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Latest revision as of 17:17, 6 April 2022

Sisters From the Same Mister
Date of Scene: 05 April 2022
Location: Garage / Stables
Synopsis: Rien and Gabby reunite, and discuss possible modifications for claws. Then go off to harass Logan.
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Gabby Kinney

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
It's been a few months since Rien's been seen around the area. Not long after the angel attacks started, she just sort of... disappeared. Not that that is entirely unusual, mind. She doesn't belong in this time in the first place.

Still, it might be nice to see a familiar blonde-haired, black-clad figure riding across the grounds of the school on a sleek black Marwari in proper English tack and saddle. She carries a slim pack across her back but seems otherwise unencumbered, and looks the same as she ever does. Beautiful young woman in her mid-twenties with thick blond hair, blue eyes, and familiar features.

She raises a hand in a wave towards the mansion (someone is ALWAYS watching at Xavier's), and heads towards the stables where she can dismount and start to care for the horse.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Of course someone was watching at the mansion. If not from a window directly then from the cameras. Thankfully the person who was on duty at the moment happened to recognize the description of Rien that Gabby had provided as a 'if she ever shows up please let me know pronto'. Which is precisely what happens, and why Gabby comes running full tilt from the manor. She'd made a stop over by the kitchen to grab a bag of carrots meant for the horses, too, since a horse was mentioned. Can't forget the horsies!

"Rien!" Her voice rings out just before she's seen and she comes skidding to a halt at the door to the stables catching herself on the frame so that she doesn't completely dash inside and scare the animals. Still she's there, beaming from ear to ear. "It's been ages how are you what's your horses name!?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien is in the process of removing all the tack from the horse, setting each piece on its peg or rail, when her name is called out. A wide smile unfurls as she steps out from the stall, "Ma doux blaireau! Hello! I am sorry but when the angels came to New York and took all the attention, demons used the chaos to start crawling from the woodwork. I have been hunting!" She gives the horse an affectionate pat and gaze, "This is Hanspal, an old friend who has been aiding me in my hunt." A small rub given behind one velvety ear before she's turning back to Gabby with that warm smile, "I have missed you my dear. You must tell me everything!"

She motions for Gabby to join her, moving to heft the saddle and pad from her mount, making sure it's properly seated before picking up a curry to brush Hanspal down with. "Come, Hanspal loves apples and carrots and alfalfa. You can make friends while we catch up. I see that the angels have left, that is good. But what is happening with you, sister?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Sounds like something they'd do," Gabby has to admit with a nod of ready agreement and accepting what was said. Demons, Angels, fourth wall breaking. She took it all in stride because who's to say it isn't true? She trusted her family not to lie to her TOO much. Usually. Still, the warm greeting she gets in return causes her smile to return again. Carefully she edges forward to get in Hanspal's range of vision so as to not spook him.

"Hey handsome!" She greets cheerily and holds a hand out to let him sniff before offering a carrot over. "Thanks for helping my sister out! You must be suuuuper brave and that means you get lots of treats!"

With the offering made her gaze turns back to Rien as she considers it. "Uh, a fair amount but nothing serious just..." A deep breath is drawn. "Bellona, my other sister who isn't mutant, went missing so I was trying to find her with the help of my teammates and we ended up finding her but there's some other issues to deal with and I have to wear a heart-rate monitor now until they solve it because I might drop dead temporarily for a few minutes but it's okay we're working on it." How she managed to say that all in one breath is anyone's guess.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Definitely something they'd do... so I've been hunting down demons and dispatching them back to Hell while everyone else was busy with the angels. Can't have Hell on Earth just because the angels got a Messiah Complex." Rien shakes her head a little, that thick blonde mane bouncing lightly as she does so.

Hanspal eyes Gabby, snorting out warm breath against her palm as he takes in her scent. The scent of carrots, however, has him lipping at her palm until she produces the treat! Then he's carefully grabbing it from her hand and happily monch-cronching on his carrot while soliciting scritches and pats from Gabby since she's right there.

"He is extremely brave. He comes from an ancient line, a family that dates back before either myself or Logan. The Marwari were bred as war horses in ancient times, and there are still a few family lines that keep to strict breeding and training. Hanspal comes from one of them." Rien smiles up at the horse as if he understands her, continuing the smooth, quick strokes to brush all the dust and debris from his coat. That pauses when she gets to the part about a heart monitor, that blond head peeking around the front of the horse, one brow lifted, "Is this something that you would like my help with? Magic is not always the answer, but depending on the nature of the problem, it is sometimes the best answer." She's taking the news remarkably well, probably because of the level of insanity that she deals with on the regular. And the fact that Gabby has assured her there are Top People on it. Top. People.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is quite glad to give the rubbings. While he's chowing down on the carrots she's scritching all those potentially itchy spots around his nose, between his eyes, and up by his ears. Such a good boy. "Wow, older than dad? That's impressive!" She doesn't say about Rien being old, at least, though she knew she was as well.

The offer of magic earns a grin in turn. Leaning to the side to get a better look at her blonde sister she shakes her head a little. "It's more a technology thing so I'm not sure it'd work well with magic anyway, but thank you." Her attention returns to the horse even as she continues to explain, "My sisters and I were injected with nanomachines at the labs to take away our sense of pain. It killed most of them off, some kind of programming error, but I've got a healing factor. Seems they tried to revive the project recently so it's been messing with me."

"My team took down the labs again, and found Bellona and are trying to reprogram them or something now. I've been fine since then as it is. Honestly," she adds with a laugh, "I thought I was just having blackouts from being tired until it happened in front of them. They were so worried, it made me feel bad."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Nodding, Rien smiles at Gabby, "Agreed. Best not to let magic and science mix too much. It's one thing for very very advanced science, but earthly now-time science doesn't seem to appreciate magic's interference." Reaching out, she gives a brief squeeze of her shoulder, "As long as you are confident it will be resolved, then I won't worry overmuch. But if things go sideways and you need an out. You reach out to me. I can make sure your team has an escape route if it comes down to absolutely have to need to no other way out." She winks at Gabby and goes back to brushing down Hanspal.

"This really does need to stop, though. These experiments, I mean. They seem to think that clones have no more feeling or soul than a... a car battery. And that simply, factually, isn't true. Whether through birth or biology, every living thing has a soul." Shaking her head, Rien trades the curry for the brush to deal with tangles in Hanspal's mane and tail. "I can understand that, on both sides. I'm just glad that you're alright, and Bellona, too."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to place her hand over Rien's at the squeeze to her arm. The sentiment is met with a rather warm grin from her, and she squeezes her hand in turn before releasing it so she can continue grooming Hanspal. This also frees her own hands up to fish out another carrot. The nearby horses in the stable of course whinny their protests at not getting treats, too. So rude.

"Thanks, Rien. I actually did want to ask you a favor though if it's something possible," she starts lifting up her hand to make a fist. She doesn't let her claw come out--No sense in spooking horses--but the gesture was there. "I recently had to fight someone and I carved a peice of rock into my claw so I could carry it to use against them. Got me thinking if I could carve more useful things into my claws. I mean, I'm not always fighting just regular criminals."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Hanspal lips up the next carrot as quickly as the first, all too happy to get another treat! He's a very spoiled horse. But he works hard for his treats, so really, it's only fair! Rien chuckles and pats the side of his neck, "Last one, Hanspal. I don't want you ruining your supper."

Looking back to Gabby, Rien lifts a brow, "Of course. If it's within my power, I'd be happy to help." Her gaze flicks towards Gabby's hand, then back to her sister's face, the curious expression easing into a smile, "Ah. You want to have special claws? I cannot promise the same effect as this... rock that you used. But I think we can certainly come up with something. Enchantment is one of my family specialties. If nothing else, I can ensure your claws are as starong and piercing as my own. Though admittedly, that means giving up on some of the stealth. Hard to go unseen when your claws glow." She smiles, "But if that is what you wish, I would be happy to help."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Glow? She hadn't even thought of that, but it does cause her to stare at Rien with a sudden renewed interest. "Yeah! I don't expect it to do the same, that was something specific just against one particular alien, but it was pretty useful so I thought..." Here she trails off glancing down at Haspal again. Last one? Sure. So she steps back intending to break a few carrots in half to give to the other horses that were around to make sure they were seen to as well.

With the distance between her and Haspal now she lifts her hand again to extend a claw. A single claw, just bone, though it was thick and sturdy appearing. "I only have the two claws to begin with so I could use any edge I could get. And... glowing is fine! I can use them instead of glowsticks then if I need!" Besides, she didn't keep them out all that often, either. Her free hand holds a carrot out to one of the other horses who had stretched his neck out to try and nibble it up.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien finishes with grooming the horse and moves to fill his water and feed troughs to make sure he can get his eat on. Giving him a few last pats, she moves out of his stall with Gabby, smiling as she gives a nod. Letting her own claws slide out, Gabby can see the light blue-tinted glow that runs along the full length of each one. Holding them out so Gabby can see them.

"I'm not opposed, I just wanted you to understand what they'll look like. But this enchantment will make your claws as strong and tough and piercing as Logan's." There's a small chuckle and she gives a small nod, "They can act as a small light source in the dark, yes."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finishes treating all the other horses till the bag is empty. It's rolled up and tucked into a pocket so she doesn't litter. Someone, somewhere, has at least taught her these things. Or maybe it's just innately HER to not leave things behind in the first place. Either way it works out for whoever is next to clean the stalls not having extra trash around.

When Rien pops her own claws out she leans in closer to examine them with rapt interest. "They look so cool. I don't use my claws much because they're more for stabbing than slicing. I mean, they kind of break otherwise which is a pain. Though they're pretty strong for just bone," she reasons. There's a pause before she adds, "If you ever need help with demons, too, lemme know. I've got a *little* experience with them. Been to Limbo, gave up part of my soul to help out a teammate, known a guy with demons in his basement... Well, I guess they were more imps? Kind of annoying."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien lets Gabby look them over for as long as she likes before sliding the claws away. She has three claws just like Logan himself, no foot claws, and all of them glow with that magic light. She gives a nod and offers, "The bone has a surprising tensile strength for what they look like. They seem like they would be more brittle.. but I suppose that's part of the mutant genes. Still, having them break is no fun. Having them grow back isn't any picnic either." She smiles to Gabby and gives a nod, "I'll do that. I expect a lot of people have had more brushes with demons, devils, or other minions of Hell than they expect." Rien offers a wry glance and shrug, "I just don't know if many ever recognize it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spreads her hands out in a helpless shrug at the mention of knowing things. "I guess I got some practice early on. Illyana is the Queen of Limbo and she's a mutant here, too, and we went to Limbo a few times to save my then-boyfriend's soul because his parents bartered it away to the Kingmaker when he was a baby. We had to stay there for awhile and pretend to be demons ourselves." There's a pause as she furrows her brow at the recollection.

"It was my first brush with magic. Limbo itself is like, potential magic all over. Thought can become reality. It didn't seem to effect me as much as some of the others... A few we had to keep yanking back to remind them of who they were."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien gives a small nod to Gabby, "I was made to fight demons... well, a specific demon, but that's been resolved so at this point i's just demons in general." She offers a faint smile, "I'm looking to expand my magical repertoire now, I need to up my game to stay on the edge." Moving towards Gabby, her arm comes around her sister's shoulders, squeezing, "And I can maybe start teaching you a little something. Even if you can't learn magic, you can learn about it. Learn to identify it, the types. Just that alone can save your ass."

She glances across, "Well. Shall we go hunt down dad and add a few more grey hairs to his mutton chops?" Rien winks at Gabby and grins, "And I feel like I could eat a cow. Hope they won't mind if I raid the fridge."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"And I was made to be an assasin and guinea pig, but I can make my own decisions now," Gabby retorts with a wide grin. The arm around her is leaned into as she doesn't shy away from physical contact at all. In fact she rather liked it. The offer of teaching her is met with an eager nod. "Always glad to learn things that can help me in the future!"

RThen, the suggestion of hunting down Logan earns a quick and easy laugh. "That sounds good! I haven't seen him in a bit myself. Just, uh, don't mention the dying thing he might get worried."