | January 22nd, 2022 | Chat over burgers. Helena tells Roy about her world and Roy tells her about the Outsiders. |
Encounter on Campus | January 17th, 2022 | Huntress helps Roy Harper avoid making a terrible mistake. Secrets are exchanged, and a friendship is forged. |
Hanging with Helena at Harry's | January 12th, 2022 | Helena Wayne meets Monet. The two bond over while talking about statistics. |
Big Trouble at Little Gotham U | January 2nd, 2022 | Roy |
Meanwhile, Back at the Scene of the Crime | December 15th, 2021 | Kate brings in Dinah and Helena for follow up. |
History Check | December 1st, 2021 | Helena stops by Wayne Manor and catches up with Alfred. |
A Spider in Crime Alley | November 20th, 2021 | Spider-Man meets another Huntress on |
Another Bat | November 16th, 2021 | Kate meets the new Huntress, and Huntress meets (yet another) Bat. |
Study Break | November 3rd, 2021 | Helena Bertinelli invites Helena Wayne to Sicily to help with something. |
It Came from the 80s | October 30th, 2021 | An undying horror, the ghastly remains of serial killer Gustav Gantz is released from the dark pit that once contained him, and terrorizes the 20-year reunion of the teens that put him down once before. This time it was up to Huntress, two Batgirls, Red Robin, and as-yet-lacking-a-codename Austin Reese to do the deed. Our heroes, yet again, save the day. |
8482=Gotham is Not a Nice Place. | October 30th, 2021 | Huntress meets a fiery celebrity. (Or, Johnny Storm meets a Gotham vigilante.) |
Bookworms | October 24th, 2021 | Helena Wayne meets an environmental activist at the campus bookstore. And Pamela Isley meets a student biker. |
Too late for coffee | October 20th, 2021 | After beating some muggers in the subway, Helena and Cole go get coffee. Helena has many questions |
Lucy, I'm Home! | September 28th, 2021 | The Helena's converge on Miss Wayne's apartment after separate patrols. Bandages are shared. A deal is struck. And someone falls asleep. |
The Birthday Party | September 28th, 2021 | Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits. |
Wrong Neighborhood | September 24th, 2021 | Helena almost gets mugged on her birthday until Cole steps in. |
Deja Vu | September 14th, 2021 | Helena and Helena work on an alibi, and become 'family'. |
Who IS Helena | September 9th, 2021 | The Huntress meeting occurs and the world doesn't blow up. Not yet. |
Accidental Samurai | August 31st, 2021 | Helena meets a mute girl at the fair. They tell each other nothing, but somehow, everything. |
Another Night in Gotham | August 29th, 2021 | Oracle begins to vet the mysterious Huntress that aided Flamebird. She does it in the guise of Batgirl.. that'll be confusing when Helena meets the current Batgirl. No doubt she'll put two and two together at that point. Huntress is now a prospect and Babs needs to talk to Bruce... because Helena Wayne? there's no such thing as a coincidence. |
One Night in Gotham | August 25th, 2021 | Flamebird meets Huntress |
Go higher | May 11th, 2020 | Helena and Elektra go higher this time. All the way up to the Roxxon building. Daring. |
Up on the roof no one can hear you... | April 22nd, 2020 | A first meeting between Helena and Elektra with more in common than the rooftop they chose to perch in. |
Dockers Never Go Out Of Style | April 18th, 2020 | The Bats raid smugglers bringing in cargo at the Gotham docks. |
Of All The Earths, In All The Multiverse ... | April 18th, 2020 | Reunited and it feels so good. |
Prey | April 8th, 2020 | April runs afoul of the oppressed socio-economically disadvantaged. Helena bullies them. |
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Helena Wayne has
47 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Helena Wayne has been credited in
0 shows.
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Helena Wayne has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Helena Wayne has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Helena Wayne has been listed in 0 groups.