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Latest revision as of 13:13, 13 April 2022

Just A Small Hangover
Date of Scene: 13 April 2022
Location: Carol's Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Clint brings by coffee and donuts to help with Carol's hangover.
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Carol Danvers

Clint Barton has posed:
There comes a brief knock at the door. Not terribly loud, but strong enough to be heard. Perched outside the door is a somewhat tired looking Clint Barton, armed with a beverage holder fill of coffees (four, to be exact) and a box of indeterminate contents. Other than the sign on them that says "Carousel". Although the red and white string tried around the box would seem to indicate some sort of baked good.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers had gotten in late the night before. She'd been out late, drinking somewhere. It's tough to say with her, could be a posh nightclub that Janet van Dyne pulled her to, a bar outside an Air Force base populated by pilots, or a honky-tonk she was flying over and liked the sign of.

She'd been a little wobbly touching down outside the mansion and walking in. Rather than landing on her room's balcony, she'd headed to the kitchen for a bottle of water to help with the hangover, then had trundled up the stairs a little unsteadily and into her room.

Now, it's morning. The sun is poking its nose in through the curtains which aren't entirely closed. But the sunbeam hasn't yet made it to Carol's face. She's lying on her stomach, arms and legs spread wide across the bed, taking up as much of it as her frame allows.

The sound of the knock doesn't visibly stir her. No movement at all, but after a moment, her voice can be heard, muffled by the pillow. "JARVIS, if that's someone I'll want to see, unlock the door. If not, see if Hulk will smash them? And, have him stop smashing my head while he's at it."

The sound of the electric lock unfastening can be heard, and the doorhandle turns and the door swings partially open. JARVIS can be heard in the hallway saying, "Captain Danvers invites you inside."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Glad to know I made the list, JARVIS," murmurs Clint as he steps inside. "Although I'm not sure if it's for me or the gifts I bear." A chuckle. "Likely the gifts."

As the door swings closed behind him, Clint makes his way over towards a table and sets them all down. The smell of fresh coffee wafts through the room, along with the baked goods. Clearly, all is fresh. He finds himself a seat and just waits to see if the aroma does the trick for him.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Mum is the word, Agent Barton," JARVIS replies before going silent again as Clint heads inside.

The room is not perfectly tidy. Carol's leather jacket she was wearing the night before is tossed haphazardly over the arm of a couch, and her shoes look like they were kicked off on her way in and left to lie where they fell. A few bits of clutter here and there, though just enough to be lived in.

The door to the bedroom is open and Carol can just be seen on there, head and shoulders sticking out from beneath the covers and resting on the pillow. It does take a few moments, less if he fans some air that direction, but eventually the aromas make their way to the recently sleeping woman.

"Mrph," she says, quite clearly.

Another thirty seconds pass and then she lifts her head and peers around, blinking against the morning light. "Someone is an angel. Of the, not invading Manhattan variety," she says as she identifies the smell. Carol finally pulls the covers off and rolls over to get her feet over the edge of the bed, rising and heading out to the other room, wearing her underwear and a tight-fitting tank tee. "Tell me this isn't related to a SHIELD op I forgot?" she asks as she sees who it is.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Naturally," offers Clint, rolling his eyes and smirking at someone who is not there.

He settles back to wait for Carol to decide to come out and join him, rather than chasing her down in the bedroom. That would be rude, naturally. They aren't quite at _that_ level of familiarity just yet. "I'll take it, but I'm pretty sure I got rid of the wings a while ago. Someone told me they don't quite fit my image all that well." Clint leans back, stretching his back slowly. "Although you should see what I can do with some feathers..." He trails off slightly as Carol emerges from her bedroom. Apparently the sight of a less than fully uniformed Carol Danvers can stop even the usually chatty Clint Barton in his tracks.

So much so that he almost forgets to answer her question. "Uh, no. Purely a social call." A pause. "But since it looks like you might need _all_ of the coffee, I can drop and dash..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol comes over to the coffee table, aptly named in this case, "Oh, no way I'd chase out someone baring," she says, picking up a cup of coffee and inhaling the scent, "Carousel coffee. What is that, some kind of South American blend?" she asks as she takes a sip of it.

She walks back into the bedroom, taking more sips from the cup, and then returns after donning a robe though just to hang over her shoulders against a bit of chill. She also has a bottle of aspirin in hand, shaking out three and tossing them in her mouth before taking another sip of coffee to wash them down.

Carol takes a seat on the couch, slouching back in the seat. "It's one of those mornings," she mutters, a hand going to her head. But then the blond focuses on her unexpected guest, making an effort to push the hornets buzzing in her head out of her thoughts. "How are you?" she asks, looking at Clint more fully.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Uh, no idea on the coffee. I just got four different ones because I realized I had no idea how you took it." Clint smiles as she takes a sip, nodding in approval. "And really, it's the bakery part that's famous, more than the coffee." He leans over and starts to untie the string around the box, so he can open it up.

He cannot quite help himself, and allows his gaze to follow Carol's departure, although he is studiously unwrapping the box when she returns in the robe. He glances up at the aspirin, and then slips off his seat to bring the now open box to her, popping the lid to let her view the assortment of donuts and crullers inside.

"Oh, you know. Regular morning. I came back just hating the fact that I'm running around in tights at this age, instead of..." He glances around for a moment, and then grins. "Whatever fun it seems that you were having."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol leans forward to view the box contents. "Mmm," she murmurs. "See, this is why I always say that you're the heart and soul of this team," she tells him as she reaches in and gets a lemon-filled donut.

Relaxing back in the couch again, she takes a bite of the donut, letting out a sigh of contentment after. "Thanks, this really hits the spot," she says. "I shouldn't have stopped off last night," she says with a tiny shake of her head. A shake that she seems to regret as those hornets that moved in during her hangover set off their buzzing again.

"Not too much, went investigating something for SWORD but it was a meteor, far as I could tell. Burned up before it made it to the ground even. But they get calls, and I'm in the area, so..." she says, shrugging. "Thanks though, this hits the spot," she tells him as she takes another sip of coffee, then goes back for a bite of donut.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Well, I sure as heck ain't the brains or the beauty, so that sounds about right." Clint winks as she takes a donut, and he snags one of his own before setting the box down on the coffee table and dropping himself onto the couch.

"Don't mention it. We gotta have each other's backs, right? Fighting off supervillains or hangovers, say thing, really." He watches her, a thoughtful expression on his face. "What were you chasing away that made you stop off?"

He sips at his coffee, nodding as she accounts for the mission. Waiting on the other question. A healthy bite taken out of his Boston cream.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers shakes her head. "Just the sighing of something in the sky. I was just in the area," she tells Clint. Carol works her way slowly through the donut. There are more sighs of contentment that will confirm for Clint that the boy done good.

"And hey, might as well run around in tights while you still got the legs for it," she teases him gently. She takes another sip of the coffee and then sits up to reach in and snag another donut. This one is a simple glazed one. After she takes a bite, she says, "Oh, you got these nice and fresh too," she tells him. "Thank you."

Carol rises, leaning over to give his temple a peck. "I should go get in the shower and hope I can drown the buzzing in my head. Supposed to do a training session with Hulk. And he gets sulky if I pull my punches," she says. She heads back into the bedroom, disappearing through the door, but calls, "Want to come?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Makes sense. If you've got a problem in the sky, and Carol Danvers is in the area, then why not, right?" Clint grins a bit as she works on the donut. "See, I told you. Amazing stuff, huh?"

"I'm not sure I ever had the legs for it the way some of you ladies do," he replies. "Now, my ass, _that's_ top notch." He takes another bite of his donut. "Or so I've been told - I can't see it myself."

He continues to munch on the donuts, nodding. "Less than an hour old." He smiles up at her, nodding in agreement. "That'll do you good." A pause. "The shower, not the punching of the rage machine. One of these days, I'm afraid someone is going to push him over the edge and he'll level the entire planet."

He glances around at her last question. And thinks on it for a moment. He glances at his fingers, moving them around as if calculating. Does she mean punching the Hulk, or the shower?

"Uh, sure!" he says, hopping up from his seat, and wondering just what exactly he is signing up for...

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Great!" Carol calls back, as the sounds of the shower start up from inside the bathroom in the bedroom. "We'll see you down there. Bring the donuts, maybe he won't smash either of us as hard," she suggests.

Guess she was talking about the training session.